Da CapoRead about how performances atsenior living communities broughtjoy to residents and how you can dothe same with your students.PerfomancesCheck out these original songsgeared towards school choirs. These songs will be perfect foryour fall and winter concerts. CompositionsIntroductionGet to know Molly Catherine, thefounder of the Da Capo al Fineproject, and hear how she is usingmusic to serve generations.al FineSeptember 2023 | Issue 01
PROJECT AREASCOMPOSINGI compose quality music for teachers to usewith their students. Teachers are allowed toreproduce my songs for FREE.PERFORMINGI perform at senior living communities in theNormal, IL and Murfreesboro, TN areas,adding new songs to my repertoire regularly.COLLABORATINGI collaborate with teachers and localmusicians, hopefully inspiring them to sharetheir musical talents by performing at seniorliving communities.GIVINGTwice a year the Da Capo al Fine magazineis shared with teachers, providing them withFREE music, inspiring stories, and resourcesfor planning trips to senior livingcommunities.The Da Capo al Fine Project exists to provide free music resources forschool choirs and free musical performances for senior living communities.FUTURE GOALSNON-PROFIT STATUSI would like to work towards establishing theDa Capo al Fine Project as a 501c3 non-profit, widening the impact of the mission byproviding tax-exempt giving as an option forsupporters.COMPOSITION SCHOLARSHIPSCollege students will be invited to submitsongs to be considered for the biannualdigital magazine. Students chosen forpublication will receive a scholarship tocontinue their music education.
"The language of music is commonto all generations and nations;it is understood by everybody,since it is understood with the heart." -Gioacchino Rossinidcafproject@gmail.comwww.mc-studios.org/da-capofacebook.com/dcafprojectScan this QR codeto check out thewebsite and supportthe next issue of the Da Capo al Finemagazine andperformances atsenior living facilities.AUAUGST 2023 | ISSUE 012CONTENTSA SONGFOR FALLSONGSFOR WINTERA fun and spooky seachanty that will delightyour students andaudience!Introduce your students toscatting with a fun jazzytune and then light somecandles as winter sets in.03MOLLY MINUTEGet to know the composer and found of the DaCapo al Fine Project and hear how it all started.COMPOSITIONSCheck out the first compositions of the DaCapo al Fine Project, including the song thatstarted it all.11Hear from a residents and students and howperformances in senior living communities hasimpacted them.05GIVING & RECEIVINGA thank you to donors who are helping makethis project possible.06DONOR SHOUT OUTCheck out these resources to help plan a visitwith your students to one of your local seniorliving communities.07GOING ON THE ROADCONTACTA SONG OFINSPIRATIONHow planning your first senior livingperformance could support your program 04GRANT OPPORTUNITY
Molly, now is the time to go for itand give this dream a chance.If not now, when? If you pass upthis opportunity, you may not getanother chance and you will haveto live with that regret.Today is the Day.As I sat on the plane flying to Tennessee tovisit my boyfriend, my mind was racing withthoughts of where life was heading. I had justmade the decision to step down from myteaching position at the school where I hadbeen for 15 years in order to pursue a musicaldream I had been contemplating for over sixyears—a dream that would combine my giftof composing and my passion for performingin senior living communities. The idea of DaCapo al Fine had been lingering in my heartand mind all that time, but until 2023 fear,insecurity, and timing had kept me fromtaking the leap to get it off the ground. Whilesitting in seat 4C, feeling anxious about theleap I had just taken, and second guessingmy decision, a small voice reasoned with me:Molly Minutefounder of the Da Capo al Fine ProjectMolly Catherine Nixon3That phrase instantly inspired me and quicklyturned into the beginning of the first officialsong of the Da Capo al Fine Project. My mindraced as I jotted down lyrics in my phone andhummed the tune forming in my head. Asthe song came to life, and my resolvestrengthened, soft joyful tears started to falldown my face. I was confident that I was onthe right path and now was the time.Today is the day, to take a chance.Risk it all for the possibilitythat your dream is a giftthat can change the world.So go! Yes, go! Today is the day!As the Da Capo al Fine Project kicks offthis year, it is my hope that the songs Iwrite, the music I perform, and theresources I share will inspire and bless many teachers, students and seniors. As the lyrics in "Today is the Day" say... Teachers, you are changing the worldin your classrooms each day. I hopemy songs can support you as youshape young lives.Supporters, you are changing theworld by supporting this valuable workand believing in the importance ofmusic. Thank you.Together we are changing the world.
Peter R. Marsh Foundation“Witnessing our young peopleget excited about producingsomething for anothergeneration was an incrediblyrewarding experience for me.”Public middle school teachers,nationwide, can view the GrantGuidelines, the Music Grant RequestForm, and the Music Grant Reviews onthe Foundation’s website:www.prmfoundation.org.Scan the code below for direct access.Music teachers propose how the Grant funds will be usedfor musical education in their classroom to benefit currentand future students and also commit to studentperformances at local senior facilities.“We had some really preciousmoments after our performancewhen the students realized whata blessing they could be toothers.”Applications acceptedSeptember 1st-January 31st
GIVING RECEIVINGLast month I had the pleasure of running into one ofmy old students. We were excited to see each otherand share where life had taken us. When I mentionedthe Da Capo al Fine Project and its goals, Katiereminisced on how much she loved going on thenursing home tour with the choir. I asked if she wouldbe willing to share a testimonial on her experience. Visiting nursing homes and senior living communitiesthroughout elementary and middle school to performwith my school’s choir shaped my perspective on theimportance of music and intergenerationalrelationships. Having the exposure to perform in suchaccepting and welcoming settings while formingconnections with residents allowed me to reach myfullest potential as a choir student. On everycommunity choir tour, my choir teacher, Molly Nixon,cultivated a culture of respect and musical joy. I andmy fellow choir students looked forward to eachperformance, where we could share our love of musicwith those who are too often isolated from youngergenerations. Performing at choir tour concerts gaveme the confidence to perform in any setting and alsoinstilled in me the value of creating relationships withnursing home & senior living community residents. Over the last few months I have had the pleasure ofperforming for residents at several senior livingcommunities. Last month I visited with Dot, one of theresidents who has attended every performance I have given at her facility. During our visit I got to know Dota little bit and hear her perspective on musicianscoming to perform. I was delighted by her stories, like how when she was born on Christmas day her olderbrother really wanted a puppy, but got a sisterinstead! Or how at the age of 54 she got a pilotslicense, just because she wanted to! I also learnedshe has a spunky attitude and a positive outlook onlife. Even though having to move into assisted livinghas had it’s challenges, she still says “I’m happy withmy life. You have to choose to be happy. You can’tdepend on other people to make you happy.” Thiswas a gem of wisdom that I will carry with me.When I asked Dot about what the performances mean to her and her fellow residents, her responsewas something I hope will inspire other musicians togive the gift of music in these spaces:“When people come to perform itmakes us feel useful and we areappreciative.”
Thank you to all the donors who are helpingmake the Da Capo al Fine Project asuccess. The students, teachers, residentsand myself are thankful for your generosity!To become a financial supporter of the DaCapo al Fine Project, scan the QR code orclick the link below.mc-studios.org/engageThank You!
FIELD TRIP GUIDEPlanning Decide how long your performance will be. Anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour is good.Pick a date and time (or a few) that will work for your group. Search for local facilities online or ask colleagues/students if they have relatives in facilities.Choose a location that works for your group of students. Travel time may be a deciding factor.Call and ask to speak to the activities director. Below is an example starting point for that phone call.Some things you will want to discuss with the activities director while arranging your visit:Make sure the size of your group is appropriate for the space where they will have you perform.Ask if there is a piano in the space and if it's located where students will be able to see you. If theanswer is no to either of those questions, consider bringing your own keyboard or singing a cappella.Check if the facility has any protocols in place for visitors (i.e. wearing masks, signing in, etc.).Once you have scheduled a performance date and time make sure your administrator approves the trip.(Some schools you may need to do this step before reaching out to the activities director.)Secure chaperones and transportation for approved trip and complete permission slip process.Consider teaching students some older songs that they can sing in unison after performing their regularrepertoire. This can help lengthen your performance and also give residents a chance to hear songs theyrecognize. You can also encourage residents to sing along if they want to.Preparing StudentsIt is always a good idea to have a conversation with students before performing at a senior livingcommunity. Many students will have no prior experience with this kind of setting and will have amore positive experience if they know what to expect and how to respond to different situations.Consider discussing the following points with your students.The purpose of nursing homes/retirement homes/assisted living facilities is to provide care for people,usually older individuals, who can no longer live in their homes.Point out that this setting may look, sound or even smell different than what they are used to. If aresident does something unexpected or strange, encourage students to respond with grace andunderstanding. For example, if a resident walks up closely to the group while they are performing,encourage students to continue singing and not draw attention to the resident. Hopefully a facility staffmember will come assist that resident back to their seat.While students are encouraged to not draw attention to unexpected situations, make sure they know thatif they feel unsafe in a given moment that they have the freedom to move to another spot and removethemself from that situation if needed.Remind students that for each resident, this is their home, so when your group enters the space studentsshould treat it with the same respect they would someone's private home.Point out to students that many residents in these kinds of facilities may not get a lot of visitors and neverhave the opportunity to leave the facility. Remind students that their act of visiting and sharing thepowerful gift of music with these residents will mean the world to them.Prepare students for the possibility that residents may not be able to fully show their gratitude for theperformance due to physical or mental limitations. Don't be discouraged if you don't receive loud roundsof applause or cheers after each song.Hi, my name is ____________________ and I am the choir director at ___________________ School.I was hoping to bring my choir students to perform for the residents on _________ at __________.Could I please speak to the activities director to see if this would be possible? 7
FIELD TRIP GUIDEDay of PerformanceBefore leaving the schoolMake sure all students are present and have their choir folders (if needed). Depending on thelength of the performance they may want to bring a water bottle as well.Make sure you have your folder and all the necessary equipment if bringing a keyboard.Review behavior expectations at the senior living facility, especially entering and exiting quietly.Remind students that if something strange or unexpected happens to respond with grace andunderstanding, and that if they feel unsafe that they have freedom to remove themselves fromthe situation.Upon arriving at the facilityHave students line up in their performance order somewhere outside (weather permitting) sothat they can enter the building in an orderly fashion. (This will help with the goal of enteringquietly.)If the activities director does not come out and meet you, lead the group inside and stop at thefront desk, usually located just inside the doors.Introduce yourself to the person attending the front desk and let them know that you spoke withthe activities director about your group performing on this day. (Hopefully they will be aware ofthis scheduled performance, but sometimes there is miscommunication.)Typically someone will escort you to the space where your group will be performing.Once you are all set up in the performance space you are ready to begin!PerformingBefore starting your first song, introduce yourself, your group, and where you are from.Before or after each song, share the title of the song and if possible give a little bit ofbackground info on the song. If it's a song your students really like, feel free to share that too!Engage the audience when you can between songs. This helps the residents feel like they areconnecting with the group instead of just listening to the music.If you've prepared some sing-a-along songs for the last portion of your performance, be sure tolet the audience know they are welcome to join in on any of the songs they recognize.Once you have completed your performance, be sure to thank the residents for letting yourgroup come sing for them.Leaving the facilityRemind students that as they walk through the building they should do so quietly.Have one of the chaperones lead students out of the space, one row at a time.Bring up the end of the line, making sure students didn't leave folders or water bottles.If possible, thank the activities director for allowing your group to visit.Congratulations! You've completed your first performanceat a senior living community!Congratulations! You've completed your first performanceat a senior living community!8
SING ALONG SONG RESOURCES9Kum Ba Yah Guantanamera I've Got Peace Like A River We Shall Overcome All Through The Night Water Is Wide (Oh, My Darling) Clementine The Erie Canal Every Time I Feel The Spirit Five Hundred Miles Both Sides Now Goodnight, Irene I Got Rhythm Let It Be Let Me Call You Sweetheart Over The Rainbow Precious Lord, Take My HandRock Around The Clock Take Me Home, Country Roads Where Have All The Flowers Gone? You Are My Sunshine You Are The Sunshine Of My Life You've Got A Friend Follow The Drinkin' Gourd Camptown Races The Red River Valley Yankee Doodle You're A Grand Old Flag When The Saints Go Marching In Edelweiss My Favorite Things The Midnight Special When Johnny Comes Marching Home Jamaica Farewell Old Macdonald Had A Farm Auld Lang Syne I Love The Mountains Down In The Valley Getting To Know You It's A Small World Side By Side Try To Remember Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is ASeason) What A Wonderful World Make New Friends Midnight Special Amazing GraceAmerica (My Country 'Tis of Thee)America The BeautifulBattle Hymn Of The RepublicBlue SkiesDanny Boy (Londonderry Air)De ColoresDona Nobis PacemDo-Re-MiDown By The RiversideFrère JacquesGive My Regards To BroadwayGod Bless AmericaGod Bless The U.S.A.Green Green Grass Of HomeHavah Nagilah (Let Us Rejoice And Be Happy)He's Got The Whole World In His HandsHome On The RangeI've Been Working On The RailroadIf I Had A Hammer (The Hammer Song)Let There Be Peace On EarthLift Ev'ry Voice And SingMichael (Row The Boat Ashore)Dona Nobis PacemMusic Alone Shall LiveMy Bonnie Lies Over The OceanOh, What A Beautiful Mornin'Oh! SusannaOver My HeadPuff The Magic DragonRock-A-My SoulSakuraShalom Chaverim (Peace, Friend, Until WeMeet Again)She'll Be Comin' 'Round The MountainShenandoahSimple GiftsSometimes I Feel Like A Motherless ChildStar Spangled Banner, TheSwing Low, Sweet ChariotThis Land Is Your LandTake Me Out To The Ball GameThis Little Light Of MineYesterdayZip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
FOLLOW UP ACTIVITIESWriting ReflectionStudents write a shortparagraph about theirexperience. Havestudent volunteers readtheir reflection for theclass.Group DiscussionDiscuss the experiencein small groups andhave group leadersshare something fromtheir discussion.Greeting CardsHave students creategreeting cards tosend/drop off at thesenior living community. Plan Next TripInvite students toresearch music fromprevious generationsand make songsuggestions for thenext visit.Following up your performance with a class activity at your next rehearsalcould be a meaningful way to guide students through that experience,helping them acknowledge the impact they made on others, and how theexperience may have impacted them as well.10
First Issue SongsThis inaugural issue of the Da Capo al Fine magazine has acollection of songs that are sure to delight your students andaudiences! Thank you for checking it out and considering how youmight be able to use these songs with your students.I am happy to share my gifts and talents with youand your students, free of charge.If you would like to support this project,click the link below.mc-studios.org/engageIf you choose to perform any of these songs with your choirs, Iwould love to hear about it! You can email me atdcafproject@gmail.com.If you have not already done so, please sign up to receive a fullcopy of this magazine, including a printable PDF of each song. You can do this by clicking on the link below and filling out theeducator email form listed on the site. A printable PDF will be sentto the email given on the sign up form.mc-studios.org/engageTo hear demos of this issue’s songs, please head over tomc-studios.org/resourcesThank You!
Thank you for checking out the Da Capo al Fine Project Please send any questions or feedback about the project to the email listed below dcafproject gmail com