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DCAF Issue 02 01/24

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Da Capoal FineJanuary 2024 | Issue 02

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PROJECT AREASCOMPOSINGI compose quality music for teachers to usewith their students. Teachers will be allowedto reproduce my songs for FREE.PERFORMINGI perform at senior living communities in theNormal, IL and Murfreesboro, TN areas,adding new songs to my repertoire regularly.COLLABORATINGI collaborate with teachers and localmusicians, inspiring them to share theirmusical talents by performing at senior livingcommunities.GIVINGTwice a year I will distribute the Da Capo alFine magazine to teachers, providing themwith FREE music, inspiring stories, andresources for planning trips to senior livingcommunities.The Da Capo al Fine Project exists to provide free music resources forschool choirs and free musical performances for senior living communities.FUTURE GOALSNON-PROFIT STATUSI would like to work towards establishing theDa Capo al Fine Project as a 501c3 non-profit, widening the impact of the mission byproviding tax-exempt giving as an option forsupporters.COMPOSITION SCHOLARSHIPSCollege students will be invited to submitsongs to be considered for the biannualdigital magazine. Students chosen forpublication will receive a scholarship tocontinue their music education.

Page 3 will love learning toscat with this simple song. Startoff with the scat examples andthen give improvising a shot!DON’T GET TIREDScan the QR code to check out theDa Capo al Fine Project websiteand support the next issue of theDa Capo al Fine magazine as wellas free performances for seniorliving communities..JANUARY 2024 | ISSUE 022CONTENTSTHE KIWI BIRD SONGHave fun learning and singingabout this funny bird from NewZealand! Your guys will enjoygetting to shine in this 3 part song03MOLLY MINUTECheck out this reflection from Molly on the firstyear of the Da Capo al Fine Project.COMPOSITIONS The second issue of the Da Capo al FineProject magazine brings you and your studentsunique and enriching songs perfect for springconcerts.11Get an inside look at planning activities forsenior residents as we talk with ChelseaBonnell, the activities coordinator at theMcLean County Nursing Home.04GIVING & RECEIVINGMeet Steve and Jaclyn and see what they aredoing in the music world.05FRIENDS OF DA CAPOCheck out these resources to plan a visit withyour students to a senior living community.07GOING ON THE ROADCONTACTMORNINGFLIGHTSMALL THINGS, GREAT LOVE“Not all of us can do great things.But we can do small things withgreat love.”–Mother Theresa

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What an exciting year this has been! InFebruary of 2023 I gradually started workingon the Da Capo al Fine Project whilefinishing up my last school year as an Illinoiseducator. In August I publicly launched theproject and began inviting teachers to signup for the Da Capo al Fine Projectmagazine.Starting in September I began sending outthe first issue of the magazine, and at thispoint have reached over 420 directors in 46US states and 25 countries with this freeresource. It has been incredible to connectwith so many conductors who are teachingsingers to love the gift of song! I haveespecially enjoyed hearing how much students are enjoying my songs and gettinga chance to see their performances. If youdidn’t already know this...Molly Minutefounder of the Da Capo al Fine ProjectMolly Catherine Nixon3The first performance I received came at justthe right time. I was struggling andquestioning if I should continue down thispath of composing and performing at seniorliving communities, relying on donations andside gigs to pay the bills. That day I receivedan email from a director in Idaho whosegroup had performed “Today Is the Day” ontheir fall concert. It brought tears to my eyesas they sang the words I had written when Ifirst set out on this journey.They’ll be days of struggle.They’ll be days of doubt.But don’t turn your back;Don’t you run and hide.The world is waiting!Indeed the world is waiting to hear themusic that I and other composershave hidden in our hearts. So, I willheed the words of my own song,brought to life by a group of beautifulyoung singers, and press onward inthis goal to share the gift of music Ihave received with as many people asI can. I will write and sing songs, andhopefully fill this world with a littlemore joy and a little more beauty.Composers LOVE tosee performancesof their music!

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GIVING RECEIVINGOne of the locations in Illinois where I visit andperform the most is the McLean County Nursing Homein Normal. For each visit I work with Chelsey Bonnell,the Activities Director, to schedule my performances.In December I sat down with Chelsey to get herperspective on performances and activities for seniorliving communities.What are some activities you do with residents?We have musical performances, do crafts, playBINGO, and go out on monthly outings. Residentscould play BINGO every day!Do you have many student groups visit?We have a few student groups come throughout theyear. We would love to have more student groupsvisit! The residents love when kids come because theyare so cute.How often do you have musical performances?Many performers, including student groups, tend tocome during the holidays. It would be wonderful tohave student performances throughout the year!January, February and March are especially hardmonths for the residents and would be a great time tocome perform!What kinds of activities do student groups dowhen they visit?Most groups perform music. We also had a group ofjunior high students visit and interview a senior buddy.They went back to school and worked on writing apoem about their senior buddy, which they sharedwith the resident on a following visit.How do residents know about performances?We put out a calendar each month so residents cansee what’s happening. Employees also pick up onwhat different residents seem to enjoy and make apoint to check in with them when an event they wouldlike is happening.How has COVID impacted your facility?It has definitely been difficult for our residents andaffected our ability to have visitors and specialevents. We had a lot of groups and volunteers who came before COVID that haven’t started back up yet.We are gradually getting people back into the facilityto visit residents and perform or do activities.“January, February and March areespecially hard months for the residentsand would be a great time to come perform!ChelseyBonnell McLean CountyNursing HomeACTIVITIES DIRECTOR–––––––– at ––––––––What should teachers do to prepare students?Help students understand that due to health issues,sometimes residents say or do things that seem rudeor inappropriate. They don’t mean what they aresaying. Also let students know that what they aredoing really means a lot to the residents. They loveseeing new people, especially kids. They should feelgood about coming to perform for residents.

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COMPOSITIONSSteve DanielsonOne CircleroundTogether In Songunison, SSA, SATBThe Itsy Bitsy SpiderSATB div.A Soldier’s MarchSATBOn his podcast, Steve interviews otherliving composers to learn about theirjourneys, successes, and learningexperiences. Each episode features aninterview with the composer plus areview of 4 of their pieces, includingaudio! He has interviewed and featuredover 100 composers on his podcastincluding Rollo Dilworth, Jocelyn Hagen,Tim Takach, Rosephanye Powell, AndreaRamsey, Giselle Wyers, Paul Aitken, JakeRunestad, Tracy Wong, Eric Whitacre,and many, many more! Click the button to listen to his interviewwith Molly and other composers.Dr. Steve Danielson has been composing choral music for over 20 years. He writes mainly forchoirs, though there are other pieces in his catalog. His hymn arrangements and choral workshave been performed across the US as well as in Canada, Mexico, and Kenya. In May 2017, InTurba won the Opus 7 Student Composition Competition at the Graduate Student level.Steve currently lives in Meridian, ID (right outside Boise) where he moved in 2023. He earneda DMA in Choral Conducting at the University of Washington in Seattle in 2019. Some of hisresearch interests include the choral music of Slovakia, improvisation in the choral classroom,and his dissertation was about the folk song collections of Carrie Grover. He is currently thechoir director at Mountain View High School in Meridian. He is also the host of the podcastMoveable Do.After sharing the first issue of the Da Capo al Fine Projectmagazine via Facebook, I received an invitation to appear on Dr.Steve Danielson’s podcast, Moveable Do. Here’s a look at Steveand the work he is doing in the music world, including free accessto one of his compositions. Enjoy!

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P R O F E S S I O N A LDEVELOPMENTIn September, Dr. Jaclyn Normandie, invited me to present a masterclass on the topic of planning student performances at senior livingcommunities. You can check it out here for free.Dr. Jaclyn Normandie (formerly Jaclyn Johnson) is a professionalconductor and founder of the Modern Conducting Academy, an onlinelearning platform that provides workshops and courses with some ofthe most sought-after conducting professionals. Her study of yoga,meditation, and eastern philosophy led her to author The MindfulMusician: Finding a Healthy Balance, offering strategies in balance andstress management to performers. She is a prolific guest conductor,has presented lectures at over twenty conferences, and led ensemblesat ACDA National, Western, and Central Division conferences. Shecurrently resides in Costa Rica studying Pachamama Earth Music andleads community ensembles for youth and adults.

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FIELD TRIP GUIDEPlanning Decide how long your performance will be. Anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour is good.Pick a date and time (or a few) that will work for your group. (Check school calendars for conflicts.) Search for local facilities online or ask colleagues/students if they have relatives in facilities.Choose a location that works for your group of students. Travel time may be a deciding factor.Call and ask to speak to the activities director. Below is an example starting point for that phone call.Some things you will want to discuss with the activities director while arranging your visit:Make sure the size of your group is appropriate for the space where they will have you perform.Ask if there is a piano in the space and if it's located where students will be able to see you. If theanswer is no to either of those questions, consider bringing your own keyboard or singing a cappella.Check if the facility has any protocols in place for visitors (i.e. wearing masks, signing in, etc.).Once you have scheduled a performance date and time make sure your administrator approves the trip.(Some schools you may need to do this step before reaching out to the activities director.)Secure chaperones and transportation for approved trip and complete permission slip process.Consider teaching students some older songs that they can sing in unison after performing their regularrepertoire. This can help lengthen your performance and also give residents a chance to hear songs theyrecognize. You can also encourage residents to sing along if they want to.Preparing StudentsIt is always a good idea to have a conversation with students before performing at a senior livingcommunity. Many students will have no prior experience with this kind of setting and will have amore positive experience if they know what to expect and how to respond to different situations.Consider discussing the following points with your students.The purpose of nursing homes/retirement homes/assisted living facilities is to provide care for people,usually older individuals, who can no longer live in their homes.Point out that this setting may look, sound or even smell different than what they are used to. If aresident does something unexpected or strange, encourage students to respond with grace andunderstanding. For example, if a resident walks up closely to the group while they are performing,encourage students to continue singing and not draw attention to the resident. Hopefully a facility staffmember will come assist that resident back to their seat.While students are encouraged to not draw attention to unexpected situations, make sure they know thatif they feel unsafe in a given moment that they have the freedom to move to another spot and removethemself from that situation if needed.Remind students that for each resident, this is their home, so when your group enters the space studentsshould treat it with the same respect they would someone's private home.Point out to students that many residents in these kinds of facilities may not get a lot of visitors and neverhave the opportunity to leave the facility. Remind students that their act of visiting and sharing thepowerful gift of music with these residents will mean the world to them.Prepare students for the possibility that residents may not be able to fully show their gratitude for theperformance due to physical or mental limitations. Don't be discouraged if you don't receive loud roundsof applause or cheers after each song.Hi, my name is ____________________ and I am the choir director at ___________________ School.I was hoping to bring my choir students to perform for the residents on _________ at __________.Could I please speak to the activities director to see if this would be possible? 3

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FIELD TRIP GUIDEDay of PerformanceBefore leaving the schoolMake sure all students are present and have their choir folders (if needed). Depending on thelength of the performance they may want to bring a water bottle as well.Make sure you have your folder and all the necessary equipment if bringing a keyboard.Review behavior expectations at the senior living facility, especially entering and exiting quietly.Remind students that if something strange or unexpected happens to respond with grace andunderstanding, and that if they feel unsafe that they have freedom to remove themselves fromthe situation.Upon arriving at the facilityHave students line up in their performance order somewhere outside (weather permitting) sothat they can enter the building in an orderly fashion. (This will help with the goal of enteringquietly.)If the activities director does not come out and meet you, lead the group inside and stop at thefront desk, usually located just inside the doors.Introduce yourself to the person attending the front desk and let them know that you spoke withthe activities director about your group performing on this day. (Hopefully they will be aware ofthis scheduled performance, but sometimes there is miscommunication.)Typically someone will escort you to the space where your group will be performing.Once you are all set up in the performance space you are ready to begin!PerformingBefore starting your first song, introduce yourself, your group, and where you are from.Before or after each song, share the title of the song and if possible give a little bit ofbackground info on the song. If it's a song your students really like, feel free to share that too!Engage the audience when you can between songs. This helps the residents feel like they areconnecting with the group instead of just listening to the music.If you've prepared some sing-a-along songs for the last portion of your performance, be sure tolet the audience know they are welcome to join in on any of the songs they recognize.Once you have completed your performance, be sure to thank the residents for letting yourgroup come sing for them.Leaving the facilityRemind students that as they walk through the building they should do so quietly.Have one of the chaperones lead students out of the space, one row at a time.Bring up the end of the line, making sure students didn't leave folders or water bottles.If possible, thank the activities director for allowing your group to visit.Congratulations! You've completed your first performanceat a senior living community!Congratulations! You've completed your first performanceat a senior living community!3

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SING ALONG SONG RESOURCES3Kum Ba Yah Guantanamera I've Got Peace Like A River We Shall Overcome All Through The Night Water Is Wide (Oh, My Darling) Clementine The Erie Canal Every Time I Feel The Spirit Five Hundred Miles Both Sides Now Goodnight, Irene I Got Rhythm Let It Be Let Me Call You Sweetheart Over The Rainbow Precious Lord, Take My HandRock Around The Clock Take Me Home, Country Roads Where Have All The Flowers Gone? You Are My Sunshine You Are The Sunshine Of My Life You've Got A Friend Follow The Drinkin' Gourd Camptown Races The Red River Valley Yankee Doodle You're A Grand Old Flag When The Saints Go Marching In Edelweiss My Favorite Things The Midnight Special When Johnny Comes Marching Home Jamaica Farewell Old Macdonald Had A Farm Auld Lang Syne I Love The Mountains Down In The Valley Getting To Know You It's A Small World Side By Side Try To Remember Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is ASeason) What A Wonderful World Make New Friends Midnight Special Amazing GraceAmerica (My Country 'Tis of Thee)America The BeautifulBattle Hymn Of The RepublicBlue SkiesDanny Boy (Londonderry Air)De ColoresDona Nobis PacemDo-Re-MiDown By The RiversideFrère JacquesGive My Regards To BroadwayGod Bless AmericaGod Bless The U.S.A.Green Green Grass Of HomeHavah Nagilah (Let Us Rejoice And Be Happy)He's Got The Whole World In His HandsHome On The RangeI've Been Working On The RailroadIf I Had A Hammer (The Hammer Song)Let There Be Peace On EarthLift Ev'ry Voice And SingMichael (Row The Boat Ashore)Dona Nobis PacemMusic Alone Shall LiveMy Bonnie Lies Over The OceanOh, What A Beautiful Mornin'Oh! SusannaOver My HeadPuff The Magic DragonRock-A-My SoulSakuraShalom Chaverim (Peace, Friend, Until WeMeet Again)She'll Be Comin' 'Round The MountainShenandoahSimple GiftsSometimes I Feel Like A Motherless ChildStar Spangled Banner, TheSwing Low, Sweet ChariotThis Land Is Your LandTake Me Out To The Ball GameThis Little Light Of MineYesterdayZip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah

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FOLLOW UP ACTIVITIESWriting ReflectionStudents write a shortparagraph about theirexperience. Havestudent volunteers readtheir reflection for theclass.Group DiscussionDiscuss the experiencein small groups andhave group leadersshare something fromtheir discussion.Greeting CardsHave students creategreeting cards tosend/drop off at thesenior living community. Plan Next TripInvite students toresearch music fromprevious generationsand make songsuggestions for thenext visit.Following up your performance with a class activity at your next rehearsalcould be a meaningful way to guide students through that experience,helping them acknowledge the impact they made on others, and how theexperience may have impacted them as well.3

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Second Issue SongsThis second issue of the Da Capo al Fine Project magazine has acollection of songs that are sure to delight your students andaudiences! Thank you for checking it out and considering how youmight be able to use these songs with your students.I am happy to share my gifts and talents with youand your students, free of charge.If you would like to support this project,click the link you choose to perform any of these songs with your choirs, Iwould love to hear about it! You can email me you have not already done so, please sign up to receive a fullcopy of this magazine, including a printable PDF of each song. You can do this by clicking on the link below and filling out theeducator email form listed on the site. A printable PDF will be sentto the email given on the sign up You!

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Don’t Get TiredUnison“Don’t Get Tired” is an excellent way tointroduce your singers to scatting. The repeatingchorus reminds singers to persevere in doinggood, while alternating with a call and responsescat section. Scatting can be lead by a teacheror student leaders. Suggested scat calls areprovided, but in time you and your singers will becreating your own! Use this song as a warm up,fun end of rehearsal activity, or create your ownarrangement for a concert performance.Performance Time: 2:30

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About the ComposerMolly Catherine Nixon is the founder of The Da Capo al Fine Project, providing free music for choirs and musical performances for senior living communities. Her original compositions are donated to teachers in the Da Capo al Fine magazine twice a year, along with resources to help teachers plan student performances at senior living communities. Taking her students to perform in these spaces was a highlight of her teaching career. She hopes to inspire other teachers to cultivate a heart of service in their students by giving them these valuable life experiences.Molly Catherine majored in Music Education and Spanish at Illinois State University where she received a Bachelors of Music Education and was designated a Presidential Scholar, Bone Scholar, and Presser Scholar. She was also awarded the Barbara Wiltberger Scholarship, Charles Bolden Scholarship and Friends of the Arts Scholarship. In addition to teaching private piano and voice lessons, she taught at Epiphany Catholic School in Normal, IL for 15 years until she stepped down in 2023 to begin The Da Capo al Fine Project. She also has an extensive career as a collaborative pianist, playing for soloists, school choirs, churches, and festivals.Composer Notes for “Don’t Get Tired”“Don’t Get Tired” was inspired by a verse in Galatians 6 that says “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” The lyrics encourage singers and audience members to persevere in difficult situations, continuing to do what is right and good, even if it’s difficult or seems to not make a difference. This message is a powerful message for student singers who can experience a variety of challenges and at times be tempted to give up or give into peer pressure, turning away from doing what they know is right and good.The jazzy style of this piece, its simple form, and basic call and response scat section, makes it a great introduction to jazz and scatting. Its verses and scat sections can be repeated as desired for the number of scat leaders or soloists you wish to highlight. While not necessary, this piece would be enhanced by a jazz combo if possible.

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Galatians6:9MollyCatherineNixonDon'tGetTiredanintroductiontoscatting610                          theofdisdoagedatgetfor reapaispprogood. get givewhat Don'tin'tiredup, willofcourDon'tinghar blesswevestaand=120SwingCm7Cm7G7G7Fm7Cm7Fm7Cm7Cm7 Fm7Fm7 G7G7 ©Copyright2024ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3The Kiwi Bird Song3 part mixedThis fun, upbeat song about the little Kiwi birdfrom New Zealand is sure to delight yourstudents! The unique sounds, rhythms, andoptional body percussion add to theenergetic and playful nature of this song.Performance Time: 2:05

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About the ComposerMolly Catherine Nixon is the founder of The Da Capo al Fine Project, providing free music for choirs and musical performances for senior living communities. Her original compositions are donated to teachers in the Da Capo al Fine magazine twice a year, along with resources to help teachers plan student performances at senior living communities. Taking her students to perform in these spaces was a highlight of her teaching career. She hopes to inspire other teachers to cultivate a heart of service in their students by giving them these valuable life experiences.Molly Catherine majored in Music Education and Spanish at Illinois State University where she received a Bachelors of Music Education and was designated a Presidential Scholar, Bone Scholar, and Presser Scholar. She was also awarded the Barbara Wiltberger Scholarship, Charles Bolden Scholarship and Friends of the Arts Scholarship. In addition to teaching private piano and voice lessons, she taught at Epiphany Catholic School in Normal, IL for 15 years until she stepped down in 2023 to begin The Da Capo al Fine Project. She also has an extensive career as a collaborative pianist, playing for soloists, school choirs, churches, and festivals.Composer Notes for “The Kiwi Bird Song”The inspiration for “The Kiwi Bird Song” developed during a road trip from Illinois to Tennessee (a trip I took many times while dating my husband who lived in Tennessee.) Initially the opening percussive melody came to mind, so as I often do, I pulled up the voice recorder app on my phone and recorded the short phrase. A month later I revisited this tune and decided the song should be about a bird, since the sound seemed much like a bird call. After a Google search on bird calls I realized the Kiwi bird from New Zealand would be the perfect subject matter for this son! It’s call was similar to the sound I had created and it’s name would easily fit into the tune (originally sung as “ki-ri ki ki ki ki ki). Through research, I learned a lot about this strange little bird and incorporated those facts into the lyrics of the song, including the 5 species of Kiwi birds: brown, great spotted and little spotted, Tokaeka, and Rowi. Singers will enjoy the fun percussive sounds created with the voice and body in “The Kiwi Bird Song” and young male voices will relish having the spotlight for a while.To learn more about the Kiwi bird, click the link below.

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TheKiwiBirdSongMollyCatherineNixon5IPartIPartIIIIPartIIIIIIPno.Piano                       kiwiki kiwiKi kiwi ki kiwi ki=150=150AddPt.2BPAddPt.2BP©2023ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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5854IIIIIIIIIIIIPno.Pno.                Ookiwiki wi kiwi ki Ki wikikikiwiKiwikikiKi wikikikiwiki8ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3Small Things, Great Love3 part treble“Small Things, Great Love” will remind studentsand audience members they can change the worldwith their daily small actions. The text is inspired bya quote attributed to Mother Theresa, awarded theNobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her dedication toserving the poor. This song can be done as around or 3 part treble song, accompanied or acappella.Performance Time: 2:28

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About the ComposerMolly Catherine Nixon is the founder of The Da Capo al Fine Project, providing free music for choirs and musical performances for senior living communities. Her original compositions are donated to teachers in the Da Capo al Fine magazine twice a year, along with resources to help teachers plan student performances at senior living communities. Taking her students to perform in these spaces was a highlight of her teaching career. She hopes to inspire other teachers to cultivate a heart of service in their students by giving them these valuable life experiences.Molly Catherine majored in Music Education and Spanish at Illinois State University where she received a Bachelors of Music Education and was designated a Presidential Scholar, Bone Scholar, and Presser Scholar. She was also awarded the Barbara Wiltberger Scholarship, Charles Bolden Scholarship and Friends of the Arts Scholarship. In addition to teaching private piano and voice lessons, she taught at Epiphany Catholic School in Normal, IL for 15 years until she stepped down in 2023 to begin The Da Capo al Fine Project. She also has an extensive career as a collaborative pianist, playing for soloists, school choirs, churches, and festivals.Composer Notes for “Small Things, Great Love”The lyrics for this piece were inspired by a famous quote attributed to Mother Theresa. She said, “We cannot do great things, only small things with great love.” Mother Theresa was a Catholic nun who received the Nobel Peace Prize for her selfless work she did in India. She truly believed the sentiment of this statement and lived it out as she spent her life serving the poor and sick on the streets of Calcutta. After seeing that quote written at the end of a friend’s email signature I was inspired to put the text to music and create a song that could inspire singers and audience members to live lives of great love that ultimately change the world around them, one small thing at a time.

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SmallThings,GreatLoveMollyCatherineNixon5PartIIPartIIIIPartIIIIIIPno.Piano     Forgreatcandosmall love.Smallthings love.great withwith thingsWe3=80Soloorallvoices1sttime8vaonrepeatwithpedal ©Copyright2024ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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913IIIIIIIIIIIIPno.Pno.       the world.Wethingsworld. small things withlovesmalldocanlove.greatwithgreatchangecanthings, withSmall great love.31.2.2ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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1721IIIIIIIIIIIIPno.Pno.      Wesmallchangecanlovethingsdocanworld.greatwiththingssmallSmallgreatthegreatwithlove. Forlove.things withthingssmallWe can do withgreatSmall things,thewith,Smallwith3  3ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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2529IIIIIIIIIIIIPno.Pno.    Small things love canwithlove. greatthechangesmallworld.For thingsgreatwithgreat lovegreat love withlove.thecanworld.greatchangewith Small thingsgreatchangethings, withworld.great love. thingsSmall Small lovetherall. 4ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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31IIIIIIPno.    canWe change thecan change.We change. world.canWeworld.canWe change thechangeWe change.can theWe world.canFreely(rall.)5ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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8Soprano Alto TenorMorning FlightSATB w/ divisiTake your students and audience memberson a magical journey to the sky in a hot airballooon. With its descriptive lyrics andmusical lines that defy gravity, “MorningFlight” will have you feeling like you arefloating on a cloud.Performance Time: 3:25 Bass

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About the ComposerMolly Catherine Nixon is the founder of The Da Capo al Fine Project, providing free music for choirs and musical performances for senior living communities. Her original compositions are donated to teachers in the Da Capo al Fine magazine twice a year, along with resources to help teachers plan student performances at senior living communities. Taking her students to perform in these spaces was a highlight of her teaching career. She hopes to inspire other teachers to cultivate a heart of service in their students by giving them these valuable life experiences.Molly Catherine majored in Music Education and Spanish at Illinois State University where she received a Bachelors of Music Education and was designated a Presidential Scholar, Bone Scholar, and Presser Scholar. She was also awarded the Barbara Wiltberger Scholarship, Charles Bolden Scholarship and Friends of the Arts Scholarship. In addition to teaching private piano and voice lessons, she taught at Epiphany Catholic School in Normal, IL for 15 years until she stepped down in 2023 to begin The Da Capo al Fine Project. She also has an extensive career as a collaborative pianist, playing for soloists, school choirs, churches, and festivals.Composer Notes for “Morning Flight"“Morning Flight” was inspired by a recent trip I took with my family to experience the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, held annually in Albuquerque, NM. For an entire week hot air balloon pilots from all over the world gather to paint the sky with their colorful or uniquely shaped balloons. Launches happen early in the morning when the skies are most calm. While writing “Morning Flight”, I wanted to use sound and words to paint the picture of a morning launch. Opening sustained notes create a sense of darkness and stillness, while the piano twinkles like early morning stars. As the song progresses you can hear and feel the excitement that goes into preparing for a launch—pilots and crews rushing around to lay out balloons and begin filling them with air. Once inflated, balloons slowly rise from the ground, illustrated by the slower tempo and ascending lines. Layers of floating vocal lines paint the picture of a multitude of balloons gently rising and falling, suspended in the air. As the flight comes to an end, descending voices carry the balloons back to the earth. I hope singers and audience members enjoy their first hot air balloon ride through the performance of “Morning Flight”.To learn more about the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta click the link below.

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MollyCatherineNixonMorningFlightDedicatedtomymotherwhocontinuestoshareherloveofhotairballoonswithherchildrenandgrandchildren.6Wi.SopranoS.AltoA.T.Pno.Piano         starsallIn still.ness The ing in thedarktheOohahOohahsmiis waits forasling it rise.themoonand sunthe3=58=58SoloorsmallgroupSoloorsmallgroup   ©2024ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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1015S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.Pno.Pno.       tingingadning airThe cool in bemorfloat atoturebovevitheflight,the dreamthe venofgin with ofahOoh ven tureahahahahOohahturevenahven tureOohahah33rall.accel.accel.rall.2

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2218S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.Pno.Pno.              oftherush flames,Itstarts handsdanwithearth.cingair,a ofdan flamesofooh ooh cing handsoohoohoohoohooh oohoohooh=75=75  3ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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2631S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.Pno.Pno.                ristheslow ly gentveeninglythergenting lyly slowtoto gentgely slowslowfill Thenfrom earth.uptheworkenlygentthelyslowlyveearth.thegentlyslowwork ing geto lope.therslow ly gent ly singrifillfromtorislow lygentoohsinglope.en vethelylygent singrilope.enooh vethelyslow=68=68 4

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3538S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.Pno.Pno.       air,theRainasky. inlorspaintFloathetion.theMir moclesclouds.bowstinginCothroughtheclouds.CoFloainclesRainapaintair,ting through themothe intion.lors bowsMirsky.Mir in mo tion.a clesin tion.a clesMir mo=80=805ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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4144S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.Pno.Pno.      githehang clouds.lous sightmentMa moveing calfromMarvehanglousing fromsight!mo mentcaltheAhgiMaclouds.MarlousveMarMaAhmo mentcalsight!giMar lous sight!Mavegi mentmocal6

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4852S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.Pno.Pno.         AhAhAhAh7ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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5660S.S.A.A.T.T.Pno.Pno.      ing,ing,fallfalling,falling,ing, fallto earth.ingfallfallThenthefalling,falling,falling,ing,fallfall ing,3rit.rit.8

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SINGER’SSINGER’SDue to printing constraints in your schools,some of you asked if it would be possible tohave singer’s editions with only the vocal lines.ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE!The following pages contain singer’s editionsfor each of the issue 02 songs, so you can saveon paper and get your students singingthese new songs.ENJOY!

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anintroductiontoscattingSinger'sEditionDon'tGetTiredGalatians6:9MollyC.Nixon732251812    aDotgetadisDon'tpproharcourthereap vestwillwe priatedooblessDaingbaDooagedpriandgood.givedaisDa dawhattime.ate bain'dooat the waadoobatime.atewappropproup,ofafordowapritiredthedotatDon't getToCodaD.S.alCoda=112SlowerCall&ResponseRepeatformultipleleadersRepeatm.5-26formultiplescatsectionsSwingDdim7Fm7Cm7G7Cm7G7G7G7Fm7 Fm7G7Cm7G7 G7Cm7Fm7G7G7Cm7/A♭Cm7Cm7Fm7Cm7G7Cm7/B♭Cm7G7G7G7Cm7G7Fm7Cm7Cm7Cm7Fm7Ddim7Fm7Fm7A♭7Fm7Fm7Cm7/ACm9G7 Cm7rit.rall.©Copyright2024ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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MollyCatherineNixonTheKiwiBirdSongSinger'sEdition814IPartIIIIPartIIIIIIIPartIIIIII        Oo wi kikiwiKiOoOokikiwiKikikiwikiki kiki wiKiwikiwikiwiki kiki wi kiKi wi=150AddPt.1BPAddPt.2BP  ©2023ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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212631IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII          OoOoOokiKiki wi ki kiwiwikikiwikikiwiKiwikikisong so sweetwily. Brown spotortheirsingme;onestedtosingtlelitlittletedspotorBrownme;ones tosingtheyki is landswi theki birdswi all sing Onkilong.aly.sing their song so sweetis landstheOn theyAddPt.3BP2ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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433539IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII                  wiwiewitowirokorokirokoOhro roTo roroTowirorowirowiki roe kawikoeewiwiTowitowikoka wiro kaKirowikowiwikarokaOhekikaeto to koOhkiwi ro wi roki kiwiOhwi wiro wirorowiroro wiwiwi wiwiroKi roroerowikakotlewi birdskilitall singSingwia long.Ohwiohrowiroe kakotorowiwirorosing.3clapclapBPstopsPt.2&3Clapw/pianoclapclapAddPt.1BPclapclap clapclap3ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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475651IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII                    ko roro ro wikoroka katowietlewinight.toOowisongyourrothroughwitherosingwi elittoki wiwikisingki wirorokikiekoKiwiwiwiro ro wikaKikikiwisong theelitki wiwikironight.wiroKitlewiwikikiwiwi kiKi kiwiki kithroughkiyourto kakothrough thenight.singOhbird.3clapclapclap AllpartsBPclapBPbreak4ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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626873IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII           KiOo wiwiOokiOoOowikiwikiki kiwikiKikiKiOo wi ki wikikiKikikiwiwiwiwikikiwiKi wiki Ki wikiwiwi wiki kikikiki kiwi kikiKi ki wikiKiwikiKiwiwi wikikikiwikikikiki kilitbird.Sing SingtlelitlittletleSingtlelitSingbird.bird.bird.Pt.1BPonly5ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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SmallThings,GreatLoveMollyCatherineNixonSinger'sEdition1981423IIPartIIIIIIIIIIIIII  thingsgreatwith dothingscanForWewiththingsSmallsmall canwithsmallsmallthingsdogreatcanlovegreatwithWethethingsgreat lovecan love.with greatwiththingsdo thegreatthings,Smallthings,Small thingsSmallSmalllove world.things, greatthings,great love.greatwith333=80OmitrestifsingingacappellaSoloorallvoices1sttime2.1.©Copyright2024

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3127IIIIIIIIIIII   change.greatcanthechange. changewith world.We canlovethingsWesmall changecancan theWe world.with love greatcanWechangechange.We can changetheworld.Small change world.things with greattheloveWe canrall.(rall.)2ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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MorningFlightDedicatedtomymotherwhocontinuestoshareherloveofhotairballoonswithherchildrenandgrandchildren.MollyCatherineNixon7Wi.S.SopranoAltoA.TenorT.B.Bass                all is still. Thedark shinnessthe starsIn theining night.TheOoh ahOoh waits theforittheand ismoon sunsmi ling=58SoloorsmallgroupSoloorsmallgroup  ©2024ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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1217S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.     gin dreamtheair,flight,rushofthewith ofof thestartsainearth.boveair ven betheadfloat ingmorcool ning tingIt awithture toviahoohvenah oohtureOoh ahoohahahtureOoh venoohahoohoohahOohven ahahture3=75accel.rall.       2

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2924S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.           gentgently lyslowlygetogentther to fillhands worklydanlyTheningflames,slow lytheup enofgentvelycing lope.slow ly slowen vethe lope.of ingslowslow lyworkhandsgentlyfillflamesly ly gentlytoslow gentcinglytherto gedanenslowlope.vethegent lyoohlyoohoohen velythe lope.lyslow gentoohoohooh=68   3ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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383442S.S.S.A.A.A.T.T.T.B.B.B.           earth.thelousve sightingMarhang fromCoair,thethroughtingFloa theclouds.infromingmentMirris bowsmoRain clouds.calgiMation.atheinlorspaint sky.clesthemomoclesinin clouds.sight!thevetion.alousMarsingriclouds.thefromfromMirlorsingbowsRainhangearth.theair,thesky.throughtingtheFloaCo paintmentmoMa calgiMirAhaMarimentcles moinlousveMargi cal motion.singsight!clesriMargisight!inMation.momentlousmovesingacalMir=804

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604754S.S.S.A.A.A.T.T.T.B.B.B.        falling,Ahfalling,ing,thefall ing,,fallfall ing, fallAhingfalling,fallAhfallfallfall ing,ing, ing,Ahrit.5ThissonghasbeengenerouslydonatedthroughtheDaCapoalFineProject.Directorshavepermissiontoreproduceforschool,community,andchurchchoirs.LearnmoreabouttheDaCapoalFineProjectat

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Thank you to all the donors who are helpingmake the Da Capo al Fine Project asuccess. The students, teachers, residentsand myself are thankful for your generosity!To become a financial supporter of theDa Capo al Fine Project, scan the QR codeor click the link You!

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