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DAWN Summer 2024

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Summer 2024Our strategy of focusing onframeworks comes to fruition withmultiple wins.Your roundup of D&W news -welcome new starters, workexperience success, award winsand more!DAWNAssociate BoardRead all about itDanaher & Walsh NewsFramework winsInvesting in the futureD&W invest in the future ofour relationship with keyclient Anglian Water on theeve of AMP 8.Eight members appointed tohelp drive special projectsacross the business.

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I hope this message finds you and your family fit and well.The main message for this edition is one of positive momentum and good news. Thingsare really on the boil with our frameworks and the level of enquiries we are receiving iskeeping our pre-construction team busy. It is great to see how many of these enquiries arenow turning into live projects. Well done everyone!On top of that, with regard to an additional five years working in alliance with AnglianWater, we have agreed on the commercial and moderation principles, established the keyperformance indicators, and are currently drafting the contracts for AMP8. This is fabulousnews and I must thank Ian Gilbert for his hard work in getting us to this point.On that note, as most of you are aware, Ian is leaving us at the end of this month and Iwould like to personally thank him for almost 30 years of service here at Danaher & Walsh.He has helped us to grow and transform the business over this time, putting his heart andsoul into it and I am very grateful and wish him well for his next chapter.Neil Fitzjohn steps into Ian’s role as the principal point of contact on the Anglian Watercontract, supported by Nick Hill. Scot Jerram is fulfilling the role of Interim CommercialDirector.I look forward to what the new Associate Board will bring to the table in the future. All the best, Message from Dan DanaherDan 1Danaher & Walsh NewsCover image: Artist Impression of Waltham Cross supplied by Borough of Broxbourne CouncilWatkin Road Bridge Project was completed on time and to budget

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£8m project secured through Procure Partnerships FrameworkMeldreth secured via MilestoneNews2Danaher & Walsh is delighted to announcethat we have been awarded an £8 millioncontract to deliver the latest phase of publicrealm improvements in the historic markettown of Waltham Cross.Waltham Cross is known for its historicalEleanor Cross monument and its vibrantstreet market. The current pedestrian zonewas originally implemented over 30 yearsago, with the southern section recentlyrefreshed by our team in 2019—a project thathas been highly praised for its quality andimpact.The newly awarded scheme, securedthrough the Procure Partnerships framework,will focus on three distinct areas:High Street Paving Upgrade: We willupgrade the paving on the High Street, whichwill allow for the reintroduction of a singlelane of carriageway, enhancing bothaccessibility and functionality of this key area.Stanhope Way/Monarchs Way JunctionRemodelling: This will involve the remodellingof the junction, including the installation oftwo new pedestrian crossing points and theinfilling of the existing subway. Eleanor Cross Road Enhancements: We willbe carrying out new paving and surfacingworks on Eleanor Cross Road.The project is due to commence inSeptember 2024 and is expected to take ayear to complete.More Framework wins . . . We are delighted that our Framework strategy is coming to fruition with plenty of projects nowcoming through our doors via this route.Frameworks are our preferred strategy because they enable us to build strong mutually beneficialrelationships with our clients. It also enables a very agile procurement process meaning works canbe procured in an entirely compliant manner, often with much greater speed and efficiency.Meldreth - Upgrade an existing footpath from Meldreth Station,to Station Road, Melbourn. The existing footpath crosses openfields from the railway station, under the A10 to Station Roadthus restricting access to the works area. Works include streetlighting, fencing, surfacing and drainage. [Milestone Framework]Swaffham Heath - Junction Improvements to reduce accidentrisk. The proposed design is to stagger Swaffham Heath Roadsouth, 50 metres to the west. The scheme will also remove theright turn facility on the A1303. [Milestone Framework]Lutterworth - Public Realm upgrade to a market square, securedand due to start January 2025 [Procure Partnerships Framework]Waltham Cross - as above, due to start 2 September [ProcurePartnerships Framework].

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Another Anglian WaterAward!Investing in the future Excellent work as AlliancecongratulatedNews3We received this message of thanks from AdamCooper (Regional Operational Delivery Manager -IMR WR Alliance), to Mick Simpson, Wayne Ord &Aaron Simpson:I wanted to take a moment to extend our heartfeltthanks for the extraordinary support andassistance provided by Mick, Wayne and Aaronduring a critical incident at the end of last weekand into the weekend. We faced a significantchallenge with a large diameter burst, whichnecessitated the deployment of up to 38 tankersto maintain service for our customers and preventpollution and flooding. Mick, Wayne, and Aaron'swillingness to work in shifts around the clock wasinstrumental in ensuring the repair could beundertaken as quickly as possible. Theircollaboration with gangs and site managers fromall partner organisations was exemplary. Despitethe challenging circumstances, they upheld ourhigh safety standards and demonstratedexceptional dedication and teamwork.Well done team!Danaher & Walsh Civil Engineering has invested a 6 figuresum to support the growth of our ongoing relationship withAnglian Water.The first phase of this investment is the purchase of threebrand new vans, equipped with cutting-edge RionedUrban Jet jetting units, designed and fitted-out to enhanceour Risk Identified Sewer Cleaning (RISC) team’s efficiency.They are fully branded in the livery of our client.Another team within the IMR WRA is the No-digPipelining team, which as the name suggests,specialises in making repairs without the risksand costs associated with invasive digging. Thisteam, led by Jamie Cleaver received thesupplier award for 2024 for Best New Way ofWorking. The award was given in recognition ofthe successful completion of two in-lineInterceptor removals conducted beneath twoseparate three-story residential buildingslocated in the heart of Cambridge. It providedthe client with huge gains in terms of financialsavings, customer service and reduced healthand safety risks. Well done!The AW team have two new apprentices, HarrySmith and Koby Smith, joining in September (notrelated!) Their two-year apprenticeship officiallybegins on September 2nd, starting with twoweeks of college-based training, which includesmanual handling, emergency first aid, and CSCSred card touch screen tests. They will beginworking with us on September 16th when theywill be allocated to a team.New apprentices

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Associate Board4Claudia and Alice shortlisted for Procon Rising Star awardWe are thrilled to announce that two of our exceptional teammembers, Claudia Carroll and Alice Stewardson, have beennominated for the prestigious PROCON Rising Star award. This award recognises the achievements of constructionprofessionals under the age of 30 who have shown innovativethinking, made significant contributions to their projects, anddemonstrated the potential to rise to the top of our industry.Both Claudia and Alice embody these qualities, consistently goingabove and beyond in their work. Their dedication, enthusiasm,and ambition make them both stars in our eyes, and we wishthem the best of luck in this well-deserved recognition.ClaudiaAliceDanaher & Walsh Group is thrilled to announce the appointment of a dynamic Associate Board, agroup of forward-thinking individuals poised to steer the company towards new horizons ofinnovation and success. This strategic move is part of our commitment to fostering a freshperspective and new ideas within our organisation. The Associate Board is a fusion of youth andexperience and we know they will drive projects forward for the benefit of our customers, ourassociates and all of the people who work at Danaher & Walsh. If you have any ideas you wouldlike the Associate Board to consider, please get in touch with one of the following:Lucy AtkinsonClaudia CarrollKiran DesaiNeil FitzjohnElliot MawerJoanne PigramAlice StewardsonSarah Swindin

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A very warm welcome5Roundabout 1 is 60% complete, awaiting road closure during2025 school summer holidays to complete in full.Mainline 1 drainage complete, civils to be completed by theend of August. Blacktop to be laid immediately afterwards.Roundabout 2 to be completed by the end of August 2024.Mainline 2 drainage progressing well.Roundabout 3 to commence this winter.Mainline 3 to commence next spring, Culvert 9 complete.Roundabout 4 offline drainage complete, civils works tocommence August 2024.Mainline 4; culvert 3 crane mid August 2024, mainlinedrainage to follow, then civils.Roundabout 5 to commence next Spring.Mainline 5 to continue next Spring.Roundabout 6 to be complete by the end of August 2024.Thanks to Tim Dagett, Project Manager at Melton for this update on the biggest project D&W have ever undertakenRoundabout 2 Roundabout 6Please make our new starters very welcome as they begin their journey here at Danaher & WalshPROJECT UPDATEMMDR Culvert 09

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Since the last edition of DAWN, two Teams have been awarded Team of the Month- the Marlborough Square Team and the Purchasing Team who have bothperformed exceptionally over recent months. Each team won £100.Congratulations to them both!Text‘beamate’to85258If youneed supportMates in MindYou should be aware that as a company, we have resources tosupport our Mental Health and Wellbeing via Mates in Mind, withmore to come. You can find a growing library of resources onour company Sharepoint Directory here > Wellbeing Library (You can find it on the Sharepoint home page, however, if you arereading the hard copy and cannot find it, please for the link).Ask the DirectorsThe next Town Hall EngagementSessions are Friday 4th October andFriday 6 December. If you have anyquestions, simply scan the QR codehere and use the form to raise yourquery. There is an option to beanonymous if you prefer. Teams of the MonthMarlborough Square & Purchasing Teams Marlborough Square Purchasing 6Winners are decided by Feel Good Friday Appreciation Nominations and at the Directors’discretion. Make your Feel-Good Friday Appreciation nominations here.If you are reading the hard copy of DAWN, look out for the emails or see the link on Viva Engage.

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Contract awardsCall for contentShortsAs part of Thankful Third Thursday(Breakfast on the Boss), the Wellbeing Teamare now hosting an online quiz which isbeing very well received. You can win hugechocolate prizes! Look out for your inviteand please get involved. The Directorshave given permission for us to have this 30minutes as a wellbeing half hour to spendtime with each other, chat and dosomething good for our mental health. Please use this time, unless clientcommitments really do dictate otherwise.Date of the next one is Thurs 19 September.PPF - Waltham Cross - £8mPPF - Lutterworth Square - £0.5mSmall Works - In excess of £0.5mSwaffham Heath Junction at £0.5m Milestone - Meldreth - £0.4mAldi Sedgley £0.2mKirk Hill ECI Stage 2 £40kYour story not here? Wondering why not?Tell me your news!What would you like to see in DAWN? If you have got any ideas for content or anynews for the next issue of DAWN our last you know that if you introduce someoneto Danaher & Walsh who is subsequentlyemployed and remains with us, you receivean ‘introducer’s bonus’. Depending on therole this can be quite a lot of money. Checkout the vacancies page on our website andhave a think about who you know that mightbe a good fit - then know!First time at the helmfor Claudia CarrolNew Role for Elliot MawerWant a bonus?TTT and QuizTo support the growth of our relationshipwith Milestone and the management of theFramework, Elliot Mawer will now be theFramework Manager for thisCambridgeshire based contract. Claudia is running the Milestone project atMeldreth in Cambridgeshire. This is herfirst project where she has taken the leadand is testimony to what can be achievedthrough skill and hard work. Claudia startedwith D&W as a Graduate Engineer in 2020. New Role for Dave BurkillDave Burkill will be joining the OperationalExcellence team of the IMR WR Alliance asthe Solution and Delivery AssuranceManager, reporting to Neil Fitzjohn. Thisnew role formalises and adds structure andsupports the work Dave has previouslyundertaken while continuing to leverage hisskills, experience, and expertise.Congratulations Dave!Another of our team has a new role in theAlliance that delivers the AW contract and thatis Katie Green who has become IronworksManager for the Alliance from 1st August 2024Well done!New Role for Katie Green