DATA-DRIVEN CHANGEMANAGEMENTVisualization should reveal thedata to your audience.DATAVISUALIZATIONGUIDE1What is data visualization? Data visualization isthe graphical representation of data createdfor the purpose of making it easier for youraudience to understand and evaluate theanalysis. It helps your audience recognizepatterns, find outliers, see trends andunderstand difficult concepts. Visual depictionof your data can make it easier for youraudience to engage in deeper conversationabout how the change is progressing anddecide what actions to take in response.This guide isa referenceto help youbuild greatvisualizationsof your data.Here you'llfindexamples ofcharts and graphs and what they are best used for. You'llalso find a set of reminders and rules for greatdata visualization.© 2020 The Change Decision
DATA-DRIVEN CHANGEMANAGEMENT2CHARTS FOR CHANGESOVER TIMEThis is good for mostly continuous dataAlso good for showing multiple series on one chartUse color to draw the eye to values out of thenormUse shape to show differentiation of the seriesThis visualization is useful for showing data in a timeseries:EXAMPLES© 2020 The Change Decision
DATA-DRIVEN CHANGEMANAGEMENT3CHARTS FOR CATEGORYCOMPARISONSThis is good for showing data at the category levelUse a size and color when including a second orthird levelThe goal is to allow the eye to make a comparisonThis visualization is useful for showing difference atone point in time:EXAMPLES© 2020 The Change Decision
DATA-DRIVEN CHANGEMANAGEMENT4CHARTS FOR COMPARINGPART TO WHOLEThis is good for comparing one element to theentire global structureThe limitation of this type of visualization is thatthe data needs to be confined to one categorybecause comparison becomes more difficult toshow across categoriesThis visualization is useful for showing an element-to-global comparison:EXAMPLES© 2020 The Change Decision
DATA-DRIVEN CHANGEMANAGEMENT5CHARTS FOR RANKINGThis is similar tocomparison chartsbut focused onorderThis is good fordata where the"80/20 Rule" ispresentThis visualization isuseful for comparisonby specific ordering:CHARTS FORCORRELATIONSThis visual canshow the datapoints at a singlelevel or incategoriesThis comparesvariables orelements to eachother in order tosee the connectionand correlationThis visualization isuseful for statisticalcomparisons:EXAMPLES© 2020 The Change Decision
This visual showsthe range andcentral tendency ofthe dataIt highlightsoutliers andanomaliesThis is useful toorient the viewer tolarge data setsThis visualization isuseful for statisticalanalysis:CHARTS FOR DISTRIBUTION DATA-DRIVEN CHANGEMANAGEMENT6CHARTS FOR FLOWThis is valuable tounderstand therelative connectionor change throughtimeThis is often usefulfor tracking tasksor informationThis visualization isuseful for showingconnection,transmission ormovement:EXAMPLES© 2020 The Change Decision
This visual showscategories andelements that areconnected orcorrelated but alsorelatedThis is useful foranalyzing to findclues for deeperexplorationThis visualization isuseful for showingboth comparison andrelation:CHARTS FORRELATIONSHIPS DATA-DRIVEN CHANGEMANAGEMENT7EXAMPLES© 2020 The Change Decision
REMINDERSDATA-DRIVEN CHANGEMANAGEMENT8Ensure that the viewer can get the maininsight from the visualization in the first 10seconds of reviewing it.Everything after 10 seconds should be for adeeper reveal of the details of the data.Give the visualization a title that highlightsthe analytical question the visualizationanswers.Label all of the axes with the appropriateunits and what each axis represents.Provide a legend and label the marks on thevisualization so the viewer understands eachelement.Avoid call outs on the visualization (arrows,circles, or phrases) and instead structure thevisualization so that the viewer can see thepoint themselves.When putting together a compelling story,remember to think through what you wantyour audience to know, what you want themto do and how you want them to feel.© 2020 The Change Decision