„As a result of the Second World War, being German became an international stigma that had to be borne stoically and, at best, could be attenuated through good behavior.” Prof. Dr. Konrad H. Jarausch t could be argued that this is a blessing in disguise. After all, what is wrong with the moral incentive to always ‘do the right thing’? But in this booklet, we point out that there is a great danger when an individual, or a nation, claims the higher moral ground. Impossible expectations are set up that lead to actions that otherwise would never be considered. This feeling of moral superiority we are discussing has nothing to do with the positive aspects of feeling good about being German – a heart and soul issue – but an intellectual position based on accumulating points of ‘goodness’ by good deeds and good intentions. During the “Merkel” era I was always amazed how the press kept up a constant drumbeat of how good and admired Angela Merkel was worldwide, and, by I
2 association, how good and admired the German people also were. There were countless polls and stories illustrating that the Germans, once considered so very bad and morally deficient, had become a race of people that was almost the opposite. Virtually no one could ‘out-good’ the new ‘Germans’. Satisfying words to hear for all, but especially the youth. The youth in Germany is largely listless and unfocused. Sheltered and spoiled, protected from the harshness of life; they consequently have very little interest in politics or the political parties, very little interest in religion or religious organizations and churches. But, they feel quite pleased with themselves about their altruistic motives. (This is easy to point out by the intensity of their moral outrage whenever their good intentions are questioned.) German youth are seemingly happy in the MTV hip-hop world of America and Britain, but, as much as they want to assimilate with their peers elsewhere, they feel that being German gives them the edge on feeling morally right. For them this is the only reason to be happy about being German. They are as good as their forefathers had been bad. That feels good.
3 t is this message, reinforced over and over especially in the past thirty years, that has lulled the people into sleepy contentment; which was its purpose. It has always seemed to me that the role of the Chancellor has been to keep the German people content, silent and obedient: The single most important requirement in someone reaching this post. As a bargain for regaining national unity in 1990, German leadership promised the world that this time would be different. A better, moral Germany now existed that would ever be proving its goodness. This unified Germany would be as good as the last unified Germany was bad. Claiming the high moral ground was an effective tool towards that outcome. It meant that nothing needed to be questioned; that the course being followed was obviously right and good. But, like many other things in Germany, what seemed good on the surface has actually been used as a device for control. At the end of WWII, Germans were told by the Allies (and their rewritten and unassailable new history) that their ancestors were evil and bad, and had no moral fiber whatsoever; that all German I
4 history had been leading up to the recent disaster. Now, decades later, by successfully and constantly atoning for their past, as a new race of Germans, they were the opposite. They could prove they held the highest moral standards by being the spearhead to save the climate, rescue all asylum seekers, create all new energy sources, and generally setting the tone for noble sacrifice: Giving freely to anyone outside of Germany who asked, or demanded. This was often done without reflection or awareness of the unintended consequences. National debate, hard real election choices, or referendum were out of the question. Yet, no one seemed to really question the worth of this dramatic about-face. Can a generation really become better people than the last through acts of self-flagellation and sacrifice? There is no precedent. he story that Germans have grown up with is that the Allies, especially the Americans and Brits, were angels sent on white horses to rescue the premodern and barbaric Germans from T
5 themselves. Only through the Allies’ reeducation efforts was enough ‘good’ rubbed off to create a new race of ultra-good Germans. These efforts were masterminded through a sophisticated psychological campaign orchestrated from Bletchley Park, an Allied secret operations center on an estate NW of London.1 These new Germans were under direct Allied control and administration and the output of their efforts was also directed accordingly. Later, as the more obvious controls were loosened, the Germans had become accustomed to, even addicted to, outside direction. They knew they were assigned the “soft” things and were not involved in, or allowed direct influence in the real decisions. In this, the ‘god’ of the Allies gave the Germans the never-ending task to pay for, at any cost, financial or emotional, whatever issue was assigned to them. To make sure that this sacrifice was deeply ingrained, the German was told that the proof of their repentance would only come through endless self-flagellation. Living in Germany, an individual is 1 See our booklet „Bletchley Park”
6 constantly faced with a media infatuated with the mistakes and worst images of the past. To a confused and destitute population at the end of WWII, this self-punishment seemed to be the logical way to make right the unimaginable deeds of wrong that they were being daily confronted with. But they never imagined this would still be the case for their children and grandchildren. The modern German has been conditioned that they must forever pay penitence for the evil deeds of their ancestors in order to continually prove their own absolute goodness; a lifelong heavy sentence for crimes they themselves did not commit. Even the most heinous crime has a time frame in which its debt is paid. Yet, just as it is impossible to paint this current generation with the broad brush of goodness, neither can the generation of the war have been entirely bad. There are many accounts of Allied expats in the postwar decade being surprised that normal German families were no different than themselves. In truth, your ancestors were not so bad, and the current crop of Germans is not so good. It is only for political means (propaganda) that contemporary history is always
7 presented as completely black and white. (The further distance we acquire the more we see the shades of gray.) Both generations lived (and still live) in a world of propaganda and pretense that requires no questions be asked and minds are turned off. The research of 1945 -1946 was amateurish and unscientific, considerably flawed by today’s standard. Evidence gathering technologies applied in this period were primitive and rushed, in a time of great confusion and political pressures. There was no attempt at objectivity . Very little from that period would be acceptable in the stands of international courtrooms today, nor would it get a passing grade from any law school. Yet today, it is as if we are frozen in a wartime mindset, and the perpetuation of that triumph; that moment in time is declared Offenkundig – sacred. ast forward to our current time, and stories that Merkel was seven times the world leader of the year, more popular in countries than Donald Trump, and polls that Germans in general were most admired as a people, fed the myth that a systematic remaking of a people had worked its F
8 magic. That a people accused and condemned collectively of a heinous crime could be redeemed by manipulating the way they think about themselves. The myth says the experiment worked; it was proof that a sophisticated mind control could work so well, that it has now been inculcated around the globe. This is the strategy that has given us the upside-down world we must live in. In truth, many Americans had never heard the name Angela Merkel, and many of them had no idea what she did – possibly a singer? The media blitz relied heavily on the popularity of the ‘Made in Germany’ slogan and the Obama love-fest in Europe, and did not at all reflect the world’s opinion of Germans personally. The vast majority of the world’s population, including in America, did not know much about you, think about you, and certainly did not consider you the answer to the world’s burning questions. They might have met you in Florida or Thailand, and their general impression would have been that you were nice and harmless souls with lots of money; i.e. the perfect tourist. Then you went home. You certainly did not seem bright, nor exceptional. Simply tourists with a few weird rigid
9 habits. In reality, the common person did not spend a minute in a year thinking about you. To most of the world you are a non-entity, not, as the ‘polls’ say, the most admired people on earth. The slogan is the result of marketing repetition, not reality. There have been times when Germany was really exceptional. Then Germans dominated nearly every field of human endeavor. There was no need for massive marketing pretense and continual effort. Those who do think seriously about you are constantly asking themselves the question, “What’s wrong with the Germans?” They see a people obsessively clinging to a sick ritual of self-flagellation and self-punishment, dumping buckets of self-hate, guilt and shame on themselves that keep them from becoming normal, free, or sovereign. From outside it looks like a trick to keep you in chains and easily controlled. From inside a happy addiction to no responsibility, no risk in life – just survival. Didn’t the Japanese also experience a crushing defeat in WWII? When does the act of purification end? And at what point does it become perpetual manipulation? No longer an act of cleansing the indelible stain revealed to the Germans by the Allies’
10 education, but only a tool of fear. Fear to keep you off balance, pliable, afraid to be yourself, afraid to accept yourself. Fear that leads eventually and irrevocably to a time when there are no more Germans, no more Germany. _________________________________ he psychological warfare operations of Bletchley Park begun near the end of WWII were born of a secular racial hatred unimaginable today. The German was indoctrinated to mistrust himself; that there is some genetic seed, specific to being German, that must constantly be atoned for.2 And it was determined that there would never be a state of purification; self-hate and equally secular sacrifice must go on forever. Germans took on the mentality of an occupied people. The more they appeared to hate themselves, the more they were accepted by ‘the world’. The bargain of reunification was a complicit agreement to continue the spirit of Bletchley Park and 2 See our booklet „Es ist gut Deutscher zu sein.“ T
11 further indoctrinate the German psyche, perversely taking the self-hate to such an extreme that it became a source of pride; an era of Bletchley Park 2.0. From this high moral peak of contrition (we were the most terrible therefore we must be the most good), you are not allowed to be normal at all. And that’s our point in this flipbook. The continued effect of Bletchley Park’s program assures that you will never be on balance; never a ‘normal’ people allowed to experience the ‘normal’ ups and downs of life and growth. Never feel confident in standing up for your own interests. Never allowed to have legitimate anger toward injustice done purposely to you; never allowed to grieve for your own losses3; to feel the full range of emotions natural to God’s creation; to experience life by working through emotions and feelings leading to growth and balance. As a case in point, where is the outrage over the Nordstream Pipeline attack? A normal country would have been justified in calling it an unprovoked act of aggression (regardless of who was responsible). But not Germany, who, like a servile creature, agrees with the US that losing billions of Euros in investment, and 3 See our booklet „Die sieben Unrechtigkeiten“
12 undermining its own economy and the living standard of its people, is actually a good thing. There was no reflection, no debate. The ‘normal’ response is barred to it because it must always appear to be on the ‘right side’ no matter the cost. The current regime would have you believe that there are no detrimental consequences for proudly holding the high moral ground; as if it were a badge of honor. But one can’t keep lecturing and preaching and never back it up. You have to follow through on your moral pronouncements or you will end up hypocrites who other people quickly learn to stay away from. No one likes to be lectured by someone sitting on a lofty perch waving their finger in the air. But, these actions all have consequences, and the costs of feeling morally superior are great even though no one (till now) has tied any cost to it. _________________________________
13 ost of what passes for moral indignancy in Germany is mere superficial noise to make you feel good. Confident claims are loudly made that the injustice of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will be righted, and “ensure” that this will never happen again. Yet, Germany has neither the means nor the military acumen, nor fighting mentality, to do it. Which German family wants war with Russia? Not one I’ve met. The surpluses that provided the financial footing for Germany to claim the high moral ground in the last decades were subsidized by energy cost significantly under market value, and with no effective budget, or actual preparation, for your own defense. The circumstances have drastically changed. Germans can no longer exist in a dream world. Perfectly efficient nuclear power plants have been shut down, and then one of the most beautiful landscapes on earth scarred with massively subsidized windmills and sun collectors, knowing full well that in the foreseeable future the only possible energy and business model that will work requires extremely cheap flows of abundant high-quality gas from the east. M
14 Germans sit in their cars feeling constantly guilty about polluting the air through their vehicles, or what’s left of the coal-driven industry. As if it was possible to ensure a cone of pure air over the country all the way to the heavens; completely ignoring that pollution from the hundreds of new dirty coal-fired plants starting up every day around the world will sooner or later pass over. German youth love to pass around a beachball painted as a globe as a symbol of saving the whales, saving the trees, or the ecosystem. Yet these young people don’t have the capacity, or the adult commitment of time and money, for the slightest impact on any of these things, other than passing the beachball to the beat of techno, rap or hip-hop – the idealism of youth combined with carefree good fun. Moral issues have become a confusing mish-mash of empty slogans plastered over society’s very real problems. There is no holistic thought attempted and no way to resolve the real issues underlying each slogan. Instead national dreams, visions and a future the young can grasp and be part of are labeled dangerous and Verboten.
15 Modern environmentalism has turned the wise principle of protecting the environment into a bludgeon that is used against the people who actually populate the environment (usually for the benefit of big business). It has been hollowed out from all its true principles. For centuries, before it became a feel-good fad, the German people were the wellspring of true environmentalism. Husbanding the world and its bounty, so that life on earth could be sustained for future generations, was entwined with the German way of life. And not only sustained, but improved. The estates in the German east in many cases were more than farms, they were environmental laboratories, striving for excellence in breeding, farm, forest, water and wildlife management. The inherent beauty and function of these estates has all but been forgotten today. And, even though the industrial revolution came late to Germany because of a complicated political landscape, when it did come, there were prudent internal voices that sought to harness it for the maintenance of a healthy and thriving society within its ecosystem: Serving humanity and not the other
16 way around. Where many British and American towns polluted their landscapes, their rivers, and their people, it was in Germany that the movement for a well-balanced effort at protection flourished. These are just a couple of examples of how the solving the problems of mankind can be dealt with in honesty by Germans, when the problem is not separated from the wellbeing of the society and the consequences of actions can be logically considered. The deutsche Sinn at work. When Germans can act independently, in their own interest, they are a natural and organic bulwark against the excesses and curse of Raubtier capitalism raging under the misnomer of “progress”: The constant churning and creative destruction, dissatisfaction, and cravings, of a restless and disorderly spirit (now institutionalized) that always creates discomfort in Germans. _________________________________
17 he consequences of continuing to take unsustainable moral stances are actually dangerous. They require increasingly high taxes from a shrinking base. Money that too often is vastly wasted on purposes other than intended. It requires a massive redistribution of wealth, giving money to those who have neither earned nor often deserve it. Vast amounts of money are thrown at problems that come into the country with very little attempt at solving the underlying issues. Increasingly shrill threats of righting wrongs, without limitation (at any cost, and forever) will eventually lead to war that will cost the lives of your precious children; and they are precious. And the economy will continue to shrink in recession, with no alternative but to borrow from the world’s banks as long as Germany insists on being the world’s leader in extremely costly alternative energy technologies without a comprehensive national plan. Likewise, in the regime’s insistence on actually advertising to attract the world’s most needy immigrants, they are inadvertently chasing away each year hundreds of thousands of the best and brightest young Germans who can see no future for themselves T
18 in this Germany. Those who should be the foundation for the future of the country see no national vision, no strong leaders, and an unsustainable ‘plan’. These young Germans would be immediate significant taxpayers with long careers in front of them and yet, by government plan or incompetence, are replaced by costly decade-long reclamation projects who have a much smaller lifetime earning potential. The young people who don’t have the option to leave, suffer from an inordinate proportion of melancholy, lethargy and confusion. (As many as one in four young people suffer mental health issues). And, at the other end of the spectrum, you have millions of retirees who worked diligently all their lives and no longer feel safe, or that their interests are protected. These are truly the symptoms of a society doing away with itself. _________________________________
19 he emotional cost of this situation is immense. The best thinking people on earth are forced to live in an intellectual wasteland in which nothing makes sense and no questions can be asked. That is because the questions have no answers that can stand up to reason. The world is upside-down; inexplicable to anyone who would try to make sense of it. Germans have the capacity for big brains, but there is no raw material to feed them. It is a world that only works by repeating things that make you feel good provided you don’t actually carry them through. It is as if the lie will keep you safe. When in fact the lie keeps you fearful, running from yourself, and running from God, who can see through the national hypocrisy. The spiritual cost is the contemporary culture of death; a mindset of multiple fears and nihilism. Away from the media sugar-coated world there is frequently a pervasiveness deadness, depression and melancholy (düsterkeit). The superficial, and often materialistic based, righteous indignation does not satisfy the sensitive longing of the German who remains vaguely in touch with their true nature. There is no growth of the inner man, no hope, no T
20 abundance of life; only fear, isolation and a YOLO mentality. YOLO is an acronym from the English language adopted by the latest generation of youth as their leitmotif. It describes their place in the upside-down world around them that they cannot acknowledge or make sense of. It is a concept devoid of the actual meaning of the words. The acronym should mean that ‘you only live once’, so, treasure your life and energies and leave a lasting beneficial impact here on earth for the next generation. But no, it is used, along with F_CK IT, as a cry of pessimism to indicate that really as you will probably die young anyway, nothing that you do has a consequence. You have no voice or impact on the future, so it doesn’t matter if you destroy your body or mind, or any of your relationships. It’s a lie that says, on the one hand, the universe is all about you, but then steals, undermines and destroys. Stealing the hope for a future of Germany has left the spiritual health of Germans at a crisis. And the more the ‘feel good’ slogans are used, the worse it becomes, because any discussion is diverted away from the real condition.
21 To know and find yourself, or even to find God, you must be able to accept your true condition. But because of their ingrained belief of moral superiority, many Germans bristle at the idea of being called a ‘sinner’ and this makes having a closer relationship with God nearly impossible. Many Germans feel that they are ‘good’ and, brainwashed by Bletchley Park and immersed in that way of thinking, cannot recognize their true poverty of being. It is this that prevents them from acknowledging that God is great and perfect and that they are not. None of us can achieve purification by our actions, just as it is impossible to say we only have pure thoughts. Simply by being human we will always be flawed. Never able to sustain the precarious perch of our own moral valuation. There is no path to goodness we can follow on earth, where finally we become complete. To the contrary, the more mature our inner reflection, the more aware we are of our failings and our need for love, mercy and God’s grace. In reality, our personal purification can only come through spiritual renewal and the mediator who enables this in us, Jesus Christ. Because we can never
22 be good enough, God sent a sacrifice for us to deliver us from darkness into light – a free gift. _________________________________ letchley Park’s psychological operation enforced on the German people an occupied mentality. A very non-German way of thinking that enables them to be easily controlled, and each regime in Germany has made the Faustian bargain to keep it that way. There has been no ‘moving on’. It is as if we are frozen in time in 1945 – a time of immense confusion, hopelessness and hatred. It should have ended in 1955. It has to end now. Germans were convinced that the disaster of the Third Reich was simply a natural progression of their long-storied history, and so they know little to nothing of the great legacy of their ancestors. A common consciousness, built century upon century, was all but cut off from them, and for most Germans today remains hidden away; inscrutable. But the soul B
23 cannot be extinguished, no matter how much it is stifled or repressed. For many Germans they are now rediscovering that the German soul still lives. Balance is accepting ourselves and acting in our normal interests in the parameters of love. You are neither horrible demons, nor angels. ‘Good behavior’ is fine for training up a puppy or a child, but it should not be used as a device to control a mature people. Live in the joy of freedom and forgiveness given in grace as a completely free gift. Give yourself permission to be human. Live in peace with who God created you to be; in this truth you are free. He says to you today, “I came to make your joy complete. To give you life more abundant.” Embrace this gift. © 2023 William und Lisa Toel
Auch von William and Lisa Toel: Es ist gut Deutscher zu sein. Bletchley Park. Kurt ’45: Eine Rheinwiesenlager-Geschichte. Die sieben Ungerechtigkeiten. Neue Weltordung: Das Gesicht des wahren Feindes Auch in gedruckter Form bei LINDENQUELL MARKTPLATZ