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DANCE Infusion Competition Team

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Dance Infusion is excited to announce that we willbe adding a competition team to our dance familythis year! We will be attending two Regional DanceCompetitions that are local to our studio and oneDance Convention. All dancers ages 8 and up arewelcome to join and enjoy this new experience withus! We are looking forward to giving our dancersthe opportunity to showcase their talent and hardwork that they put in throughout each dance year. W W W . D A N C E I N F U S I O N . C O Mdi comp team directorsNAPOLITANOworthley

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Competition & Convention: West Coast DanceExplosion (Boston, MA) February 3-5, 2023 https://www.gowcde.comCompetition Only: Elite PerformanceChallenge (Tewksbury, MA) March 3-5, 2023https://eliteperformancechallege.comCompetition Only: OnStage (Lowell, MA)March 31 - April 2 2023 NATIONALS: West Coast Dance ExplosionNationals July 1st-7th in Orlando Florida(OPTIONAL) Feel free to visit the websites of each of these events to get a betterunderstanding of what they are all about. 2022-2023 COMPETITION AND CONVENTION COMMITMENTDI COMP TEAM

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In order to organize our dancers into teams we are going tohold competition auditions that will allow us to correctlyplace each dancer into a group that best suits them. Theseauditions will take place the weekend of September 24thand 25th. Your dancer will only need to attend one of thesedays which is TBD. During tryouts dancers will showcasetheir skills with short combinations of various styles. It isup to the dancer which styles they would like to try out for. This process will be stress free and fun for all, everydancer who tries out will be given a spot on a team! Therewill be a jazz, tap, hiphop, and lyric group, and we will onlybe doing group dances. Once dancers are placed, achoreography schedule will be sent out with detailedtimes. Most rehearsals will be scheduled on Fridayafternoons from 4:00pm-6:00pm beginning October 21st. We completely understand that Competitive Dance isan expensive sport and a time commitment. We haveincluded a cost breakdown and a performanceschedule for you to see upfront. Please be sure toreview the following information before making yourdecision to attend the auditions.

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How Much Does Choreography Typically Cost? Small Group- $125/dancer Large Group- $100/dancer Production- $50/dancer Extra Rehearsal Costs - $10 per dancer per hourThe above prices are a one time fee for the entire Competition Season How Much Are Costume Fees? Costume Fees are dependent on how many competitionpieces you will be dancing in. They can be more pricey thanrecital costumes due to extensive embellishments orhigher quality products. They will be approximately$85-$100. If we decide on using any dances/costumesfrom last year’s recital, you will not be charged a costumefee if you already have it. How Much Are Convention and Competition Fees? Convention Fee: Approx. $280-$320Competition Group Entries: Approx. $55- $75 We hope that you are as excited as we are that Dance Infusion willbe adding a Competition Team for the 2022-2023 dance season. As a reminder, this team will be COMPLETELY separate from ourregular dance classes. It is important to note that none of thecompetition dances will be performed in our yearly recital. Thank you and feel free to contact us with any questions.

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