from HE. WE. THEY.Read by the AuthorWeek 1 Day 1DailyExcerpts
Week 1: Patterned PrayerDay 1: Why the Model Prayer?Do I understand allI need to aboutprayer? Am I content withmy worship ofGod?
Why write another study on theModel Prayer?It is because we need tounderstand how the ModelPrayer can shape our heartsfor worship. This study can help us discovera new perspective on prayerthat will deepen our communionwith God and increase theeffectiveness of our prayers andworship.
“Lord, teach us to pray” revealssubmission. It requires humility.It means “What you have toteach me I’m not going toassume I already know; I amhere to be taught by you.” That’s the heart of a student,and that’s how we mustapproach this study onprayer.
If we are to be apeople of prayer,then honestly, ouronly choice is tokeep learning andgrowing in prayer.
The real question for each of us isthis: “Do I know enough aboutprayer, or is there more I need tolearn?” Until you and I hunger and thirstafter righteousness, until we arewilling to quiet ourpreconceived notions aboutprayer and worship and trulylisten to the Lord like one beingtaught, we are not ready toenter the intensive school ofprayer.
Plan now to recite the Lord'sPrayer at least three differenttimes throughout your day. Praying the PrayerThink about ways you canapply the prayer today andlive it out at home, at work orschool, and online. Ask theLord to help you learn andapply the Model Prayer toyour life in these coming daysand weeks.Living the PrayerWeek 1: Patterned PrayerDay 1: Why the Model Prayer?
Daily Excerpts from HE. WE. THEY. Read by the Author© 2021 by Dwayne Moore. All rights reserved. Readings taken from HE. WE. THEY. The Life-AlteringFormula of the Lord’s Prayer © 2021 by Dwayne Moore. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-63877-582-9 (softcover) ISBN 978-1-63877-584-3 (ebook) To order HE. WE. THEY. books or thePrayer Model Campaign and to join ourprayer community at Next Level Worship,please visit A Resource of Next Level Worship International
from HE. WE. THEY.Read by the AuthorWeek 1 Day 1DailyExcerpts
Daily Excerpts from HE. WE. THEY. Read by the Author© 2021 by Dwayne Moore. All rights reserved. Readings taken from HE. WE. THEY. The Life-AlteringFormula of the Lord’s Prayer © 2021 by Dwayne Moore. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-63877-582-9 (softcover) ISBN 978-1-63877-584-3 (ebook) To order HE. WE. THEY. books or thePrayer Model Campaign and to join ourprayer community at Next Level Worship,please visit A Resource of Next Level Worship International
Week 1: Patterned PrayerDay 1: Why the Model Prayer?We should stopand ask ourselves:Do we understandall we need toabout prayer? Arewe satisfied withour level ofcommunion withthe Father? Am Icontent with myworship of God?
Some people might see this study andthink, “There are hundreds of booksabout the Lord’s Prayer, and thousandsof sermons have been preached on it. So why write another study on theModel Prayer? Hasn’t enough beenwritten and said already? Can’t we justdispense with more study on prayer?” No, actually we cannot because some still want and need to be taughtbetter how to pray. We need to understand how theModel Prayer can shape our heartsfor worship. As we go through this study together, Ibelieve we will discover a newperspective on prayer that will deepenour communion with God and increasethe effectiveness of our prayers andworship.
To say to Jesus “Lord, teach us to pray”in Luke chapter 11 implies that disciplesaw Jesus as someone who couldinstruct them, someone who hadknowledge and authority to teachthem. The request to “teach us” revealssubmission. It requires humility. Itmeans “What you tell me, I will try tounderstand; what you have to teachme I’m not going to assume I alreadyknow; I am here to be taught by you.” That’s the heart of a student, andthat’s how we must approach anystudy on prayer.
If we are to be apeople of prayer,then honestly, ouronly choice is tokeep learning andgrowing in prayer. If we sincerely want to grow in our prayerlives, we need to become students of theModel Prayer. It’s only a few words inlength; yet nestled within its phrases isthe essence of what prayer should be forall of us.
Commands to pray are throughoutGod’s Word. The question isn’t “ShouldI know about prayer?” And it certainlyisn’t “Should I pray?” The answer tothose queries will always be aresounding “Yes!” The real question for each of us isthis: “Do I know enough aboutprayer, or is there more I need tolearn?” Until you and I hunger and thirst afterrighteousness, until we are willing toquiet our preconceived notions aboutprayer and worship and truly listen tothe Lord like one being taught, we arenot ready to enter the intensive schoolof prayer. We are not yet prepared toexplore the rich and wonderful depthsof our Savior’s standard on prayer.
Plan now to recite the Lord'sPrayer at least three differenttimes throughout your day.Think about ways you canapply the prayer today andlive it out at home, at work orschool, and online.Praying the PrayerAsk the Lord to help you learnand apply the Model Prayer toyour life in these coming daysand weeks.Living the PrayerWeek 1: Patterned PrayerDay 1: Why the Model Prayer?
To order HE. WE. THEY. books orthe Prayer Model Campaign andto join our prayer community atNext Level Worship, please A Resource of Next Level Worship InternationalDaily Excerpts from HE. WE. THEY. Read by the Author © 2022by Dwayne Moore. All rights reserved. Readings taken from HE. WE. THEY. The Life-Altering Formula ofthe Lord’s Prayer © 2022 by Dwayne Moore. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-63877-582-9 (softcover) ISBN 978-1-63877-584-3(ebook)