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Customer Experience

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A CustomerSays:Avoidresponseslike these: How to respond:I’m sorry tobother you.Thank you.No Worries.No problem.You’re not bothering meat all. I’m happy to help.You’re Welcome. Is thereanything else I can do foryou today?EYAB“We wa nt all em plo yee s t o u nde rst and th at our in ter act ion s w ith on e a not her ar ejus t a s v ita l a s t hos e w ith ou r c ust ome rs. I t i s i n t his sh are d s pac e t hat we ha ve theopp ort uni ty to cre ate ex cep tio nal ex per ien ces fo r a ll. ” -Jame s LawThanking our customers is the one of the mostimportant things we can do.We want them to know we value their business.End each interaction by saying “Thank You” andasking “Is there anything else I can help you with,today?”Remember the word HEAT when you find yourselfin a hot spot with customers:H - Hear The Customer - Listen to the customer and let them talkE - Empathy - Show them that you care. Say “I’m so sorry this has happened”A - Ask Questions - Make sure you understand what they are upset about and that yougather the right information for themT - Take Action - Find a solution. Communicate to the customer. Follow-thru and follow-upHandling Difficult Situations/ Upset Customers:REFRESHER VIDEOS ON “THE ALLIANCE BANK WAY” ARE LOCATED ON THECUSTOMER EXPERIENCE PAGE OF AB CONNECT. USE T HIS C HAR T TO HELP RESPO ND TO CU ST OME RREQ UE STS W ITH T HE ALLIA NCE B ANK W AY IN MI NDCUSTO MER EXPE RIE NCE: OV ERAL L JO URN EYMajor parts of a customer’s journey:Awareness - How did our customer hear aboutAlliance Bank’s products and services?Consideration - How can we provide them witheverything they need to make an informeddecision?Decision - Now that they have picked a product orservice, how can we create a seamless transition?Retention - How can we provide excellent serviceduring each interaction to ensure we keep theirbusiness and hopefully earn more of it?Advocacy - How can we create advocates so theytell their firends and family about Alliance Bank?We want every interaction to be something to rememberso all customers turn into advocates of our Bank! CU STO MER SER VICE : SI NGL E IN TERA CTI ONGREET the customer:Say “hello” when a customer enters the buildingBegin an email with a greetingAnswer the phone with a smile.SERVE the customer:Strive for prompt and courteous delivery.Always give accurate information.If unsure of an answer to something, findsomeone who does.THANK the customer:CUSTOMER EXPERIENCEOUR WORDS MATTERKnowledgempowersEYouCUSTOMER EXPERIENCE CUSTOMER SERVICECustomer Experience describes the customer’s overall journey with Alliance Bank. Customer Service describes single interactions withcustomers. To truly create an excellent experience for our customers, we must be intentional about delivering the best customer servicepossible each time we interact with them. The Alliance Bank Way sets the standard of how we do this.There are 3 parts to every interaction: Internal CustomersExternal CustomersEmployed within organizationHave no choice as to whomthey do business withExpect accurate informationwhen receiving serviceExpect prompt and courteousdelivery of serviceNot employed with organizationHave a choice whom they dobusiness withExpect accurate informationwhen receiving service.Expect prompt andcourteous delivery of serviceEX TERNA L VS. INTE RNAL – IF YOU A RE NO T SER VING AN EX TERNA LCU STOME R, YO U ARE SERV ING S OMEON E WHO IS.