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Curriculum Guide Sample

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Communication& Advancement SkillsWorkplaceCurriculum Guide2019Authored by:Tara PlouffBrite Manufacturing, Inc.Duration: 16 weeksCommunication stylesUnderstanding benefitsMath for manufacturingSafety procedures Message

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Table of ContentsTo the Instructor ..................................................................................Schedule at a Glance ........................................................................Session Plans ........................................................................................Appendix .................................................................................................Syllabus ...........................................................................................Syllabus Quiz .................................................................................Job Success Chapter 1 Test ....................................................Job Success Chapter 1 Test Answers .................................Job Success Chapter 2 Test ...................................................Job Success Chapter 3 Test Answers ................................Brite Policies, Procedures, & Benefits Quiz ......................Brite Policies, Procedures, & Benefits Quiz Answers.....Final Project Instructions ............................................................Final Project Rubric ......................................................................Final Project Outline .....................................................................Final Project Partner Feedback Checklist ...........................Final Project Audience Notes ...................................................23457586263666770717374757778791

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Read page 44 in Job Success as a class.Ask comprehension questions. Have students discuss with a partner: What leadershipstyle do you prefer and why? Share answers with theclass. Complete the activity on page 45. After the group discussion, complete the follow-upactivity using employee evaluations as the topic. In partners, practice the role-plays on page 102 and 105 inConversations for Work. Listen and repeat the words on pages 103 and 104. Session 31 Leadership Styles & Employee EvaluationsJob Success p. 44-45Conversations for Work p. 102-10839OBJECTIVESDescribe and identify leadership skillsPractice speaking with a supervisor about an employeeevaluationMATERIALSCONTENT PRESENTATIONPartner activity: What makes a good leader? Share answers with the class.Introduce today’s objectivesWARM-UP ACTIVITYAPPLICATION & ASSESSMENTWRAP-UP & HOMEWORKHomework: Conversations for Work pages 104 and 106Employee evaluationsoccur once per yearor if an employeebids for anotherposition.TIPUsing the Types of Leaders chart in Job Success,students should determine which style theircurrent supervisor displays and why.Role-play students talking with their supervisorsabout their evaluations. Present role-plays to the class. Provide students withdifficult situations torole-play:- numerous absences- conflict with a coworker- unsatisfactoryperformanceExpansion

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Shift ScheduleNameWage perhourMTWThFSaSuLaura$14.554pm-10pm4pm-10pm4pm-10pm2pm-10pm4pm-8pmScott$13.3510am-6pm10am-6pm10am-6pm2pm-8pmAldi$16.258am-6pm8am-6pm8am-6pm8am-6pm8am-6pmAssessment“It isn’t fair that Laura gets more hours than I do. I want more hours.”Your answerSection 3 Use the table below to answer questions about the schedule and gross wagesfor these three employees. 11. How many hours will Laura work this week?12. What will Paul’s gross wages be for this week?13. Who will work the fewest hours this week?14. If the schedule is the same next week, how much will Aldi’s gross pay befor two weeks?15. Which employees are working at 11 am on Saturday?16. Scott wants to swap shifts with Aldi on Wednesday. How will this changehis gross wages for the week?Job Success Chapter 1Section 4 Think about what you learned about leadership styles and how to communicatewith an upset employee. How would you respond to Scott?