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Culture Transformation

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Creating a Thriving CultureW o r k i n g a t t h e i n t e r s e c t i o n o f h u m a n g r o w t h a n do r g a n i z a t i o n a l n e e d s t o i g n i t e t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l c h a n g e .CULTURE TRANSFORMATION

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The word 'Culture' offers a sharedsystem of meaning which formsthe basics of communication andmutual understanding. Culture isunique to each organization,affecting how people think, feeland behave. Simply put, culture is 'what makes us US'. Organizational Culture Organizational Culture can be seen, heard, or felt through the physical and social environment created; language, stories, dress codes, officelayouts, technology, and outward social practices like leadership and operational processes. guide the way the organizationlives out its purpose anddelivers its brand promiseinfluence the way business isconducted with customers attract and retain talent tobecome brand ambassadors become your biggestdeterminer of sustainableadvantage and uniquedifferentiation in themarketplaceOrganizational Culture refersto the shared values, beliefsand behaviors, formed overtime that:Why does it matter?What is it?The assumptions and values of the individuals working in the organization,also play an important role in influencing culture but, these are often lessvisible and harder to define and articulate. Culture is built on the stories that shape and sustain the 'way we do things around here'

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Stories move us from chaos to order in our daily flow of experiences. They frame our thinking and interactions, and it's the way we make sense ofthe world around us. We construct stories to understand and interpret what is occurring Stories create context and give us clarity around us through a personal lens to make meaning in our lives. Stories motivate usWe tell stories to make connections, form relationships and create community. Stories of the past are particularly significant in framing our thinking for thefuture as they create an ability to compare and contrast current experiences.Without the stories of the past, we are unable to see the possibility of change. To create an organizational culture of storytelling is to be human-centric,focusing on and celebrating the people involved in it. Inside the organization,the stories that Leaders tell and harvest, have the power to direct action andchange lives and our world. Stories are self-renewingStorytelling is a social process that fosters transformative learning, providingthe momentum needed to anchor a growth mindset and readiness forchange. As we learn through the stories of cultural best practices, we gainthe perspectives needed to disrupt 'the ways things have always been done'and the courage to do things differently. Story is CultureIn addition to systems and procedures, routines, symbols, and organizationalstructure, “stories” are a key element of culture. The stories we tell are eithercontinuously transforming or preserving an organization's culture. Thesestories are influenced by what is seen, heard or experienced in theworkplace, and the meaning ascribed to them - through a personal lens.

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All five cultural drivers work together to produce a valued output, affectingthe organization's stakeholders and the environment at large. Organizations get work done through TEAMS, comprised of PEOPLE,inspired by LEADERS, who use an established COMMUNICATION process,within the context of a selected organizational STRUCTURE. Key Drivers of a Company's Culture 'Story' T E A M S P E O P L E L E A D E R S H I PC O M M U N I C A T I O NS T R U C T U R EC O M M U N I C A T I O NThe power of cultural change lies in activating these five drivers to generate a shared understanding of what change is needed and why. When leaders and employees believe in the necessity for change, andunderstand how to create it at a personal level, they tap into a powerfulintrinsic motivation to disrupt status quo thinking and explore new possibilities. TRANSFORMATIVE LEARNING

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In organizational life, there are many opportunities to encounter change.The greatest influencer of successful culture transformations is foundwithin the efforts to support cultures of learning that curate a curiousmindset and readiness for disruption. It is in this journey of assumption checking and expanding perspectivesthat people unlearn and shift perspectives on 'how we do things aroundhere', igniting the desire to build new habits and to innovate new waysof being. Transformative learning is the connective process through which organizational change happens. When we learn the value of examining and re-evaluating our assumptions, we become more inclusive, more open, more reflective and more emotionally able to change. Implementing transformative learning in the workplace promotes a growthmindset which enables employees to reach their full potential, and buildsthe organization's collective ability to adapt and change.

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Unexpected situationsthat derail us becausewe don't have any pastexperience in how tonavigate the currentchallenge successfully. Involves a change in the waypeople understand themselvesand begin to disrupt theirpersonal belief systemsbecause they realize their ownshortcomings and make adeliberate behavior change. Implementing the actionplan requires the acquisitionof new experiences, skillsand knowledge needed torespond effectively to theoriginal disorientingdilemma.Attempting to assess andevaluate how to resolve thecurrent dilemma. Transformationbegins when we become awareof and acknowledge that there may be other perspectives thatare as valid or more valid and we open our mind to seek newinsights.With an understanding thatnew meaning structures areneeded, comes the need toplan a course of action toacquire them. Developing astrategy for making thathappen is a top priority atthis point and has aninevitable learning focus. Learning and adjustingthrough experimentation.Trying out new roles,tweaking to ensure alignmentwith the new perspective.Measuring and evaluatingprogress Sustaining a growthmindset and culture. DisorientingDilemmaPerspectiveShiftActivatingthe Plan SustainingMomentumCourse ofAction CriticalReflectionThe Transformative Learning Process Our thoughts, feelings and experiences create mental models that shape ourperceptions and drive our behavior. When we encounter unfamiliar information orexperience something new, our brain accesses previous meaning made about similarexperiences, to accelerate our ability to resolve what is perceived by the brain as'change'. While these previously determined beliefs and decision-making models arepowerful, they can be challenged and transformed through critical reflection.

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ask thought-provoking questions that challenge long-heldassumptions.acknowledge the emotional and social impacts of change.encourage self-reflection and reflective dialogue in collaborative experiences that expose and expandperspectives.provide opportunities for action planning and acquiring new skills. In the workplace, self-directed transformative learning often occursorganically for new hires, after a promotion to a higher level ofresponsibility or when an employee changes jobs. At the organizational level, transformative learning experiences alsonaturally emerge during mergers and acquisitions, strategy shifts andorganizational culture change initiatives. Leaders can also, however,intentionally model their own commitment to personal growth bydemonstrating critical reflection and inviting positive disruption toestablished ways of working. To create the conditions that support transformative learningexperiences, leaders can: Organic Growth

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The Canvas Transformation Model As our perspective shifts, we find the courage to try something new andcreate the MOMENTUM needed to overcome our natural immunity tochange, moving us from learning to doing to being... different. As we explore the MEANING wemake for ourselves - in the context of organizational life, the stories we tell ourselves and to others, anchor us into a mindset that influences our everyday action. Transformative learning opens a gateway to critical reflection about'what makes us US' and to explore 'why we do the things we do'. When we understand why change is necessary and what needs tochange, we unleash an intrinsic MOTIVATION that compels us to disruptour status quo. Once formed, our thoughts and behaviors become difficult to change, because our stories keep them alive and sustain our actions.

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UnderstandingWHY change isneeded andWHAT needs tochange Embeddingcommitment andthe desire to dothings differently Transforming theorganizationfrom a state ofDOING to acultural way ofBEING Rather, it is an internal process of transforming perspectives throughcritical reflection, self-awareness and resilience to go the distance. We believe organizational life is filled with continuous change, makingit a natural catalyst for human growth. Yet, change is not aboutconforming to external events. Organizational Life Culture change occurs when the people inside the organizationbecome deeply aware of their motivations and have clarity in how toalign these with strategic workplace initiatives.

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Becoming a Catalyst for Change Transformative leaders acknowledge that different people can and willdisagree on ideas and their execution. These leaders facilitate open,critical dialogue to reaffirm common goals, inspire open minds, and rallyaround shared ideas and ideals for change.Leadership is a critical activator role that lives and works at theintersection between human growth and organizational success. Leaders have the accountability to stay curious, connected, and future-ready in the service of positively disrupting 'business as usual' to serveboth individual and organizational needs. Leaders who understand howto use transformative learning,become catalysts oftransformational change. Transformational change is a radical shift in thinking, perception and behavior over time. In organizations, it represents the process of disrupting the ways things have always been done to rethink, unlearn and imagine more impactful ways of being.

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How It Works Focus on implementation whileempowering the organization tolearn through execution. ACTIVATE & EXECUTE 01020304Clarify how culture is linked to thefuture success of the business, itspeople and the non-negotiableneed for change.CLARIFY & ALIGN Engage the organization in aninclusive process that includes anenterprise-wide value survey and storyharvesting to create a compellingculture aspiration. EXPLORE & UNDERSTAND Build the culture transformation planto stimulate a mindset for doingthings differently while telling thestory of a new future. BUILD & MODEL Demonstrate leadership commitmentwhile activating key social influencersto inspire & promote new ways ofworking across the entire organization.ENGAGE & INSPIRE Our Cultural Transformation Process 05Evaluate the impact of actionunderway and continue thetransformative learning journey tosustain a new way of being. REFINE & SUSTAIN MEANINGUnderstanding WHY change is needed, and WHAT needs to change.06 MOTIVATION Embeddingcommitment & the DESIREto do things differently. MOMENTUM Transforming theorganization from a state of DOING to a culturalway of BEING. 2 - 3WEEKS14 - 16WEEKS20 WEEKS3 - 6MONTHS 6 - 18MONTHS ONGOING

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a transformative learning, leadership, and culture change community. We work at the intersection of human growth andorganizational needs, to create a world in which ALL people are thriving. CanvasLeadership.com203-216-0131 | |Leadership Development | People Strategy | Culture TransformationConnect with UsAuthored by Dr. Susan GrayUpdated 2023