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CTL March Newsletter 2025

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USBP ExpoMental HealthFirst AidBadges &CertificationsBridge FocusGroupsNeurodiversityMicrolearningSeriesCommunityConversationsMenu ofServicesSpecial InterestsAbout theCenterThere is still plenty of programming happening through theCenter for Teaching & Learning. From Mental Health FirstAid, Generative AI, the Neurodiversity Microlearning Series,Academic Integrity Series, and much more, there’s plenty tochoose from to help enhance your teaching practices, self-care,and understanding of rapidly changing technology.A special thank you to all who were involved in the UniversityScholarship & Best Practices Expo. The half-day event was asuccess, and we look forward to offering you more events likethe Expo, where you can learn more about our colleagues’scholarship and consider some best practices in and outside ofthe classroom. Check out some photos from the Expo in ournewsletter!We hope that you will continue to support our mission tofoster a community of lifelong learners and enhance thestudent experience by inspiring innovative research,scholarship, collaboration, and impactful facilitation oflearning throughout the rest of the spring semester byattending our workshops and informational sessions either in-person or virtually. As a reminder, our programming is gearedtoward all faculty and staff on the Providence, Charlotte andthe virtual CPS campus. All our events are shared on ourjwuLink page, and can be found on our website.March NewsletterIn this newsletteryou can expect:March 2025

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A N N O U N C E M E N T ST H A N K Y O U , J W U !

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Michael AndersonTina AustinBayleigh BennerAaron BartonMichelle BullJennifer CampbellDavid CartwrightWayne ColeCheryl Dansby-ShepardLisa DavisAndrew DerySamantha DessertAlex DiCiccoJennifer DonnellyLisa FranciscoBarbara FrazierTravis GagenJennifer GallagherRachel GomesEdward HarveyDebbie HowarthMarita HurnLydia KinsmanSamantha KohlerJean-Louis LagalleLisa LopesNicholas MakrisMaxwell ManningCarrie Ann MarshallAlyson MarziniDeana MarzocchiMaShona McAfeeJennifer McDonaldDanielle McNeilCarlos MendozaSon NguyenFatu PelimaTracy PetleskiAudrey RobertsMark SolidayVincent SperlingCarla SwansonPaul SylvestreLorrie RenkerSara VollmerKenneth WilsonLauren ZukusM H F A   S P O T L I G H TCongratulations to our JWU community members who recently received theircertification!A N N O U N C E M E N T SThank you to our JWU MHFAinstructors for their hard work anddedication to the cause throughout thisacademic year. We will continue tooffer sessions post-commencement andduring the 2025-2026 academic year.Friday, March 21st, 20259:00AM - 3:00PMJWU Certified MHFA Instructor:Amy Felder, CFITLocation: Innovation LabJoin WaitlistCharlotte

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#3: Crafting Clear Assignment InstructionsMarch 12th, 12:00 - 12:45 p.m.#4: Turn Up the Dial on Accessibility March 26th, 12:00 - 12:45 p.m.#5: Gamification: Escape with IDT April 9th, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.#6: Mastering Kaltura: Tips for Effective VideoContent CreationApril 16th, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.D I G I T A L B A D G E S & C E R T I F I C A T E SThese quick, informative sessions are availablein person and via Zoom on topics related tonavigating uLearn and utilizing all its technicalfunctions and capabilities. Those who attendand complete activities in 4 out of 6 sessionswill earn a digital certificate. I D T C E R T I F I C A T ES E R I E SRegister HereA C A D E M I C I N T E G R I T YS E R I E SElevating Academic Integrity: CreatingPositive Learning Environments &Institutional Cultures of Integrity withCommunity Standards & Conduct. Thosewho attend and complete assignments willearn a digital badge. Facilitated by KristinPendergast, Desiree Schuler & Jennifer Rosa#1: The Wildcat Way: Promoting Integrityas an Institutional ValueAsynchronous is still available!#3: Beyond the Syllabus: Infusing Integrityinto the Classroom March 14th, 1:00-2:00 p.m. (or Asynchronous)#4: Classroom Behavior & ConflictResolution April 4th, 1:00-2:00 p.m.Register HereG E N E R A T I V E A I D I G I T A L B A D G E P R O G R A M#3: Gen AI Prompt Engineering & Assignment Design - March 28th, 1:00 - 2:00Join us for Session #3 of the GenAI Digital Badge Series, an engaging and hands-on workshop whereyou'll dive into the essentials of prompt engineering and AI-driven assignment design. In thisfocused, one-hour session, you'll learn practical techniques for crafting effective prompts andexplore innovative ways to integrate AI into your assignments. Discover how generative AI can helpreduce the cognitive load of everyday tasks, saving you time and enhancing your productivity. Withinteractive breakout rooms and real-time activities, you'll leave with actionable insights and ready-to-use strategies to enrich your educational practices and streamline your workflow. Don't missthis opportunity to harness the power of generative AI!#4: Gen AI Detection & Classroom Policies - April 25th, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.The Generative Artificial Intelligence Committee is offering a four-part virtual program thissemester that is geared towards faculty and staff who are still somewhat new to AI. Those who participate in all four sessions will earn a digital badge.Register Here

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B A D G I N G & U P C O M I N G E V E N T SE 3 S E R I E S : E X C E L L E N C E I N E D U C A T I O N A LE F F E C T I V E N E S S 3 - P A R T S E R I E S The Educational Effectiveness Envoy Badge recognizes participants who have successfullycompleted a 3-part series on educational effectiveness, demonstrating their commitment toadvancing teaching and learning at JWU. The series provides a comprehensive understandingof the history, mechanics, and institutional application of educational effectiveness. Facilitated by Madison Mitchell, Director of Educational Effectiveness & Bruce Ciummo, Outcomes Assessment Specialist#1: Foundations of Educational Effectiveness – March 11th, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Explore the history of educational effectiveness research and the evolution of teachingand evaluation practices over time, including the role that accreditation plays ineducational effectiveness. Gain insight into the key movements that have shaped currentapproaches to the assessment of teaching and learning. #2: Evaluating Teaching & Learning at the Program Level – March 25th, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Delve into the tools and methodologies used to evaluate teaching and learning, focusingon program-level outcomes and strategies for meaningful assessment. #3: JWU’s Educational Effectiveness Framework – April 8th, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Learn about JWU’s unique approach to educational effectiveness, including who isinvolved, current practices, and the vision for future initiatives. By earning this badge, participants will be able to demonstrate their commitment andfoundational engagement in educational effectiveness principles and their application toinstitutional practices. Register HereB R I D G E F O C U S G R O U P SAs JWU works to ensure that inclusion and belonging are tied to all of our efforts insideand outside of the classroom and that we promote equitable outcomes for all students,faculty and staff are invited to participate in focus groups to share your insights on thiswork, as well as how you incorporate these values into your practice. Please contactChris Westgate or Mike Waugh with any questions. These conversations will be held in a hybrid format to maximize participation, with thein-person portion being held in the Center for Teaching & Learning. Staff Session: Wednesday, March 5, 11:00am-12:00pm or 1:00-2:00pm.Staff Register Here

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Inclusion & Belonging in the Curriculum, Inside and Outside the ClassroomApril 2nd, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the Wildcat Center LoungeIntro to Neurodiversity - March 13th, 12:30 - 1:15 p.m. - ZoomStatistics show that one in eight individuals are in some way neurodiverse. Theneurodivergent paradigm focuses on using language that encourages, accepts, andacknowledges the existence of neurodivergent individuals. During this session, theevolution of common terms associated with neurodiversity awareness will be shared.Attendees learn about the newly established JWU Neurodiversity coalition, its missionand goals for educating the community about the unique differences and strengths of thispopulation. Tips for Maximizing Executive Functioning Skills - April 17th, 12:30 - 1:15 p.m. - ZoomMany students, faculty, and staff struggle with executive functioning skills such as timemanagement, task initiation, organization, procrastination, and adapting to change. Inthis session, easy strategies that can help make a positive impact towards improvingexecutive function skills will be discussed.U P C O M I N G E V E N T SC O M M U N I T Y C O N V E R S A T I O N S W I T HP R E S I D E N T M A R I E B E R N A R D O - S O U S AFor the past two years, President Bernardo-Sousa has invitedProvidence Campus faculty and staff to gather for regularconversations about JWU’s culture of inclusion and belonging.Conversations have been centered around a variety of identitiesand topics identified through the IDEA Survey and programparticipants.This spring, President Bernardo-Sousa invites you to discuss how your experiences oncampus connect to our new strategic plan, Powered by Possibility. Each session will focus ondifferent aspects of the strategic plan by sharing information and resources, as well asdiscussing how your own role on campus contributes to this work.Email Mike Waugh, Director of Inclusion and Belonging with questions.Register HereN E U R O D I V E R S I T Y M I C R O L E A R N I N G S E R I E SRegister HereRegister HereThe JWU Neurodiversity Coalition is pleased to announce their Spring NeurodiversityMicrolearning Series. Various topics related to neurodiversity on campus, both inside andoutside of the classroom, helpful resources and information related to efforts to maintain JWU'sculture of care will be shared. Facilitated by Katrina Herold, Director of the CTL

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Based  on  conversations  that  have  takenplace  in  workshops  and  among  cohortparticipants  at  the  Center  for  Teaching  &Learning, many of our JWU faculty and staffhave fascinating stories to tell. In fact, themembers of our first memoir writing cohorthave  met  several  times  and  are  working  ondrafting  their  stories  to  share  with  eachother for feedback. If you’d like to share yourstory in the form of a memoir (of any length)but  don’t  know  where  to  start,  or  you’vealready  drafted  a  memoir  but  would  likefeedback  from  colleagues,  contact  KarenShea ( to inquire or join thegroup,  which  meets  on  the  first  Tuesday  ofeach month from 3-4 p.m.Want to get involved with the Center?Need help advertising your event?Email Us at OPPORTUNITY!-- THE EDUCATED POURThe  Center  for  Beverage  Education  &Innovation  is  excited  to  announce  a  newcollaboration  with  bar  &  restaurant  news.Each month,  members of  the  JWU  faculty  andcommunity  at large  will  have the  opportunityto  publish  to  our  new  co-branded  columntitled  The  Educated  Pour.  This  is  an  excellentvenue to disseminate your expertise to food &beverage  operators  bar  &  restaurant  newstotals  nearly  83,000 views  monthly and  theirCrave  newsletters  count  more  than  100,000active subscribers.If you are interested in writing for TheEducated Pour, please email Brian Warrener and provide the followinginformation:Name, Rank, College, DepartmentYour proposed topic & brief descriptionYour preferred publication monthAdjunct  faculty  who  are  teachingENG1020 or ENG1021 for the first  timeand  learning  how  to  navigate  uLearnand  the  textbook  digital  platform"Achieve" are  encouraged to attend, oremail  questions  to  Karen  Shea(  &  request  a  recordingof any session. Sessions will run everyother  Tuesday,  (March  11th)  from  3:00-4:00  p.m.  in  the  Center  for  Teaching  &Learning and on Zoom.The deadline for students to submit theirprojects  has  been  extended!  Pleaseencourage  your  students  to  considersubmitting  their  work  by  March  1st,  2025,to  be  showcased  at  this  year’s  Symposiumin April!M E M O I R   W R I T I N G   C I R C L ES P E C I A L   I N T E R E S THAVE A WORKSHOP IDEA?Click Here to Learn MoreENG 1020 & 1021 OpenOffice HoursDetails for ProvidenceDetails for Charlotte

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All recorded sessions are available on our JWULink page.Support at any stage of the writing process: Brainstorming, organizinga draft, and final line editing for article manuscripts, conferenceabstracts, committee bylaws, fiction & non-fiction.Looking for specialized assistance in your field? We will connect youwith experienced colleagues in your department for specializedservices. Need advice regarding publishing? We can help you find thebest fit with local and national publication venues.Planning to present at a conference? We can help you organize yourpresentation slides; ensure that your slides are error-free and thatyour bullet points are in parallel format; offer suggestions foreffectively opening and closing your presentation; and serve as apractice audience. Please email us to inquire.The CTL offers confidential teaching consultations and/orobservations for those interested in improving their classroomdelivery methods, revising assessments, or handling challengingsituations. Please email us to make an appointment.Research consultants are available in most disciplines to assist youwith establishing a research question, qualitative, quantitative andmixed methods data collection and analysis, literature reviews,and dissemination. Please email us to inquire.Interested in learning more about your colleagues' teaching strategies?Would you like to pair up with another faculty member to discuss lessondesign and delivery? We can put you in contact with other facultymembers interested in this practice, help you set teaching goals, and holdeach other accountable. Please email us to inquire. R E C O R D E D S E S S I O N SM E N U O F S E R V I C E SC T L W R I T I N G S E R V I C E ST E A C H I N G C O N S U L T A T I O N SR E S E A R C H C O N S U L T A T I O N SP E E R T E A C H I N G O B S E R V A T I O N P R O G R A M

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Katrina Herold,Ed.D.,DirectorAdam Smith,Ph.D.,Charlotte RepKaren Shea, Ph.D.Assistant DirectorChris Westgate,Ph.D., Bridge FellowAlyson Marzini,Academic AdministrativeCoordinatorCenter for Teaching & Learning Executive Steering Committee Contact ListM I S S I O N S T A T E M E N TThe mission of the Johnson & Wales University Center for Teaching and Learning is to foster acommunity of lifelong learners and enhance the student experience by inspiring innovativeresearch, scholarship, collaboration, and impactful facilitation of learning.katrina.herold@jwu.edu401-598-2249karen.shea@jwu.edu401-598-2264christopher.westgate@jwu.edu401-598-2764adam.smith@jwu.edu980-598-3221alyson.marzini@jwu.edu401-598-1841C T L C O R E C O M M I T T E E

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J W U C E N T E RF O RT E A C H I N G &L E A R N I N G4 0 1 - 5 9 8 - 2 9 1 5C T L @ J W U . E D UVisit our Webpage!RichmondBuilding 1st Floor270 Weybosset St.Providence, RIThank you for reading!N E E D S O M E S P A C E ? C O N T A C T U S !Comfortable Lounge SeatingClassroom Equipped with Hybrid-TeachingEquipmentComputer Lab, Printer, Quiet Work Spaces