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CTL January Newsletter 2025

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USBP ExpoRegistrationDEIB CourseGuidanceMental HealthFirst AidMicrolearningSeriesSave the Date:Equity SpeakerGen AIWorkshopsExpo PosterWorkshopsMenu ofServicesSpecial InterestsAbout theCenterA M E S S A G E F R O M O U R D I R E C T O R :Welcome back! We hope the holiday break was restorative,rejuvenating, and left you ready to jump into the springsemester! We have many exciting opportunities planned thissemester and encourage you to register for programming inadvance.The University Scholarship & Best Practices Expo registrationopens this week! We advise registering for sessions as soon aspossible as this year’s Expo is a half-day event. Stay tuned foran email blast from the Provost’s Office with details. PleaseSave the Date: February 14th, 2025, 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.As you prepare for your spring classes, please take a momentto consider the guidance provided by our DEIB Fellow, ChrisWestgate, Mike Waugh, Director of Inclusion & Belonging, andthe Provost’s Office, available for you on page 2. Lastly, all CTL newsletters and links to event registration arenow available on our website. If you are looking forinformation you can simply do a quick internet search for JWUCenter for Teaching & Learning to find the latest updates andsign up for a session. Visit us @ JWU Center for Teaching &Learning.Best of luck this spring, and don’t forget that the CTL is here tosupport you!January NewsletterIn this newsletteryou can expect:January 2025Katrina M. Herold, Ed.D.

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A N N O U N C E M E N T SR E G I S T R A T I O N O P E N S T H I S W E E K !PRESENTATIONS sneak peekInterpreting and Implementing JWU’sScholarship StandardStephen Pyle, DBA, Associate Dean, College ofBusinessKatie Davin, M.S., Associate Professor, College ofHospitalityExploring Chili Peppers: Heat, History andHealth BenefitsValeria Molinelli, M.A.T., CEC, Department Chair,College of Food Innovation & TechnologyVanessa Ali, M.A.T., Assistant Professor, College ofFood Innovation & TechnologyStrengthening the JWU CommunityThrough Mental Health First Aid Amy Felder, Ed.D., Professor, College of FoodInnovation & TechnologyPromoting Academic Engagement andWellbeing Among College StudentsThrough MindfulnessJennifer Swanberg, Ph.D., Professor, College ofHealth & Wellness

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College of Food Innovation &College of Food Innovation &TechnologyTechnologyJaime SchickJaime SchickValerie RyanValerie RyanMarina BrancelyMarina BrancelyInstructional Design & TechnologyInstructional Design & TechnologyKerry McKinnonKerry McKinnonAccessibility ServicesAccessibility ServicesAlexandra VogtAlexandra VogtCollege of BusinessCollege of BusinessBarbara NorrisBarbara NorrisC O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !College of Health & WellnessCollege of Health & WellnessTania RosaTania RosaLisa DumontLisa DumontKathryn BurkeKathryn BurkeBethany HorneBethany HorneCollege of Arts & SciencesCollege of Arts & SciencesJessica SherwoodJessica SherwoodDirk FoggDirk FoggBarbara FrazierBarbara FrazierPaul SylvestrePaul Sylvestre

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Click on an event to learn more!T U E W E D T H U F R I S A TS U N M O N121952013611418115228216239317241014721 2526 272829 3130C T L J A N U A R Y C A L E N D A RMental HealthFirst AidTraining(MHFA)Mental HealthFirst AidTrainingMHFATruth, Tension& TeachingIDT OpenOffice HoursIDT OpenOffice HoursREALImplemen-tation SessionREALImplemen-tation SessionMemoirWriting CircleENG1020/1021Open OfficeHoursENG1020/1021Open OfficeHoursExpo PosterOffice HoursExpo PosterOffice HoursExpo PosterOffice HoursExpo PosterOffice HoursGenAI 101

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Lori BechardTim BrownKristine ChaseSarah DeCataldoChris FlintRebecca GagneCharlene GiguereKatrina HeroldChristopher HollandKathleen IdskouMollie KenneyPenny LewisTara LucasKaren MoreyMichael SabitoniNico SanFilippoKaren SheaSukanya SuranauwaratErika TetznerMaryBeth VieiraAcademic Integrity Series#1: The Wildcat Way: Promoting Integrity asan Institutional Value1/24, 1:00-2:00 p.m. (or Asynchronous)#2: Creating Positive LearningEnvironments and Institutional Cultures ofIntegrity 2/7, 10:00-11:30 a.m.#3: Beyond the Syllabus: Infusing Integrityinto the Classroom3/14, 1:00-2:00 p.m. (or Asynchronous)#4: Classroom Behavior & ConflictResolution 4/4, 1:00-2:00 p.m.Elevating Academic Integrity: Creating PositiveLearning Environments and InstitutionalCultures of Integrity with CommunityStandards and ConductDigital Badging Available! M H F A S P O T L I G H TCongratulations to our JWU community members who recently received their certification!C E R T I F I C A T I O N SPROVIDENCEFriday, January 17th, 20259:00AM - 3:00PMJWU Certified MHFA Instructors:Patricia Bowman, College of HospitalityManagementJerelyn Pimentel, College of Arts & Sciences Location: Center for Teaching & LearningClick Here to RegisterFriday, January 31st, 20259:00AM - 3:00PMJWU Certified MHFA Instructors:Elizabeth Carey, College of Business, Richard Miscovich, CFITLocation: Virtual (open to all campuses)Click Here to RegisterZOOMFriday, March 21st, 20259:00AM - 3:00PMJWU Certified MHFA Instructor:Amy Felder, CFITLocation: Innovation LabClick Here to RegisterCharlotteClick Here to Register

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Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on academic freedom atJWU. As educators navigating a rapidly evolving sociopoliticalclimate, how do we balance the ideals of truth-telling with thechallenges of propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, andideology? This session will explore what is and is not protectedspeech in our professional/university-facing (intramural) andpersonal/public-facing (extramural) lives, strategies for handlingdifficult conversations about sociopolitical issues, and the criticalrole of higher education in fostering democracy and social justice.Together, we’ll unpack timely themes such as legislative challengesto academic content; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and thegrowing impact of AI on academic freedom. Working together, we'llexplore how to discuss sensitive issues without unduly influencingstudents' opinions.Facilitated by David Spatt, JD & Christopher Joseph Westgate, Ph.D.Date & Time: Thursday, January 23, 12:15-1:45 p.m.Hybrid Format: Providence (In-Person, CTL) & Charlotte (Zoom)U P C O M I N G E V E N T ST R U T H , T E N S I O N & T E A C H I N G : N A V I G A T I N GA C A D E M I C F R E E D O M I N A D I V I D E D E R AClick Here to RegisterLooking for on demand InstructionalDesign & Technology assistance? Drop inthe CTL!January 14th - 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.Meet with an instructional designer todiscuss teaching strategies, mappingcourse objectives, course design, andcreating inclusive content.January 15th - 10:30 - 11 a.m. Meet with an instructional technologistand have them check your grade center,help increase accessibility scores, andassist with all things ulearn or Kaltura.I D T O F F I C E H O U R S

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GENERATIVE AI DIGITAL BADGE PROGRAM#1: Generative AI 101 - January 31st, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.Are you ready to unlock the power of Generative AI? In this 1-hour virtualsession, we'll demystify this transformative technology. This session will coverkey concepts, explore popular tools, and provide hands-on examples of how touse GenAI to enhance your work, increase productivity, and spark creativity.#2: Gen AI Ethics & Safety - February 21st, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.#3: Gen AI Prompt Engineering & Assignment Design - March 28th, 1:00 - 2:00#4: Gen AI Detection & Classroom Policies - April 25th, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.U P C O M I N G E V E N T SThe Generative Artificial Intelligence Committee is offering a four-part programthis semester that is geared towards faculty and staff who are still somewhat newto AI. Those who participate in all four sessions will earn a digital badge.E X P O P O S T E R D E S I G N O P E N O F F I C E H O U R SAre you presenting a poster at the Expo? Do you needhelp with the design, or have questions aboutformatting? The CTL’s Academic Administrative Coordinator, AlysonMarzini, is available to assist you!PowerPoint, Canva or Photoshop design workSimplified poster templatesCreating QR codesEnsuring print qualityAlyson will be available at the Center for Teaching &Learning or via Zoom on Wednesdays throughoutJanuary from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., or by appointment. Pleaseemail Alyson ( to secure your spot.Register Here

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Join us for a thought-provoking roundtable exploring the intersection of faculty-staffprofessional development and multiracial justice in higher education. As we deepen ourcommitment to supporting Black and Brown students across our Charlotte (Predominantly-Black Institution) and Providence (emerging Hispanic-Serving Institution) campuses, thissession will tackle key questions such as the following: Led by an experienced facilitator, Dr. Zoila Quezada, this roundtable will offer practical insights,critical reflections, and space to engage across disciplines and departments. Whether you'rejoining in person or on Zoom, as a faculty or staff member, come ready to think beyond yourcurrent comfort zone and contribute to transformative conversations that shape our collectivefuture. Date & Time: March 25, 2025, 12-1 pm Hybrid Format: Providence (In-Person, CTL) & Charlotte (Zoom)What tools do White faculty and staff need to engage Black,Indigenous, and Students of Color (BISOC) effectively? Howmight these tools differ from those used to engage Whitestudents?What unique barriers to success do BISOC face, and how canfaculty and staff address them?How might we navigate challenges like cognitive resistance,implicit biases, ideological/historical blindspots, and belief-attitude-value systems of colorblindness in fostering inclusiveexcellence? U P C O M I N G E V E N T SE Q U I T Y I N A C T I O N : A D V A N C I N G M U L T I R A C I A LJ U S T I C E A T J W UClick Here to RegisterBRIDGE FOCUS GROUPSAs JWU works to ensure that inclusion and belonging are tied to all of our efforts insideand outside of the classroom and that we promote equitable outcomes for all students,faculty and staff are invited to participate in focus groups to share your insights on thiswork, as well as how you incorporate these values into your practice. Please contactChris Westgate or Mike Waugh with any questions. These conversations will be held in a hybrid format to maximize participation, with thein-person portion being held in the Center for Teaching & Learning. Faculty Session: Wednesday, February 19, 11:00am-12:00pm or 1:00-2:00pm. Staff Session: Wednesday, March 5, 11:00am-12:00pm or 1:00-2:00pm.Staff Click Here to Register Faculty Click Here to Register

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Suggested for all A&S, COB,COHM, & COED faculty who needhelp with their post-implementation form—all facultyin these four colleges need toimplement at least one REALactivity in at least one of theircourses in the spring of 2025 andsubmit their post-implementationforms by the end of the springsemester. Jan. 24 – 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.Jan. 31 – 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.Facilitated by Chris Westgate,College of Arts & SciencesREALImplementationSessionsU P D A T E S & E V E N T SClick Here to RegisterP O D C A S T : E X P E R I E N T I A L L E A R N I N G A T J W UChris Westgate and Sheri Young were guests on theLearning at the Edge Podcast, where they discussed howexperiential learning can transform an entire universitycommunity. They “unwrap” learning like a gift, making the processexplicit and engaging for both faculty and students. Bycreating an entrepreneurial space where educatorsbecome learners themselves, they’ve sparked an organicmovement of continuous innovation. This conversation will remind you why you fell in lovewith education in the first place. Click Here to Listen!F A C U L T Y G U I D A N C E : D E IC O U R S E R E V I E WClick Here to Access Support MaterialsAs you hone your spring-semester courses, pleaseconsider the linked “Guidance for Faculty DEI CourseReview.” In it, you will find a series of suggestions forcreating or modifying DEIB-centric course contentand for assessing your DEIB-related approach toensure success for all students with attention to ourhistorically marginalized and underrepresentedgroups.Much of this work is aligned with culturally-relevantteaching that celebrates our students’ livedexperiences. These suggestions can coexist with andcomplement your approach to other high-impactinitiatives, including but not limited to UDL, ZTC,OER, and REAL.Should you have any questions on the suggestions,please reach out to Mike Waugh, director ofInclusion & Belonging, or Chris Westgate, DEIBFellow.

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Based  on  conversations  that  have  takenplace  in  workshops  and  among  cohortparticipants  at  the  Center  for  Teaching  &Learning, many of our JWU faculty and staffhave fascinating stories to tell. In fact, themembers of our first memoir writing cohorthave  met  several  times  and  are  working  ondrafting  their  stories  to  share  with  eachother for feedback. If you’d like to share yourstory in the form of a memoir (of any length)but  don’t  know  where  to  start,  or  you’vealready  drafted  a  memoir  but  would  likefeedback  from  colleagues,  contact  KarenShea (  to  inquire  or  join thegroup,  which  meets  on  the  first  Tuesday  ofeach month from 3-4 p.m.Want to get involved with the Center?Need help advertising your event?Email Us at OPPORTUNITY!-- THE EDUCATED POURThe  Center  for  Beverage  Education  &Innovation  is  excited  to  announce  a  newcollaboration  with  bar  &  restaurant  news.Each month, members of the JWU faculty andcommunity  at  large  will  have  the  opportunityto  publish  to  our  new  co-branded  columntitled  The  Educated  Pour.  This  is  an  excellentvenue to disseminate your expertise to food &beverage  operators  bar  &  restaurant  newstotals  nearly  83,000  views  monthly  and  theirCrave  newsletters  count  more  than  100,000active subscribers.If you are interested in writing for TheEducated Pour, please email Brian Warrener and provide the followinginformation:Name, Rank, College, DepartmentYour proposed topic & brief descriptionYour preferred publication monthAdjunct  faculty  who  are  teachingENG1020  or  ENG1021  for the  first  timeand  learning  how  to  navigate  uLearnand  the  textbook  digital  platform"Achieve" are encouraged to attend,  oremail  questions  to  Karen  Shea(  &  request  a  recordingof any session. Sessions will run everyother  Tuesday,  beginning  on  January14th,  from  3:00-4:00  p.m.  in  the  Centerfor Teaching & Learning and on Zoom.The  deadline for  students to submit theirprojects  is  coming  up  fast!  Pleaseencourage  your  students  to  considersubmitting  their  work  by  February  1st,2025,  to  be  showcased  at  this  year’sSymposium in April!M E M O I R   W R I T I N G   C I R C L ES P E C I A L   I N T E R E S THAVE A WORKSHOP IDEA?Click Here to Learn MoreENG 1020 & 1021 OpenOffice HoursDetails for ProvidenceDetails for Charlotte

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All recorded sessions are available on our JWULink page.Support at any stage of the writing process: Brainstorming, organizinga draft, and final line editing for article manuscripts, conferenceabstracts, committee bylaws, fiction & non-fiction.Looking for specialized assistance in your field? We will connect youwith experienced colleagues in your department for specializedservices. Need advice regarding publishing? We can help you find thebest fit with local and national publication venues.Planning to present at a conference? We can help you organize yourpresentation slides; ensure that your slides are error-free and thatyour bullet points are in parallel format; offer suggestions foreffectively opening and closing your presentation; and serve as apractice audience. Please email us to inquire.The CTL offers confidential teaching consultations and/orobservations for those interested in improving their classroomdelivery methods, revising assessments, or handling challengingsituations. Please email us to make an appointment.Research consultants are available in most disciplines to assist youwith establishing a research question, qualitative, quantitative andmixed methods data collection and analysis, literature reviews,and dissemination. Please email us to inquire.Interested in learning more about your colleagues' teaching strategies?Would you like to pair up with another faculty member to discuss lessondesign and delivery? We can put you in contact with other facultymembers interested in this practice, help you set teaching goals, and holdeach other accountable. Please email us to inquire. R E C O R D E D S E S S I O N SM E N U O F S E R V I C E SC T L W R I T I N G S E R V I C E ST E A C H I N G C O N S U L T A T I O N SR E S E A R C H C O N S U L T A T I O N SP E E R T E A C H I N G O B S E R V A T I O N P R O G R A M

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Katrina Herold,Ed.D.,DirectorAdam Smith,Ph.D.,Charlotte RepKaren Shea, Ph.D.Assistant DirectorChris Westgate,Ph.D., DEIB FellowAlyson Marzini,Academic AdministrativeCoordinatorCenter for Teaching & Learning Executive Steering Committee Contact ListM I S S I O N S T A T E M E N TThe mission of the Johnson & Wales University Center for Teaching and Learning is to foster acommunity of lifelong learners and enhance the student experience by inspiring innovativeresearch, scholarship, collaboration, and impactful facilitation of learning.katrina.herold@jwu.edu401-598-2249karen.shea@jwu.edu401-598-2264christopher.westgate@jwu.edu401-598-2764adam.smith@jwu.edu980-598-3221alyson.marzini@jwu.edu401-598-1841C T L C O R E C O M M I T T E E

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J W U C E N T E RF O RT E A C H I N G &L E A R N I N G4 0 1 - 5 9 8 - 2 9 1 5C T L @ J W U . E D UVisit our Webpage!RichmondBuilding 1st Floor270 Weybosset St.Providence, RIThank you for reading!N E E D S O M E S P A C E ? C O N T A C T U S !Comfortable Lounge SeatingClassroom Equipped with Hybrid-TeachingEquipmentComputer Lab, Printer, Quiet Work Spaces