TeachingExcellenceMental HealthFirst AidGen AIWorkshopMicrolearningSeriesSave the Date:Equity SpeakerREAL InitiativeMenu ofServicesSpecial InterestsDid You Know?About theCenterA M E S S A G E F R O M O U R D I R E C T O R :Although the Fall semester is coming to a close, the Center is stillin full-swing with programming! We invite you to take a momentto review our December newsletter. We have so many excitingopportunities to share beginning in early January, 2025, andencourage you to register before the winter break for MentalHealth First Aid, our Microlearning Series, and more!The Teaching Excellence certification program ended withfantastic presentations from our cohort. All received digitalbadges and certificates, and leadership was notified of theirfaculty’s accomplishments.The University Scholarship & Best Practices Expo committee hascompleted their blind reviews of abstracts. Presenters will receivean email notification with next steps soon. Please Save the Date:February 14th, 2025, 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.Lastly, all CTL newsletters and links to event registration are nowavailable on our website. If you are looking for information youcan simply do a quick internet search for JWU Center forTeaching & Learning to find the latest updates and sign up for asession. Visit us @ JWU Center for Teaching & Learning.The CTL Team wishes you all a restful winter break, and awonderful holiday season.December NewsletterIn this newsletteryou can expect:December 2024Katrina M. Herold, Ed.D.
Nine full-time faculty have successfully completed our Teaching Excellence Certificate Program. Thisprogram was designed to help strengthen pedagogical methods through interdisciplinary collaborationin a supportive learning environment. Faculty members engaged in and discussed the new book:Teaching at its Best, while developing a lesson plan including UDL principles, experiential learning,and effective methods for assessment. Faculty also developed detailed teaching philosophy statementsmeant to center and guide their teaching practice. The six week program culminated with a recordedteaching presentation and a peer review. We are so proud of their dedication!College of Arts & SciencesBarbara FrazierChristopher HollandCollege of BusinessNihar KumthekarNazanin TouraniCFITDaniel BazzinottiTara LucasMax ManningCassandra RehmCollege of Health & WellnessMaureen ClancyPUBLISHING OPPORTUNITY! -- THE EDUCATED POURThe Center for Beverage Education & Innovation is excited to announce a new collaboration with bar& restaurant news. Beginning in November 2024 and continuing monthly, members of the JWUfaculty and community at large will have the opportunity to publish to our new co-branded columntitled The Educated Pour. This is an excellent venue to disseminate your expertise to food & beverageoperators…bar & restaurant news totals nearly 83,000 views monthly and their Crave newsletters countmore than 100,000 active subscribers.If you are interested in writing for The Educated Pour, please email Brian Warrener atbwarrener@jwu.edu and provide the following information:Name, Rank, College, DepartmentYour proposed topic with brief descriptionYour preferred publication monthA N N O U N C E M E N T SC O N G R A T S , T E A C H I N G E X C E L L E N C E C O H O R T !Click Here to Learn More
Schellie AndrewsMagnus ThorssonToccata MurphyM H F A S P O T L I G H TCongratulations to our JWU communitymembers who recently received theircertification!C E R T I F I C A T I O N SProvidenceFriday, December 6th, 20248:30AM - 2:30PMJWU Certified MHFA Instructors:Lisa Dumont & Marie Woolery,College of Health & WellnessLearners will be required to complete 2 hoursof pre-work prior to 12/6Click Here to RegisterFriday, January 3rd, 202510:00AM - 3:30PMJWU Certified MHFA Instructors:Elizabeth Carey, College of Business, Richard Miscovich, CFITLearners will be required to complete 2 hoursof pre-work prior to 1/3Click Here to RegisterFriday, January 17th, 20259:00AM - 2:30PMJWU Certified MHFA Instructors:Patricia Bowman, College of Hospitality ManagementJerelyn Pimentel, College of Arts & SciencesLearners will be required to complete 2 hours ofpre-work prior to 1/17Click Here to RegisterFriday, January 31st, 20259:00AM - 2:30PMJWU Certified MHFA Instructors:Elizabeth Carey, College of Business, Richard Miscovich, CFITLearners will be required to complete 2 hoursof pre-work prior to 1/3Click Here to RegisterVirtual
As Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) promises to empower students to thrive in anincreasingly digital and automated world, it is important for faculty to incorporate the ethicaluse of GenAI into their classes. Getting started can be overwhelming, though, so join this session if you would like supporttaking initial steps embedding a GenAI policy and module into your spring ulearn courses.In this interactive workshop, you will:briefly review the ethical uses of GenAI.complete a module related to GenAI that you can then share with your students.embed the GenAI module into your ulearn courses for students to complete during thespring semester.design a GenAI policy to include in your spring syllabi.Thursday, December 5th, 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.Location: Center for Teaching & Learning or via ZoomFacilitators:Heather Myers, Senior Instructional Designer & Adjunct Faculty Karen Shea, Professor, English & Assistant Director, CTLACADEMIC INTEGRITY SERIES#4: Classroom Behavior & Conflict Resolution While faculty can be proactive in setting up class content, they cannot always prevent theunexpected when it comes to students in distress or being disruptive. This workshop addressesstrategies when it comes to disruption in virtual and on-ground settings. Faculty will also beprovided with resources they can refer students to, including a review of the CARE Teamprocess, Safety & Security, and uSucceed. The workshop will include real-life scenarios in whichfaculty will have to work as a team to address how to best handle each situation, concluding witha debriefing with Community Standards & Conduct.Dec. 6th, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.Facilitated by: Kristin Pendergast, Assistant Director of Community Standards & ConductJennifer Rosa, Associate Director of Community Standards and ConductE V E N T S & W O R K S H O P SE M B E D D I N G A G E N A I P O L I C Y & M O D U L E I N T OS P R I N G U L E A R N C O U R S E SClick Here to RegisterClick Here to Register
Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on academic freedom atJWU. As educators navigating a rapidly evolving sociopoliticalclimate, how do we balance the ideals of truth-telling with thechallenges of propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, andideology? This session will explore what is and is not protectedspeech in our professional/university-facing (intramural) andpersonal/public-facing (extramural) lives, strategies for handlingdifficult conversations about sociopolitical issues, and the critical roleof higher education in fostering democracy and social justice.Together, we’ll unpack timely themes such as legislative challenges toacademic content; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and the growingimpact of AI on academic freedom. Working together, we'll explorehow to discuss sensitive issues without unduly influencing students'opinions.Facilitated by David Spatt, JD & Christopher Joseph Westgate, Ph.D.Date & Time: Thursday, January 23, 12:15-1:45 p.m.Hybrid Format: Providence (In-Person, CTL) & Charlotte (Zoom)The JWU Neurodiversity Coalition is pleased toannounce that planning is underway for a SpringMicrolearning Series focused upon various topicsrelated to neurodiversity on campus, both insideand outside of the classroom. Their goal is toshare helpful resources, information, and havefruitful discussions relating to efforts to maintainJWU’s culture of care. Stay tuned!C T L M I C R O L E A R N I N G S E R I E ST R U T H , T E N S I O N & T E A C H I N G : N A V I G A T I N GA C A D E M I C F R E E D O M I N A D I V I D E D E R AClick Here to RegisterN E U R O D I V E R S I T YM I C R O L E A R N I N G S E R I E S
Join us for a thought-provoking roundtable exploring the intersection of faculty-staffprofessional development and multiracial justice in higher education. As we deepenour commitment to supporting Black and Brown students across our Charlotte(Predominantly-Black Institution) and Providence (emerging Hispanic-ServingInstitution) campuses, this session will tackle key questions such as the following: Led by an experienced facilitator, Dr. Zoila Quezada, this roundtable will offer practicalinsights, critical reflections, and space to engage across disciplines and departments.Whether you're joining in person or on Zoom, as a faculty or staff member, come readyto think beyond your current comfort zone and contribute to transformativeconversations that shape our collective future. Date & Time: March 25, 2025, 12-1 pm Hybrid Format: Providence (In-Person, CTL) & Charlotte (Zoom)What tools do White faculty and staff need to engageBlack, Indigenous, and Students of Color (BISOC)effectively? How might these tools differ from thoseused to engage White students?What unique barriers to success do BISOC face, andhow can faculty and staff address them?How might we navigate challenges like cognitiveresistance, implicit biases, ideological/historicalblindspots, and belief-attitude-value systems ofcolorblindness in fostering inclusive excellence? S A V E T H E D A T EE Q U I T Y I N A C T I O N : A D V A N C I N GM U L T I R A C I A L J U S T I C E A T J W UClick Here to Register
We are making REAL progress! Included here is an update as well as information on contactpoints and upcoming opportunities as the project progresses:AY 24/25 ROLL OUT COLLEGE LEADSBeth Cannata, College of BusinessChris Westgate & Adam Smith, College of Arts & SciencesEmily Reaves, College of Hospitality ManagementWalt Zesk, College of Engineering & DesignDiane McCrohan, College of Professional StudiesA New REAL @ JWU ulearn site is available for you. The site includes info about the Real Projectincluding Active Lecture, Kolb’s Learning Cycle, REAL examples by college to guide you as well asinformation about the submission process and next steps. The following college leads are assignedto work with faculty this academic year. Work will begin with CFIT & CHW next academic year asthe roll out continues.IMPLEMENTATIONSESSIONSuggested for all A&S, COB,COHM, & COED faculty whoneed help with their post-implementation form—all facultyin these four colleges need toimplement at least one REALactivity in at least one of theircourses in the spring of 2025 andsubmit their post-implementationforms by the end of the springsemester.Jan. 24 – 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.Jan. 31 – 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.Facilitated by Chris Westgate,College of Arts & SciencesOn Friday, December 6 from 10-12 and 1-3 pm S.I. Aurorafrom the Institute for Experiential Learning will host a byinvite only session. Faculty who attend will earn a badgefrom the IEL! The workshop will engage with Kolb’slearning theory and its gray areas, as well as the possibilityfor entering the cycle from random points or in acounterclockwise direction. A portion of the workshop willbe dedicated to critiques over Kolb’s model, its language,and its cycle. We’ll also delve into the yin and yang oflearning styles. There is a cap of 32 faculty for this by inviteonly session. Each of the college leads will extend an inviteto a few faculty to join this non-recorded session on a first-come first-serve basis. In addition, if you have alreadyimplemented REAL in one of your courses and would like topush your thinking further, email real@jwu.edu and we willreserve a handful of Champions workshop seats as first-come, first-served. This is a one-time-only workshop.U P D A T E S & E V E N T SR E A L P R O G R E S S & I M P O R T A N T F A C U L T Y I N F OCheck Out the New uLearn Site!Click Here to Register R E A L C H A M P I O N S W O R K S H O PW I T H T H E I N S T I T U T E F O RE X P E R I E N T I A L L E A R N I N G
Based on conversations that have taken placein workshops and among cohort participantsat the Center for Teaching & Learning,many of our JWU faculty and staff havefascinating stories to tell. In fact, themembers of our first memoir writing cohorthave met several times and are working ondrafting their stories to share with each otherfor feedback. If you’d like to share your storyin the form of a memoir (of any length) butdon’t know where to start, or you’ve alreadydrafted a memoir but would like feedbackfrom colleagues, contact Karen Shea(Karen.Shea@jwu.edu) to discuss organizinga second memoir writing group at the CTL.These hybrid support sessions aredesigned to support those who areteaching ENG1020 (Rhetoric &Composition I). Adjunct faculty who areteaching ENG1020 for the first time andlearning how to navigate uLearn and thetextbook digital platform "Achieve" areencouraged to attend either in person orremotely, or email questions to KarenShea (Karen.Shea@jwu.edu) and requesta recording of any session.12/33:45-4:45 PMLocation: Hybrid (CTL & Zoom)Have you attended one of our workshops?Please take a moment to complete our feedbacksurvey.Humanizing Technology Special Topic –Amid an increasing digitalization of theworking world, everyday work activities arebecoming more and more technology-based.Yet, we cannot forget that the worksupported by these efforts are created,cultivated, assessed, and critiqued byhumans. Articles focusing on thehumanization of technology-based learningand assessment is the focus for the IJTLHESpring 2024 special edition. Due Date forSubmission is December 6, 2024.Want to get involved with the Center?Need help advertising your event?Email Us!Ideas for CTL ProgrammingReservations for SpaceAdvertise Your EventShare A ResourceSuggestions & General FeedbackM E M O I R W R I T I N G C I R C L EE N G 1 0 2 0 O P E N O F F I C E H O U R SS P E C I A L I N T E R E S TEmail Karen SheaClick Here to RegisterW E W A N T Y O U R F E E D B A C K !Click Here to Complete Our SurveyI S T E L C A L L F O R P A P E R SHAVE A WORKSHOP IDEA?Click Here to Learn More,or to Submit Your Work
All recorded sessions are available on our JWULink page.Support at any stage of the writing process: Brainstorming, organizing adraft, and final line editing for article manuscripts, conference abstracts,committee bylaws, fiction & non-fiction.Looking for specialized assistance in your field? We will connect you withexperienced colleagues in your department for specialized services. Needadvice regarding publishing? We can help you find the best fit with localand national publication venues.Planning to present at a conference? We can help you organize yourpresentation slides; ensure that your slides are error-free and that yourbullet points are in parallel format; offer suggestions for effectively openingand closing your presentation; and serve as a practice audience.Please email us to inquire.The CTL offers confidential teaching consultations and/or observations forthose interested in improving their classroom delivery methods, revisingassessments, or handling challenging situations. Please email us to make anappointment.Research consultants are available in most disciplines to assist you withestablishing a research question, qualitative, quantitative and mixedmethods data collection and analysis, literature reviews, anddissemination. Please email us to inquire.Interested in learning more about your colleagues' teaching strategies? Would youlike to pair up with another faculty member to discuss lesson design and delivery?We can put you in contact with other faculty members interested in this practice,help you set teaching goals, and hold each other accountable. Please email us to beput on the list for this program which will begin Spring Semester. R E C O R D E D S E S S I O N SM E N U O F S E R V I C E SC T L W R I T I N G S E R V I C E ST E A C H I N G C O N S U L T A T I O N SR E S E A R C H C O N S U L T A T I O N SP E E R T E A C H I N G O B S E R V A T I O N P R O G R A M
D I D Y O U K N O W ?The annual Academic Chairpersons Conference provides practical, usable information in a climateof open discussion and collaborative exchange, benefiting academic chairpersons, administrators,and faculty from all areas of higher ed.Conference format includes: New Chair Alliance Workshop (optional)Plenary Sessions and General Session PanelsInteractive WorkshopsBest Practice PresentationsRoundtable DiscussionsNetworking and One-on-One MentoringSession Topics include a wide range of topics with a consistent focus on practice solutions to thechallenges facing academic leaders: Department Leadership, DEI, Conflict Management,Professional Development, Emerging Trends in Higher Ed., etc.Academic Chairpersons ConferenceFebruary 5th - 7th, 2025 -Indianapolis, IndianaHighly recommendedby previouslyinvolved JWUcolleagues!Click Here to Register
Katrina Herold,Ed.D.,DirectorAdam Smith,Ph.D.,Charlotte RepKaren Shea,Ph.D.Assistant DirectorDiane Santurri,M.Ed.,Providence RepChris Westgate,Ph.D.,DEIB FellowAlyson Marzini,Academic AdministrativeCoordinatorCenter for Teaching & Learning Executive Steering Committee Contact ListM I S S I O N S T A T E M E N TThe mission of the Johnson & Wales University Center for Teaching and Learning is to foster acommunity of lifelong learners and enhance the student experience by inspiring innovative research,scholarship, collaboration, and impactful facilitation of learning.katrina.herold@jwu.edu401-598-2249karen.shea@jwu.edu401-598-2264christopher.westgate@jwu.edu401-598-2764adam.smith@jwu.edu980-598-3221diane.santurri@jwu.edu401-598-2535alyson.marzini@jwu.edu401-598-1841C T L C O R E C O M M I T T E E
J W U C E N T E RF O RT E A C H I N G &L E A R N I N G4 0 1 - 5 9 8 - 2 9 1 5C T L @ J W U . E D UVisit our Webpage!Richmond Building1st Floor270 Weybosset St.Providence, RIThank you for reading!N E E D S O M E S P A C E ? C O N T A C T U S !Comfortable Lounge SeatingClassroom Equipped with Hybrid-TeachingEquipmentComputer Lab, Printer, Quiet Work Spaces