Tehama CTE TeacherPreparation ProgramHandbook
(530) 528-7311CTEteacherprep@tehamaschools.orgwww.tehamaschools.orgPersonalized support and feedback for teachers andtheir mentors2-year program for industry professionals as they moveinto the classroom1-year asynchronous program to add a CTE Credential to anexisting clear credentialCONTACT US:Synchronous and asynchronous components offeredvirtually
ASYNCHRONOUS 1 YEAR PROGRAM1 YEAR OF TEACHING THE COURSE THATALIGNS WITH THE INDUSTRY SECTOR ONYOUR CREDENTIALCOMPLETE CTE 100 FOUNDATIONSCOURSE COMPLETE TEHAMA CTE INITIALPREPARATION COURSEWORK (YEAR 1)AND ADVANCED PREPARATIONCOURSEWORK (YEAR 2)MATCHED WITH TRAINED MENTOR2 YEARS OF TEACHING THE COURSE THATALIGNS WITH THE INDUSTRY SECTOR ONYOUR CREDENTIALNOPREVIOUSTEACHING/CREDENTIAL VERIFIEDPREVIOUSTEACHING/CREDENTIALComplete application package forPreliminary CTE Credential andsubmit to Tehama CTE TeacherPreparation Program1.Our office verifies application and eligibility2.Our office makes a recommendationfor a Preliminary CTE Credential toCTC3.Enrollment ProcessClear RequirementsU.S. Constitution RequirementHealth Requirements including CPRcovering infant, child and adult CPRskillsDemonstrate successful completionof individualized coursework Our office makes recommendation fora clear credential to CTCContact the Tehama CTE Teacher Preparation Office for fee schedule CANDIDATEPATHWAYS
(530) 528-7311CTEteacherprep@tehamaschools.orgwww.tehamaschools.orgPATHWAYS TO BECOMING A CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) TEACHERPreliminary CTE Credential ProgramNo Credential No Previous Teaching ExperienceCTE Credentialed Teacher Adding Additional Industry Sector(s)CLICK OR SCAN FOR THEAPPLICATION CHECKLIST Credentialed Teacher Adding aCTE CredentialCLICK OR SCAN FOR THEAPPLICATION CHECKLISTCLICK OR SCAN FOR THEAPPLICATION CHECKLIST CONTACT US:
The Tehama Career Technical Education (CTE) Teacher PreparationProgram offers a purposeful, developmentally designed sequence ofcoursework that effectively prepares CTE teachers to successfully teach allstudents in public education to perform in a competitive workplace. Theprogram is based on a clearly stated rationale that has a sound theoreticaland practical foundation anchored to the knowledge base of teachereducation. The program consists of 135 hours of approved professionalpreparation that is aligned to the state-adopted 7-12 CTE curriculumstandards and framework and bases CTE teachers’ competence onCalifornia’s Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) and the CaliforniaStandards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP).While Career Technical Education (CTE) teachers are typically considered tobe experts in their industry or field, they often join the teaching professionwithout extensive background and formal training in teaching practices andinstructional strategies. The teacher preparation program for Career TechnicalEducation teachers was established to provide an effective transition intoteaching focused on increasing the efficacy and retention rates of beginningteachers in California. A primary goal of the program is to ensure that allstudents receive instruction from fully trained and qualified teachers who are,themselves, lifelong learners. Research suggests that new teachers whoengage in quality teacher preparation programs are more effectiveinstructional practitioners, have a greater impact on student learning, andremain in the profession longer.WHAT IS CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) TEACHERPREPARATION?WHY TEACHER PREPARATION PROGRAMS?PROGRAM OVERVIEW
HOW DOES THE CTE TEACHER PREPARATION PROGRAMWORK?In order to earn a recommendation for a California Clear Credential,each Candidate must demonstrate growth and development in theapplication of the Teaching Performance Expectations/CaliforniaStandards for the Teaching Profession, within the context of theirteaching position. Candidates will apply what they learned in teacherpreparation, using their own classrooms for job-embedded actionresearch. The cornerstone of the program is the weekly, in-person, one-on-one guidance and collaboration with a highly skilled mentor.Candidates will engage in the process of teaching as an explorationand investigation. The Growth Plans for each course (CTE 101-CTE 104)will document the candidate’s growth during their participation in theprogram. Candidates will be supported by their mentors in identifyingand investigating authentic problems of practice related to theirteaching context and classroom practice.The Growth Plan will be completed by the candidate within eachcourse in the CTE teacher preparation program, then reviewed by thecourse instructor and feedback will be provided. Once candidatessuccessfully complete the course sequence (CTE 101-104) and have metall the program requirements, they will be recommended by TehamaCounty Department of Education’s accredited teacher preparationprogram for their Clear Credential.PROGRAM OVERVIEW
Highly effective educators are action researchers who consistentlyintegrate inquiry within their practice. Engaging in inquiry developsspecific skills, attributes, habits of mind and practices that create a strongfoundation for educators. When teachers are reflective about theirteaching practices and commit to making adjustments in their daily work,they can improve their classroom practices in a way that supports moreequitable outcomes for students. This idea of improvement hinges on theability to see the impact of what they are doing. That impact does notneed to be dramatic; continuous, incremental improvements are the realbuilding blocks of sweeping systemic change that is rapid - and attainable(adapted from Schmoker, 1999). WHY GROWTH PLANS?ELIGIBILITY TO ENROLL IN A CTE TEACHER PREPARATIONPROGRAMPrerequisite: A preliminary Career Technical Education credential with ateaching assignment that aligns with the sector listed on the preliminarycredential. PROGRAM OVERVIEW
PROGRAM COMPONENTS FOR THE CAREER TECHNICALEDUCATION CLEAR CREDENTIALComplete our two-year teacher preparation program Two years of CONCURRENT teaching a CTE course that aligns withindustry sectors listed on the credentialCTE Program Standards- a unique set of standards that must be met tobe recommended for the California Clear Credential. The program offersa two-year sequence of coursework aligned with the programstandards. Year 1: Initial Preparation (CTE 101 and 102)Year 2: Advanced Preparation (CTE 103 and 104) Integrated support provided by a qualified MentorCPR for Adult, Infant, and ChildU.S. Constitution Requirement ENROLLMENT AND COMPLETIONOnce a candidate is accepted and enrolls in the Tehama CTE TeacherPreparation Program, the program is offered to the candidate, meetingthe adopted program standards, until the candidate:completes the program; withdraws from the program; is dropped from the program based on established criteria; oris admitted to another program to complete the requirements, withminimal disruption, for the authorization.In the event of program closure, the Tehama CTE Teacher Preparationprogram will offer a teach-out plan, which includes individual transitionplans for each candidate, as well as a plan for candidates to access theirstudent records.PROGRAM OVERVIEW
The program consists of 135 hours of approved professional preparationthrough the Tehama CTE Teacher Preparation Program. Professionalpreparation is aligned with the Teaching PerformanceExpectations/California Standards for the Teaching Profession, the CommonCore State Standards, California’s 2013 CTE Standards, and AcademicContent Standards which are critical to the growth of new teacher practice.Early Orientation is designed to meet the needs of beginning teachers. Theprogram sponsor provides an Early Orientation Module providing anorientation before or during the first month of teaching that includes theintroductory skills, knowledge, and attitudes required for beginning CTEteaching success. These competencies will be further developed in asequenced and scaffolded structure that includes teaching methods,learning styles, lesson planning, CTE concepts, equity and diversity in theclassroom, mandated reporting, and legal and ethical issues.Throughout the period of the preliminary credential, CTE teachers’development is guided, assisted, and evaluated in relation to each standardin Category II through supervision and support. The program providescomplete, accurate, and timely feedback to the CTE teachers, includinginformation about their progress toward competence. To obtain the Clear Career Technical Education Teaching Credential, CTEteachers must complete a program of advanced preparation andprofessional development for teachers or its documented equivalent. Theadvanced preparation program is designed to support teachers' attainmentof the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) and toadvance the beginning teacher outcomes described in Category II. CTEteachers develop integrated instruction that meets State-adopted CTEcurriculum standards, related academic content standards, and curriculumframeworks. The program provides formative and summative assessmentopportunities for CTE teachers to demonstrate their development asteachers. Programs of advanced preparation are characterized byindividualized support integrated with formal professional development.PROFESSIONAL PREPARATIONPROGRAM OVERVIEW
CATEGORY II OUTCOMESLearning and Instruction: CTE teachers implement a variety ofstandards-based pedagogical strategies and select materialsappropriate for students with diverse needs and learning styles.Assessing Student Learning: Candidates identify student priorachievement, establish appropriate instructional objectives, assessstudent progress, and evaluate the overall effectiveness of theircurriculum plan.Using Education Technology in the Classroom: CTE teachers selectand use computer-based technology to facilitate the teaching andlearning process in the CTE classroom.Classroom and Laboratory Management: Candidates use effectiveclassroom management strategies to promote learning and preservestudent safety.Foundations: Candidates study essential themes, concepts, and skillsrelated to the teaching profession, including knowledge of the historyand traditions of CTE, its role in the curriculum of public education,and its current ethical issues.Professional, Legal, and Ethical Responsibility: Candidates takeresponsibility for providing learning opportunities for all students.They recognize ways in which personal and institutional biases andvalues affect the teaching and learning of students. Teaching English Learners: Candidates know and apply speciallydesigned academic instruction in English (SDAIE) to makecurriculum content comprehensible to English learners. Teaching Students with Special Needs: Candidates develop basicknowledge, skills, and strategies for teaching special populations inCTE classrooms, including students with exceptional needs, studentson behavior plans, and gifted and talented students. Instructors will conduct mentor-directed training to support thecandidate's teacher preparation and development. Mentors may alsoassist candidates in locating subject-specific professional developmentoutside the district-sponsored events that will enhance the candidate’sclassroom practice. PROGRAM OVERVIEW
COURSE ASSIGNMENTSEmbedded within the courses are activities and assignments thatintroduce (I) candidates to key concepts and strategies aligned to theCareer Technical Education Program Standards and specific credentialstandards, and provide an opportunity for candidates to practice (P) thesekey concepts and strategies. As applicable, candidates are assessed (A) forthese competencies on their final summative Sharecase at the end of eachyear of their two-year program.Assessments for coursework are weighted as follows:Complete/Incomplete = Met/Not Met In order to earn a Complete/Incomplete = Met/Not Met, allrequirements must be completed.COURSE GRADING SYSTEMPROGRAM OVERVIEW
COURSE SEQUENCEThis course introduces CTE teachers toeffective classroom management strategiesto promote learning and preserve studentsafety. The course provides CTE teacherswith theory, practice and legal implicationsof safe classroom and lab management andthe development of an effective learningenvironment. Focus: Classroom and Lab Management 1st Semester of First Year Initial Preparation ProgramCTE 101This course focuses on providing the diverselearners in their classroom with equitableaccess to their coursework curriculum. CTEteachers will learn about the ways in whichteaching practices and student learning areimpacted by the diversity in California’sclassroom. Specifically, they examine theirsupport of English Language Learners,Students supported with an IEP and Giftedand Talented students. 2nd Semester of First YearInitial Preparation ProgramFocus: Supporting Diverse Learners CTE 102This course focuses on activating studentprior achievement, establish instructionalobjectives, access their student progressand make adjustments to instructionbased on assessment data. CTE teacherswill use multiple measures to improvetheir instruction. They will practicedeveloping formal and informalassessments to determine studentmastery of lesson objectives. 1st Semester of Second YearAdvanced Preparation ProgramFocus: Assessments in the CTE Classroom CTE 103CTE teachers select and use computer-based technology to facilitate the teaching and learning process in the CTE classroom. CTE teachers will demonstrate understanding of the legal and ethical issues covering the use of education technology for CTE.2nd Semester of Second Year- Advanced Preparation ProgramFocus: Technology in the CTE ClassroomCTE teachers select and use computer-based technology to facilitate the teaching and learning process in the CTE classroom. CTE teachers will demonstrate understanding of the legal and ethical issues covering the use of education technology for CTE.2nd Semester of Second Year- Advanced Preparation ProgramFocus: Technology in the CTE ClassroomCTE teachers select and use computer-based technology to facilitate the teachingand learning process in the CTE classroom. CTE teachers will demonstrate anunderstanding of the legal and ethicalissues covering the use of educationtechnology for CTE.2nd Semester of Second YearAdvanced Preparation ProgramFocus: Technology in the CTE Classroom CTE 104
The Tehama CTE Teacher Preparation Program offers a high-quality, job-embedded, individualized system of support and development forcredential candidates, in tandem with their coursework, through a highlyqualified mentor teacher. Mentors improve the quality of teaching and, as aresult, increase student engagement and achievement. A mentor is anexperienced teacher with communication and pedagogy expertise whoseprimary responsibility is collaborating with early career teachers. Mentorsask questions and challenge assumptions. They are highly skilled inresearch-proven, high-impact classroom practices and know which ofthese to suggest based on coaching conversations and classroom datacollection. Candidates engage in weekly contact during and/or after school hours(averaging not less than one hour per week) with a mentor who is anexperienced teacher. Mentors:Provide classroom support during the first two years of teaching.Observe and mentor candidates, offer emotional support, assist withshort- and long-term planning, share classroom managementstrategies, model demonstration lessons, provide curriculum resources,and facilitate communication with the site administrator.Work with Candidates to engage in their Growth Plans and reflect upontheir practice.Arrange and/or facilitate teacher observations either in person or viavideo.Maintain a confidential, formative development professionalrelationship with candidates. Mentors do not share informationcontributing to evaluation with administrators or department chairs. YOUR MENTORSUPPORTCOMPONENTS
Tehama CTE Teacher Preparation Program processes are designed to helpcandidates grow professionally by supporting them within their ownclassroom context to construct knowledge and strong instructional practice.Establishing strong professional habits and dispositions such as collaboration,seeking to know students, goal-setting, data-driven decision-making,designing rigorous standards-aligned instruction, ongoing reflection andlearning can support teachers in making rapid growth with the support oftheir mentor during weekly meetings. Candidates and Mentors use the teacher preparation program processes andtools designed to help candidates solidify best practices in teaching. Thementoring tools are implemented based on the professional developmentneeds of the candidate. The tools support mentors with setting and reflectingon professional goals, analyzing student work, focused observation, and co-planning lessons and units. Candidates and mentors collaboratively assessteaching practice in relation to the Teaching PerformanceExpectations(TPEs)/California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs)and identify areas of growth for the cycles of inquiry. Mentors and candidatesengage in cycles of inquiry for individualized learning and professionaldevelopment and not for evaluation for employment purposes. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTIn addition to orientation, candidates are required to attend four professionaldevelopment sessions each semester facilitated by Tehama CTE TeacherPreparation where experts in the field of education share strategies andinsights to improve their teaching and learning practices. Mentors also attendprofessional trainings to develop their skill as a guide through the teacherpreparation process.PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTFORMATIVEASSESSMENT
One of the basic principles underlying the mentoring component ofCTE teacher preparation is confidentiality. While CTE mentorsparticipate in assessing growth, they are not evaluators. Rather, thementor supports the candidate in their teaching development whilethey work toward receiving a Clear CTE Teaching Credential.Communication between the candidate and mentor is confidential. Growth Plans are designed for the professional growth anddevelopment of the candidate and are not for evaluation foremployment purposes. It should be noted that conferences betweenthe candidate, mentor, and site administrator can help to promoteoptimum support and are recommended as a means of enhancingprofessional practice. Participation and completion of CTE Teacher Preparation requirementsare not confidential. They are documented within the program’sdatabase and records of participation and completion can be madeavailable for candidates, mentors, site administrators, districtcoordinators, and district office administrators.CONFIDENIALITY POLICYLICENSURE VS. EMPLOYMENTDocumentation submitted to the teacher preparation program forthe California Professional Clear Teaching Credential may not beused for employment evaluation purposes. Completion of the teacherpreparation program and a recommendation for the professionalClear Credential does not imply or ensure continued employment.Licensure requirements and employment criteria may differ; however,full licensure is a primary consideration in any district employmentdecisions, and maintaining licensure is a prerequisite for continuedemployment. CONFIDENTIALITYPOLICY
Candidates are encouraged to read their Preliminary Credential carefully andbecome familiar with the requirements to clear it. To view their credentials,Candidates may go to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.In order to satisfy the requirements for program completion and be eligible tofile for a Professional Clear CTE Credential, individuals must satisfy all of thefollowing requirements:Possess a valid California Preliminary CTE Teaching Credential (three-year orfive-year)1.Complete a Commission-approved program of personalized preparation thatincludes:2.Participating in a sequence of four CTE Courses (CTE 101-104) designed tosupport the candidate in meeting the standards in Category II.Satisfactory completion of the course sequence will verify that the CTEteacher has satisfied Standards 8-16 in Category II. a.Synchronous scheduled classes (see course syllabus for schedule)i.Early Orientation Modules and assigned Professional DevelopmentModules.ii.Ongoing collaboration with mentor: weekly contact averaging at least onehour per weekb.Verify completion of one of the following:3.Two years of successful teaching on the basis of the Preliminary CTETeaching Credential in the industry sector(s) listed on the credentiala.Meet the U.S. Constitution requirement by one of the following methods:4.Complete a course (at least two-semester units or three-quarter units) onthe provisions and principles of the U.S. Constitution. Submit a copy ofthe course description for evaluation purposes.a.Pass an examination in the provisions and principles of the U.S.Constitution, given by a regionally accredited college or universityb.Complete training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) that covers infant,child, and adult CPR skills.5.Completed application (form 41-4)6.Earn a recommendation by a Commission-approved CTE program sponsor7.COMPLETION REQUIREMENTSPROGRAM COMPLETION
Upon program completion, program leaders determine on the basis ofthorough documentation and written verification that the CTE teacherhas satisfied Standards 8-16 in Category II. The program uses formativeand summative assessments to determine CTE teachers’ competencebased on the TPEs. If necessary, the teacher will be contacted by theProgram Staff with information about unmet requirements, and workwith the program to complete those requirements.HOW DOES VERIFICATION OF PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS OCCUR?WHAT IF PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT MET?In the event the teacher will not complete the requirements within the twoyears, a Request to Extend must be submitted. Costs will be determinedby the amount and type of requirements that need to be completed.PROGRAM COMPLETION
WHAT DO CANDIDATES DO WHEN ALL REQUIREMENTS ARE MET?Once program requirements have been met, the following will occur:The candidate and mentor will receive a transcript that verifiescompletion of the first and second-year program requirements.The candidate will receive notification from program staff of the CTEClear Credential recommendation submitted on their behalf to theCalifornia Commission on Teacher Credentialing.The CCTC will notify the teacher via email with instructions for thenext steps, including payment, in order to receive the ClearCredential.NOTE: Per CCTC guidelines, recommendations for the Clear Credentialare valid for only 90 days. If the teacher does not follow the link in theemail and completes the process outlined, the teacher is dropped fromthe system and must be recommended again by program staff at anadditional cost to the teacher. CAN CANDIDATES EARN CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS FORCOURSEWORK?Candidates have the option of purchasing Continuing Education unitsfrom local universities for each year of program participation. Creditsmay contribute towards advancement on district salary schedules.Please check your district policies and procedures regarding ContinuingEducation units. PROGRAM COMPLETION
Meeting regularly with mentors is a vital component of our program.Therefore, it is important that candidates make all efforts to bepresent at all meetings scheduled with their mentors. We recognizethat unexpected issues arise and that candidates may need toreschedule a meeting. However, repeatedly missing meetings withoutprior notice to their mentor may put candidates in danger of notmeeting credentialing requirements.The expectation is that candidates will inform their mentor in a timelymanner about any meeting they are not available to attend due to aschedule conflict.WHAT HAPPENS IF CANDIDATES MISS A MEETING WITHTHEIR MENTOR?Regular opportunities to meet and collaborate to employ newideas in the candidate’s work are central to successfullycompleting Induction program requirements. If mentors orcandidates need to take a leave of absence during the academic year, they must notify the program staff at CTEteacherprep@tehamaschools.org and/or (530) 528-7311. A completion plan will be developed to support the completion of program requirements for a Clear Credential recommendation.WHAT DO CANDIDATES DO IF THEY NEED TO TAKE A LEAVEOF ABSENCE DURING THEIR ENROLLMENT IN THEPROGRAM? IMPORTANT POLICIES
WHAT DO CANDIDATES DO IF THEY ARE NOT WORKING WELLTOGETHER WITH THEIR MENTOR?Mentors and new teachers are paired together using a variety of criteria that areintended to increase the likelihood of creating a positive and meaningfulmentoring relationship. However, as in all relationships, challenges sometimesarise. If candidates are having significant concerns about their relationship withtheir mentor, or vice versa, it is best practice to address concerns at the leastintrusive levels:Begin by having an honest conversation with their mentor/candidate aboutwhat is and is not working in their relationship. Most issues stem frommisunderstandings and addressing the situation openly can lead to theresolution of most differences.If the conversation with their mentor/candidate does not resolve the issue,they will need to contact the program administrator (Jillian Damon, Ed. D.) atCTEteacherprep@tehamaschools.org and/or (530) 528-7311. The Administratorwill work with the candidate and their mentor in an attempt to resolve thesituation.If the situation cannot be resolved, program staff will follow CTE MentorReassignment Protocol.WHAT IS THE GRIEVANCE PROCESS AVAILABLE FORCANDIDATES AND MENTORS?The Tehama County Department of Education has delineated a grievanceprocess available for candidates and applicants participating in the Tehama CTETeacher Preparation Program. Information regarding the grievance process isaccessible to all candidates and applicants via the program's website. Inaddition to the TCDE educator preparation program grievance policies, theTehama County Department of Education has a Uniform Complaint Proceduresprocess that is used to investigate and resolve complaints alleging violations offederal or state laws. Click here to access the Uniform Complaint Proceduresprocess.IMPORTANT POLICIES
NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICYIt is the policy of the Tehama County Department of Education to ensureequal opportunity without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age,disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, or any othercharacteristic protected by law.IMPORTANT POLICIES
To receive the full benefits provided by the CTE Teacher Preparation Program, my participationcarries professional roles and responsibilities. I understand and agree to the following: I will complete the Early Orientation Modules and submit my completion certificate to theTehama CTE Teacher Preparation office within thirty days of the school calendar year. 1.I will adhere to policies, and procedures, outlined in the syllabus including the AI policy. 2.I agree to meet one-on-one, at least four hours a month with my mentor. 3.I will attend the mandatory program orientation with my mentor. 4.Synchronous session attendance is MANDATORY. If an extenuating situation arises and I amunable to attend, I will contact the program to make a plan to complete the missing session. 5.I understand that the program grading scale is based on credit/no credit, assignments will begraded and returned with comments so I can complete the assignment to receive credit. Allcoursework must be completed. 6.I agree to work with my mentor or a member of my support team if I have content-specificquestions on my coursework and submit assignments in Google Classroom by the requireddue dates. 7.I agree to notify the Tehama CTE Administrator if my mentor match is not meeting programexpectations. 8.I understand that my attendance, level of engagement, completion of weekly meetings withmy mentor, and coursework completion in the program may be reported to my siteadministrator and/or district liaison. The mentor-candidate relationship is confidential ingeneral terms. 9.I acknowledge it is my responsibility to submit all required evidence for program completion bythe end of CTE 104. This includes requirements outside of the course sequence, includingConstitution, CPR (Adults, Children, and Infants), and the health requirement.10.I understand that completion of program requirements does not imply or ensure continuedemployment in my district of employment, as licensure requirements and employment criteriamay differ. 11.I will successfully complete all responsibilities assigned to me by the Tehama County CredentialAnalyst and the Tehama CTE Program to ensure a recommendation for a clear credential. 12.In order to complete the program to the best of my ability and to receive the best supportpossible, I understand that if I do not meet the requirements as stated in this document, I maybe asked to exit the program and complete it at a later time. 13.Our coursework assumes that work submitted for a grade by students will be generated by thestudents themselves, working individually or in groups as directed by class assignmentinstructions. This policy indicates the following constitute violations of academic honesty: astudent has another person/entity do the work of any substantive portion of a gradedassignment for them, which includes purchasing work from a company, hiring a person orcompany to complete an assignment or exam, and/or using generative AI tools (such asChatGPT).14.PROGRAM CANDIDATE EXPECTATIONSCANDIDATE EXPECTATIONS
I understand my work as a mentor is crucial to the success of my candidate in the TehamaCTE Teacher Preparation Program. I agree to the following:Attend the required Mentor Professional Learning Trainings:1.Mentoring TrainingNew Mentor TrainingReturning Mentoring TrainingExperienced Mentors will join one of the trainings and provide insight andsupport to new mentorsCTE Mentor Collaboration MeetingAttend an Orientation with my candidate at the start of each semester.2.Meet weekly with your candidate for a minimum of 1 hour per week outside contractedhours.3.Complete support activities such as providing resources, connecting to colleagues,facilitating observations of other classes, etc.4.As needed, consult with the candidate(s) on their Tehama CTE Teacher PreparationProgram coursework (CTE Growth Plan and other assignments in the Candidate’s GoogleClassroom).5.Conduct classroom observations (see candidate’s Growth Plan for due dates).6.All mentor observation information is confidential. Mentors are asked to maintainconfidentiality surrounding their mentorship and only discuss information about theCandidate at his/her request. This is a vital part of the trust-building needed todevelop an effective working relationship.a.Attend a Sharecase with your candidate at the end of each year.7.Complete program surveys.8.Work collaboratively with the CTE Program staff, and notify the program if theCandidate fails to submit documents on time or is encountering other challenges.9.If I am unable to maintain my duties as a mentor, I will contact the Program staff.PROGRAM MENTOR EXPECTATIONSMENTOR EXPECTATIONS
SITE LEADER COMMUNICATION AND INVOLVEMENTAs the program sponsor, Tehama CTE Teacher Preparation Program collaborateswith the employer in the implementation of the preparation program for CTEteachers, including the selection of supervisors and/or support teachers. Thecooperative relationship between the program sponsor and local schooladministrators and teachers sets up a system of support and supervision thatprovides the beginning CTE teacher with the opportunity to develop the necessarycomponents of successful teaching.Developing relationships with Site Administrators is an important aspect ofmentoring practice. Meetings with Site Administrators are opportunities to elicitfeedback and support, align mentoring practice with district goals, and modelcommunication skills and collaboration for new teachers while maintaining trust andconfidentiality. It is an opportunity to advocate for beginning teachers, as well asmodel teacher leadership. Mentors, candidates, and site administrators meet twiceduring the year to collaborate and ensure cohesive support for the candidate.DISTRICT COORDINATORSEach district assigns a District Coordinator to support candidates and mentors enrolledin the program. This may include: Communication of program requirements to site administrators, including releasetime for participants to conduct required observations and employer input in thecandidate's development of cycles of inquiry aligned to the Standards in Category II.Communication of information about program activities to the district governingboardNotification, within 10 business days, of any changes in the employment status,leaves of absence, or changes in teaching assignment of candidate(s) and mentor(s)enrolled in the Induction programNotification of a potential need for a mentor reassignmentNotification of any candidate who discontinues participation in the InductionprogramCommunication with the candidate and mentor regarding the need to schedule afollow-up conversation with program staff.DISTRICTEXPECTATIONS
ADDING A CTE CREDENTIAL TO A CLEAR CREDENTIAL LINKWhen an individual holds another teaching credential, approved CTE teacherpreparation programs may waive all CTE preparation except the CTE Foundations(Program Standard 13). This is for teachers holding a multiple subject, single subject,or education specialist teaching credential which includes an authorization to teachEnglish learners. This is an example of a program granting an equivalency becausethe individual already holds another teaching credential. This provision is not inregulation but a matter of an approved program granting an equivalency. Holders of one of the identified teaching credentials:should only be required to complete the CTE Foundations component of therecommending program. should have at least one year of teaching experience while holding the originalcredential and two years of occupational experience in the specific industry sectorfor the CTE credential they wish to obtain. will need one additional year of documented successful CTE teaching experiencecompleted while holding a preliminary CTE credential to qualify for the clear CTEcredential. If the original teaching credential does not include an authorization to teachEnglish learners or if the individual does not hold a separate English learnerauthorization (i.e. Clear CLAD/BCLAD Certificate, Certificate of Completion of StaffDevelopment) then the individual must complete the above and the courseworkfor the English learner authorization. (2 semesters, no Mentor support required)CTC PSAADDING A CTE CREDENTIAL TO A CLEAR CREDENTIAL
OUT-OF-STATE CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION CREDENTIALWhile there is no direct reciprocity process to transfer an out-of-state vocationaleducation credential to California, educators who hold such a document may contacta Tehama County Teacher Preparation Program to determine their eligibility for aCalifornia Designated Subjects credential based on their out-of-state credential andteaching experience. An individualized program will include cycles of inquiry andreflection into the difference in teaching context when compared to any previousteaching credentials/experience.Our office can evaluate your transcripts and letters of work experience to determineand develop a program that aligns with the candidate's unique needs andcredentialing requirements. Program length, requirements, and fees will be based onthe evaluation conducted by the Program Sponsor.Regardless of the candidate's journey into the context of teaching CTE, therecommendation for the five-year Clear CTE Credential requires they verifycompletion of the following requirements Authorization to teach English LearnersHealth Education for Teachers CourseA current CPR Certification for Infant, Child and AdultComplete the U.S. Constitution requirement and competency in all Category IIProgram Standards,and One additional year (two terms) of successful teaching from the date thepreliminary credential is issued, in the industry sector listed on the credential. Theexperience must be a minimum of one course in each term . OUT-OF-STATE CAREERTECHNICAL EDUCATION
CALIFORNIA TEACHING PERFORMANCEEXPECTATIONSElement 1ENGAGING ANDSUPPORTING ALLSTUDENTS INLEARNINGElement 2CREATING ANDMAINTAININGEFFECTIVEENVIRONMENTS FORSTUDENT LEARNINGElement 3UNDERSTANDING ANDORGANIZING SUBJECTMATTER FOR STUDENTLEARNINGElement 4PLANNINGINSTRUCTION ANDDESIGNING LEARNINGEXPERIENCES FOR ALLSTUDENTSElement 5ASSESSING STUDENTLEARNINGElement 6DEVELOPING AS APROFESSIONALEDUCATORThis document includes Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) within the six CaliforniaStandards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP). Each TPE includes a narrative that provides thecontext and intent of the TPE and a set of elements that identify key aspects of teachingperformance, along with a narrative providing context for subject-specific pedagogy. Thenumbering and order of the six TPEs do not indicate relative importance or value; all TPEs areconsidered equally important and valuable. In addition, the numbering and order of theelements within each TPE do not indicate relative importance or value.
Building and Construction TradesAgriculture and Natural ResourcesArts, Media, and EntertainmentBusiness and FinanceEducation, Child Development, and FamilyServices CTE MODEL CURRICULUM STANDARDSIndustry SectorsEnergy, Environment, and UtilitiesEngineering and ArchitectureFashion and Interior Design
Manufacturing and Product DevelopmentHospitality, Tourism, and RecreationInformation and Communication TechnologiesMarketing, Sales, and ServicesPublic ServicesTransportationHealth Science and Medical TechnologyCTE MODEL CURRICULUM STANDARDSIndustry Sectors
11 ELEMENTS OF A HIGH-QUALITY CTE PROGRAMLeadership at All Levels1.High-Quality Curriculum and Instruction2.Career Exploration and Guidance3.Student Support and Student Leadership Development4.Industry Partnerships5.System Alignment and Coherence6.Effective Organizational Design7.System Responds to Economic Demands8.Skills Faculty and Professional Development9.Evaluation, Accountability, and Continuous Improvement10.CTE Promotion, Outreach, and Communication11.