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Catholic Schools Week 2025

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Catholic schools week | saintpats.orgMinds preparedHearts transformedMission readyJanuary 26 - February 1, 2025

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Catholic Schools are always reaching higher inacademics, faith, and student leadership. Let's celebrate the 74 schools in theArchdiocese of Seattle, including SaintPatrick Catholic School! Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is an annualnational celebration of Catholic educationcelebrated since 1974.The week is observed with Masses,assemblies, and other activities for students,families, parishioners, and the community tocelebrate what makes Catholic schools great. Check out our at-a-glance daily eventsschedule, mark your calendar, and sign upto volunteer! Volunteer opportunities tosupport events like BINGO and Blue RibbonNight & Open House are in Track It Forward.

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PreK - 8th Grade OPEN HOUSEJANUARY 30, 20254:00 pm - 5:30 pmfor prospective families

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CELEBRATING PARISHESSATURDAY, JANUARY 25SUNDAY, JANUARY 26Students share essays reflecting on how to be aliving expression of God’s kindness and a sense ofbelonging at Saint Patrick Catholic Church andHoly Cross Catholic Church before Mass. Students will serve as greeters before Mass andhand out thank you cards to parishioners as theyleave Mass. Students are encouraged to wear theirschool uniform to Mass for a Free Dress Pass,which they can redeem on February 4 or 6. Saint Patrick Catholic School ASB hosts SocialHour after the 9:00 am Mass at Saint PatrickCatholic Church on January 26— join us for coffeeand donuts!

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W E L C O M ET O S O C I A L H O U RJ A N U A R Y 2 61 0 : 0 0 A Ma f t e r t h e 9 : 0 0 a m M a s sS A I N T P A T R I C K C A T H O L I C C H U R C HC h u r c h H a l lh o s t e d b y S a i n t P a t r i c k C a t h o l i c S c h o o l A S B

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CELEBRATING THE COMMUNITYMONDAY, JANUARY 27During Catholic Schools Week, we have anincredible opportunity to honor our communitythrough service and embody the spirit of givingand compassion.Service ProjectsClasses will write heartfelt cards for thehomebound, bringing joy and a sense ofconnection to individuals who may feel isolated.Through this service project and others like thisone, our students give back to their community andmake a positive impact on the lives of others.

Page 7 the QR code to nominate an alum. Nominations received by January 17 will beconsidered for the 2024 award; those receivedafterward will be considered for future awards.The 2024 honoree will be announced at the schoolMass celebrating vocations on Friday, January 31.Distinguished AlumniNominationsFirst presented in 2008, the DistinguishedAlumni Award recognizes outstanding alumswho have had an inspirational impact onstudents and the community and madesignificant contributions to their professionand community service. By honoring our former students, we hope toinspire today's students to strive forpersonal and professional success.Nominations are accepted year-round. Thecurrent Saint Patrick Catholic School facultyand staff select the recipients.

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SOUPer Bowl Kick-OffWho are you rooting for in the Super Bowl? Instead oftouchdowns, we're scoring yummy goodness. Ourschool community is rallying to fight hunger with ourSOUPer Bowl Collection for the St. Leo FoodConnection.Spirit AssemblyWe begin Catholic Schools Week at the school bybringing together students, faculty, and families todiscuss the importance of faith, service, andacademic excellence. It's a time for reflection, joy,and unity, reinforcing the shared mission of fosteringa nurturing and spiritually enriching environment forour community.

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SOUPer BowlSHOWDOWNVSbenefitting2025Who are you rooting for in the Super Bowl? Instead of touchdowns, we're scoring yummy goodness. We'rerallying to fight hunger with our SOUPer Bowl Collection for theSt. Leo Food Connection.Students vote for their favorite team in the Super Bowl withsoup can donations. The St. Leo Food Connection Backpack Program serves over1,200 students weekly at schools in Tacoma, Lakewood, andPuyallup. Backpacks contain at least two days of easy-to-access food, such as oatmeal packets, soups, fresh fruits, andvegetables, so students can come to school nourished andready to learn after the weekend. Drop off donations at Saint Patrick Catholic School duringschool hours or at BINGO Night. We'll announce the SOUPerBowl winning team before the Super Bowl.

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—Faculty & Staff Theme—BE THE LIVING EXPRESSIONOF GOD’S KINDNESS.St. Teresa of CalcuttaMissionSaint Patrick Catholic School, a ministry of SaintPatrick Parish, guides students in the pursuit ofacademic growth while inspiring joyful lives filled withlove, service, and respect as disciples of Christ.

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8M A R C H2 0 2 550 YEARS OF R.E.A.C.H. A G o l d e n O p p o r t u n i t yHONORING A LEGACY OFFAITH, EDUCATION, & COMMUNITYg o . s a i n t p a t s . o r g / R E A C H 2 5

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CELEBRATING STUDENTSTUESDAY, JANUARY 28The Saint Patrick Parent Association, known as SPPA,celebrates students with sweet treats handed outgifts at the end of the school day.Shamrocks in PreK-5th grade always put theirbest foot forward, and a Foot Long Fruit Roll-Upis the perfect reward.M&M’s candy delivers many thanks to our middleschoolers. Did you know that the mission of M&Msis to create “a world where everyone feels theybelong through the power of fun to includeeveryone?”Shamrocks also enjoy a no-homework night. Staff and students enjoy a Free Dress Day. Dressmust be neat, modest, and appropriate for school.Please refer to the Uniform Policy for details.

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ANYANYThanksfor ALL you doWe appreciate you!“LOVE proves itself by deeds”St. Thérèse of Lisieux

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DISTINGUISHED ALUMSKathey Bucholz ‘76 Emily Keller ‘84 Abby McElligott ‘00 Tessa Johnson ‘75 Margaret Richards ‘96 Ruth Kelly ‘86 Therese (Treleven) Koelmeyer ‘78 Sarah Sawatzki '06 Bruce Titus ‘71 Michael Hamilton '59 Fr. Peter Henriot, SJ ‘50 Dr. William Cammarano ‘76 Margaret (Lane) Brown ‘79 Judge Thomas Larkin ‘62+ Georgeann (Bilsborrow) Cukjati ‘52 Fr. John Fuchs, SJ ‘56 Dr. Christopher Staeheli ‘71 Lawrence McNerthney ‘53+ Deceased 2023 2022 2021 2020 2020 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008

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CELEBRATING THE NATION,PARENTS & VOLUNTEERSWEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29AWARDS ASSEMBLY for Grades 3-81:30 pm - 2:45 pmSaint Patrick Catholic SchoolSkip Butler Gymnasium The SPPA knows that our school would knot bethe same without our parents. Teachers and ASBstudents will hand out gifts at dismissal.Guest SpeakerTHE HONORABLE PHILIP K. SORENSENPierce County Superior Court Judge—You’re Invited—

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Our school wouldbe the samewithout you!We cannot all do great things, but we cando small things with great love. —St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta—

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SALESpirit WearN E W M E R C HJANUARY 30, 20254:00 PM - 5:30 PMduring Blue Ribbon NightSaint Patrick Catholic School2nd Floor Hallway

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CELEBRATING FACULTY, TEACHERS & STAFFTHURSDAY, JANUARY 30SPPA treats faculty, teachers, and staff to lunch andfuels them with after-school grab-snack bags beforeour annual Blue Ribbon Night & Open House, whereexcited learners share their Blue Ribbon projects, fromhistory and science to poetry and art.Do you have a friend who is asking about CatholicEducation? Invite them to join you and explore ourschool, view exceptional student work, and learnabout admission and enrollment for the 2025-2026academic year.Prospective families enter North 12th Street and pickup an information packet at the office. Alums will beready to give tours.SPPA is launching new spirit wear designs and willtake pre-orders in the 2nd-floor hallway.

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N I G H TBLUERIBBON JANUARY 304:00 pm - 5:30 pmSaint Patrick Catholic SchoolP r e K - 8 t h G r a d eJoin us!-2025-

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CELEBRATING VOCATIONSFRIDAY, JANUARY 31During Catholic Schools Week, we celebrate vocationsto the priesthood, Catholic Education, and alums.We gather at Mass and honor those who haveanswered the call to serve as priests and deacons,grateful for the spiritual guidance they provide to ourcommunity. We celebrate our faculty, staff, and teachers whosevocation to Catholic Education nurtures students togrow academically, spiritually, and personally.We’ll honor alums, announcing the 2024 DistinguishedAlum who made outstanding contributions in one ormore areas of society, including, but not limited to,professional, academic, and personal achievementsand service to Saint Patrick Catholic School.

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JANUARY 31, 2025 | 9:00 AM SAINT PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH MASS We look forward to seeing alums, clergy,religious, and former teachers and staff.To RSVP or update your alum profile email or call 253-274-4128celebrating VOCATIONS

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CELEBRATING FAMILIESSATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1Join us for a fun-filled annual BINGO Night tocelebrate families and close out Catholic SchoolsWeek for 2025! Enjoy a delicious dinner courtesy of SPPA andChick-fil-A, featuring sandwiches, salads, drinks,and cookies.This event promises a lively atmosphere withengaging emcees, 5th-grade teacher Mrs. SarahBoyd, and Vice Principal Ms. Abby McElligot,calling the numbers. BINGO winners enter a rafflefor big prizes. Don’t miss the chance to connect with friends andfamily and celebrate our community.

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NIGHThosted by theSAINT PATRICK PARENT ASSOCIATIONDinn er co mplim ents of S . P.P. A. & Chick -fil - ABingo Night is a free family event. Adults must stay and supervise their students. VO LUNTEER for set up, service, and clean upSign up on Track It Forward.5 PM TO 7 PMSaint Patrick Catholic SchoolSkip Butler Gym1-FEB-2025

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Thank you for choosing Saint Patrick Catholic School. National School Choice Week(NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the education optionsavailable for their children. There are a variety of school choice options available for many of the 1.6 million children livingin Washington. Families in Washington can choose from traditional public schools, publiccharter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online academies, and homeschooling.Every child deserves an effective, challenging, and motivating education. Because eachstudent has unique talents, interests, and challenges, having various options in education iscrucial. What works well for one child may not work well for another child! School choiceensures that each student can find a learning environment that allows them to beinspired, successful, and happy.

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SAINT PATRICK CATHOLIC SCHOOL1112 North G StreetTacoma, WA | 253-272-2297 | saintpats.orgsaintpatstacomaschoolFollow us. Tag us. Share. Comment. Like.It is an easy and free way to support Saint Patrick Catholic School.