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CS #349Residence•wv

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MASONRY COSMETICs, INC. CASE STUDY BEAUTIFYING AMERICA, ONE BRICK AT A TIME.Completed jobs that have lasted the test of time. Proven Because It Lasts.™PROJECT: RESIDENCE, BARBOURSVILLE, WV, (2008)_ School/University_ Architect_ Mason/Contractor_ Brick Distributor_ Brick MFG_ Business/Corporation_ Homeowner_ OtherHIRED BY_ Complaint/Problem_ Color Change_ Addition/Makeover_ OtherCAUSE_ Bronze | 7+yrs_ Gold | 15+yrs_ Silver | 10+yrs_ Platinum | 20+yrssentence servedBACKGROUNDCustomer was unhappy with the blotchy red body showing throughMCI lightened the brick that had the dark red body showing throughACTIONS TAKENDETAIL OF EVENTSSome areas of the house had more of the white coating on the brick than other areas. This is a good example of lightening a brick.XXXAuthorizer’s SignatureAuthorizer’s Printed NameAddress: Release permission requiredDonald A. FosterDate2020proven masonry stained

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Before | 2008EvidenceAfter | 2008Map 001After | 2020It's fairly common for brick headers to not get the same coating application as the face of the brickWe stained the headers, and to this day there is no fading, blistering, peeling or cracking

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Before | 2008EvidenceMap 002After | 2008This breathable,translucent stain will never seal or trap moisture, and will weather the same as unstained brick

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Case Notes

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