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MASONRY COSMETICs, INC. CASE STUDY BEAUTIFYING AMERICA, ONE BRICK AT A TIME.Completed jobs that have lasted the test of time. Proven Because It Lasts.™PROJECT: RESIDENCE, ARCANUM, OH (2000)_ School/University_ Architect_ Mason/Contractor_ Brick Distributor_ Brick MFG_ Business/Corporation_ Homeowner_ OtherHIRED BY_ Complaint/Problem_ Color Change_ Addition/Makeover_ OtherCAUSE_ Bronze | 7+yrs_ Gold | 15+yrs_ Silver | 10+yrs_ Platinum | 20+yrssentence servedBACKGROUNDThere were several blotchy areas of brick throughout the homeWe balanced the overall blend, lightening and darkening different areasACTIONS TAKENDETAIL OF EVENTSThe homeowners wanted a better blended brick on their house, so we broke up the blotchy areas. 21 years later and it still looks great!XXXAuthorizer’s SignatureAuthorizer’s Printed NameAddress: Release permission requiredDonald A. FosterDate2020proven masonry stained
Before | 2000After | 2000EvidenceMap 001After | 2019Each brick was individually stained and skillfully applied using a custom color recipe for the best possible blend that still looks great todayThe home had noticeable blotchy areas that we were asked to fix
Before | 2000EvidenceAfter | 2019Map 002we had to darken the lighter brick while still allowing there to be a range of color.No fading, bilstering, cracking or flaking still today!
South Bend, INmasonrycosmetics.comcontact usConnect with usDon Foster Masonry Cosmetics, Inc.@MasonryCosmetics @BrickCosmeticsMasonry Cosmetics IncSTILL NOT CONVINCED?_ TESTED _ SUCCESSFUL Our unique and proprietary process has been used in the eld since 1988_ BREATHABLE Laboratory tested to prove our product does not seal or trap moisture_ NATURAL-LOOKING Does not leave a shine or look like paint _ VERSATILE Also works on Mortar, Block, Stone, etc._ ABUNDANT Color choices are unlimited_ NOT A PAINT OR PAINT-LIKE PRODUCT_ ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY No harsh chemicals _ VOC FREE No harsh fumes_ 100% AMERICAN MANUFACTURED_ OFFERING DO-IT-YOURSELF KITS_ CERTIFIED CONTRACTORS THROUGHOUT THE U.S.XXXXXXXXXXXXStill The Best Because It LastsCheck out more than 400 of our case studies at goldstandardstaining.com to see for yourselfPhone: (888) 698-8705Fax: (574) 234-2240
Case Notes