PLATFORM - CANCERLillian Melendez, the reigning 2022 Ms. US World, is a novelist , ent repreneur, and educat or. She recently obtained a Master's degree in Teaching this year.Her platform focuses on breast cancer awareness and research. As the caret aker of two survivors, Lillian is no stranger to the fight . Her mother and aunt underwent treat ment for two separate diagnoses. Watching their batt le, she learned how to support them and ot hers t oo. Her goal is t o t ake t he lessons she learned and help others t o know they?re not fighting a cancer diagnosis alone.Through care basket s, fundraising, and int eract ion (in person and on social m edia) wit h cancer patient s, she shows her support for finding a cure and building awareness. Besides her platform, she also part akes in events and charit able causes such as feeding the hom eless, reading to at-risk children, volunteering at animal shelters, and donating to Goodwill sit es.Ms. USA World Universe