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Crowns Platform - Christina Rose Cunningham

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CHRISTINA ROSE CUNNINGHAMPLATFORM - FAMILY ADVOCACYCROWNS MAGAZINECROWNS MAGAZINESATIN AND SAGE PHOTOGRAPHYChristina Rose Cunningham is a spunky, sassy, but loving six-year-old girl from Lenoir, North Carolina.Since 2023, Christ ina has held the t itle of Tiny Miss North Carolina-Southern Regal and the nat ional t it les of Junior Mini Miss-East Coast USA 2024-25 and 2024 Bella Miss-Universal Miss. She supports various local pageant systems that give back to the community.Christina's platform is called The HUGS Project (Helping Underprivileged Groups Succeed). Her goal is to help families who lack seasonally appropriate clothing. The donations go to schools, shelt ers, and other organizations that support the needs of homeless and poverty-st ricken families.She chose this platform to give back a litt le of what she has been blessed with. Christina?s dads, James and Cody Cunningham , adopt ed her and her sisters, Americus, Kat hrine, and PJ, through the fost er care system. Her sist ers and her have seen firsthand the children and families t hat are homeless, starving, and without warm clothes in the winter or clothing that is age-appropriate and seasonally proper. They were blessed to be adopt ed and not have to experience this misfort une.Christina began her community service init iative in 2023. As of June 2024, through donat ions from pageant families and the local community, she has been able to donate over 3,000 it ems of clot hing to local schools and homeless camps. One of her SMART goals for 2024 was to obt ain 1,000 items by September. She is happy to report t hat she projects she will be able to quadruple this goal. The past school year, Christina helped ensure all her classmates at her elementary school had coats and gloves, allowing them to play out side with t heir friends on the playground and stay warm when get ting on or off the bus.?Clothes and coats should be free to the homeless, not t aken and resold for profit.?Supporting religious organizations and other groups that do not resell donat ed it ems is one of Christ ina?s priorities within her platform. Com munity service is crucial in the pageant world because it provides a way to give back. The HUGS Project st art ed off small, but with Christina's hard work, community involvement, social media presence, and dedicat ion, she knows her platform can achieve new goals for the 2024-2025 year.

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