Laura Dickinson is a clinical researcher who has spent more than a decade working in the science field. She holds a Master ?s degree in Business and Science from Rutgers Universit y, wit h a concent ration in Drug Discovery and Development . Laura is a proud wife to her husband, John, of seven years and mother t o their son, John Junior. Their fur babies, dogs Xena and Xerxes, are also especially loved.Laura is the third generation to have served in t he milit ary, of which she has served over 365 days of act ive duty for t he state of New York as part of the New York Guard St ate Defense Force. Laura has been the recipient of the Humanit arian Service Award and the Commander ?s Citat ion for Ext raordinary Performance of Duty. Most of her service work was spent on natural disast ers and the COVID-19 military mission.As t he reigning Unit ed States of America?s Mrs. Central Jersey 2022, Laura made Breast Cancer Awareness her platform in memory of her lat e mother-in-law, Dianne Dickinson, who passed from breast cancer five years ago. During her reign, Laura has raised $3,000 for breast cancer, brought 100 breast cancer care packages t o Fox Chase Cancer Cent er, and her t eam has walked more t han 1,000 miles with Charity Miles for Susan G. Komen. She has also partnered with local businesses t o donat e services or products to breast cancer patients and survivors. During t he New Jersey st ate pageant, Laura won the social media award for her outreach t o t he comm unit y. She also won t he patriot ic costume, as a Breast Cancer Awareness Statue of Liberty.
Vera MorrisMs. Unit ed World 2023Vera Morris currently resides in Cary, NC. She is a consultant at Yardi Syst em s, Inc., Raleigh, NC. She received her Associat e of Art s degree from Peace College in Raleigh, NC, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech Communicat ion from t he Universit y of Georgia. She is also a professional model wit h Marilyn?s Agency, Greensboro, NC, and with MMG, New York Cit y.After losing a family member and other friends to breast cancer, in 2015, Vera becam e an Am bassador for Susan G. Komen to help raise awareness about breast cancer, fundraiser, and act ively participate in t he Race For A Cure each year. She was an Honorary Chairperson for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, Charlotte NC, m arket ing events for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and attending fundraiser events. She current ly is an Am bassador for t he Pretty In Pink Foundation, Raleigh, NC, and a Cert ified Community Am bassador for Nat ional Breast Cancer Foundation, Frisco, TX. She was recent ly appointed as a m em ber of t he Tigerlily Foundat ion Clinical Trial Advisory Com mit tee. Vera also recent ly founded Treasure Your Chest Inc. which was created to provide funding to help uninsured women get a m amm ogram. It will also offer resources and support for breast health. In addit ion, she creat ed the ?Treasure Your Chest ? blog on her websit e in 2021 which feat ures stories from women and men impacted by breast cancer.Vera is a form er Miss North Carolina USA 1998 and was awarded Miss Congeniality at the televised Miss USA 1998 pageant. Vera was USOA Ms. NC 2022 and was 2nd runner-up at the USOA Ms. 2022 pageant. In her spare time, she enjoys yoga, day trips to the beach, and wat ching the same Lifet ime movies repeatedly. As Ms. United World 2023, Vera looks forward to empowering wom en about the im portance of breast health and early det ection as well as encouraging wom en to advocat e for themselves!5 PINK PROJECTS
It was such an honor t o co-emcee last night?s Pink Pumps & Bow Ties, Prett y in Pink Foundat ion?s Old Hollywood-themed gala. Breast cancer advocates, survivors, champions, and supporters all came toget her for an amazing night of celebration and fundraising. The @pret t yinpinkfoundation has helped over 350 breast cancer uninsured or underinsured patient s with treat ment s in NC thus far, by the end of the year, over 400 women will be helped. Over $200,000 was raised at the gala!I at t ended the 2nd Annual Sister 's Let 's Giv'em Somet hing 2 Talk About Wom en's Em powerment . I can?t thank my lifelong friend Jam illa Roberson enough for select ing @treasureyourchest as the charit y to receive a $500 donation! I appreciat e Jamilla believing in m e and my mission to not only help uninsured women receive mam mograms but to educat e and support all women about t he im portance of breast healt h. As a result , I was able t o fund an uninsured woman a mamm ogram.VERA MORRISMS. UNITED WORLD 20235 PINK PROJECTS
The Sisters Network Triangle, NC?s Gift for Life Block Walk was truly life-changing. We split up into t eams and went int o underserved communit ies to hand out breast health info t o African American women and hear about their breast health experiences. I had such a great time walking with Team Walking Warriors, led by Sist ers Network VP and 5-year breast cancer survivor, Shirley Duke. Along with the walk, Invision Diagnost ics did over 20 mamm ograms!!Absolut ely loved m odeling with these amazing women and my dearest friend and breast cancer survivor, Megan Kornegay, for St ule Finder Boutique Charit y Fashion show to benefit the Pretty in Pink Foundation. Thanks to donat ions and event s such as this, the Pret t y in Pink Foundation is able t o pay bet ween $2500-$3500 per uninsured or underinsured breast cancer patient for their treat ment s here in NC.I was honored to host the J. McLaughlin Think Pink, Shop Pink event in Chapel Hill, N.C. There was over $3500 in sales and 15% of the sales benefitt ed the Pret ty in Pink Foundation. This money will help uninsured or underinsured NC women battling breast cancer wit h their treat ment s.
Each year in October, Darlene Quinn, Ms. Int ernat ional 2021/2022, host s a fun and wort hwhile event tit led, ?Bingo for Boobies.? Ms. Internat ional?s birt hday is also in Oct ober so her birthday party pairs wit h Breast Cancer Awareness Mont h. This year ?s ?Bingo for Boobies Birthday Brunch? was held on October 9, 2022. In lieu of gifts, guests donated to t he National Breast Cancer Foundation t o play bingo and win fabulous prizes donat ed by t he community. Some of t he incredible prizes t hat were generously donat ed were: handbags, a designer scarf, a workout gear gift basket , a certificate for t wo dozen handcraft ed dessert s, an embellished denim jacket , a home fragrance gift pack, also a cert ificat e for a thirty-guest part y including food and beverages. Ms. Int ernational?s guest s m ade a definite impact with their support and donat ed funds. The comm unity aspect of this event is phenomenal.Ms. International is one of only 50 wom en in t he US to be an Official Am bassador for t he National Breast Cancer Foundat ion. Finding a cure for the disease is som et hing near and dear t o her heart . Ms. Int ernat ional want s to inspire hope and assist wit h helping women affected by breast cancer. This year ?s money raised was specifically earm arked for scholarships t o women in underserved communities to have the necessary funds for m amm ograms. Comm unity educat ion and awareness are so important , a st aggering one in eight wom en is bound t o develop breast cancer during her lifetime. Mont hly self-exams and annual mamm ograms are crit ical elements in early det ection.The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) was founded on t he personal experience of Janelle Hail. It s m ission is to help women through educat ion, support , and financial services. The NBCF offers free, innovative programs along wit h being recognized and respected across the globe. Donations t o t he NBCF are appreciated and m ake a direct im pact on those in need. Consider a small gift for Breast Cancer Awareness . https://fundraise.nbcf.org/give. BINGO FOR BOOBIES BIRTHDAY BRUNCH
Cont act UsText 904-236-2068www.nationalamericanteen.com
I am Lisa McBride, Ms. Texas WUP. I will be compet ing for Ms. USA World Universal in New Orleans in November 2022. My pageant career start ed when I was 16 and after a very long hiat us and going t hrough COVID, I decided t o get back into com pet itive pageant ry. I missed t he com pet ition and the sist erhood pageant s bring you. Since having COVID t wice, I have made it a priorit y to t ake every moment in life and m ake it t he m ost . I fulfilled my lifelong dream in Septem ber by walking in bot h New York and London Fashion Week. I am also a comm ercial print model.Breast cancer has affect ed me in so many ways having fam ily, friends, and co-workers fighting this war. My passion project is helping the warriors bat tle t his monst er. I also want t o bring t o light the rising percent age of m en who are being diagnosed. The num bers are rising at a staggering num ber. This is important to me because my best friend?s dad was diagnosed m any years agoI have been a Delta flight att endant for 33 years and am proud t o be wit h a com pany t hat has m ade breast cancer a leading charit y. Delt a Airlines has been involved wit h the Breast Cancer Research Foundat ion since 2005. We have raised over 24 m illion dollars for breast cancer research. We part icipat e by wearing pink all mont h, selling pink beverages, and taking donations on flights. Delt a wants to make breast cancer a disease of the past .Thank you t o Crowns Magazine for allowing us to showcase our platform s. I am an advocate for social m edia reform. As a vict im of Inst agram hacking, my life was t urned upside down. Social media is a multibillion-dollar business yet they have no legal responsibilit y t o keep people safe. I am t rying to get legislat ion to make all social media out let s responsible for our safet y while on the internet .LISA MCBRIDEMS. TEXAS WUPON THE COVER
SUMMING IT UPDelt a has proudly supported the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) since 2005 in funding crit ical research efforts to prevent and cure breast cancer. Since 2005, Delt a employees, cust om ers, and their friends and families have raised over $24 million for BCRF, including $1.75 million last year. The collect ive contributions over the years have funded 88 vital research projects in pursuit of a cure.Emerging from a global pandem ic that created a sit uat ion where cancer detect ion and monitoring somet imes took a backseat , we are more comm it ted than ever to support ing employees in their fight and raising funds to carry us closer to a cure.THE PINK BOUTIQUEDelt a?s Pink Bout ique is back once again offering uniform ed-approved, and after-work at tire. The boutique is virt ual, but it em s may also be purchased in the museum st ore at the G.O. while supplies last. Spend over $50 and shipping is free. Shop t he Pink Boutique herehttps://skyboutique.delt ashop.com/collections/pink-collectionFUNDRAISING FOR RESEARCHFunding BCRF?s vit al research is the best way we can fight breast cancer and save lives. While we focus on support ing the cause every October, donations are needed throughout the year. BCRF?s grant recipients depend on our support to make discoveries, mount clinical trials, and keep their labs in full operat ion.Employees are encouraged to creat e their own fundraising page for the chance to earn fun pink items and attend a special dinner in NYC. Using the instruct ions below, you are encouraged to share wit h friends and family and on social media under Delt a?s BCRF Fundraiser team page.WELL BEING RESOURCESDelt a has many resources available for em ployees who have been im pacted by breast cancer, including support groups, counseling sessions, and resources for preventat ive care. Delt a?s Mobile Mam mography Bus was at t he G.O. on Tuesday, October 25 wit h ot her ATL locations planned as well.Hope Thrives is a support syst em for Delt a em ployees who are affect ed by the fight against cancer. Each mem ber is eit her support ing a loved one with cancer, fighting their own cancer bat tle, has survived cancer, or all of the above. You and your family can also receive support t hrough the Cancer Support Program by contact ing Delt a Health Direct at 1-877-912-1820 DELTA AIR LINES PINK MONTH
Lillian Melendez, the reigning 2022 Ms. US World, is a novelist, entrepreneur, and educator. She recently obtained a Master's degree in Teaching this year.Her platform focuses on breast cancer awareness and research. As the caretaker of two survivors, Lillian is no stranger to the fight. Her mother and aunt underwent treatment for two separate diagnoses. Watching their battle, she learned how to support them and others too. Her goal is to take the lessons she learned and help others to know they?re not fighting a cancer diagnosis alone.Through care baskets, fundraising, and interaction (in person and on social media) with cancer patients, she shows her support for finding a cure and building awareness. Besides her platform, she also partakes in events and charitable causes such as feeding the homeless, reading to at-risk children, volunteering at animal shelters, and donating to Goodwill sites.PLATFORM - BREAST CANCER
EMMERSON SMITHPLATFORM BULLYINGINTERNATIONAL JUNIOR MISS ALABAMA PRINCESSThe name of m y plat form is EMMY. EMMY stands for Encouraging and Motivat ing Mindful Youth. I creat ed t his platform in hopes that I could help com bat some of t he bullying in t oday?s societ y. Since I?ve been old enough to realize what bullying is, it has made me sad. The first t ime I really not iced it was when m y big brot her Landon was being bullied at school. He has Asperger ?s and somet imes because he is different people m ake fun of him . I also not iced it in my classroom s and community. My best friend, Kolt, has autism, and som et imes people look at him and m ake fun or say not-so-nice things. Both of these people are very special to me and just because they are different doesn?t m ean they have to be t reated as such.This is why I st arted EMMY. I want to encourage ot her kids and adult s t o be m indful of one another and each ot her ?s feelings. I want to m ot ivat e t hem to be the change in t heir school, community, or hom e. A kind word or a simple act of kindness can go a long way. It can turn someone?s day from bad t o good alm ost immediately. We can also stand up t o bullies t oget her! We can show them t hat being kind takes a lot less effort t han being mean. St and up for someone in need and report t he bully to a parent or adult . If you ever wonder what you can do t o help som eone else just rem em ber my nam e and ask yourself if your act ions reflect what EMMY st ands for! Together we can make a difference.Clements Creative Images
How did it feel to win?I was super excit ed to represent t he great st ate of Alabam a and extremely honored t o be chosen for such an amazing opportunit y t o go to Nat ionals this year.How did you prepare for the pageant?I prepared by getting myself st ylistically, spirit ually, m entally, and physically ready! Stylist ically, m y mom and I love to shop and look at all my needs from dresses t o shoes. Some of my faves being Johnathan Kayne and Marc Defang. Spirit ually, we pray over all aspects of life and compet it ion. I would be nowhere without God. Ment ally, I have an awesome support t eam wit h m y family, friends, coaches, and church. They hype me up and let me know I?m loved and capable of represent ing my st ate on a nat ional level. Physically, I pract ice and pract ice some m ore wit h my mom, Mimi, and pageant fairy, Coach Laura Clement s.What was one of t he toughest challenges you faced while preparing for the pageant?I find my toughest challenge in preparing for competit ion is cont rolling and channeling my sass.What have you accom plished with your tit le?I haven?t had my tit le very long so right now I?m m ostly in the planning st ages. I?m working on promoting my platform and gearing up my social media to reach those outside of my area. I have been working to clean up t he Cahaba River and help out in my com munit y. Keep wat ching m y Instagram and Facebook pages to see what I have planned next.Why did you choose this pageant system above all others?I really feel a connect ion wit h t he I Am Pageant Powerhouse and feel I could use t his t itle t o promote positivity and inclusiveness. I look forward to my year of service and can?t wait to make a difference.What is your favorit e area of compet ition?Fun Fashion is my absolut e favorite because I get t o let my personality shine.What is your favorit e memory as a tit leholder?Get ting to go places and serve my stat e and community with my pageant sist ers!Have you competed before?This will be my first year competing for Int ernat ional Junior Miss Princess.Tell us about your pageant hist ory.I did my first pageant when I was 3 but because of COVID, I didn?t really get into t hem until I was 5 and I have loved everything about t hem since!EMMERSON SMITHINTERNATIONAL JUNIOR MISS ALABAMA PRINCESS
Classic Universe was specifically designed for Ms. and Mrs. delegates ages 40 plus, and Classic Universe Woman delegates, ages 55 plus, to celebrate the beaut y and life stories of its delegates. We are also proudly host ing our Mr. Classic Universe competit ion for m en ages 40 plus.CEO of Signat ure Product ions, LLC, and Executive Director of Classic Universe Pageant , Lynda Samuels, has been a St ate, National, and now Int ernational Direct or of pageants since t he late 1990s. Her team of event hosts, directors of choreography, marketing and branding professionals, stage and light ing experts, photographers, coaches, recruiters, and national and int ernational judges, offers more t han one hundred years of production expertise.Our titleholders proudly share their life experiences and look forward t o engaging conversations wit h our delegat es. We believe Classic Universe helps empower women to set goals and be open to their dream s as set forth by the event ?s four-word tagline in ?Accepting Experiences and Embracing Possibilities.Our tradit ional and wildly popular Ball Gowns and Bowling Shoes kicks off our five-day event . Delegates will also be in a fashion and entertainment show wearing an outfit of their choice, together with showcasing ensembles from sponsor designers.Applicat ions are now being accept ed.https://www.classicuniverse.org/or classicuniversedirector@gm ail.comLynda Samuels - Executive DirectorPhotos by Joe Pier.
DEBBIE FREEMAN - MS CLASSIC UNIVERSE 2022-2023USPS Mail Carrier/ Podcast host, Your Unique SparkleThe Classic Universe title is about having a voice/image t hat others will respect and list en t o. I am working on a heartfelt project to help empower girls and women of all ages to be successful in life. My platform is called ?Your Unique Sparkle.? I believe t hat everyone has somet hing uniquely special about them. And wit h my ?Your Unique Sparkle? podcast, I now have over 75 episodes helping inspire women around the world mentally, physically, and spirit ually.My workshops help empower our youth with modeling, int erview, photogenic, and public speaking skills by encouraging confidence, self-esteem, and overall healt h. I direct my m odels in local fashion shows empowering t hem with experience for success. I am a nat ural t eacher by heart . It means all the world to me even if I just touch one person in a way t hat changes t heir life for the bet t er. Each person we touch can have a rippling effect on others and therefore, empower others. My personal unique sparkle is my passion in life for bringing a new light on the stigma around pageant ry by promoting posit ivity and inspiring my fellow classic ladies into the world of pageantry and it s many blessings.JENNIFER LYNN ROBINSON - Mrs. Classic Universe 2022-2023Speaker & Consult ant/Founder of Purposeful NetworkingI raised funds during the pageant compet it ion for an organizat ion local t o the Philadelphia, PA region called The Wardrobe (https://careerwardrobe.org/). This organization provides clot hing for those experiencing barriers to employment . The organizat ion also provides workshops and t raining for t hose who need help during em ploym ent t ransit ion such as resume reviews, assistance wit h LinkedIn, compliment ary headshot s, and more.I was drawn to t his syst em because it highlight s women over 40 and a significant portion of your score as a cont estant is based on your speaking skills during t he interview and on-stage quest ion portions of the compet it ion.At age 49, t his was t he first t im e I ever compet ed in a pageant. I am also plus-sized. I am excit ed t o challenge t he traditional idea of what a pageant queen is supposed to look like. Addit ionally, years ago I survived a near-deat h accident and I am in a position to use my platform as Mrs. Classic Universe to shine a light on invisible injuries by discussing m y own TBI and m ental health recovery. I want to serve as an inspirat ion for ot hers to show that it is never t oo late to try somet hing new.ROBIN ROSS-HOLMES - Classic Universe Wom an 2022-2023My nam e is Robin Ross-Holmes and I am your reigning Classic Universe Woman. I am a proud registered nurse of 35 years. I am also a wife, mother of 2, and empowered 20-year survivor of stage III colon cancer.My platform is The Am erican Cancer Society. I raise money and awareness for cancer research and survivor support . Over the last 20 years, I have raised close to a million dollars to fight cancer but sadly, I have lost 4 family members including both parent s.The Classic Universe Pageant system gives m e a family of qualit y, like-minded women who are all commit t ed to sharing t heir passions for public service and t o supporting one another with grace. There is only one system with the name "class" in the title, Classic Universe.
R. SCOTT HARNISCH - Mr. Classic Universe 2022-2023Educat or K-5 Music, 35 years an educator 30 years in the same districtCharit y/Cause: The Int ernat ional Alliance for t he Prevention of AIDS is my charity of choice. I founded and funded two separat e programs in India for the foundat ion, raising over a million dollars for t he organization. I have spent 12 weeks each summer for 2 years taking st udent int erns in universit ies from around the country t o teach HIV/AIDS Prevent ion, Human Growt h and Development, and Hygiene.Why /What : My cause is public educat ion. As an educator of 35 years, I know the importance of a strong public education syst em and that education is the great equalizer. My passion is children and making sure every child gets the best free public education possible because that is what t hey deserve. It is t he hallmark of our count ry, and we need to make sure it grows even stronger.The Classic Universe System and t he title have provided a platform and a voice t o fight for causes that help ot hers in m y communit y. I am proud t o represent an age demographic that is often forgotten. My hope is t o help other men see t hat t his is a viable and real opportunit y to share their voice for causes dear to t hem and become examples and ment ors for others.LAURA KUTRYB - Classic Universe Brand AmbassadorOccupat ion: Internat ional Millionaire Realt or with EXPCharit y: Brevard Hum ane Societ y, Operat ion Smile, Port Minist ries, and Internat ional Rotary ClubBeing t he brand ambassador means I am committed t o t he Classic Universe Pageant and it s success. I am continuing my job as part of t he Royal Court . I am taking t he next steps after being a reigning queen. I am cont inuing t o use this brand platform and title t o open doors in business and socially. I will help ensure that Classic Universe will cont inue to thrive and grow it s image in social media and in all aspect s. Secondly, t he brand will help me help ot hers in all of their charitable causes throughout the upcoming year.My experience with Classic Universe has been nothing short of spectacular. The direct or of t he pageant Lynda Samuels is an amazing, wise soul. She will help you thrive with your total package and charit y! The com petition journey filled me with compassion for doing good for others. I met so m any kind souls along the way. The doors of opport unity were great. Pageant Universe opened m any doors. I was able to appear on a nationally syndicat ed t elevision show, raise m oney for Operat ion Smile, and travel Int ernat ionally. No other pageant can com pare. The relat ionships form ed in this pageant will last a lifet im e.Pageant ry is relevant in today's society for women over 40 for many reasons. Pageant ry is an expensive sport and if you like compet it ion this could be the sport for you. Pageantry is a sport wit h many benefits! Superficially, it helps us bring our best look front and cent er. We work out to bring our best body, eat healthy, get our makeup and hair in order, select our best fashion, and get t hat walk and personalit y toget her ready for an int erview. In t he int erview, the cont estant can showcase their depth and t heir true meaning for the charitable endeavors they have spent hours part icipat ing in. There is beaut y below t he skin. The beauty shines t hrough in the int erview. Pageantry for wom en over 40 brings forth friendly compet it ion, special sist erhood relationships, a platform for business and charit y, and a reason t o bring fort h and showcase out er beaut y and inner beaut y toget her. Pageant ry in wom en over 40 can be a celebration of your tot al package; you and what you do for ot hers.
There?s not hing more frustrat ing than having a message in your heart to share with the world, only for it to fall complet ely flat . (And #RealTalk: the fact that public speaking breaks us out in the cold, clam m y sweats doesn?t help.)The good news is, the message itself usually isn't the problem - t he devil?s in the delivery. Wit h that in mind, here?s our recipe for success when you need to flex your speaking muscles:1. Be honest.Everyone knows you?re not the first or only person to get the jitters, so there?s no need to pret end like it ?s som e dirty secret . Pointing out the elephant in the room put s everyone at ease - particularly you.2. Use your imagination.Imagine that your bestie is in the audience, and that ?s who you?re speaking to; ignore everyone else. The securit y of that relationship (aka, knowing you wouldn?t be mocked, laughed at, or thought an idiot ) will mentally encourage you and put you at ease. It ?ll also pare down unnecessary, anxiety-fueled formality, and bring out what ?s sincere and personal.3. The less not es, the better.A lot of writt en notes may feel helpful, but it can often be a mental crut ch? usually, one you don?t need. Instead, use a very short , simple outline (think one-word headings) as your speech GPS to guide you through what you have to say. Your notes are there to make sure you stay on track and don?t forget anything big - that ?s all. It ?s your job to fill in the blanks bet ween t he goalposts.4. Keep it low and slow.When you?re stressed or amped, it ?s easy for your voice to get really high and for your words to come progressively fast er. Resist that urge! That both communicates how flustered you are (which probably makes the problem worse) and jumbles your message. If you find yourself get t ing too high and fast, take a deep breath, drop your voice back to a low tonal range, and take your time pronouncing each and every word. Your message is worth the effort!5. Be confident.Remember, people want you - t hat is, your thoughts, your passion, and your perspect ive. After all, they could go online in 2 seconds and read a generic descript ion of just about anything they want to know without you (thanks, Google). If they?re listening to what you have to say, it ?s because they want to - and that should be encouraging!Homework.Sit down and put together a short present ation (we?re talking around 5 minut es max) to put these skills to good use. You can use a speech you?re already working on for an event, or m ake one up (?Why Gisele is Too Good for Tom Brady,? for example).Let us know on t he Pageant Weekly post on Crown Convo about how this went and how you?re going to implement these skills in the future!
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