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Crowns Magazine July 2022

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Tiffany Whit aker is t he current Mrs. Illinois International 2022, Colum bia graduate, and owner of Fabb 2 Go Bridal Makeup. A champion for children, she is an ambassador for CASA, UNICEF, GEM, and multiple organizat ions where she advocates for the rights of children who are abused and neglected.Her Children First platform was initiated when a young boy was killed by his parent s in her community. He was failed by a broken system and suffered years of abuse. Devastated when t his t ragedy st ruck her hometown, she struck back. Since 2019, her continued effort s have generat ed funding for advocacy programs, raised awareness for her mission, and urged policymakers to create legislation t hat has saved the world?s most vulnerable children.MRS. ILLINOIS INTERNATIONALTIFFANY WHITAKERMagic Dream s Productions

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Monica English is a realtor, performing artist , and the reigning Miss California Regency Int ernat ional. She is a published m odel, actress, and musician. As a multi-instrumentalist , she performs the violin, piano, and guit ar. She has been feat ured on NBC American Song Cont est, CBS Let 's Make a Deal, and played violin alongside Katy Perry in a GAP commercial.She holds a Bachelor of Art s in Philosophy with a specialization in Medicine and Well-Being from the Universit y of California, Irvine. She also studied at Fudan University and lived abroad in Shanghai, China for 9 months.A natural wat er baby, she is a certified Am erican Red Cross Lifeguard, Padi Advanced Open Wat er Scuba Diver and Freediver. As a former foster yout h and FYRE (Foster Youth Resilience in Education) Scholar at UCI, Monica cont inues to volunt eer her time fight ing for foster youth rights as an act ive member of California Youth Connect ion's Policy and Legislative Committ ee.Plat formI am proud to account for just 3% of the nearly 500,000 foster kids in the US who graduate from college. It is now m y mission to foster hope and change by spreading awareness of the struggles our foster youth face, from a lack of resources to mental illness, and oftentimes homelessness. As a member of California Yout h Connection?s Policy & Legislat ive Committ ee, I am working towards reforming t he fost er care system by rewriting t he laws through new bills in legislation.PLATFORM - FOSTER CARE

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PLATFORM SOCIAL MEDIA AWARENESSMS CALIFORNIA UNITED WORLDMy name is Lisa McBride, the reigning Ms. California United World 2022. My plat form is Social Media Awareness. As a victim of Inst agram hacking, I want to change t he lack of communication and accountability in t he social media industry. This is a $325 billion a year business that provides absolutely no capabilit y for live contact with any of their companies.My world was t urned upside down aft er being hacked. My bank account and several money transfer apps were comprom ised. I could not recover m y account nor delet e it as t he hacker had all of my information. Also, I was threatened numerous tim es by my hacker wit h such terror that t he FBI got involved in my case. However, I received no assistance from Inst agram even aft er sending a personal lett er t o the CEO pleading for help.With t his industry rising in numbers, more and more people are get ting hacked. I am advocat ing for legitimat e accuracy and account ability from all social media conglomerat es t o provide help for us victim s when we are hacked. I want t o make transparency by the CEOs stating the amount of support they will give t o victims t he first priority. Ultimat ely, I plan to lobby Congress to enact legislation to prevent my night mare from becoming anot her person?s realit y. Without act ion by the consum ers, there will be no react ion from the social media industry.


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CBismah Ahmed made history by becom ing t he first Sout h Asian, Muslim , and Pakistani woman to win the t itle of Miss DC for America 2022 and will proceed to compete in the National Miss for America competit ion in August . She is the Vice President of Governm ent Affairs, VA for t he Apartm ent and Office Building Association of Met ropolitan Washingt on (AOBA). She comes from a decade-long background in politics wit hin t he region, serving as a registered lobbyist before the Virginia General Assem bly, execut ive agencies, and local governm ents in the Metropolit an Washingt on area. In her various roles throughout t he years, she has developed st rat egies t o reach a diverse range of communities, ensuring their inclusion in policy development .Bismah received her Mast er?s Degree in Public Adm inistrat ion from Villanova University. For her influence and service, Bismah has been named a Northern Virginia 40 Under 40 Honoree. This tit le recognizes emerging leaders who go above and beyond to exhibit exceptional and impact ful leadership wit hin t he region. She has also received the Arlingt on Chamber of Commerce?s Chairman Award.MISS DC FOR AMERICA - BISMAH AHMED

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She is heavily involved in the Metropolit an Washington community and is an act ive member of t he Arlingt on Chamber of Com merce (Board of Direct ors), Nort hern Virginia Chamber of Com merce, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce Governm ent Relations Com mittee, the Loudoun Chamber of Commerce Public Policy Comm ittee, t he Prince William Chamber of Commerce Econom ic Development Com mittee, and t he Nort hern Virginia Business Transport ation Coalition. Bismah also serves as a Commissioner on the Arlington County Tenant-Landlord Com mission.She is a huge promoter of female empowerment and giving back to her com munity, part icularly by raising awareness about significant global issues, such as t he current refugee crisis facing Afghans and Ukrainians. She has raised over $15,000 for Afghan refugees relocating to t he United States. Bism ah hopes to inspire ot her women to vent ure out and reach for the stars, as ?well-behaved women seldom make history.?Platform: Housing Affordability AdvocacyThe impact that housing has on a community was clear t o Bismah from a young age. Her parents owned and m anaged a small propert y management company in Richmond, Virginia which t hey ran as a fam ily. She saw first hand how hom elessness had a wide range of causes - from health issues like ment al illness and drug addict ion to unemployment , reentry after incarcerat ion, and domest ic violence. However, it all point ed to one key solut ion, affordable housing.Bismah has made it her mission as an adult to continue her family?s work in t he housing field. Affordable housing is especially import ant now for families across t he region facing financial hardship resulting from t he COVID-19 pandemic. Rent al assist ance in many states has been a critical lifeline for those who have benefit ed from it , helping t hem t o remain safely housed throughout the public health emergency. According t o studies, children in more st able homes have a higher chance of graduat ing from high school and are less likely to have physical/mental health problem s or face post-t raumatic st ress disorders and eating disorders. Housing st ability is t he seed to prosperity for children in t heir formative years and is the key to building a funct ioning societ y.As the Vice President of Governm ent Affairs, VA for AOBA, she is currently advocating before the Virginia General Assembly for a t em porary em ergency rent relief program and t he creat ion of a statewide housing voucher program t o supplement the federal housing choice ?Section 8? voucher and assist those who are chronically housing burdened.MISS DC FOR AMERICA- BISMAH AHMED

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Darlene Quinn, Ms. Int ernat ional 2021/2022 enjoyed participat ing in two parades celebrating America's Independence Day. The first was in the City of Anaheim, California where she rode in a vintage car. "Riding in the jump seat of a 1930's vintage classic, well preserved and adorned with flags, was amazing," said Ms. Int ernational. Ms. Int ernat ional also engaged wit h youth and adult m ilit ary groups at the event, in celebration of our country.MS. INTERNATIONAL DARLENE QUINN4th of July 2022

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The second half of July 4th brought Darlene Quinn, Ms. Internat ional 2021/2022, to the East side of Anaheim, California to Anaheim Hills. There, Ms. Int ernat ional rode tailgate style in a brand new BMW luxury car through the parade route. A highlight was throwing candy out to all t he kids along the streets, and taking a stroll with the first place and secondary winners of the Patriotic Dog Cont est, showing t he best in canine spirit for the USA!MS. INTERNATIONAL DARLENE QUINN

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Anyone who knows m e knows I am passionat e about providing care and resources t o our veterans and t heir caregivers. As it is my heart, I will work nonstop t o create change t o give our veterans and t heir caregivers what they deserve. That is why I founded Operat ion Hero to Heroes which is my WHY and is tied int o t he Honor Watch Foundat ion our 501c3 that collaborates with Wounded Warrior, Navy SEAL Foundation, Make a Wish, ALS, and more.I will be partnering wit h Gimmie a Break; a nonprofit organization along with our other amazing partners to support caregivers by giving them that emotional and physical break they desperately need while also providing adequate resources for their cont inued wellbeing. This will allow our precious caregivers the opport unit y to recharge their bat teries in order to be more effect ive and efficient in their cont inued endeavors. Having talked to many vet erans while sitting in waiting rooms with m y husband, I have heard so many horror stories about the failures of t he VA system involving inadequate medical care and lack of other benefits. Their spouses, loved ones, and caregivers are always the ones left to pick up the pieces of the failed system in all areas including, caring for their physical needs, helping with their financial burdens, and most unnotably floating the high emotional costs.To be pivot al as a tit leholder, the crown is my door st op to holding doors open t o make a change while being personable and purposeful with my int eract ions. To win t he national tit le would allow bigger doors to be opened and anopportunit y for me t o have a bigger voice on a global scale for those that have been silenced. I have scheduled multiple events each mont h to support our veterans as well as other appearances and will be inviting my Hawaii sister queens to come along. On the last Sunday of each mont h, I host ?brown bag? discussions online where we hear real stories from our veterans and t heir caregivers on the challenges they face and what t hey want to see improved. In addition, I am organizing a charit y 5K run for Operation Hero to Heroes with more events on t he horizon. Also, I have meetings set up wit h my local senators t o collaborate on new policy ideas and struct ural changes within the VA system to facilitat e programs that will allow our veterans to get ?no-wait ? immediat e care for specialized services and faster access t o respit e for caregivers. Sadly, approximately 30% of caregivers die before the ones they have been caring for. They too cannot be overlooked. I plan t o secure sponsors to create care packages for our caregivers and partner with doctors who are willing t o offer services to them to answer questions t hey might have. I also plan to work wit h t he nonprofits to create a hotline t hat caregivers can access to speak to doctors and counselors to get medical advice or words of encouragem ent and hope. Most important ly, I will be the voice out front at the VA hospit als t alking t o our veterans and their caregivers about their concerns and addressing these concerns and cause for change to t he local veteran service cent er manager and media.These milestones are quite ambitious but like the vision of America?s United States Pageant , it has to start wit h someone and that is me, one seed, plating root s, to be a positive force in my communit y and across the United Stat es.Mrs Hawaii America's United States

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AMM Celebrated 10 Years In Pageantry2022 Queens Baby- Gianna ManleyJr Princess- Annie MatlockPrincess- Elizabet h BondPret een- Sarah DuncanJunior Teen- Ella BuchananTeen- Bella WebbMiss- Taylor Ferry YountsMs. Peyton CambronFULL PAGEANT FEATURE COMING IN AUGUST

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America's Majestic Miss started in 2012 to empower young girls ages 2 and up through out the United States to develop life-long success skills including academic excellence, making a difference through community service, building confidence, improving speaking skills, and achieving their dreams. Whether this is your first pageant, or you are a seasoned pageant girl - this pageant is for you! visit

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