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Crowns Magazine Camille Buss

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Platform - Project BreatheAn Environment al Clean Air Init iat iveInt roducing Camille Anacapri Buss, Little Miss Rhode Island Eart h USA. Camille is a 6th-grade Honors st udent at JL College Preparatory and Leadership Academy who is proud t o represent her birt h state of Rhode Island. She is a passionat e advocat e for animals and environment al conservat ion, working tirelessly with @_Project _Breat he to educat e people about t he importance of plants and good air quality. She plans to st udy vet erinary science and would like to work internationally in the protection of endangered species. As the daughter of a US Navy vet eran, she has had the opport unity to travel all over the world and feels t hat dedication to ?Think Globally and Act Locally? is the key to a cleaner, healt hier future.Camille is proud to partner with her mentor, 2020 Miss Teen Earth USA Katia Gerry, in support of Project Breat he. Her plat form is based on the environm ent al im pact of pollution on our healt h and wellness. Her main focus is educating people on how t o have a greener home and work environm ent by improving indoor air qualit y through plants. Cam ille has collected count less indoor plant s for donat ion to local schools and households and has held several educational programs for kids her age. She believes that t hrough awareness and educat ion, the next generation will become active stewards of planet Eart h.Camille has been recognized by her school for her leadership and her invaluable cont ributions to the classroom and learning environment. She hopes to propel her platform further throughout her reign and looks forward to an active collaborat ion with Beauties for a Cause. You can follow her journey @Litt le_Miss_RI_Eart h_Cam i_Ana and @_Project_Breat he.CAMILLE BUSS tle_miss_ri_earth_cami_ana/ Photography

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