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Crowdsourcing Co-Creator Guide

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The ALIVE National CentreCrowdsourcing – Co-Creator GuideCrowdsourcing Co-Creator Guide | Last updated 22.04.2024

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Finding your way in the Crowdsourcing Space

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1. Interested in being part of an Innovation Challenge? 2. Before we get started, let’s make sure you’re registered!3. Navigate to on your browser.4. Click the “Login” button on the top right corner.Welcome to our Crowdsourcing Space – Are you registered?

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5. If you already have a Crowdsourcing account, click this button to go to6. If you are new to Crowdsourcing, click “Register now” button. It takes no more than 3 minutes to get started!STEP 13 – LOG IN

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7. To register, these are the details that are needed. Fill in your details and click “Register”.

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8. Once you submit, an email will be sent to verify your account - this happens within 2 mins of registering so sit tight!9. You will still need to activate your account after this step. 10. Navigate to your email inbox and look for a new email from The ALIVE National Centre.

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11. Click the link to activate your user account.12. You will then get a notification that your account is now active. You can now click on the “Login” button to continue.

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13. Fill in the “Username (email address)” and “Password” of your user account and click “Login”.STEP 13 – LOG IN

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14. To visit the Crowdsourcing Space, click the “Crowdsourcing” button on the top menu bar.15. You will see more information about the Crowdsourcing Space in ALIVE National. 16. Keep scrolling down to see the open Innovation Challenges (calls) and past ones.You can also watch a short how-to video by clicking here

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17. Select a Challenge you want to explore by clicking the “Explore Challenge” button.Find your Innovation Challenge

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You can read the dates here and any further supporting information is attached to the call. Explore challenge and submit an idea

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18. To share your priorities creatively, click “Submit an idea”.If you’d like to be notified for when the challenge closes or to see which idea is prioritised, click “Subscribe for updates”

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19. Decide on your ideas and start by completing all the “required” field in the following form.Tell us a bit about how this image, drawing, art or short video illustrates your priorities for research. Let us know why it's important.

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20.If you want to share photos, images, or an audio recording, click “choose to upload them”.We accept file formats in JPEG/PNG/PDF/Docx/mp3/wav. You can upload one or multiple files. Ensure that each file size doesn’t exceed 10MB.

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21. If you want to a video file, provide the YouTube URL.Please provide the YouTube URL or any link to your video file.

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22. You can choose to post your idea anonymously by clicking “Yes, I would prefer to stay anonymous”. If you wish to post your idea under your name, you can also write your preferred name to be displayed.

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23. Tick the CAPTCHA to confirm you are not a robot and click “Submit Idea”.24.Once submitted, your idea is automatically sent to the ALIVE National HUB team for approval. You will get a notification email of your idea submission.

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25. You will also get a notification email in your inbox of your idea submission*.* When information is made public in the crowdsourcing space, it becomes accessible for anyone to read or view.We can remove your contributions upon your request, but we cannot control whether the content has already been downloaded, copied, or shared by another party in the web environment.Additionally, it's important to note that another person cannot modify someone else's content. Only the author of the submission is authorized to make requests.

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26.Once your idea is approved, it is publicly available and people may vote on the challenge for identifying what works for them best. See your submitted idea

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27.Voting is used to shape co-design activities for designing new models of care and implementation and translation work. You can also vote on ideas, experiences or stories that resonate with you. Start by clicking “View idea”.Read other people’s wisdom and connect by voting

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28.Read about the idea in detail. Connect with the wisdom by voting for that idea. Click “Vote for this idea” to submit your vote.Note that you need to be logged in to vote for an idea. The public can read submitted ideas but only users with an account can vote.

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29.If you change your mind or want to retract your vote, click “Remove my vote”.

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30.If you have subscribed for updates of the Innovation Challenge, keep an eye on your emails for the next step. You will be notified for when the challenge closes or to see which idea is prioritised.Check emails for the next step

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31. If you would like to unsubscribe and stop receiving notifications for this Innovation Challenge, click “Unsubscribe from notifications”.

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Thank you – get in touch with us!Visit our socials for more ALIVE National CentreThe ALIVE National CentreFor any questions on projects, ethics, or to collaborate with us, contact the ALIVE National HUB team