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Crimson Case Study_BlueDiamond_K

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Project TechnologyKFP249TA LCD All-in-One KiosksProject LocationMultiple Retail Locations Project PartnersIntegrator: Red Dot DigitalBrightSign Media Players RetailRevolutionizing RetailWith Crimson AV's Touch-With Crimson AV's Touch-Interactive KiosksInteractive Kiosks Case StudyBlue Diamond is a leading manufacturer of tractorattachments headquartered in Tennessee with many retaillocations across its extensive network. Blue Diamond wasfacing a common challenge with lost sales opportunitiesdue to a lack of product knowledge. They employed Red DotDigital Media to enhance product merchandising andeducate sales staff at crucial retail locations.

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Case StudyRed Dot Digital Media was engaged by Blue Diamond to enhance product merchandising and educate sales staffat crucial retail locations. Red Dot, along with spinTouch, conceived a touch-interactive kiosk designed by Crimson AV to present informationabout Blue Diamond's tractor attachment portfolio in acaptivating and user-friendly manner.The touch-interactive kiosks from Crimson AVempowered customers to search and filter productseasily and provided additional information like productvideos, downloadable spec sheets via QR codes to theirmobile devices, and even connect with Blue Diamondsupport in real-time through the kiosk's display. Thiscustomer-centric approach enables self-education anddirect interaction with Blue Diamond without relying onsalesperson intervention.crimsonav.com866.668.6888TIMELINEStart date:11/1/22 Completion date: July 2023Learn more aboutBlue Diamond'sSales SuccessStoryLearn more aboutBlue Diamond'sSales SuccessStory#MoreThanMounts#YourDisplayYourWay

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crimsonav.com866.668.6888Tech SpecsThe TechnologyCrimson provided (10) KFP249TA LCD All-in-One Kiosks with a 49-inch touch-interactivedisplay and a BrightSign XT1144 media player. Blue Diamond opted for BrightSign overAndroid devices due to its superior speed, responsiveness to touch, and faster page scrolls.To address connectivity challenges at certain locations, Red Dot integrated BrightSignMobile, offering cellular internet connectivity, alongside Wi-Fi and hardwired options fordiverse internet connectivity needs. The Crimson kiosks offers a sleek, stylish yet rugged design, with simple installation andmaintenance. The 10-points of touch-interaction allow users to simply drag and drop itemsinto the shopping cart, and a fluid touch experience to engage store patrons. Crimson provided integration and staging services for the project. As part of their service,they customized the back panel and drilled holes to accommodate both the Wi-Fi and cellularantennas. They also installed and tested the BrightSign media players and content providedby Red Dot along with the touch functionality to ensure Blue Diamond’s project would bedeployed successfully once installed.#MoreThanMounts#YourDisplayYourWayAll required components included witheach kioskAvailable with or without built-in mediaplayerSelect from 49" or 55" displaysSpecially geared to serve thecommercial digital display marketTouch screen options availableNo tools required for installation orsetupBuilt-in Ethernet ports for video wallsynchronization and mobile deviceinteractivityBrightSign® display optionalIntegrated lock for security

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Project PartnersIntegrator: Red Dot DigitalManufacturer Partners: spinTouch – content BrightSign – media playerscrimsonav.com866.668.6888Product MenusChallenge & SolutionsRed Dot Digital Media was engaged by Blue Diamondto enhance product merchandising and educate salesstaff at crucial retail locations. Red Dot, along withspinTouch, conceived a touch-interactive kioskdesigned by Crimson AV to present information aboutBlue Diamond's tractor attachment portfolio in acaptivating and user-friendly manner.The touch-interactive kiosks from Crimson AVempowered customers to search and filter productseasily and provided additional information likeproduct videos, downloadable spec sheets via QRcodes to their mobile devices, and even connect withBlue Diamond support in real-time through the kiosk'sdisplay. This customer-centric approach enables self-education and direct interaction with Blue Diamondwithout relying on salesperson intervention.#MoreThanMounts#YourDisplayYourWay

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Visit our website!crimsonav.comCase Study866.668.6 888#MoreThanMounts#YourDisplayYourWayImplementationRed Dot implemented a robust CMSsolution that automates the extraction ofappropriately tagged product data fromthe Blue Diamond website into the kiosk'sCMS. This automation significantly savedtime for Blue Diamond by eliminating themanual entry of product data. Whilecontent is automatically sourced from thewebsite, the user experience is tailoreduniquely for the retail environment,offering customers an intuitive path toexplore Blue Diamond's diverse tractorattachment portfolio.Additionally, store personnel can easilycustomize individual kiosks, displayingspecific products based on regionalavailability. For instance, stores in theMidwest can feature farming equipment,while those in snow-prone regions canshowcase snow plow attachments.