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CRHS Program Goals 2023-2028

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Cheaha Regional Head Start Five Year Goals and Objectives 2023-2028 Program Goal 1: Transitions CRHS will strengthen policies and practices that ensure children experiencing transitions are smooth and effective. Objective Action Plan Who By When Financial Supports Data tools or methods for tracking progress Objective 1: Home to the center setting Increase children’s familiarity with the center setting, including the classroom, school environment, and their new teachers. Increase the educators’ familiarity with individual children and build a relationship with the child and family. 1. During home visits teachers will share pictures of the classroom and center. 2. Discuss the functions of the classroom with the child and parent during home visits and leave pintables. 3. Share the daily classroom schedule for the family to start discussing a typical day prior to enrollment. And leave pintables. 4. Parent Orientation and Parent Training to increase relationships with the teachers and parents. 5. Encourage and provide more parent involvement activities in the classroom and the center to increase relationships among parents and staff. • Center Directors • Teachers • Education Manager Beginning in August 2023 and on-going None • Parental Input (survey) • Teacher Input (survey) • Both surveys will be conducted after the initial opening date for each program year • Home Visit forms • Sign in sheets from parent orientation and parent trainings • Volunteer sheets from parent volunteering Objective 2: Between age-groups, centers, or program settings Increase center activities and opportunities for children to become familiar with other 1. Devise transition team to provide information to receiving classroom/center prior to transition 2. Provide activities and events throughout the year • Center Directors • Teachers • Education Manager • Family Advocates Beginning in August 2023 and on-going None • Sign in sheet and/or notes from transition meeting • Documentation of transition activities on the lesson plan

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parts of the center and center staff. Conduct transition meetings with the family prior to transition from classroom, program, or site. to familiarize children to other age-group classrooms and teachers 3. Involve children in activities that include other classrooms in the center 4. Orient parents to other age-group classrooms prior to transitions and encourage them to volunteer in those classrooms • End of the year transition survey Objective 3: Between center settings and Kindergarten settings Increase activities focusing on kindergarten transition and provide more opportunities for parents to connect with the school environment and personnel. 1. Host yearly Kindergarten summit for all parents of children going to kindergarten 2. Provide take home materials for children going to kindergarten 3. Invite school personnel to the centers for events and volunteer activities 4. Participate in Kindergarten Registration at each elementary school in our counties and strengthen our partnerships 5. Participate in Kindergarten field trips 6. Adjust the lunch mealtime experience to look more like the experience at the elementary school 7. Be aware of and refer parents to Kindergarten workshops in the community. • Head Start Director • Education Manager • PFCE Staff • Family Service Staff Beginning in August 2023 and on-going Cost of materials to host trainings and purchase back packs • Verification documentation of meetings/field trips

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Program Goal 2: Family Engagement CRHS will provide more opportunities for families to engage in the centers, attend trainings, serve on boards/committees, and engage within their communities. Objective Action Plan Who By When Financial Supports Data tools or methods for tracking progress Objective 1: The program will provide at least 10 workshops each year that address parenting skills, child development or parental stress utilizing the Conscious Discipline Parenting Curriculum and the Frog Street Family Connections CRHS PFCE Specialist will be trained to be facilitators and will conduct the Conscious Discipline Parenting Curriculum training monthly • PFCE Specialist • Center Directors • Family Advocates Monthly, beginning September of each program year • Cost of parenting curriculum • On-going professional development training • Advertisement of meetings • Schedule of parent training sessions • Attendance sheets Objective 2: CRHS will have parental representation from each site to serve on School Readiness Committees, Self-Assessment Committees, and other committees. Participation will increase each year for each site. Center directors will advertise the sessions through verbal communication, flyers, emailing and texting. Each center will develop and initiate a series of incentives for parent participation • Education Manager • Center Directors • Family Advocates Yearly, by end of program year Cost of incentives • Parent training attendance sheets • Annual Parent Survey

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Objective 3: CRHS will plan, implement, and participate in more activities and committees within the communities and advocate for parents to engage in the program and the community. CRHS will have parent participation from each center participate in community events and join community organization. Head Start Family Service Staff will collaborate with community partners to coordinate events and schedule parents to assist in events. Head Start staff will invite parents to attend community meetings, events, and encourage them to join and participate in their committees/boards. • All Head Start Staff On-going Cost of materials, incentives, and travel • Participant Sign in Sheets Objective 4: CRHS will increase male involvement and encourage healthy family relationships Head Start will hire a Male Initiative Specialist. Head Start Staff will collaborate with community partners to schedule events/trainings to engage fathers/father figures and encourage participation in community and Head Start events. • PFCE Specialist, Male Initiative Specialist, and Family Advocates On-going Cost of materials, incentives, and travel • Participant Sign in Sheets

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Program Goal 3: Professional Development CRHS will increase employee retention by evaluating, educating, and responding to employee wellness concerns within the program. Objective Action Plan Who By When Financial Supports Data tools or methods for tracking progress Objective 1: CRHS will support employee challenges timely and effectively Utilization of the Professional Development/Mentor Coach will ensure that the concerns of the staff or the needs identified are met timely • PD/Mentor Coach • Education Manager • Center Director • Head Start Director On-going Cost of training/materials if need is identified for staff • Regular Coaching visits and Professional Development Needs Plan Objective 2: CRHS will improve employee break policies Schedule support staff at centers to ensure teaching staff receive breaks. • All Management Staff • Head Start Director • Center Directors On-going $250.00 per center • Center Director and Employee Feedback Program Goal 4: Social and Emotional Development CRHS will partner with parents, community agencies, collaborative partners to educate staff and parents on positive discipline techniques, effects of adverse family environments, challenging behaviors, and social emotional wellbeing both directly and indirectly. Objective Action Plan Who By When Financial Supports Data tools or methods for tracking progress Objective 1: CRHS will ensure parents are an immediate integral part of the child’s social and emotional plan. CRHS will revise and implement policies on concerning and challenging behaviors to ensure families are activated as part of the child’s social emotional team • Head Start Director • Education Manager • Center Directors • Teachers On-going Any materials or training costs Documentation from teachers and Center Director

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immediately in effort to support concerns and challenges. Objective 2: CRHS will provide environments that support social and emotional well-being providing structure and limitations to decrease the number of challenging behaviors in the classroom. CRHS will purchase more materials and implement more techniques that support structure and routine, and limits. • Education Manager • Head Start Director On-going Costs of materials or training costs Observations by Center Directors, Education Manager, PD/Coach Program Goal 5: Math and Science CRHS will enhance its educational services to improve the Math and Science skills of enrolled children to maximize their potential to enter kindergarten with a solid foundation for Math and Science success. Objective Action Plan Who By When Financial Supports Data tools or methods for tracking progress Objective 1: CRHS will expand the number of math and science experiences indoors and outdoors in the EHS and HS programs. CRHS will purchase math and science materials to expand these experiences indoors and outdoors. Educational staff will receive more training in math and science activities for indoor and outdoor experiences. • Head Start Director • Education Manager • Center Directors • Teachers • PD/Coach On-going Cost of materials and training. Assessment data Lesson plans

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PD/Coach will assist teachers with broadening their lessons on math and science. Objective 2: CRHS will introduce and educate families on the importance of early math and science concepts. CRHS will conduct Parent-Child events to train and model the importance of early math and science concepts, and how to incorporate these techniques at home. • Head Start Director • Education Manager • Center Directors • Teachers On-going Cost of materials and training Training Sign In Sheets Program Goal 2: Nutrition CRHS will partner with parents, community agencies, collaborative partner to enhance the nutritional knowledge and practices of our children and families by fostering healthy eating habits that support optimal growth, development and lifelong wellness. Objective Action Plan Who By When Financial Supports Data tools or methods for tracking progress Objective 1: Provide engaging workshops and resources for children and parents on the importance of balanced nutrition. Collaborate with schools and community organizations to promote nutrition awareness and create supportive environments for healthy eating. CRHS will provide Nutrition Education training through the Nutrition Manager, Community Partners, and Collaborative Partnerships with cooperative extensions, WIC and etc. • Nutrition Manager • Cooks • Community Partners On-going • Any materials or training costs • • Questionnaires • Surveys and sign in sheets

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Objective 2: CRHS will improve access to nutritious foods through partnerships with local farms, markets, and food banks. Implement hands-on activities,,, such as cooking classes and gardening, to encourage children to make healthy food choices. CRHS will partner with Community agencies and collaborative partnerships to access food banks and community gardens in our local areas using farm to preschool • Nutrition Manager • Center Directors • Teachers • Parents On-going Any material and training costs • Parent training attendance sheets • Community partnership reports Updates: o Program Goals Progress – o Program Goal 1: Transitions § CRHS will strengthen policies and practices that ensure children experiencing transitions are smooth and effective. 1. We have become more intentional with scheduling and planning transition visits from EHS to HS. 2. Started planning Kindergarten Summit, Kindergarten visits and School Readiness meeting for the end of the year. 3. Updated Home Visit Form to include a notes section for information gained about the family that will aid in the transition from home to school for children and families. C. Jackson 06/9/2024 4. Created a Transition Committee that will meet via zoom monthly to discuss transitions from EHS to HS and HS to Kindergarten. C. Jackson 9/24/2024 o Program Goal 2: Family Engagement § CRHS will provide more opportunities for families to engage in the centers, attend trainings, serve on boards/committees, and engage within their communities. 1. Families have attended Conscious Discipline trainings monthly, we plan to send six fathers to the Fatherhood conference in April, FA’s have been taking parents to community events monthly 2. Hosted bookfair during The Week of the Young Child to engage families 3. Hired a Male to assist the Father’s in the PFCE component 4. Created an Event Planning Committee that will meet monthly via zoom to share ideas for family engagement and center activities. C. Jackson 9/24/2024 5. Developed a monthly planning calendar for the year with family engagement events and center activities. C. Jackson 9/24/2024

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o Program Goal 3: Professional Development § CRHS will increase employee retention by evaluating, educating, and responding to employee wellness concerns within the program. 1. See following training schedule for the program year: 2023-2024 Trainings and Participants Date Training Participants January 30-31 Head Start Health and Safety Institute -Charleston, SC Shavonda Curry, Andrea Couch January 30-Feb. 2 Head Start CLASS training -Pensacola FL Felecia Carter, Felecia Bailey, Cotia Bolton, Tiffiny Hardnett Brandie Hill, Ashley Brown February 20-23 Social Work Conference-Orange Beach, AL Kara Carlisle, Lateka Jemison, Alexus Hale, and Regina Spikes February 26-29 Region IV Annual Conference- Atlanta, GA Christa Wesley, Beverly Welch, Michelle Rand, Billy Ray Parker (four rooms) March 14-15 Head Start Fiscal Integrity- Dallas, TX Christa Wesley, Stacey Royster April 15-18 NHSA Conference- Portland, OR Christa Wesley, Beverly Welch, Michelle, +1 (four rooms) April 22-26 CACFP Conference- Orlando, FL Yvette Wilson, Stacey Royster (two rooms) April 24-27 14th Annual Fatherhood Conference- Myrtle Beach, SC Shavone Clark, Andrea Couch, +six fathers (4 rooms) May 7-9 International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute- Chapel Hill, NC Caportia Jackson, Porsche Russell, +six center staff (four rooms) June 11-14 Region IV Leadership Summit- Atlanta, GA All Managers

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June 12-13 Reaching our Destination: Family Services Manager's Journey through the Season's Tool Lexington , KY Kara Carlisle and Lateka Jemison June 17-21 Science in the Rockies-Dever Colorado Tanisha Henry, Tanish Smith, Donetta Hill, and Bethany Turner 2024-2025 Trainings and Participants Date Training Participants September 17-20 Region IV EHS training Atlanta Caportia/Shavonda and six teachers (Wangelica Wilson, Brooklyn Dutton, , Leslie Ibrarra, Kayla Conner, Cassie Gardener, Susan Huddleston) September 22-26 NHSA Fall Leadership Conference Washnigton D.C. Christa Wesley September 29- Oct. 2 AHSA Fall Conference Christa Wesley

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2. Hire a Professional Dev. Specialist that has aided all education staff in their educational goals this year o Program Goal 4: Social and Emotional Development § CRHS will partner with parents, community agencies, collaborative partners to educate staff and parents on positive discipline techniques, effects of adverse family environments, challenging behaviors, and social emotional wellbeing both directly and indirectly. 1. The agency has started having behavior intervention meetings this program year with families at onset of social and emotional challenges. This is new to our agency, and we are still working on this, but we have initiated the intervention strategy. 2. Became partners with LEAPS academy to offer space in our centers to provide additional services for children that need support 3. Purchased Calm Caterpillar “The Calm Caterpillar is a revolutionary set of tools that have been proven to help children understand and manage difficult emotions such as anger and frustration.” C. Jackson 7/29/2024 o Program Goal 5: Math and Science § CRHS will enhance its educational services to improve the Math and Science skills of enrolled children to maximize their potential to enter kindergarten with a solid foundation for Math and Science success. 1. Ordered materials to support math and science activities outdoors 2. Sent four teachers to Colorado to a Science training and have them scheduled to train all education staff during Pre-service