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Crescent University Program Guide rev. 2024

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CRESCENTUNIVERSITYPROGRAM GUIDEL E A D I N G T A L E N T E D P E O P L E I N T O A P R O M I S I N G F U T U R ECrescent University is crafted to lead our people toward apromising future by providing targeted learning opportunitiesand developmental initiatives. It serves as a strategicframework to empower our workforce, fostering bothindividual and collective growth. Crescent, as a community, isfocused on growing our people to provide a path forward forour Key Customers, strengthening their competitiveadvantage. This comprehensive approach ensures that ourteam is well-equipped for success in the evolving landscape ofour organization, aligning personal development with thebroader goals of Crescent and our valued customers.

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Cohen CoachingLanders Coaching3568791 0CRESCENT UNIVERSITYL E A D I N G T A L E N T E D P E O P L E I N T O A P R O M I S I N G F U T U R EPROGRAM GUIDET A B L E O F C O N T E N T SC R E S C E N TCrescent UniversityProgam OverviewLeadership Developmentand Coaching (LDCP) Leadership Counseling andCoaching Highway (LCCH) Reflected Best SelfProgram (RBS)Progressive LeadershipClinic (PLC)eLearning

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3CRESCENT UNIVERSITYL E A D I N G T A L E N T E D P E O P L E I N T O A P R O M I S I N G F U T U R ECrescent recognizes that the ability to provide continuouslearning and development opportunities is a crucialcompetitive advantage. Whether individuals are on a path ofpromotion or progression, both trajectories necessitatebehavioral growth. Each step forward requires an expansionof knowledge, skills, and behaviors. Crescent University iscommitted to offering additional development opportunitiesto our people, acknowledging that training anddevelopment are essential for role-specific proficiency andoverall career advancement. Acquiring new skills enhancesefficiency, enabling individuals to handle diverseresponsibilities and challenges effectively.In essence, Crescent University aligns closely with Crescent'sbusiness strategy for high performance, focusing on thefollowing key areas:To drive the success of our mission and achievestrategic goals, Crescent is dedicated to cultivatingversatile and skilled talent for the future. CrescentUniversity serves as a hub for comprehensive learningopportunities, integrating academic and professionalprograms with co-curricular engagement. This inclusive environment fosters open inquiry,preparing individuals for Crescent's diverse, complex,and interdependent culture. The strategic vision aimsto guide our workforce towards producing tangibleresults for current and future mission requirements.Onboarding - Support new hires, trainees, and interns in understanding Crescent's values, vision, mission, and goals.Skills Enhancement-Mentoring - Share the skills and knowledge ofsuccessful, experienced, and highly competent People to pass theirexpertise on to others who need to acquire specified skills.Professional Identity – Contribute to understanding what it means to be aprofessional in the working environment; professionals embody the valuesof Crescent and are self-initiating and self-regulating. Career Development – Help People plan, develop, grow, and manage theircareers. Through mentoring and education, to help people becomeresilient in times of change, more self-reliant in their careers, and moreresponsible as self-directed learners.Leadership and Management Development – Encourage the developmentof leadership competencies. These competencies are often more easilygained through application and guided practice than education andtraining.Education Support (Tuition Reimbursement)– Help to bridge the gapbetween theory and practice. The knowledge and hands-on experience offormal external education and practitioners complement formal educationand training. The Crescent Way– Assist in modeling desired behaviors, encouraging thedevelopment of competencies to support customer service, and, above all,cultivating the right attitudes.People Retention –Provide a supportive environment. Ongoinginteractions, coaching, teaching, and role modeling will facilitateprogression within Crescent, influencing retention because it helpsestablish Crescent's culture as attractive to the top talent clamoring forgrowth opportunities.People Engagement - Provides People in a tangible way that they arevalued and that the Crescent's future includes them.Selection – Enhances recruitment goals by offering additional incentives toprospective candidates.Knowledge Management/Knowledge Transfer (People Development)–Provides for the interchange/exchange of information and knowledgebetween members of different operations, groups, specialties, anddepartments within Crescent." I have learned many things that will help megrow in my career... there are many tools that Ihave been given that I will continue to use andhelp my team."-Jasmin Therkandiyil, C1 | Inventory Control Coordinator IIE N R O L L E D I N T H E P R O G R E S S I V EL E A D E R S H I P C L I N I C 2 0 2 3

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*Crescent reserves the right to choose participants for any Crescent Universityoffering regardless of tenure and skill sets if a candidate has sufficientcompetencies for the program. Therefore, if you are interested, don't hesitate tocontact your manager for more information.CRESCENT UNIVERSITYLeadership & Personal DevelopmentProgressive Leadership ClinicCohen CoachingLanders CoachingReflected Best Self ProgramHistory of continuous improvement performanceTenure with Crescent > 1 yrs *Exemplifies Crescents RSW Behavioral CompetenciesThese programs are crafted to foster holistic growth, addressing bothprofessional and personal dimensions of leadership. Designed for individualsseeking a well-rounded approach to leadership, these programs encompassskills development, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence. Participantsengage in activities that enhance interpersonal skills, resilience, andmindfulness. The goal is to empower leaders in their professional roles andpersonal lives, fostering a balanced and impactful leadership style. Theprograms emphasize the interconnectedness of personal and professionaldevelopment for sustained success.Enrollment is based on results from the assessment process(behavior/potential), and participants are selected from the selectioncommittee.eLearning Our eLearning programs leverage digital platforms to deliver dynamic andinteractive learning experiences. Tailored for convenience and flexibility,these programs allow participants to access various educational resources attheir own pace. From video tutorials to interactive modules, participantsengage with content that spans a range of topics, enhancing their skills andknowledge. The eLearning approach is ideal for those seeking a self-directedand technology-enabled learning journey. Through quizzes, assessments,and collaborative tools, participants receive instant feedback, promoting acontinuous cycle of learning and improvement.You must be a Crescent FTE/PTE person to participateLeadership Coaching & Professional DevelopmentThese programs are tailored to elevate leaders by providing targetedcoaching and professional development opportunities. Aimed at honingleadership skills and enhancing strategic thinking, these programs offerpersonalized guidance to navigate the complexities of leadership roles.Through one-on-one coaching, workshops, and immersive experiences,participants gain insights into effective leadership practices, communicationstrategies, and decision-making processes. The focus is on cultivatingresilient and adaptable leaders who can lead teams to success in dynamicbusiness environments.Enrollment is based on results from the assessment process(behavior/potential), and participants are selected from the selectioncommittee.Leadership Coaching and Counseling HighwayMust be in a key role (level 3 or above) and leading a teamHistory of continuous improvement performanceTenure with Crescent > 3 yrs *Exemplifies Crescents RSW Behavioral CompetenciesLeadership Development and Coaching ProgramMust be in a position level 5 or above History of continuous improvement performanceTenure with Crescent > 6months *Exemplifies Crescents RSW Behavioral CompetenciesOn-the-Job Training Programs**Level Up Development Programs Champion ProgramsRecognition ProgramsJob ShadowingL E A D I N G T A L E N T E D P E O P L E I N T O A P R O M I S I N G F U T U R E4Our on-the-job training programs, such as the Internal Level Up and Development Programs,are immersive experiences designed to cultivate practical skills within the context of real-world tasks. Participants learn by doing, applying theoretical knowledge directly to theirroles. Mentoring and shadowing opportunities provide hands-on exposure to the intricaciesof their positions. These programs emphasize experiential learning, enabling participants togain confidence and proficiency in their roles while contributing directly to organizationalgoals. The Internal Level Up and Development Programs are strategically aligned with ourinternal career pathways, ensuring a seamless integration of learning and professionalgrowth within Crescent.Open to all Crescent and Talent Partner People**Offerings are managed directly by the site leadership team. To enroll speak to yourmanager of People Group Representative.Programs:Programs:

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The Crescent Leadership Development and Coaching Program (LDCP)aims to establish a structured framework and roadmap for identifyingpriorities, roles, responsibilities, and criteria within Crescent's leadershipdevelopment selection process. This program aims to systematicallyimplement Crescent's mission of providing career-long, blended learningand developmental opportunities for Emerging Leaders/Hi-Pos, Leaderswith 1 to 5 years of experience and Leaders with 5+ years of experience.The primary function of the LDCP is to support the development ofselected and self-identified successors (or mentees) in specific areas,facilitating the successful completion of the leadership developmentprogram. Additionally, it serves as a succession tool, ensuring that Crescentcultivates a diverse pool of leaders equipped to achieve its missionsuccessfully.The program outlines specific goals, guidance, roles, responsibilities, andcriteria to be implemented across Crescent, aligning with the organization'sIndividual Growth Plan (IGP), assessment, and STAR (Select, Train, Assess,Recognize) processes. By doing so, the LDCP becomes an integral tool forfostering leadership development and ensuring the presence of the righttalent to drive Crescent's success.CRESCENT UNIVERSITYL E A D E R S H I P D E V E L O P M E N T A N DC O A C H I N G P R O G R A M ( L D C P )Program Method:Our learning approach follows the impactful 70/20/10 model, recognizing that effectivedevelopment is a blend of experiences, relationships, and formal learning. Here's why:70% - Learning through Experiences:The majority of your knowledge will come from hands-on challenges andassignments. We believe in pushing boundaries and learning by doing, especiallyfor:High Potentials & Emerging LeadersLeaders with 1-5 years of experienceLeaders with over 5+ years of experience20% - Learning through Relationships:Building developmental relationships is key. You'll gain valuable insights throughmentorship and collaboration with peers, supporting your growth at everyleadership level.10% - Learning through Coursework & Training:Tailored coursework and training directly address challenges faced by leaders. Thisintentional learning complements experiences and relationships, ensuring a well-rounded development journey.By embracing the 70/20/10 model, we craft a comprehensive program that maximizesyour learning potential, propelling you to success at every stage of your leadershipjourney.EnrollmentCandidates identify the Leadership Development and Coaching Program in theirIndividual Growth Plans, reflecting their commitment to professional growth or will benominated through Steering committee.Complete the program application by the designated deadline. Applications are crucialfor understanding individual goals and preferences. (Applications are available on theIntranet under Whole Person Wellbeing- Career)The Steering Committee evaluates applications, considering mentee interests andpotential contributions to the programThe Mentorship Committee conducts a meticulous matching process based on mentorand mentee rankings, ensuring compatibility and shared objectives.Final Match Notification:The Learning and Development department will communicate the final mentor-mentee matches in the first week of May, marking the beginning of the formalmentoring relationship.5

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7The Leadership Counseling and Coaching Highway (LCCH) is a journey towards 100%responsibility. So many factors contribute to why leaders find success; ensuring youlead responsibly, ethically, and effectively, all comes down to accountability.Accountability means that individuals must account for their actions, acceptresponsibility for them, no matter the results, and correct those actions whennecessary. The Crescent LCCH is designed for us to improve leadership skills and capabilitiesimpactfully to help us move from our current positions to our desired location of100% responsibility in a meaningful, accelerated manner. The Leadership Counselingand Coaching Highway is designed with three lanes. In the first lane, participantslearn to lead themselves; in the second lane, they will learn how to lead others; in thethird lane, they will learn how to lead to a vision.The best leadership drives both change and long-lasting motivation.C R E S C E N T U N I V E R S I T YL E A D E R S H I P C O U N S E L I N G A N DC O A C H I N G H I G H W A Y ( L C C H ) P R O G R A M O V E R V I E WProgram MethodCandidate Selection CriteriaCurrently in a key leadership (level 3 and above) role at Crescent andresponsible for leading a team of 5 or more.History of continuous improvement performanceCrescent Tenure of 3 years or more*Solid grasp of current positionExemplifies Crescents RSW Behavioral CompetenciesHas not been subject to correction action within the last year and is notcurrently under a performance improvement plan*Crescent reserves the right to choose participants for any Crescent University offeringregardless of tenure and skill sets if a candidate has sufficient competencies for the program.Therefore, if you are interested, don't hesitate to contact your manager for more information.Participants will work with the LCCH Leadership Coach, Damian Scallon,through one-on-one training and mentoring, Reinforcing the overarchingtheme of the journey towards 100% responsibility and connecting choiceswith the broader concept of leadership accountability.The Leadership Coaching and Counseling Highway program is a dynamicand intentional journey towards enhanced leadership responsibility andeffectiveness. Through thoughtful choices and a commitment to cadence,participants navigate their unique pathways to success.Enrollment"What impressed me the most about the LCCHwas the focus on Self and becoming aware of thepower of influence that you, as a leader, have.The leadership journey begins with conqueringoneself, and the rest follows."-Bryan HomerSenior Co-Pack Operations Manager, E1L C C H G R A D U A T E 2 0 2 3Candidates will identify the LCCH Program in their Individual GrowthPlans, reflecting their commitment to professional growth, or will benominated through the Steering Committee.All candidates that fit the candidate selection criteria will complete theprogram interview process by the designated deadline. The Steering Committee evaluates applications, consideringdevelopment goals and potential.Final Match Notification:The Learning and Development department will communicate thefinal selections the first week of May, marking the beginning of theLCCH program.

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The Progressive Leadership clinic is a transformative journeyof personal and professional growth with a comprehensive 4-month program facilitated by an industrial organizationalpsychologist. This unique program is tailored for individualsseeking intentional development, aligning with both self-identified aspirations and manager-identified growth criteria.Over the course of four months, participants will engage in aone-on-one delivery method, receiving personalized guidanceand insights to unlock their full potential.Collaborate with your Industrial Organizational Psychologistto set clear and achievable goals. Develop a strategic actionplan to systematically work towards your objectives. This is nota clinic that tells you what’s wrong with you - that’sineffective. Instead, this clinic will supply you with the toolsyou need as you enter leadership, build better teams, enhanceyour current skills toolbox, and tackle the everyday hurdles ofleadership on your time and with your needs in mind.C R E S C E N TU N I V E R S I T YP R O G R E S S I V E L E A D E R S H I P C L I N I C"The information was refreshing- I learned manyways to use the principles he taught me in mywork. There were times when I sat back andthought I needed to re-think some things, and bydoing so, I was able to change some of mycommunication tactics, and it has worked greatfor me and the team. "-Birgit PierceProduction Planner, D1P L C G R A D U A T E 2 0 2 2EnrollmentEnrollment in this program is a quarterly opportunity. Individualskeen on participating should initiate a conversation with theirmanager or connect with their people group representative. Selection for the program is determined by the timely alignment ofself-identified aspirations and manager-identified growth criteria,along with the completion of a skills inventory assessment. Those chosen as final candidates will be notified via email by theLearning and Development department. This communication marks the beginning of the pre-work phase,where candidates delve into outlining their self-identifiedaspirations and manager-identified growth criteria, laying thegroundwork for the program before the first class commences.This program gave me many tools to use in mycareer. The information provided within thisprogram has helped me become more of aneffective communicator, creating a team of opencommunication, cohesiveness with my team,and transparency.-Deon OnleyLogistics Manager, C1P L C G R A D U A T E 2 0 1 9" I encourage all people to gothrough this program. If you aren'tprogressing, you are regressing."-Shannon Mckeehan, GE Logistics Supervisor8Program MethodMonthly One-on-One Sessions:Dedicated in-person or virtual one-on-one sessions with yourIndustrial-Organizational Psychologist. These sessions provide aconfidential and focused space for in-depth discussions on yourdevelopment journey.Homework and On-the-Job Assignments:Reinforce your learning through carefully designed homeworkassignments. Apply newfound insights directly to your role with on-the-job assignments, ensuring practical integration of yourdevelopment goals.Self-Reflection:Cultivate self-awareness through guided self-reflection exercises.Understand your strengths and areas for improvement, and uncoverhidden potential.Benefits:Enhanced self-awareness and emotional intelligence.Targeted skill development for professional success.Improved leadership capabilities and interpersonaleffectiveness.Practical application of learning through on-the-jobassignments.Confidence and resilience in navigating workplacechallenges.

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R E F L E C T E D B E S T S E L F P R O G R A MC R E S C E N TU N I V E R S I T YMost of us yearn to make an impact—to become extraordinary—topush ourselves beyond the "good enough" bar to maximize ourpotential fully. But many of us don't know how to get there. What is the Reflected Best Self Program? The Reflected Best SelfProgram is a transformative experience that uses feedback fromsignificant people to provide a holistic picture of your strengths.By focusing on your positive qualities and the moments when younaturally shine, the program will guide you to harness thesestrengths to achieve greater success personally andprofessionally.What will you learn?Comprehensive Self-view: You'll receive insights into howothers see you at your best. This helps in creating a richerunderstanding of your unique strengths and capabilities.Constructive Feedback: Through a structured process, you willgather and interpret feedback, turning it into actionablestrategies for personal and professional growth.Empowered Decision-making: Armed with a clearer vision ofyour strengths, you can make decisions that align better withyour core capabilities and aspirations.Enhanced Collaboration: By understanding and leveragingyour strengths, you'll find it easier to collaborate with others,as you'll know how best to contribute in team scenarios"Participating in the RBS program is one of the things I ammost grateful for during my time at Crescent thus far. Ithelped me to align my personal values and career growthdesires into a vision statement and action plan that will helpme to be the best leader I can be."-Kim Newberry People Process Manager, COR B S G R A D U A T E 2 0 2 3Program MethodEnrollment"The program was good to go through- I am allfor anything I can do to continue to better myselfand my team. It's good to refresh yourself andensure that as a leader, you are doing what isright for your team and you are the best versionof yourself each and every day."-Frank NeidenbachLogistics Manager, C1-GER B S G R A D U A T E 2 0 1 99The Reflected Best Self Program is a comprehensiveprocess that typically takes six months to a year tocomplete. The program involves a series of steps designed to helpindividuals discover their true potential and achieve theirgoals. Some of the program's key components include self-reflection, goal-setting, feedback, and coaching. The program offers a unique Peer to Peer Mentoringmethod, where individuals at similar career stages or withcomparable experiences support each other's professionaland personal development. Providing a dynamic andmutually beneficial platform for individuals to grow bothprofessionally and personally. The shared experiences,diverse perspectives, and supportive relationshipscultivated in peer mentoring contribute to a well-roundedand enriching developmental experience.Enrollment in the Reflected Best Self (RBS) Program is openthroughout the year, providing individuals the flexibility to join atany time. Those interested in participating can initiate the process byemailing the Learning and Development department. Upon expressing interest, candidates will receive acomprehensive overview of the program to assess if the RBSexperience aligns with their goals. This may involve conversations with current RBS participantsand coaches to gain deeper insights. Once familiar with theprogram, candidates can select a coach, officially becoming anRBS participant. Individuals interested in becoming an RBS coach mustsuccessfully complete the RBS program, ensuring a thoroughunderstanding and alignment with the program's principles andobjectives.

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C O H E N C O A C H I N GL A N D E R S C O A C H I N GCoaching is probably one of the most—if not the most—individually tailored practices in talent development, as it involvesa close and confidential relationship between the coach and theperson being coached. Our Cohen Coaching and Landers Career Coaching Program isstrategically designed to elevate both leadership skills andpersonal development. This six-month to a year long programpairs participants with seasoned career coaches or IndustrialOrganizational Psychologists, ensuring a holistic approach toIndividual Growth Plans.Coaching does not offer therapeutic outcomes like counseling;these programs focus on helping people move forward relative totheir goals, hopes, and curiosities—not dig into their past. Cultivate leadership excellence with specialized coaching focusedon leadership development. Hone skills such as communication,team building, and conflict resolution, fostering effective andinspirational leadership.C R E S C E N TU N I V E R S I T YEnrollment Working with Jodi has played a key role in the transformation ofmy career at Crescent. Because of my work with her, I havebecome a confident and empowered leader. I transformed frombeing the individual who completes a task for you to get it doneto be the one who teaches you how to complete it. I became theleader that teaches leaders how to be successful instead ofconstantly being the one who rescues them. -Leanna Van VleetPeople Group Business Manager, P1L A N D E R S C O A C H I N GProgram Method" To be the leader that the team needed me to be, I needed to learn how to be confident inmyself and think outside the box. I am learning every day to expect the unexpected,between where I am and where I want to go, and this inspires me, and I won't run from it."-Manuel SalazarProduction Supervisor, C1C O H E N C O A C H I N G1 0Bi-Weekly or Monthly One on One sessions, This frequencyensures continuous support and allows for sustained progressover the six-month duration.Targeted business coaching to enhance strategic thinking,decision-making, and problem-solving skills. Coaches providevaluable insights to align professional objectives withorganizational goals.Tailored coaching sessions. Identify and address areas forimprovement, capitalize on strengths, and optimize overalleffectiveness in your role.Enhanced leadership skills for effective team management.Improved decision-making and strategic thinking.Personalized development plans aligned with career objectives.Increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence.Greater confidence and resilience in professional endeavorsEnrollment in the Career Coaching Programs is open throughoutthe year, allowing individuals to join anytime. Those interested will identify the Career Coaching Program intheir Individual Growth Plans, reflecting their commitment toprofessional growth, or will be nominated through theirmanager.Selection for the program is determined by the timely alignmentof self-identified aspirations and manager-identified growthcriteria, along with completing a skills inventory assessment. Those chosen as final candidates will be notified via email by theLearning and Development department.This communication marks the beginning of the pre-work phase,where candidates delve into outlining their self-identifiedaspirations and manager-identified growth criteria, laying thegroundwork for the program before the first class commences.

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E L E A R N I N GCrescent's eCampus provides 24/7, 365 online access to onlinecourses and materials for those preparing for their path ahead-wherever it leads. So whether you want to learn or to develop whatyou know, you've come to the right place. Crescent UniversityOnline is a destination for online learning; we connect peoplethrough knowledge.Built from a foundation of award-winning learning content throughBiz Library, Udemy, Harvard University, Northwestern University,Georgetown University, Stanford and many others, CrescentUniversity eLearning products are designed to enable seamlesstraining experiences with clear paths for people development.C R E S C E N TU N I V E R S I T Y12 Essential Skills for Leaders#1 Crescent University Online Course of 2023"This online course, as well as the Customer Servicecourse, was beneficial when training and developingpeople to fill our Account Coordinator positions. Ourinternal people had the chance to learn how to workin customer service, email etiquette, and conflictresolution, vital skills needed within this role. I can'tthink of a skill that a manager would need that isn'taddressed with the training content in the CU onlineprogram. ""We use the online courses to supplement ourlevel-up development programs and fill skillsgaps. One of the main reasons why customeLearning is effective is that it’s the perfectdelivery method for multimedia materials-videos, documents, and more. People areengaged, and this increases retention.-John ChaneyLogistics Manager, C1-GEC U C H A M P I O N 2 0 2 2Skills DevelopmentTo participate, you must be a Crescent FTE/PTE person and haveaccess to UKG. For questions, please get in touch with the L&Ddepartment at People with the skills theyneed. Tackle skills gaps at scale - oursolutions let you automate skillsdevelopment, helping every person toreach their performance potential andtake the right steps to grow their career.Providing leadership development atany level from standardized managertraining programs to personalizedleadership development, we provideflexible solutions that make an impacton the people guiding your teams.Support for Leaders & ManagerDeliver and track compliance with easeMake compliance efficient, engaging,and effective with content that keepsemployees’ attention and a platformthat keeps everything straightforward,from assigning to reporting.Uncomplicated Compliance TrainingJR Roseberry, Logistics Manager, C1-GEC U C H A M P I O N 2 0 2 21 1

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In conclusion, at Crescent, the fusion ofTalented People Management and InnovativeLeadership is more than a strategic initiative—it's a fundamental part of our culture.We recognize that being innovative inaddressing challenges is not just a choice butan inherent aspect of who we are. InnovativeLeadership isn't merely a requirement; it's acornerstone in guiding our teams through thecomplexities of each day. In an environmentwhere our customers and their industriesdemand a continuous improvement serviceculture, our commitment to refining processesdaily reflects our dedication to delivering acontinuous stream of incrementalimprovements.Our emphasis on fostering innovation withinour leadership ranks empowers us with thecapability to consistently provide the BestValue Solution, ensuring sustained success andexcellence in all that we do.C R E S C E N TU N I V E R S I T YPlease contact the Learning and Developmentdepartment if you have any questions on theprograms."To have an effective continuous improvementculture, you must have people who understandthat there are always people to improve. Thisresponsibility cannot rest on the shoulders of justone individual; it necessitates a collective effort.Therefore, ensuring ongoing development is aperpetual and shared commitment. -Brad DaubenmireGeneral Manager, C1-GEL C C H G R A D U A T E 2 0 2 2

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