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Crescent Progression Guide

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GUIDEPROGRESSIONA Whole Person Wellbeing Initiative2023To Become A Premier Service ProviderCrescent is a Community focused on growing our People toprovide a path forward for our Key Customers, strengthening theircompetitive advantage.

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WE MEASURE OUR SUCCESS BY YOUR SUCCESSThis Progression Guide was developed to provide all Crescent People anunderstanding of how to grow and develop with the Crescent. At Crescent,our people's ability to be efficient and effective is our competitiveadvantage. At Crescent, People are our most valued assets, which is why Crescentinvests in the growth and development of our People. If you're looking forways to advance in your career, you can focus on something other thancareer growth or career development. You have to focus on both of themequally. Crescent provides our People with the tools to do the job; Right, Safely, andWell. After all, Right, Safe, and Well is our mindset for how we think aboutservice delivery framed in a model that guarantees high-qualityperformance by aligning our Purpose, Process, and People. This is ourbusiness; this is the Crescent Way.

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TABLE OFCONTENTS0405050607080910What is Progression?The Five Drivers of ProgressionPhysicalSocialCareerCommunityFinancialThe ROI of Whole PersonWellbeing and ProgressionWhole Person Wellbeing11Tracking ProgressionPromotion vs. Progression vs.Required Training12FAQs1314Addendum

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WHAT ISPROGRESSION?Career and Personal progression is the process of climbing theladder or lattice during your work and personal life by movingforward, learning new skills, finding new challenges, projects,and opportunities, and getting the most out of your career.There are a vast number of aspects and elements that cancontribute to successful and efficient career progression withCrescent. Crescent puts career progression in your hands,allowing you to create your road map within Crescent. Research shows that investing in People development can boostjob satisfaction, performance, and retention. Progression playsa large part in Crescent's mission to build a community focusedon growing our People to provide a path forward for our KeyCustomers, strengthening their competitive advantage.

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THE FIVEDRIVERS OFPROGRESSIONParticipating in Crescent's Annual Walking challenges**.Organizing SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) to assist in navigatinghealthcare benefits through onsite seminars and webinarseducating people on the benefits of taking care of their physicalhealth and learning about healthy food options, etc.Leading and Organizing site Fitness Challenges such as The BiggestLoser, Water Challenge, etc..***Completing a Wellbeats Program or (4) individual Wellbeats orWellworks eCourses.Physical well-being is maintaining a healthy and balanced life withoutphysical limitations, stress, and excessive fatigue.Our physical well-being refers to the physical state of our body,whether that's maintaining a healthy weight, good posture, well-functioning organs, or the ability to carry out routine daily taskswithout exhaustion or discomfort.Physical well-being also ensures that each person is suitable for theirrole and is motivated and encouraged to take care of their physicalperson.*Physical Well-being and Progression opportunities:Physical*Refer to the addendum, page 14, for additionalinformation.**To receive walking challenge credit, your namemust appear on the walking challenge leader board,and you must achieve the lowest tier to receivecredit.*** Challenges must be at least four weeks long andweekly logins and check-ins.

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THE FIVE DRIVERS OFPROGRESSION CONT...Leading a training or development programMentoring or training othersParticipation in the Wellworks eLearning series and webinarsOrganizing a site Town Hall meeting*Organizing Development Activities, i.e., Predictive Index, HBDI teamde-briefs.Organizing Lunch and Learn skills/development presentations**Social well-being can be defined as the sharing, developing, andsustaining meaningful relationships with others. This allows you to feelauthentic and valued and provides a sense of connectedness andbelonging.Social Well-being ensures the Crescent culture motivates each personto reach their highest potential.*Social Well-being and Progression opportunities:Social*Refer to the addendum, page 14, for additional information.*Sign-in sheets are required for all site-wide events and mustbe entered into UKG.** Challenges must be at least four weeks long and weeklylogins and check-ins.

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Completion of a 360-degree review and creation of an Individual Growth Plan.Successful completion of a Level-Up Development Program milestone.Participation in Crescent programs such as Ongoing learning and skillsdevelopment through Crescent University, Cohen Coaching, Landers Mentoring,Progressive Leadership Clinic, Leadership Counseling and Coaching Highway(LCCH), Reflected Best Self Program, tuition reimbursement, etc., or to seekoutside education funded by our tuition reimbursement program.Enrollment in mentoring programs, strengths-based career planning, andcontinuous performance management through psychometric assessments(Predictive Index, DISC, etc.).Continuously refinement through skills attainment and becoming an SME inparticular processes, i.e., Six Sigma Green Belt Training and certification, as italigns with Crescent. “Career Well-being” can be defined as how you feel about your job today, yourcareer goals tomorrow, and how our people can help you accomplish your goals inlife. However, career Well-beingWellbeing is more than just how we feel aboutwork; it significantly impacts our lives. Career well-being is about ensuring that each person has the opportunity for acareer with Crescent.*Career Well-being and Progression opportunities:CareerTHE FIVEDRIVERS OFPROGRESSIONCONT...*Refer to the addendum for all of the Crescentofferings.

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THE FIVEDRIVERS OFPROGRESSIONCONT...Authorship and submission of a CrescentChronicle article.Lead and develop a community initiative, suchas an ESL program or second chanceemployment partnership.Lead and develop community events or acharitable campaign that impact Crescent'scommunity, such as blood drive participation orcharitable giving. Organize an Employee Assistance Program(EAP) event to educate and or develop mental health, such as suicide prevention,resilience, burnout training, mindfulness andmindset activity,Community well-being is the combination of social,economic, environmental, cultural, and politicalconditions identified by individuals and theircommunities as essential for them to flourish andfulfill their potential.Looking at the community as a whole, we findthree significant attributes in well-being:connectedness, livability, and equity. Community Wellbeing and Progressionopportunities:*Community*Refer to the addendum, page 14, for additional information.**To receive credit, sign-ups will be required*** Community initiatives must be at least four weeks long andhave weekly logins and check-ins.

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Financial well-being is different fromfinancial wealth. While wealth mightbe about bank balances and networth, well-being is about how youmanage money affects your life.It’s about being able to meet yourfinancial obligations, be prepared foran unexpected event, save for futuregoals, including retirement, and havethe financial freedom to makechoices that allow you to enjoy life –now, in the future, and under adversecircumstances.FinancialOrganize a site financial wellnesstraining through a certifiedprofessional within the field.Attend an on-site financial educationseminar or complete eLearningcourses within Crescent University.Investment, retirement, college,emergency, and health careplanning seminars.Debt- and credit-relatedprograms.Programs that enhance moneymanagement skills and helpemployees create and build assetsWhole Person WellbeingTHE FIVEDRIVERS OFPROGRESSIONCONT...

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THE ROI OFWHOLE PERSON WELLBEINGAND PROGRESSIONCrescent's Progression strategy aims to ensure optimal people development and build ourmanagement and leadership skills for a Crescent Community. Progression and WholePerson Well-being align people's goals and performance with Crescent's vision of focusingon growing our People to provide a path forward for our Key Customers, strengtheningtheir competitive advantage.This includes formal, instructor-led educational programs and informal, employee-drivenlearning. L&D is sometimes referred to as talent development, training, and development,or education and performance. Beyond improving performance, learning and developmentinitiatives can produce more excellent people engagement and retention rates and fosteran additive work culture or learning ecosystem.Whole Person Well-Being is a complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just anabsence of disease. It increases People's optimism about their future and does not allowwork to undermine the primary purposes and needs in their lives and, by extension, thelives of their loved ones. Progression and Whole Person Well-Being require totalcommitment at all levels of the organization to be successful and sustainable.Crescent's Whole Person Well-Being drivers are designed to impact us positively.People's core life needs. These drivers satisfy our basic needs first, motivating us to focuson our well-being at higher levels, allowing us to provide for ourselves and our families. Inthis respect, well-being is a hugely significant aspect of our work and careers. Positiveoutcomes include perceived fairness, trust in co-workers, lower absences, higherperformance, higher citizenship behavior, and lower intention to quit.

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TRACKINGPROGRESSIONUKG is Crescent flexible Peoplesolutions that provide us with aconnected people experience toefficiently manage our people's journeyfrom a single solution. All Crescent in-house training, goals,development, tuition reimbursement,and off-site program participation,except Wellworks, are recorded in UKG.When a site hosts an event that meetsthe Progression Whole PersonWellbeing Program specifications, itmust be entered into UKG for credit.If a course, program, or site offer isunavailable in UKG, please get in touchwith your People Group Representativeor Tasha Bell to have the courseentered into the system for credit.Site SPGs/SPMs and trainers areresponsible for entering progressioncompletion into the UKG system.UKGThroughout the year, Crescent willhold on-site wellness events, i.e.,Biometrics, flu shots, WalkingChallenges, and an eLearningcourse.As individuals sign up andparticipate in these events,Wellworks will track and provide thePeople Group with programenrollments and completions.Throughout the year, Wellworks andWellbeats course and programcompletion reports will be providedto the People Group to enter thisinformation into UKG. WellworksFor an individual or site to receive credit for Progression activities, progress mustbe recorded in one of the following programs below. For assistance with UKG, please contact your Site People Generalist, Site People Manager, orKim Newberry at

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The act of moving from one thing toanother.The act of moving forward, aproceeding in a course; motion onward.Progression is a growth mindset.Progression depends on your will andhunger to grow your skills in your dailywork and continuously learn new things.Promotion is advancement in rank orposition. Promotion is an upwardmovement on the organizational ladder. Itinvolves shifting from a lower designationto a higher title. On taking charge of ahigher position, the person will havegreater authority, status, responsibilities,and so forth. And at the same time, theywill get better remuneration andemoluments.Example:Progression: Sue takes courses in Excel tobuild her skills, ultimately preparing herfor an opportunity to become an AccountsPayable Manager. Promotion: Sue has been promoted fromAccountant to Accounts Payable Managerand receives a pay increase.What is the differencebetween Progression andPromotion?Whole Person WellbeingPROMOTION VS.PROGRESSIONVS. REQUIREDTRAININGWhat is the differencebetween Progression andRequired Training?Workplace Harassment and Do it Safe Trainingis examples of required training courses.Attending Six Sigma training courses notrequired for your position is an example ofProgression training.Training is a learning process in which people getan opportunity to develop the skill, proficiency,and knowledge required to perform a job. In otherwords, training is oriented to a specific job andfocuses on improving work performance in theshort term. Training is not voluntary; it is requiredand critical to the success of the person'sonboarding and immersion into the CrescentCulture, their TSP, and standard work; these arecompliance training.On the other hand, people development,Progression is an education process concernedwith the person's overall growth to learn anddevelop new skills and potentially take on adifferent role or increased responsibility.Thus, Progression is more extensive than training.It's oriented to the person and prepares them forfuture challenges and opportunities. In sum,training helps Crescent fulfill short-term,immediate needs. However, development is along-term investment in our people.Example:

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FAQSWho is responsible forentering in training intoUKG?What do we do with paper sign in sheets?What is the CrescentProgression Goal?When is ProgressionData pulled eachmonth?Site Trainers, SPGs/SPMs areresponsible for entering allsite specific progression andevent data.Tasha Bell will enter all knownoutside development such asthe LCCH, ProgressiveLeadership Clinic activitiesand Crescent Universitydetails.Progression goals and targetscan be found on the MKPIdashboard on the Intranet,under Crescent WayResources and Reports.Once you open the report,click on the Goals and theDefinitions tab for moreinformation.Progression data is pulledand entered the first weekof every month to capturethe previous monthinformation. If you have any questionsconcerning the data, pleasecontact Lisa Flake( training sign-in sheet contains proof and details regarding whether an individual has been givenproper training, provides evidence of attendance, and can protect Crescent from liability if there areinstances of injury to an individual or any damage to company property, and provides a reference toeach training a person has attended.An in-service sign-in sheet needs to contain information regarding the training session, details ofthe attendees, and a signature by the facilitator of the training session.In the training information space, the facilitator of the meeting needs to mention specific detailsabout the training session. These details include a brief description of the agenda of the meeting,information on the topic being taught, and the date and duration of the meeting.All attendees must fill in their details at the beginning of the training period on the training sign-insheet when they enter. Training sign-in sheets should be kept within the People Group Office for auditing purposes. Incontrast, the information provided on the training sheet, who attended, and what was coveredshould be entered into UKG.

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CREATINGEXPERIENCESTHAT HELPSACHIEVERSSOARIf you have any questions about the informationpresented, please reach out to your People GroupRepresentative, Lisa Flake, or Tasha Bell.Lisa Flake, lflake@crescentpark.comTasha Bell, tbell@crescentpark.comWellworks WellbeatsCrescent University GuideUKG: Training and CertificationsCrescent Benefit GuideCrescent STAR PlaybookWellbeats GuidePlease look at the following resources for more information on Crescent'sProgression and Whole Person Wellbeing programs.For information or questions on Crescent's Whole Person Wellbeing offerings,please look at the following resources on the intranet under the Whole PersonWellbeing tab.

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