JULY SEPTEMBER 2023 ISSUE 7 A Newsletter for Crescent People by Crescent People Whats Inside Forward Momentum plus Town Hall questions answered by David Gile P1 Teamwork strategies for success C11 Put on your SCARF OH CANADA CWA Divisional Game Q2 Closeout RSW Winner Circle Upcoming Webinars and more Hyperlinks will not work if newsletter is printed Scan QR Code to access online Newsletter
Page 3Forward Momentum, plus Town Hall questions answered by David GilePage 8GE Strategic Initiative - Connected FlowPage 10P1: Teamwork strategies for success Page 13Supporting Your MetabolismPage 14Put on your SCARFPage 16OH CANADA!Page 19C1: Safety Scavenger HuntPage 20Birgit: Challenge Yourself!Page 21CWA Divisional Game: Q2 CloseoutPage 18Find Your BalancePage 20CWA: Quarter One CloseoutPage 22Building Work Relationships WebinarPage 23Stop Quitting on Your Dreams, as Anything is PossiblePage 25RSW Q2 Winner CirclePage 33Open PositionsPage 34Crescent HotlinePage 35CRESCENT Q3 VIDEO, plus Join the Crescent Community!CONTENTSpage 02TABLE OF
page 03Forward MomentumProgress and Advancements, achieving the Crescent StrategyFrom the desk of the David Gile, Crescent PresidentHello Crescent Community, It is exciting to see all the Annual Strategic Plan actions and Site Strategic Initiatives currentlyunderway in 2023. As you read through the Quarter 3 Chronicle and review the recorded Town Hallvideo, you will see a selection of these initiatives featured. Even if you do not see a project specificallyrelevant to your area, please note that progress and advancements are being made across the board. Iam impressed with the forward momentum in 2023 and optimistic about Crescent's trajectory andaspirations. As discussed at the beginning of the year, we expected, and are seeing, flat to declining year overyear sales for our contract packaging business as our Customers look to control merchandising spendin the face of rising interest rates and uncertainty in the economy. Behind strong GE and Kraft-Heinzsales we are seeing revenue for our Fulfillment Division up over 16% year over year. Altogether,Crescent has seen our revenue year over year remain flat while, due to controlling our variable spendand improving our productivity, we have seen improved earnings. This year, our focus has been on preparing ourselves for future growth by improving our processesand systems to ensure they can scale with expected growth over the coming years. Some keyexamples include implementing new software solutions to support finance and accounting, documentmanagement, data warehousing and analysis, and cyber-security. We are also strengthening ourprocesses through the Crescent Way Assurance program, One Crescent Way Operating System, andStart-Up Playbook.
To ensure we are scaling the support of our People and the Communities we live in, we are expandingdevelopment and training efforts through an enhanced Crescent University with a focus on career andskill progression. Crescent hosted its first Leadership and Personal Development graduation during theXLT meeting in May. Graduates from programs like the Progressive Leadership Clinic, Reflected BestSelf, Cohen Coaching, and others were invited to share their accomplishments, learnings, and bestpractices with the XLT team. We are also building formal structure and discipline aroundEnvironmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) programs through partnerships with industry-leadingexperts and practices.page 03page 04Our Customers routinely point to the character andpersonality of our company as genuinely makingCrescent unique and strengthening our business. Theway our leaders communicate and interact with ourPeople and the way we all take care of and support eachother differentiates us from other companies. What weshare and emphasize, our vision for the future, what wecelebrate and recognize, what we expect, the stories wetell, and how we make decisions are what the CWAprogram is about and helps ensure that everyone at allsites are living and embracing the Crescent Way. We have launched a Fulfillment Leadership Council tofocus on building our value proposition, identifying andaddressing capability gaps, and generating leads on newbusiness opportunities. Look for upcomingenhancements to our website to promote our PartsFulfillment capabilities. We are also evaluatingautomation solutions and warehouse managementsystems that could support our service offering. If you watch the Virtual Town Hall video, you'll see moreabout the Voice of the People Survey from our EVP ofOperations Co-Pack, Rommel Miranda, and get anupdate on VOP communication boards to hold ourselvesaccountable of expected actions. Clearly, without energized People who believe in themission and know how to achieve it, no company,regardless of its size, can achieve long-term success. Inthe following few pages of the Chronicle, weacknowledge some of these enthusiastic individuals andtheir many years of service to Crescent.
Q2: What is Chris Taylor up to? Chris’s focus and responsibilities are threefold: (1) to ensure Crescent is meeting our vision as a PremierService Provider to our customers, company, and People; (2) to visit and hear how our operating sitesand support teams are bringing the Crescent Way alive; (3) to continue his direct involvement withcurrent and prospective customers alongside our sales, marketing, and operating teams. Chris has alsobeen busy organizing Crescent's first Board of Directors that we plan to have in place beginning Q4 ofthis year. The board will be responsible for providing their perspective on our strategy and holdingCrescent accountable from a governance standpoint. Putting a Board of Directors in place is anotheraction we are taking to support Crescent's growth and to provide continuity of leadership for the future. page 03It's incredible to witness all the hard work that has been accomplished thus far and the work effortsplanned for the rest of 2023. I encourage everyone to revisit the Virtual Town Hall to learn more aboutwhat Crescent is doing. I also want to express my gratitude to all those who submitted questionsduring the Town Hall. Although I could not get to all of them due to time constraints, I have decided toaddress them here. Q1: How is Crescent executing its business strategy? The Crescent Purpose Playbook (pages 4-15 in particular) explains how Crescent is executing itsbusiness strategy in various ways. Several teams are presently working on different components ofthe Annual Strategic Plan (ASP), such as standardizing safety incidents and accident reporting,succession planning, and optimizing our hiring and onboarding processes. The ASP also includesimplementing new software solutions to support finance and accounting, document management,data warehousing and analysis, and cyber-security. We are strengthening our processes through theCrescent Way Assurance program, One Crescent Way Operating System, and Start-Up Playbook. TheELT (Executive Leadership Team) reviews progress monthly to ensure projects are on track and todetermine if additional support is needed. Additionally, each site has Site Strategic Initiatives (SSI’s)that they are working on and report back on regularly. As we advance, we will use a tool called aHoshin that will clearly show the connection between the ASP and the SSI’s and communicatestrategic goals throughout the company. In 2024, these will be posted at each site, demonstrating howeach site supports the company's Annual Strategic Plan. page 05
page 03Q3: What are the biggest challenges facing thecompany right now? Although our business and industry arecontinually evolving, it's fair to say that thepandemic has caused some disruptions. Nowthat things are settling down, our primary focusis to increase volumes from our existingcustomers and obtain new customers since wecurrently have underutilized capacity. Our recentmarketing efforts and emphasis on businessdevelopment will aid us in selling into newmarkets and engineering Best Value Solutionsfor new customers. As a business, Crescentwants to expand our service offerings andleverage all our People's ideas to maximize ourContinuous Improvement Service Culture. Q4: Is there any update on Parts Fulfillment growth in automation? We will continue to investigate leveraging automation solutions such as autonomous mobile robots(AMR’s) and Vertical Lift Modules (VLM’s) for Parts Fulfillment, but only when it makes sense to helpus improve our service offerings and grow the business. While we will constantly be exploring theseopportunities, automation has yet to demonstrate a practical application due to our parts demandprofile and current processing requirements. Overall, we expect emerging technologies need to beleveraged to provide a compelling service offering and attract new Customers. We continue to workwith automation vendors and explore opportunities by participating in events such as automationtrade shows, engaging with automation vendors, bringing on additional automation engineers, andbenchmarking with companies like Amazon, in which we visited their Fulfillment Center in Toledo,OH in July to see how they use the latest automation. page 06
We sent out a benefits survey that closes at the end of July to understand the needs of ourPeople, so I encourage people to complete this and provide feedback on Crescent benefits.Other Health Benefit Review items include:Adding new drugs to our Pharmacy PlanDrug Coupon’sReviewing deductibles and Co-insurance amountsReviewing Crescent’s contribution to deductibles for HRA and HSA plansRe-evaluating Disability plan optionsWe are working with USI to secure our renewal from Aetna in early August.This will help us determine what if any, premium changes we will need to make.We will meet in August to review plan offerings and premium recommendations.Q5: The GE1 Team has a lot of years with Crescent, and we agree that we like working atCrescent, but insurance premiums and costs are our main concerns. Any updates on this?
Thank you for the feedback; the importance of benefits cannot be understated. Currently, the PeopleGroup team has the following items underway that address this concern:We have a compensation committee that will meet in October to review the competitiveness of ourcurrent pay structure as well as identify anyone whose pay is “out of the market” and makerecommendations ahead of budgeting time.Thank you all for the questions, and keep them coming.As I wrap up my first year, I am incredibly proud of howwell we respect, look out for each other, and genuinelycare about each other's safety and well-being.We all deserve to have meaningful work with greatPeople with whom we have meaningful relationships.The Crescent Way is something I cannot emphasizeenough; each of our key customers has praised us forhow our culture differs from anything else they haveseen, making Crescent a Premier Service Provider in theindustry. Communicating this to potential newcustomers and conveying how Crescent has set itselfapart in the market is a powerful tool for Crescent'sfuture growth. People's satisfaction leads to customersatisfaction, which generates profitability. Workingalongside such talented and driven individuals is anhonor, and I couldn't be more grateful for all you'vedone.
Let's continue the excellent work!
Do It Right, Do It Safe, Do It WellDavid Gilepage 07
Armed with the learnings gleaned from thesupplier, the Kaizen team then set up shop atCrescent, "try-storming" different strategies toreceive, store and ship these parts effectively andefficiently. The Crescent team is helping developcustomized storage solutions and standard work tosupport the pull system. Visual boards and a Genbaprocess walk are being developed to support aswell. By the end of June, all 400+ parts manufactured bythe local supplier have transitioned to the pullsystem and stored in customized racking. July willbe spent stabilizing the new pull area and runningexperiments on ways to continue improving theprocess. GE STRATEGIC INITIATIVE - CONNECTED FLOWBy: Brad Daubenmire, Multi-Business General ManagerAs GE continues its transition to a focus onaerospace and defense, Crescent has a greatopportunity to support one of GE's key supplychain initiatives. GE sources componenthardware for their commercial and militaryengines from machine shops around the world.This includes small nuts and bolts to large fancasings and everything in between. Managingthe inventory flow is a complicated process, andGE is working on a project to improve how thesecomponents move through the supply chain. Theproject is called Connected Flow, and it is a leanmaterial handling system that starts withunderstanding customer orders, then using thatinformation to "pull" the demand through theprocess. In GE's case, an electronic Kanbansystem is used as the signal to let the supplierknow when the hardware is required for engineassembly, overhaul, or spare parts demand. To pilot the project at the C-Parts LogisticsCenter (GE2), GE selected a nearby supplier whomakes nearly 400 parts for both commercial andmilitary engine applications. During a recentKaizen event, a group of GE TransformationLeaders spent time at the supplier, working tounderstand the critical details about hardwaredemand, manufacturing lead times, productioncell scheduling, packaging requirements,transportation routes, and countless otherattributes. Based on all of these factors, a Plan forEvery Part (PFEP) was developed to build "pullloops", ensuring the right amount of hardware ison hand in GE2 at any given time. page 08
Time will also be spent vetting the Oraclefunctionality that has been developed to supportthe initiative. In early August, a Kaizen event isbeing planned to work out the process foridentifying and onboarding the rest of the 150+global suppliers who send parts to GE2 as well. Connected Flow is an ambitious endeavor, and asnoted is one of GE's key strategic initiatives in 2023. On June 15, a large group of GE's senior executivesvisited Crescent to see a demonstration of how thepull initiative is coming together. There was muchenthusiasm and excitement about the progressmade, and great appreciation for Crescent'swillingness and ability to support the initiative. This project is a great opportunity for Crescent tostrengthen our partnership with one of our keycustomers and set the stage for future growthopportunities. As a side benefit, we are alsolearning invaluable lessons on continuousimprovement tools and methodology from the vastknowledge of GE's Lean Transformation Leaders. Certainly a great example of how Crescentcontinues to be a Premier Service Provider for ourvalued customers!page 09
The leadership at P1 is overwhelmed and indescribably proud of the team assembled here as wecontinue to surpass expectation and set new performance records on a monthly basis. The key tothis exponential growth and opportunity is embedded in our deep care for, and belief in theCrescent Way. Michael Gorman may have said it best:The results of this deep care we have for another are evident in that P1 is projecting that by end ofmonth July, P1 will have achieved one year of over one hundred percent productivity. The month ofMay was a record-breaking month for P1. The team scored an outstanding 117.8% productivity whilerunning 190-line shifts for the month. This marks P1’s highest productivity month, hitting safety (422days safe) and quality metrics (PA - 99.9%). Our customer also shared their highest service level inMemphis, yielding a solid 99.0%, a metric P1 significantly plays a part in. The hype is real, and for P1,this is only the beginning. To celebrate the team and this monumental achievement, P1 issponsoring a “Spirit Week,” which culminates in a Family Day at Putt-Putt Golf for our teammembers and their families. We can’t wait to share more about how successful spirit week and family day were in the nextCrescent Chronicle. With Spirit Week and P1’s Family Day right around the corner to celebrate ourworkers and automation solutions on the horizon, we are able to truly provide world-class service tonot only our customers but to the people that make it possible. P1: TEAMWORK STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS By: Leanna Van Vleet, Site People Managerand Kassandra Zamora, Site People Coordinatorpage 10
P1 has undergone an extensive Lean Six Sigma training program throughout the end of 2022 and intothe first half of 2023. Thus far, Doug Martinez, Cassie Baxley, and John Kerr have achieved officialcertification as Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belts. In addition, Leanna Van Vleet, Asha Freeman, Sonja Ellis,Dana Denson, Darren Still, Jimmy Harbor, and Eddie Smith have all achieved certification as Lean SixSigma White Belts.Having recognized the vast improvements made throughout the facility, Beiersdorf visited P1 towitness first-hand the outstanding culture of the team, as well as the new initiatives emplaced toimprove quality and productivity. The BDF team was very impressed with both the drive of the teamand the spirit with which they work.There are several contributing factors thatmake these great improvements possible.The most notable are the great strides ourteam members are taking in terms ofprofessional growth. Every member of theP1 managerial staff earned recognition onthe Crescent University Dean’s List. Torecognize the effort and dedication put forthby those team members, P1 held aprofessional growth graduation ceremony.We had three personnel promoted to LineLead, Quality Lead, and Quality Manager,respectively, and eight peopleaccomplished a Level Up during the firsthalf of the year. page 11
The fabric that knits all of these things together is the Crescent Way. P1 has shown a commitment todoing it right, safe and well. It’s all founded in the belief that we work each and every day to createopportunity for one another. The better we are to each other, the better we can be to our customer.The better we are to our customer, the more opportunity we can create for one another."As I wrap up my third week of onboarding, I amoverwhelmed by the amount of spirit and unity that Ihave encountered here at P1. When I interviewed onsite, it was very evident that the members of P1 enjoycoming to work radiate Crescent Culture. I haveenjoyed being a part of a company and team thatcare so much about their people and havedeveloped programs to encourage each person togrow and develop as an individual and aprofessional. When I first decided to pursue a careerin people group, it was because of an experience myfather had at work. He had a people person whogenuinely cared for him and made sure that heunderstood the policies and benefits as a Spanishspeaker even though she did not speak Spanish. Myfather knew he had her support no matter. It isbecause of that experience that I knew Crescent wasa perfect fit for me and I am grateful to have Leannaas a mentor who embodies just that. She hasprovided me with such a seamless onboardingexperience and has inspired me in so many ways.She is so passionate about every person here andpushes them to grow while keeping themaccountable. I look forward to my future withCrescent and am grateful to be a part of P1. We have been working tremendoulsy hard on our P1 onboarding and training in 2023. We wanted togive one our newest members, Kassandra Zamora, Site People Coordinator a chance to reflect onher first three weeks at Crescent. page 12
SUPPORTING YOURMETABOLISMWELLBEATS: SELF-CARE AWARENESS Do you want food that not only tastesgreat, but works for you throughoutyour day? If so, join Chef Marshall as heguides you through a spicy avocadospinach and quinoa salad recipe that willhelp maintain a healthy metabolism.Chef Marshall O'Brien is founder of The Chef Marshall O’Brien Group. Heis a trained chef and author of 6 published books. Marshall and his teamare committed to the goal of using nutrition to get children and familiesto lead happier, healthier lives.MEET YOUR INSRUCTORLog into your WellworksPortal and select Wellbeatswithin the Fitness andNutrition DashboardEnroll Today
We’ve known for a long time that our assumptions, emotions, world views, andparadigms influence our behavior. Conversations are much more than a simple exchangeof words. Consciously or not, every time we interact with someone, we’re meeting someof their social needs and perhaps depriving them of others.That is, we’re using language and engaging in behavior that either uplifts and motivatespeople or causes them to withdraw and shut down.So which needs should leaders focus on, and how can the SCARF model help?C11: PUT ON YOUR SCARFBy: Hannah Lyons, Site People GeneralistJan is managing a new team, and she notices that one of her team members, Carl, isusing a new piece of software incorrectly. She offers him some advice and returns toher work. But later, she notices that he's still misusing it. So, she decides to sit with himuntil he gets it right.Over the next few days, Jan notices that Carl has become standoffish with her. He'sdefensive when she offers him feedback, and he avoids talking to her. Jan is bewildered– all she wants to do is to help Carl, and she can't figure out why he's reacting so badlyto her support.If she'd used the SCARF Model, Jan would have realized that Carl wasn't being difficult– he just felt threatened. The way she handled the situation made Carl feel silly andstupid instead of empowered.page 14
Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fair.These are the 5 words that make up the acronymS.C.A.R.F and if you have been around Crescent forlonger than 5 minutes, then you know that is animportant part of Crescent. As C11 sat down andchatted about our Site Strategic Initiatives, we knewwe wanted to ensure that SCARF was ingrained intothe C11 culture. Fast forward to the Q1 PeopleSummit, and Leanna mentioned a similar SSI for P1. Through some amusing brainstorming and greatlaughs, Tasha and Leanna developed the PeoplePodcast. I truly hope each of you at Crescent getsthe opportunity to work with Tasha and Anthony atsome point because you are guaranteed manymoments of laughter and fun!Here at C11 I wanted to train the team in a different way! I did not want them to sit andlisten to me talk for an hour and I wanted to bring some of the healthy competitive spiritto the team. Beginning Monday, August 7th the salaried team members will receive anemail from myself, and it will go like this: The idea behind this competition is toencourage our team to get involvedand put critical thinking skills intoaction! Why not put some healthycompetition and cool Crescent SWAGon the line? In all cases, incorporating SCARFmakes people feel valued, engaged,and inspired to commit to their work,whereas threatening these domains hasthe opposite effect.I look forward to sharing some of thesubmissions with you all and with ourPeople here at C11.So, how will you PUT ON YOUR SCARF?“Hello C11 Leadership, The time has come for you to enter theyellow part of your brain. The creative side. Aside that for some is home sweet home andfor others is an untouched piece of land. "S" is the letter for this week’s competition!Status is the name of the game, and whatyou have to say may win you this ( cool swagitem). Link to video: The task you are left with is typing up a fewsentences describing the following items:What does STATUS mean to you and how willyou implement it into your everyday career? All submissions must be submitted by noonthis Friday to be entered into thecompetition!”Paul, myself, and an undisclosed 3rd partywill vote on the submissions and decide whois the winner of that week’s letter. page 15
Happy Canada Day to all my Crescent friends!Hi, my name is Tammy Chow, and I am aBusiness Manager for Crescent I work out of ourCandian site! A pleasure to meet you!As a Business Manager, I am responsible for oneof our Key Customers across the border, I amresponsible for managing the material side of ourcontract packaging business in Canada, but alsomanaging our premier services for the entirecountry of Canada! As a Canadian, culture is ahuge part of what I truly appreciate. When Idecided to join Crescent, I fell in love with thestrong focus of culture within the company. It isvery admirable, and I'm thankful to be a part ofthe team. I'm proud that I get to take theopportunity to take the true foundation ofCrescent and have Canada experience it. OH, CANADA!By: Tammy Chow, Business ManagerWhat I see now is a great leadership team that cares deeply about its people, and that's whatCanada needs more of. I am excited about the growth, leadership, and vision that Crescent has forour key Canadian customers and supporting you all. As a Business Manager, I'm managing part of Beiersdorf's business as a client and their needs as apartner. Beiersdorf Canada does 1200 orders compared to 10X in the US, and I manage theBeiersdorf Canadian account and manage relationships and projects daily. Crescent truly lives andbreathes the RSW values, and as a business manager, I always go back to Compass to ensure wedo it right by ourselves and the customer. I am most excited about the Growth and leadership, and vision for Canada. Even if it doesn'tnecessarily grow into Canada. I'm just really proud to take the opportunity to take the truefoundation of Crescent and have Canada experience it. page 16
Although I work remotely, I feel very connected to Crescent and our community and want to share alittle bit more about me and y lovely country of Canada!CANADA FUN FACTSI grew up in a small town outside of Toronto, whereI became an avid skier, ice skater, and lifelongToronto sports fan! Hockey is Canada's best-known sports. Many Canadians dream of playinghockey for their country; even more, people gatheraround the TV to cheer for their favorite teamswhen it's time for the NHL (National HockeyLeague) playoffs! No other sport can compare withthis national passion.Maple syrup is an important part of our economy,and it's not only about the amazing pancakebreakfasts. Maple Syrup has become one ourcountry's symbols, as well as its main exportcommodity (next to oil).On July 4th, you all celebrated IndependenceDay; on July 1st, I celebrated Canada Day. CanadaDay is a special day for us here in Canada. It issimilar to the USA's Independence Day. It's a daywhen all of the cultures of Canada take a stepoutside and celebrate the country they love. Onthis day, Canada grants citizenship to those whopass the citizenship test and adds more people tothe multicultural aspect of Canada!Canada is the number 1 donut consumer in theworld. We love donuts! There are only 30-millionpeople in Canada, but we eat 1-billion donutsannually. We can thank Tim Horton’s for this title. Itis Canada’s most popular coffee and donut chain.In Dawson City Yukon you can drink a toe,there is a cocktail where people drinkwhiskey with a human toe inside. It is calledthe Sour Toe Cocktail. People donate toesthat have fallen off due to frostbite or othermeans. There is a $2500 fine if you swallowthe toe. When people accidentally swallowthe toe good samaritans donate newlysevered toe to drink.page 17
Canadians follow speed limits and measurelength in metres, but we measure our heightin feet.We check the temperature outside inCelcius, but we cook in Fahrenheit.We weigh and buy our food by the kilogrambut we weigh ourselves in pounds.Get Skreeched In Newfoundland – Anotherone of our more quirky Canada facts is thestrange tradition of kissing a fish in InNewfoundland. Yes, you heard me correctly;there is a tradition of kissing a dead codfollowed by a shot of rum known as Skreech.When you visit the province, enjoyNewfoundland hospitality at the bar, and besure to Kiss the Cod!In the far north town of Churchill, Manitobanobody locks their doors to their house or carsin case of a polar bear attack. Churchill islocated in the center of Polar Bear Alley andpolar bears walk freely through the towntowards the Hudson Bay. They have learned tolive with the mighty polar bear. Oh and here isone of the very cool facts about Canada that Ibet you didn’t know, Churchill is the Polar BearCapital of the world!We have the best of both worlds!Being part of the British Commonwealth,Canada is influenced by Britain, but with theUnited States as our neighbor, we areinfluenced by both. So here is a fact about Canada that will blowyour mind. (okay, maybe not, but it is definitelyinteresting) Canada uses the metric system andthe imperial system of weight andmeasurement. Most people understand a lot ofthe imperial system, and we tend to mix bothsystems up a lot between measurement andweight.Canada is the Most Educated Country in theWorld. I feel really proud of this Canada fact.More than 50% of the population has a post-secondary education. Plus, Canada has a 99%literacy rate. Not bad eh?Canada Has 2 Official Languages – Canada hastwo official languages – The province of Quebec isthe main French-speaking province, but NewBrunswick also has a large Francophone populationtoo. The rest of Canada speaks English, but Frenchis taught in schools and signs in the country arebilingual.The Telephone Was Invented in Canada – WhileAlexander Graham Bell wasn’t officially Canadian,he spent most of his time between BrantfordOntario, Boston Massachusetts, and Baddeck NovaScotia. and much of his work was done at hisworkshop in Brantford and then later in life inBaddeck.It is illegal to kill a Sasquatch in British ColumbiaYes, Bigfoot is legally protected in Canada. I lovethat someone went to the trouble of making a lawnot to kill Bigfoot. In the 1800s a man asked forpermission to kill “the Wild Man of Home Lake” theresponse was a firm no as it is illegal to shoot him! And those are some of our Canadian facts!. Canadais quirky, Canada is fun! Thank you for taking the tieto learn more about Canada and I a happy to beapart of the Crescent culture.page 18
C1: SAFETYSCAVENGER HUNTBy: Deon Onley, Production ManagerTo help increase safety awareness, the C1 Team hasbeen finding additional ways to discuss safety and buildawareness. Leaving conversations about safety atquarterly meetings and occasional safety training meanssafety skills and awareness atrophy over time. Want away to refresh critical concepts without losing everyone’sattention? Safety is one of those things we often take forgranted. At C1, we hosted a safety scavenger hunt, a funand interactive way to prepare for emergencies (we hopenever happen).The safety scavenger hunt challenged teams to make safety observations,locate safety items, locate first responders, and more. Safety awareness isthe habit of thinking about the chance that someone can get hurt orproperty damaged before a task is started. Having policies and proceduresis not enough. You need to ensure that everyone is aware of them and thatthey think about safety in everything they do.Safety awareness is making safety a priority in your workplace.Our teams had fun; it was a great way to review site safety and awareness.Essentially, safety awareness is making safety a priority. You know youhave achieved it when your people stop and think about the dangers of atask or when safety is part of the review process of a project. When safework practices are prioritized, the results are reduced injuries andincreased production. Below is a snippet of the Scavenger Hunt exercise .page 19
PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP CLINIC BIRGIT GROW WITH CRESCENT BIRGIT Watch Birgit s story by clicking here Offline Scan the QR code to access this Crescent Conversations Exclusive page 20
CRESCENT WAY ASSURANCEGET THE SCORESHEAR THE HIGHLIGHTSAND CAST YOUR VOTEWHICH TEAM WILL TAKE HOME THE PRIZE?Offline? Scan the QR code to access thisCrescent Conversations ExclusiveWatch the CWA Highlights byclicking herepage 21
EXCELLING ATWORK & LIFEWEBINARBUILDING WORKRELATIONSHIPSGood work relationships are essential to our ability to do our jobs, but theyalso contribute to our job satisfaction. This training discusses the joys andchallenges of interacting with coworkers, explores the process of makingand keeping a good working relationship with coworkers ,and teaches howto constructively cope with difficult co-worker situations.Wednesday | August 16, 10 am ESTThursday | August 124, 12 pm ESTpage 22
In today's fast-paced business environment, investing in your career and personal development is notjust about climbing the corporate ladder but being specific with your life goals. Life isn’t always fair, andsometimes challenging, but you can and will do anything you set your mind to accomplish. Yourmindset means everything. If you believe you will fail, then you will not succeed. Stop looking atyourself as a failure and start visualizing a winner. Whether you're just starting in your career or aseasoned professional or entry-level, pushing yourself to learn more and stay relevant is key. Crescent believes in investing in us, so we would be silly not to take advantage of it. "When we talk about career growth and development, a few champions come to mind. Jetpack teams'Terrific Trio, Maybel, Wilma, and Ignarda! They have had tremendous growth and achievement sincejoining Crescent almost six years ago. Wilma was the first to join. When she got a sense of the cultureand impact at Crescent, she invited her sister Ignarda and shortly, Maybel joined as wellWhen they began their career with us, all three were Material Handlers but knew there was more toconquer in the land of GE. Mastering the role of being Jet Packs' first material handlers was first on thelist of growing with Crescent. Once they accomplished that, they started training new hires and quicklybecame a key Jet Pack team leader. This was a favorite moment of their career they shared with me.The Terrific Trio shared that they enjoy training new people because it allows them to meet andcollaborate with them as they grow with Crescent.By: JR Roseberry, Wilma Trinidad Sena, Ignarda Trinidad Sena,and Mabel PerezSTOP QUITTING ON YOUR DREAMS, ASANYTHING IS POSSIBLEpage 23We all really enjoy working here! It's a greatplace to work and everyone works verywell together. We all work as a team and wewant to continue to support Crescent inbecoming a premier service provider forour customers by doing it Right, Safe, andWell.-Ignarda Trinidad SenaIGNARDA
These three are by far the backbone of our operations. They have trained 99% of all the people thathave come through the GE3 department. Regardless of who comes through the door, they are morethan willing to train them. Their actions have shown me that they are a true embodiment of thecompany's values by doing it right, safe, and well." - J.R. Rosenberry, GE3 Logistics Manager."Stop quitting on your dreams, as anything ispossible. If you’re ready to wave the white flag ofsurrender, hold off! Did you know that anything ispossible if you believe? Why is it that when peoplefeel down and out, they want to retreat into ahiding space? Now is not the time for you to hideyour gifts from the world, but it’s time for youto get out there and put your best foot forward.When I came to Crescent, I didn't have the skills orthe language, but I didn't let that stop me. Ask yourmanager about ways to grow and learn at yoursite; you'd be surprised what you can achieve." -Wilma Trinidad SenaWhile Wilma, Ignarda and Mable loved their role as material handlers, they knew more skills andcapabilities were available to acquire. So they started to cross-train into different departments andreceived a forklift certification to provide more value to the company, grow themselves, and add morevalue to the GE operation. Their growth is admirable, but they are not yet content with where they sit.Wilma and Ignarda are working towards leveling up to level 5, and Maybel has received a multitude ofkind words and victories in the past couple of months. Seeing this amount of growth and positivityspread throughout my department is very inspirational. The support and knowledge from all three ofthem is contagious. I know that their integration within the GE3 facility will forever impact their team'ssuccess. I'm not the only one who noticed.""It's been encouraging to see their development and desire for growth. I admire their willingness tohelp in cross-training and being a go-to person whenever we need them through their reliability andlevel of expertise." - Nathan Nichols, Regional PG Manager.If you have any questions about growing and developing just like the Terrific Trio, talk to your manageror People Group representative, and Grow with Crescent.MABELWILMA"Some people don’t try hard because they feel worthy of anything. Who cares about your past andthe mistakes you’ve made? You can and will do anything you set your mind to do. However, it wouldhelp if you believed that you deserve the things you want as it helps your drive." - Mabel Perezpage 24
RSW Q2 CHAMPIONSStuart Jones, goes above andbeyond his daily duties work in asafe way, He does not hesitate tostep in and take on additionalwork. He is willing to spendadditional time to help the teamand demonstrates RSW whentraining others. He cares aboutthe quality of his work, and itshows.Christine Donnelly is alwaysvery pleasant and kind. Christineworks quickly and efficientlythroughout the day with apositive attitude interacting withthe drivers, coworkers, andcustomers. We appreciate hercontributions to CoPack and GE!Angelino Garcia is a great teamplayer. Angelino stepped up torune lines when we needed itand exhibits great leadershipqualities. Angelino’s promotionto Line Champion is welldeserved. Thank you for doing itRight, Safe, and WellBrody Arno was nominated by his peers to be the RSW Winner for April. Here are someof the great things that they had to say about him, “Brody has been doing a great jobauditing receipts from 1st shift to catch receiving errors.” and “Brody has really takendoing it right, safe, and well to heart. He does a great job keeping our inventoryaccurate. Finding mistakes before they get to the line.” We appreciate all the hard workand look forward to all your future contributions in helping us be a Premier ServiceProvider, by Doing it Right, Doing it Safe, and Doing it Well.Daisy was nominated by herfellow co-workers for alwaysDoing it Right, Safe and Well!Daisy is always willing to help outher co-workers on the floor anddoes it in a safe manner. She hasbeen a great addition to the C11team and we are so lucky to haveher on our team! CongratulationsDaisy!Joshua was nominated by hissupervisor because of hiswillingness to help anyone withanything! He comes to workeveryday with the motivation toDo it Right, Safe, and Well! Joshrecently converted to be a fulltime Crescent person and we areso excited to have him apart ofthe team! Keep up the goodwork! Congratulations Josh!Olivia King has shown animpressive work ethic. She alwaysgoes above and beyond her jobduties She is good at findingthings to do to help her line whenshe has caught up with herresponsibilities. She is awonderful example of doing itRight, Safe, and Well. Page 25
RSW Q2 CHAMPIONSGE3 People Progression – Shout outs to Ignarda, Wilman, Nathan Sloan, those who have reached level3 and higher to help drive the training our people in learning new function and grow with Crescent.With all the different technologies these days having people that have step up and has grew over theyears with Crescent , Those three have played a big role in our business by helping eight differentpeople in 2023 to gain the knowledge and skills sets to learn a new function to work in the commercialdepartment as well as cross-trained in other areas . This program has improved people’s knowledgeand skills sets and job satisfaction resulting in higher retention, giving people new skills has helpspeople to be more engaged, it enables people to be open to change and innovative ideas and risks. Itis nice to watch your people grow. Also, during performance review, the one -on- one conversationwith your people about their personal development goals are truer and aligned with your department,which gives you the opportunity to offer crescent university classes or just be that mentor for yourpeople.Susan Ross is an example ofsomeone who is willing to putothers' needs before her ownShe goes above and beyond tohelp her team, and she is awonderful example ofCrescents values.Jayla Butler is a great line leader!She is always available to helpher team, she keeps her lineclean, and ensures that everyoneis working safely. Jayla has apositive attitude and is good atmotivating people. Thank you,Jayla for a job well done!Colin Moritz observed another person trying to move pallets improperly using a one-person lift. He stopped what he was doing on the line, trained the person to raise apallet, and then helped them complete the job. He is an excellent example of theteam building a safety conscience culture. Thank you, Colin, for being a trainer andsharing your knowledge.Chris Glauber: We have recentlybeen short-handed and struggledwith the DC, keeping up with thevolume of pallets in the OST. Oneday, Chris took it upon himself toclear the OST conveyors soproduction lines would not bebacked up for the start of the nextshift. He also volunteered to stayseveral days late to work and helpthe second shift start-up so theyhad the materials needed to runthe lines. Thank you, Chris, forRight, Safe, Well!page 26
RSW Q2 CHAMPIONSJoshua Yurcisin is a greatexample of an RSWChampion. During the lastmonth, the FLO Departmenthas been short handed andJosh stepped up and hasbeen pulling double duty.Josh was more willing to helprun lines, as a FLO and evenstayed late to help out the2nd shift FLO team. Hedoesn't complain and findssolutions to problems. He, inmy opinion is a RSW chapionto the fullest!Amber Davidson has RSW in her DNA, ensuringCrescent is GE’s Premier Service Provider for MilitaryReturns. In the words of the customer, she “movesmountains” to get the work done on schedule andaccurately! Thank you, Amber! Tiffany Witten is as versatile as they come! Shesupports any area that needs help and does so with alaugh and a positive attitude. Unsurprisingly, she wasrecently promoted to WH Coordinator within our MYdepartment. Thank you, Tiffany, and congratulations! Andy Miller’s nearly 30 years of experience have been extremely valuable as weonboard new people to create the shipping documents for our GE friends in Erlanger. Andy is always willing to extend the extra effort required to ensure the customer'scoverage is always in place. We are fortunate to have Andy’s wealth of knowledgeand experience as part of Team Logistics GE. His work enables the shipment ofaerospace parts around the world! page 27
RSW Q2 CHAMPIONSSavannah Tideman, Mason City, ForkliftLead, has significantly impactedCrescent in a great way, and with herpromotion to 2nd Shift Lead. We needgood leaders to help guide us andmake decisions that keep the worldmoving. She is always striving to Do itSafely. Do it Right. Do it Well. Thankyou, Savannah! Derk Hendrickson, Mason City,Repack Line Worker, is a hardloyal worker. He is always doingsomething to help out his fellowpeople. Thank you Derk! Barry Ward always has a great attitude and goes above and beyondfor his team. Barry was also promoted to a level one line lead inApril. He always has a smile on his face and is willing to do anythingfor his team. Barry has a beautiful attitude and strives to bring joy tohis fellow workers. His caring and compassion allow everyone hemeets to become a friend. Barry has recently leveled up andcontinued pushing himself and his team.Jenny Lowman, Mason City,Forklift Operator, goes aboveand beyond to learn newtasks and help train. Shesteps out of her comfortzone and overcomes anytask given. Thank you Jenny!Nicole Brown has led the way in finding and alleviating problemsbefore they become escapes. Her efforts are apparent as the sitehas completed two full months with no escapes or deviations.Nicole is a significant team player with training new teammates andalways being there to support the teamDeShun Mackay is our go-to guy at P1. He goes above and beyondin his role on a daily basis. If you need help, DeShun has got you. Heis a tremendous trainer. He is always willing to jump in and helpsolve any issue. He is the definition of a team player. The inventorydepartment wouldn’t be where it is today without DeShun’sconsistent leadership and partnership with Cassie.page 28
RSW Q2 CHAMPIONSMichael Gorman works very hard. He is the sweetest. Healways makes sure that people always have a mat so theycan work the entire shift. He is amazing. he never complains.He works hard in safe manner. He always has a great attitude.Ebony Upchurch is a great worker!She goes above and beyond to getthe job done! She is very nice andalways willing to help. She can helpbring a smile to your face even on thehardest days. She is consistentlygrowing and developing in her roleand new roles.Barry Ward always has a great attitude and goes above and beyondfor his team. Barry was also promoted to a level one line lead inApril. He always has a smile on his face and is willing to do anythingfor his team. Barry has a beautiful attitude and strives to bring joy tohis fellow workers. His caring and compassion allow everyone hemeets to become a friend. Barry has recently leveled up andcontinued pushing himself and his team.Lusungu Mto, Lusungu is always up for any task that you ask of him.He makes sure all of his workers are safe at work. he cares deeplyfor his people. he is always willing to translate for others. He is ateam playerpage 29
RSW Q2 CHAMPIONSDijana Dujgonic found that an insert sheet on line 9 was missing the item number.Having the item number printed on the sheet helps us to identify the component duringproduction and helps during reconciliation. Dijana brought this up during the E1 CO-OPmeeting, which promotes cooperation between departments. Dijana, thank you fordoing it Well!page 30During a recent fire drill, Patrick Diehl helped as an area Marshall, guiding peoplethrough the lunchroom area so they could safely gather outside, away from thebuilding. Because Patrick acted so quickly, we were able to get everyone out andveri¦ed in less than 15 minutes. Thank you, Patrick, for jumping in and keeping ourPeople Safe!When two pallets fell over during transit in theWulftech area, these individuals jumped in to helpclean up and fix pallets. It's great to see Peopleworking together to fix a problem, especially withoutbeing asked. The pallets were fixed, and the area wascompletely cleared up and safe for our People!Thank you for working as a team to Do it Safe! Tom was loading a trailer and, while verifying his scans to shipment, noticed that theLPNs weren't being added. He discovered that several parts were tags with the sameLPN number, and it was scanning to the shipment because of duplicate tags. Tomimmediately informed his Lead, Brad, who got with the production supervisor to correctthe pallet tags for the line. Tom offloaded the shipment to make sure that everythingwas scanned back correctly and avoided a potential OSD. Thanks, Tom, for your duediligence in Doing it Right.When we had a weekend syrup surge, this forklift team offloaded 30 trailers to keep themomentum and flow of inbounds rolling. Their hard work gave us the reset and trailers to getthrough a week with heavy volume. It set the stage for success at E1 Nice work in doing it well,Lesther, Kelvin, Jean Carlos, Edu, Javier, and Terron.
RSW Q2 CHAMPIONSpage 31Raykal Adiansjah continuously offers to help each and every day. He makes aconcerted effort to engage with the other departments and provide thoughts onimproving the culture here at Crescent. Rayal is being recognized for hisselflessness, he helped complete some reports to help the management. We arevery fortunate to have him on the team, championing the Crescent way! Cindy Lovenguth has gone above and beyond in helping complete a wor order thatwas very HOT for our Hershey orders. There were some damages to an item, andshe personally went and ran several cases, worked with maintenance to domachine change overs, and got the work completed. All of this on 2nd shift withless onsite support! Steve Jordan volunteered to star in anE1 highlight reel for iWarehouse todemonstrate some of the benefits ofthe program. Steve did an excellent jobshowcasing the lift's checklist, reset,and impact functions. Thank you, Steve,for doing it Well!Johnny Castillo gave us agreat idea to keep oursanitation team safe whilecrossing the loading dockareas. Thank you forthinking about our Peopleand keeping them Safe!Javier Rodriguez Colon, by followingthe correct procedures for receivinginbound corrugate, Javier could identifyand distinguish that the items on theBOL didn't match the items on thereceipt. Great eye, and thank you fordoing it right!Thank you, NicoleGarcia Munoz, foralways ensuring the jobis done to Crescent'sstandard!Juan does a great job keeping theproduction floor clean and safe. He isalways running bins to the bailer orcompactor. Juan keeps the floor looingnice and helps the leads by doing therecycling. Thank you, Juan!Jesse Sollazzi, thank youfor always making surethe line is correct!Fidelia Ceja, thank youfor being a hard workerand for keeping thecommon areas cleanand impeccable andalways bringing a smileto the environment.Thank you Shane Duvallfo helping everyone onhe floor and for alwayshaving a positiveattitude!
RSW Q2 CHAMPIONSpage 32Patty Rowles is alwaysworking with a greatattitude while doing itRight, Safe and WellThank you, Daniel Garcia Cano, he isvery responsible, takes care of hisproductivty and also takes care of hisgroup. He produces very gooproduction even if he is short ofpersonnelThank you, MarlinJasckon for beingdedicated, hard working,efficient and a goodfriend!Mariantia Chiu Estrada is a highquality and excellent line lead. She isvery good with her people!Jean Renald and JeanBeauvais have done agreat job in keeping upwith the trash, makingsure the lines are clear.Arvin De Leon, had 0impacts that needed to bereset, for the month ofApril.Crescent extends its heartfelt gratitude to each of you for making itsvalues a top priority and adhering to all the necessary measures. Yourunwavering commitment to taking care of yourselves and thosearound you is truly commendable, and we are honored to be a part ofsuch a dedicated community. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed,and thank you for your continued dedication and for playing anessential role in our mission to become a Premier Service Provider.
page 33$300 referral bonus for all Direct Roles*$500 referral bonus for all Indirect Roles*$1,000 referral bonus for all Salaried Roles**Refer to the Refer a friend, Crescent policy, or your PeopleGroup Representative for payout details and additionalinformation.BRING YOUR FRIENDSTO WORK EVERYDAY!ELTExecutive Vice President of Operations - West Chester, OHACCOUNTINGPayroll Process Specialist - West Chester, OHMAINTENANCE Maintenance Technician- Memphis, TNQUALITYQuality Control Inspector (1st Shift)- Fairfield, OHQuality Control Inspector (2nd Shift)- Fairfield, OHQuality Control Inspector (2nd Shift)- Edwardsville, ILQuality Control Inspector (2nd Shift)- Memphis. TNOPERATIONSAccount Coordinator (1st Shift) - West Chester, OHForklift Operator (1st Shift) - West Chester, OHForklift Operator (1st Shift) - Fairfield, OHForklift Operator (2nd Shift) -Fairfield, OHForklift Operator (2nd Shift) -Mason City, IAForklift Operator (3rd Shift) -Mason City, IAOperations Lead Logistics (1st Shift, Thurs-Sun)-West Chester, OHManager, Automation Engineering (1st Shift)- WestChester, OHShipping and Receiving Coordinator (2nd Shift) - Mechanicsburg, PAPRODUCTIONAutomation Lead (2nd Shift) - Mechanicsburg, PAAutomation Lead (3rd Shift) -Mechanicsburg, PALine Leader (1st-2nd shift) - West Chester, OHLine Leader (2nd shift)- Fairfield, OHLine Leader (2nd shift)- Edwardsville, ILLine Leader (2nd-d) Shift - Mechanicsburg, PALine Worker (2nd-3rd Shift - Mechanicsburg, PAProduction Lead (2nd Shift) - Memphis, TNTeam Leader (1st Shift) - Fairfield, OHPEOPLE GROUPPeople Generalist - West Chester, OH
Ask a Question. Report an Issue.page 34*Crescent Help Hotline is monitored by Lisa Flake, Tasha Bell, and TomSchwallie. Crescent Help Hotline has a 24 hour response turnaround,Monday-Friday.