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Crescent Chronicle Newsletter

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A P R I L - J U N E 2 0 2 3I S S U E 6A Newsletter for Crescent People by Crescent People Hyperlinks will not work if newsletter is printed.Scan QR Code to access online NewsletterC11: Unified We Succeed4 Memphis Best PracticesYou Cannot Afford toMiss!Sue Fain: My 48+ YearJourney at CrescentExclusiveCWA Quarter OneCloseoutRSW Winner CircleUpcoming Webinars andmore!Whats Inside

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Page 34 Memphis Best Practices You Cannot Afford to Miss!Page 5Trauma Bags: Tools for Our First RespondersPage 7Get Loose!Page 8Tell Me- I Forget. Show Me- I Remember. Involve Me- I'm Committed!Page 10ESG: Pay It ForwardPage 12Preventing Burnout at Work and Home WebinarPage 13Unified We SucceedPage 15Sue Fain My 48+ Year Adventure at CrescentPage 16Hello, It's Me... : A Developmental Perspective of Our Need to BelongPage 18Find Your BalancePage 20CWA: Quarter One CloseoutPage 22Crisis Averted! The Call of a First ResponderPage 24Aetna Health and Wellbeing SeriesPage 25Open PositionsPage 26New Spring Must See Attractions and DestinationsPage 27CWA RSW Winner CirclePage 41Crescent Hot HotlinePage 43Find Your Face! Follow Our Social Media ChannelsCONTENTSpage 02TABLE OF

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4 MEMPHIS BEST PRACTICES YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS!BY: TEAM P1, MEMPHISWe all know that sharing best practices is oneof the key ways to improve performance andproductivity, so we have decided to sharesome of Memphis' secrets to success toenhance efficiency, encourage leadership, fillknowledge gaps, and more!Safety Reminders and Best Practices: Wefound the Safety Committee piece of the CWAa breeze because we did so muchfoundational work in 2022 on our SafetyCommittee at P1—a massive shout-out toDarren Still, who completely revamped our P1Safety Committee and First Responder team.We would have had Success at P1 withoutDarren. Due to the CWA, we have implemented newsafety practices and invented the daily safetytoolbox talks. The safety toolbox talks allbegan with the management team reviewingthe site's risk assessment. From there, weevaluated our current risks and developed atoolbox discussing the specific risks and howwe will close the gaps as a team. This keeps allpeople informed on how the site is doing,keeps safety at the forefront, and captures theideas of all people on how we cancontinuously improve.know that their manager respects and valuesthem will be willing to do more—and have amuch better outlook on their tasks, regardlessof what those tasks may be. At the beginning ofevery month, we have a celebration at the endof the 1st and the beginning of the 2nd shift infront of our blue wall to celebrate the currentsuccesses for the month. We celebrate newlevel-ups, promotions, anniversaries, andmonthly RSW winners. It has become such afun tradition at P1, and we have seen muchproductivity success. Celebrating success leads to more of it! – Ithas been known for quite some time that ahappy worker is a productive worker. Peoplewho feel that their questions and concerns areheard and taken into account and who Tips to People Progression and the ROI –Without consistent personal and career growth,we can feel stagnant. Never assume yourpeople do not require growth anddevelopment. Talk with everyone tounderstand what motivates them and how youcan help them reach the next level. Careergrowth is a journey. To help your team thrive,you need to cultivate a sensepage 03 Home

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page 04– of purpose and allow them to seizeopportunities as they arise to achieve them.We are invested in our team's success at P1;here is a recent shout-out to a powerfulsuccess story here at P1. Asha Freeman started as Quality Coordinatorat P1 back in October 2021. Since the dateshe started, she has always given her job110%. Asha was promoted to QualitySupervisor in September 2022. Over the lastyear and a half, Asha has had many battleswith the P1 team. Our team can say withgreat pride that our Quality departmentstood firm because of her outstandingwillingness to go above and beyond tocomplete the job. We are excited toannounce that Asha has been promoted toQuality Manager at P1 as of March 2023.Thank you, Asha, for going above andbeyond for your team at P1! We appreciateyou more than you know. "UNDERSTANDING WHERE YOU TRULY ARE ISKEY TO UNDERSTANDING HOW TO GET TOWHERE YOU WANT TO GO." – JOHN KERR, P1 PRODUCTION MANAGER.We hope our success inspires all to do more andthink outside the box to improve continuously.Integrating best practices sharing into your sitephilosophy helps encourage transparency and isessential for Crescent's overall accomplishments.Now that the secrets are out, what will you do withthem? The ideation and implementation were challenging tosay the least, involving approvals from BDF Global inGermany, but we overcame every obstacle in theprocess. The enhancement is a milestone towardsdoing it right, reducing our DPMO to 23 (anddecreasing…) with financial savings of roughly 150Kper year. GO P1!We are pressing forward in the effort to become aPremier Service Provider. By encompassing theCrescent Way into every facet of our operation, wehave developed a monthly cadence for continuousimprovement. For example, during the last iteration,P1 developed a visual management system thatreduced production line life cycle time by as much as35%. As each line progresses through its expected lifecycle (setup, actively running, shutdown, andpreventive maintenance), a visual marking systemindicates the state of the line, thereby alerting thenext section responsible that the line is ready for thenext step in the process.We also recently toured the Toyota Manufacturingplant to glean best practices and introduce them tothe plant.Expand the vision, and seek ways as a teamto improve – On March 27th, we went live witha Nulogy enhancement that promises toprevent all lot/expiry-driven deviationsoccurred in 2022. The enhancement was madepossible after two months of data analysis byour P1 and Corporate teams, includingdeviation records, IST adjustments, Nulogygeneration troubleshooting, and shelf lifechanges. The findings have beentremendously helpful in creating a bulletproofprocess that eliminates manualcalculations/adjustments. In addition to this, ithas given BDF the data to investigate furtherthe lot / exp discrepancies present in theirproduction and distribution centers.

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TRAUMABAGSTOOLS FOR OUR FIRST RESPONDERS!By: Jared SnellE1, Site People GeneralistEven in my short time working here, it hasbeen clear to me that Crescent values itsPeople’s safety above anything else. Frommanagers to line workers, all levels make theconscious effort to not only spread awarenessin how to work safely but also to go anotherstep forward and embrace it as part of theirdaily routines.In keeping with the established culture ofcontinuous refinement on how we keep ourPeople safe, First Responder Trauma Bagswere provided to each site last year, completewith basic first aid supplies for wound care,burns, and CPR. Here at E1, this new initiativewas embraced wholeheartedly as each FirstResponder, when introduced to the bag,showed an eagerness to have another tool attheir disposal, and a few even volunteeredsuggestions on where to place it on theproduction floor and what it should contain inthe future. Despite the enthusiasm, training still had to becompleted before this program was officiallyrolled out. To this end, each First Responderhad to go through a certification course thatdetailed the contents of the bag, theconditions for its use, and how to requestadditional supplies. This course was taughtone-on-one, where each First Responder wasgiven the opportunity to learn about the bagand its contents hands-on. Once this wascompleted, each was required to sign off on atraining form detailing the written expectationsfor the bag, and this, in turn, was uploaded totheir profiles in UKG. page 05 Home

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page 06Moreover, to help facilitate learning of the bag’s contents, each First Responder was given anupdated First Responder Certification Card. On the back of each was printed a simple diagram ofthe bag that could be studied at any time. Each rectangle in the graph corresponds with a pocket ofthe bag, and each symbol corresponds with the contents of each pocket; this allows for easycomprehension for both Spanish and English speakers. Addtionally, E1 has also implemented an additional requirement for itsFirst Responders in relation to the Trauma Bag. Specifically, when thebag is opened in response to an incident, and after the patient isstabilized, the First Responder is expected to scan a QR codemounted in the bag and fill out an electronic form before the end ofthe shift that the incident occurred on. This report gives detail on whatmaterials were used, when the incident occurred, who was involved inthe incident, and what treatment was provided. The purpose of this report is twofold; it allows management to trackthe inventory of the Trauma Bag, but more importantly, it gives a moreholistic view of an incident beyond what may be captured on a SafetyNotification.For questions or to learn more, please read out by Together we can all work to preventworkplace injuries, illnesses, and deaths, as well as the suffering andfinancial hardship these events cause for our people, their families,and Crescent.In other words, because First Responders are the first on the scene,they will get a different perspective of a situation that may uncoveradditional details on the mechanism of injury that those arriving laterwould otherwise miss. To put it simply, this report acts as an additionallayer of detail that more fully colors a situation and allowsmanagement to establish a root cause and potential solution bettermoving forward.

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Ease the feeling of overwhelm with this 14-day program designed to help you cope with stress. 14-day program designed to help you cope with stress. Our expert-led team of friendlyinstructors will guide you through effective techniques, exercises, and nutritional guidance toreduce stress levels and improve your everyday living.Gentle and restorative stretchesMindful breathing techniquesStress-relieving workoutsRecipes to reduce stressAnd so much more with no equipment needed!With your Wellworks portal and open your fitness and nutritiondashboard and click on the Wellbeats button for access to yourvirtual wellness offerings, you have access to thousands of highquality, expert-led fitness, nutrition, and mindfulness classes forfree!It’s simple: log in to your Wellbeats account on your personaldevice, and choose from a variety of guided classes to managestress and overwhelm, such as:We bring you health and relaxation. www.wellworksforyoulogin.compage 07 Home

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If you have yet to learn by now, D1 isfocused on safety! No matter thenature of your job, whetheradministrative work or physical labor,you may encounter hazards in yourwork environment. Knowing how tosafely contend with these potentialhazards that may result in injuries oraccidents can affect your ability to beproductive. TELL ME – I FORGET. SHOW ME – I REMEMBER.INVOLVE ME –I'M COMMITTED!By: Karri Drinka, OperationsManager and Tami Anstedt, D1General ManagerFor example, in 2021, 104,000,000 production days were lost due to work-related injuries, accordingto the National Safety Council within our industry! Why? Improper training, slips, trips and falls,overexertion, and contact with objects and equipment.We don't want to become part of a statistic, so we have been strengthing our focus on preventingworkplace accidents in the first place, through communication, training and awareness.We are taking a risk management approach to our business to help all people understand wheredanger is and work to mitigate or eliminate it—in other words, making us more proactive versusreactive regarding workplace accidents. We all know that the work environment, tasks, ormaterials can cause accidents. However, education and experience also factor in. When Peopleare tired, overworked, sick, or having issues at home, their mind is elsewhere, and they can'tperform their best at work. page 08 Home Home

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page 09WE ARE HAVING A BLASTAt D1, we held a Superbowl party with an emphasis on Do It Right, Safe, Well thispast quarter, boosting awareness and team camaraderie.Had a surprise SQF audit and received an excellent score of 98%D1 completed all tasks for Q1 CWA and worked on Q2 deliverables.Bus Shelter was installed – this was inspired by people feedback.Offer accepted for new Production Manager – Kevin Harbour to start May 1Jeff Scraper moving to role of Master Planner (effective full time May 1)Thank you to GE for the platform, which will be Kevin’s new home!Special thanks to Greg Ruby and D1 Maintenance Team (Dan, Matt, Ralph, John, andJason) for the many hours of brain-storming and hard work to get the FlowWrappers back up and running. Holding every 3rd Thursday of the month plant a wide stand down to discuss/educate on safety.We hold Post-Accident interviews whenever an incident takes place.We have created Safety Packets, including all paperwork needing to be completed and a checklistto ensure everything is captured and reviewed.All line leads give an "elevator safety talk" before the start of production.Gave away shamrock cookies for St Pat Day – “Don’t Leave Safety to Luck" to continue drivingsafety messaging and celebrating accomplishments.Incorporated new safety training and quiz during on-boarding to ensure all People understand oursafety goals and the role they play in keeping us safe.To address all these issues and more, here is what we have been working on:We hope this encourages all sites to perform regular conversations regarding safety and make safetytraining a normal training session to keep everyone updated on policies, procedures, and our safetynumbers.

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page 10ESG: Payit ForwardBy: Matt TaylorSr. Manager of Talent andSocial ResponsibilityEvery year, the call for increased sustainability—in everything from operations to products tothe people we do business with—growslouder. At the beginning of this year, DavidGile spoke about how we will begin to focusthis year. What is ESG?ESG stands for environmental, social, andgovernance. These are called pillars in ESGframeworks and represent the three leadingtopic areas companies are expected to reporton. ESG aims to help Crescent capture all thenon-financial risks and opportunities inherentin our day-to-day activities.What falls under the Environmental Pillar?Emissions such as greenhouse gases and air,water, and ground pollution. Resources usesuch as whether a company uses new orrecycled materials in its production processesand how a company ensures that from start tofinish the maximum material in their product iscycled back into the economy rather thanending up in a landfill. Similarly, companiesare expected to be good stewards of waterresources. Land use concerns likedeforestation and biodiversity disclosures alsofall under the Environmental Pillar. Home

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page 11What falls under the Social Pillar?Under the Social Pillar, companies report on howthey manage their employee development andlabor practices. They report on product liabilitiesregarding the safety and quality of their product.They also report on their supply chain labor, healthand safety standards, controversial sourcingissues, and diversity and inclusion. What falls under the Governance Pillar?The main issues reported under the GovernancePillar are shareholders’ rights, board diversity,how executives are compensated and how theircompensation is aligned with the company’ssustainability performance. It also includesmatters of corporate behavior such as anti-competitive practices and corruption. What is Crescent doing about ESG?Crescent has solid fundamentals, such as Whole Person Well-Being and SCARF. We want to build upon these and ensurewe develop an ESG strategy that aligns with our People's andour Customers' expectations. To do this successfully, wedeveloped surveys distributed to the XLT and all ourcustomers to understand better what a meaningful ESGstrategy looks like to their teams and operations. Once we receive all their responses, we will start to build theframework for our strategy and establish certain metrics andgoals that we, as an entire company, will be responsible forhitting. Our primary goal is to develop an ESG strategy that ourpeople and the Crescent Community can be proud of andensure that it aligns with the Crescent Way and our corevalues of Do it Right, Do it Safe, and Do it Well. If we do thissuccessfully, we will continue to build a Community that isfocused on growing our people to provide a path forward forour Key Customers, strengthening their competitiveadvantage.

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Everyone experiences stress at work and athome in various ways. At times we managethat stress well and other times we do not. Feelings of chronic stress left unmanaged canlead to feelings of burnout.In this 60 minute presentation, you willlearn what burnout is, how to assess yourselffor potential burnout, and discover tools toprevent and/or recover from burnout.Presented by Tri-Health EAPRegister on the Intranetor Scan the QR Code April 19th 10 am to 11 am ESTApril 27th 12pm to 1 pm EST page 12 Home

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UNIFIEDWESUCCEEDBy: Adam Smith, C11, QualityAssurance and C.I. ManagerAs quarter one ended, we saw some massiveturnaround at Crescent’s newest site. C11 wentthrough its share of start-up struggles in 2022. However, 2023 has been a different storycompletely. We began to see signs inNovember and December of 2022 with smallglimpses of the light that was coming, but itreally kicked into high gear after coming backfrom their holiday break for the Christmas andNew Year’s holidays.C11 got off to a strong start and produced at a113% clip in January. They were even strongerin February producing at a rate of 126% goodenough for #1 in the Crescent Network in thatmonth. March was strong as well coming in at118%, 2nd in the company. You add all that upand C11 is the 2nd most efficient producingplant in Crescent through the first quarter of2023. Quite a stark difference for a facility thatranked last or next to last all year in 2022 in thatsame measure.This rapid improvement hasn’t come withoutlots of hard work and dedication from the C11team. This facility is revolutionizing the wayCrescent thinks about set-ups introducing“charging” as being part of that process. Thesetup team, including teammates fromproduction, ops, quality, and maintenance allplay a vital role in this process that has played amajor role in their improvement.Another key part of this has been the work theteam has done in tracking and logging changesthat are made to improve a line during a run sothe next time that item runs we are startingfrom the best practice determined from theprevious run. page 13 Home

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This process has been refined and is a beacon to thisteam’s success. This process is spear headed by theproduction and front office team.Working together tomake sure all changes are logged and updated inNulogy and are ready to roll out on the next run. One thing that cannot be overlooked, although notquantifiable, is the cohesiveness and optimism of theC11 team. This team approaches and knocks outchallenges like no other. Coming through the hardstart up and ASON last year brought this teamtogether and united them like nothing else. They arein lock step together and it has shown in theirwillingness to collaborate and work together crossfunctionally to solve problems as they arise and beagile in adjusting to issues that come or last-minutechanges requested by the customer. I believe that Randy Bagley said it best, “All the hardwork you guys have done is finally starting to show inthe numbers.”The C11 team put in months of hardwork following the ASON season in 2022 and they arefinally starting to see the results of all that hard workcome to fruition. The sky is the limit for this team andfacility as they continue to show everyone in Crescentwhat they are made of!page 14

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SUE FAINMY 48+ YEARADVENTUREAT CRESCENT History is vital to study; those whochoose to ask the right questionsabout history are most prepared tolive life to the fullest in the presentwhen we consider the lessons we canlearn from those before us.F R O M 1 9 7 5 T O P R E S E N TOffline? Scan the QR code to access thisCrescent Conversations ExclusiveListen to Sue Fain's story byclicking herepage 15 Home

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Now I do not want to derail the point of this articletoo much, but as I think about finding yourbelonging and acceptance, I think about doggydaycare... Okay, that is strange, I can admit it. Ihave 1-year-old golden retriever named Dunkin.This boy is like the feeling you get after a tripleshot of espresso in your morning coffee. He canrun for hours and thrives off no sleep. He is asocial butterfly within the four walls of my home,but when we hit the public scene, he instantlybecomes socially awkward.There are two essentialwords we use sparingly. Why? I don't have that answer- what I do knowis that each person in this world hasexperienced the journey of trying to findbelonging and acceptance. Whether you werethe new kid in school that knew no one or theadult walking into a new job, we have all dealtwith it. The sleepless night before your first day, thebutterflies in your stomach on your drive, andthe anxiety you feel as you step into thebuilding for the first time; You may feel allthese feelings after just reading that line. Iknow I do. We work through that first day; wemeet tons of new people, and more times thannot, those first interactions are positive. Theanxiety about the new job tends to decreasetremendously after that first day, but does thatmean we have a sense of acceptance orbelonging? I don't think so. That takes time,patience, and some searching to find "yourpeople." To find where you belong. Where youare...accepted."AS I THINK ABOUT FINDING YOUR BELONGING AND ACCEPTANCE, I THINK ABOUTDOGGY DAY CARE... OKAY, THAT'S STRANGE, I CAN ADMIT IT."HELLO, IT'S ME...We develop a sense of belonging when we are seen for ourunique contributions, and connected to our co-workers.Belonging and acceptance happen when we are supportedin our daily work and career development and areconnected to our company's values and purpose. By: Hannah Lyons, C11 SPG My one year old retriever named DunkinA DEVELOPMENTAL PERSPECTIVE OF OUR NEED TO BELONGpage 16 Home

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Heck in the car is the only time he sleeps I enrolled Dunkin in doggy daycare a few months ago after struggling to find ways to get his energy out No number of walks or games of fetch was doing the trick I had all the feelings I described above before his first day Would he make friends Would he think I abandoned him Was he going to sit in the corner and cry Are these dramatic thoughts Absolutely Did I check the cameras at the daycare multiple times that day Of course I did But it did not take long for all my worries to diminish The daycare workers were thrilled to tell me how amazing he did that first day He played with friends of all breeds sizes shapes and colors He stole the sticks from his friends and was chased for hours Most importantly he slept like a bear in hibernation that night He loves doggy daycare and if I am not careful he will bolt out of my car when the door opens upon arrival He is more excited to leave than he is to go in He has associated doggy daycare with what most humans would describe as safe and fun Dunkin has instantly found his sense of belonging and acceptance Not only was Dunkin accepted but he was accepting of everyone else Dunkin walked into that first day with confidence and was not in fear of being his authentic self What if we as humans did this If we walk into new places and hold true to ourselves do you think it would take long to find your people Could we be our authentic selves and accept you know everyone We will not always be surrounded by people who understand our humor brain or who we are People want to have a sense of belonging and be accepted especially by their peers and coworkers We get to hand pick our friends so picking those who love and accept who you are is effortless But rarely do we get to handpick our co workers Dunkin with his glorious stick at Doggy Daycare What if we could all be comfortable enough to hold onto being authentic and accepting of others for who they are If we can we will find a sense of belonging and acceptance but it takes all of us to make this happen So as we venture into new growth opportunities with Crescent I challenge each of you to hold true to yourself be authentic and not be afraid to be the one that steals the stick and runs around the yard I promise the right people will chase you And as Crescent leaders I encourage each of us to provide a safe and productive place for our people They may never bolt out of their cars and run into work Still they will walk in feeling as if their status is appreciated their certainty exists they have autonomy in their role we accept all and show them how they are related in the big picture of Crescent and we all take steps to make sure people belong We are they are treated fair by all Belonging is essential to humans Psychologists rank our need to belong on par with our need for love Because the need to belong is universal and fundamental focusing on it has the power to draw in the whole Crescent community What could we create if we all lived and embraced these two words acceptance and belonging page 17

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page 1855% OFAMERICANS ARESTRESSEDDURING THEDAY.FIND YOURBALANCEBy: Kim Newberry, PeopleProcess ManagerCHRONIC STRESS ISCOMMONPLACE AT WORKWITH 94% OF WORKERSREPORTING FEELINGSTRESS AT WORK.-AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATIONStressful experiences come in many forms,such as a demanding job, a chronic disease,or an argument with a loved one. But alltypes of stressors—even stress from positiveexperiences,such as planning a party—can result in thesame physical and emotional burden onhealth, especially as age. Stress can comefrom many aspects of our lives, includingwork, home, family, finances, etc. Yourphysical and mental wellbeing can beaffected if stress is not managed. The Wellworks and Wellbeats programprovides over 600+ free courses for workingout, meditation, and healthy eating. Workingout or doing activities to clear your mind canhelp reduce stress. The American Heart Association (AHA) says thatchronic stress can cause digestive problems,anxiety, headaches, depression, weight gain, etc.Any and all of these things can affect our dailylives. If we don’t find ways to manage stress, wecannot get the most enjoyment out of life. Findingways to manage your stress can make a greatimpact on your life. According to the AHA, positive self-talk, stress-stoppers, and stress-busting activities are a fewways to start. In addition, CCrescent has options tobring health and relaxation to you through severaldifferent tools to support our whole person'swellbeing. One way is by utilizing the WellWorksand Wellbeats programs. -AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICALASSOCIATION Home

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page 19SIXTY-TWO PERCENT OF ADULTSWHO SAY THEY EXERCISE OR WALKTO HELP MANAGE STRESS SAY THETECHNIQUE IS VERY OR EXTREMELYEFFECTIVE. -AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATIONAnother option is utilizing theEmployee Assistance Program.TriHealth provides 24/7 confidentialsupport for people who work atCrescent and anyone in theirhousehold. Some services are in-personcounseling, telephone counseling,Crisis line, financial assistance, andlegal assistance. Counseling can beused to work on positive self-talk orwork through things that add to yourstress levels. The financial assistance session canhelp you find ways to manage yourfinancials better and support yourgoal to become financially stable. Using Crescent's resources, we canwork together to manage stress andpromote Whole Person Wellbeing. If you have questions about usingthese resources, refer to the BenefitsCard or speak with your PeopleGroup Representative for moreinformation!It's all about you here.Tri-Health EAPTri-Health EAP, Open 24/7, 365 days a year. 1-800-642-9794AMHSA National Hotline: 1-800-662- HELP(4357)National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)Take time to care for yourself- if you orsomeone you know shows signs of elevatedstress for days or weeks, get help by accessing aresource such as one of these:Wellworks For YouWellbeatsHow to Chronic Stress Impacts the BodyThe Butterfly Hug: Stress Reduction StrategyConvergence Techniques: Stress ReductionStrategyThe Neurobiology StressVisit Wellbeats for great stress beating workouts,recipes, and stretches or visit the Wellworks ForYou Learning Center to view the Wellbeing andStress Management modules to learn moreabout stress and how to combat with topicssuch as:AetnaGym MembershipsHealth CoachingMassages and Chiropractic ServicesNutritional Programs24/7 Health HotlineHolistic Homeopathic treatments and moreAre you enrolled in Crescents Aetna MedicalPlan? If so, visit and log intoyour portal to learn more about health andwellbeing offers available to you, such as:

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QUARTER ONE CLOSEOUTC1: THE VERTICAL THREATC11: THE POWER-UPSD1: TEAM INDOMITABLEE1: THE "CPACK" GIANTSGE: THE MVPSMC: PLAYMAKERSP1: THE SILENT STORMQ1 POINTSAVAILABLEPOINTSATTITUDE IS EVERYTHINGWILDCARD GAMES | CLOSEOUTJ A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3THE MATCH WASFIERCE The scoreboard speaks for itself; this quarterwas a blowout! The game was over when QBPaul Atkinson, from the C11 PowerUps, passedthe ball to his running back, Hannah Lyons, toheave into the end zone and drop onto theturf with their March RSW winner! That playitself had the biggest audience of any play inthe game; with only five minutes to close out,the team made the final touchdown for thequarter! For every hero in this game, there isan equal goat; in this case, we had seventeams! Congratulations to all sites for meetingthe Quarter One objectives and successfullytaking on the Super Bowl points!Team MVP and Team Indomitable fromEdwardsville had an unbelievable first half,completing their CW Training objectives earlyin the quarter. QB Tami Anstedt completed her first touchdown pass with an eighty-yard toss to Karri and the rest ofher leadership team, completing the level 5 CWA training and giving theIndomitables a five-week solid lead in front of the others. The VerticalThreat, C1, held high powered Memphis Silent Storm offense to just 30points coming into March. QB, Wally Northam had some crazyscrambles to avoid sacks in the second half, especially coming from theMason City Playmakers, but finished with 10 points for the SafetyCommittee Objectives with 67 yards alongside the CPACK Giants, thesecond one worthy of a highlight reel by itself.This was a great game to watch and be a part of! Very few players have Running Back, Hannah Lyons heaving into the end 20 Home

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C1 Vertical Threat: Omar Rubio, Joseph Stumpff, Jeff Lay, Phillip Griffin, Bob RedmondC11 Power Ups : Steven Stacey, Tim Soles, Vicri Espinoza RobleroD1 Team Indomitable: Melanie Connors, Christy Cadwell, Jamar Ellis, Antonio Clanton, Stacy Phillips, Wilbon Perry Isom,Dennis Vonderheidt, Jaye Schollomeyer, Nacy Azwec, and Angie NanceE1 The CPack Giants: Charles Colden, Raul Rodriguez, Ivonne Lendof, Jefry Reynoso, Brian McNeal, Diana Baker, KhadijaElassous, Dragan Bozic, Maria BurgosGE The MVPs: Laura Maxwell, Jolynn Shepherd, and Roger DawsonMC The Playmakers: Jeff Nitcher, Elizabeth Bass, and Kyle NitcherP1 The Silent Storm: Melvin Crump, Timothy Lowery, Jessica Faulkner, Juan Gonzalez, Amina Kapo, Dan KahlCongratulations! There isn't a battle that these players back down from. When they put in the work and live out the Crescentvalues, they often knock the opposition back or stop them clearly in their tracks and get the team headed in the rightdirection. You can learn more about their claim to fame on page 27.For more CWA content, check out the Crescent Way Assurance portal on the Intranet, connect with your team QB(General Manager) on what is in store for Quarter Two, and be on the lookout for next quarter's CrescentChronicle. From the blow of the first whistle to the sound of the last, we know you'll be giving it your all.the skills and speed these teams have. So unleash it all inthe Q2 game- Hoorah! Enjoy all the additional highlights of the CWA's Q1Wildcard game win here! Being the captain has prestige. We couldn't havecompleted the Crescent Way training without our captains,Rommel Miranda, Tom Schwallie, and Johan Pot, beforethe handoffs to our QBs. Thank you for being sosupportive! In Q1, 245 People were trained on the CrescentWay."I am so excited about the games this coming quarter. I canhardly believe how much the QBs and their whole teamshave improved this year. You guys have the chance to dosomething great!" said Rommel.When watching the tape to prepare for Quarter Two, Oneof the things I love to see in a player is how dedicated theyare playing the game. All teams are made up of some first-draft pick players, and they all deserve a shout-out. Weknow it's a challenge sometimes, but some people playwith a little more gusto than others, and we are proud tocall out all 39 of our Quarter One RSW Winners!The Silent Storm's Running Back, Leanna Van Vleet overpowers defenders in the rungame, as they play the Mason City Playmakers for the Superbowl points on the SafetyCommittee Objectivespage 21

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In GE1, we live the Crescent Culture of RSW daily inside and outside work. Irene Trotter, a 28-yearCrescent veteran and Warehouse Coordinator III, is a perfect example of our Company's culturebeing lived out outside of work.Irene heard a crash while checking out at her local Kroger grocery store. In the next lane, a womanpassed out in the check-out lane to the side of her and fell to the floor. Irene's first responder trainingkicked in.In shock, bystanders gasped and stared while the Kroger staff fumbled with their radios and dialed911. While the Kroger team spoke to the 911 operator, Irene asked if she could assist the woman, andthe Kroger team agreed while they waited for further instruction; this is where Irene did what all Firstresponders are trained to do.She went through our routine First Responder questions to assess the problem and find the 22CRISIS AVERTEDBy: Frank Neidenbach, GE1 Logistics Manager "911, what is your emergency""Yes, I have a 43-year-old female who has justpassed out. We are checking her head and...""Okay, did she hit her head? What is yourlocation..."THE CALL OF A FIRST RESPONDERIn these precious moments, every second conuts.Have you ever wondered what it takes to be first onthe scene in the event of an emergency? People areoften in stressful situations when they call 911, butour response in the time of an emergency isimportant and in some cases, a matter of life ordeath.This is the call of the first responder. They undertakea wide range of tasks to ensure satisfactoryoutcomes in a variety of emergencies. They areresponsible for responding and providing assistanceto those emergency situations. They at times are ourfirefighters, police officers, paramedics, EMTs; theyperform different tasks, but they all work to helpthose in need. Home

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page 23In asking the questions, Irene discovered that thewoman was on high blood pressure medicine and hadnot eaten anything that day. Irene worked with thewoman and the Kroger team to contact emergencypersonnel and noted the woman's physicalappearance and head condition. "911, what's your emergency." "Yes, I have a 43-year-old female who has just passedout. We are checking her head and...""Okay, did she hit her head? What is your location...""I...I..I don't know. I was just at my register and...""Okay, where are you calling from.""Kroger in West Chester, I am a cashier and....""Listen to me carefully; examine the person andcheck for breathing, a pulse, and anything lodged inthe throat. If you see something loose in theirthroat, reach into their mouth and remove it. If theobject is tight or firmly anchored, do not try to gripit, but start CPR. I have a unit on its way!""Oh okay!...."After a short while, the West Chester Emergency Team helped the woman further. Irene identifiedherself as a First responder for Crescent and what she had learned to the Fireman."I am glad you took action when you did...ummm....""My name is Irene, and of course, I am a first responder at work, so I knew what to do."Irene's stepping in at a moment that could have had much worse consequences. First responders are essential in Crescent's values and mission. They can make a difference in theoutcome of many emergencies.Since the duties of a first responder change from incident to incident, scene to scene, their coreresponsibilities of protecting life, property, evidence, and the environment do not change; they adaptto the circumstances they find themselves in. They are trained to respond to an incident and assesswhat is taking place before deciding what to focus their efforts on. They may also call for additionalhelp. I commend Irene for going to the problem and lending a helping hand.We all hope to run to a problem rather than sit back and be a spectator.Do it Right. Do it Safe. Do it Well. Become a Crescent First Responder.Irene Trotter, GE1 First Responder

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page 24Aetna Health and Well-Being SeriesDo you often feel like you are running on empty?Do you take time to focus on your well-being?Join your regional team of Aetna Wellness Consultants for a presentation onPrevention and Self Care. During the presentation we will look at obesity trends throughout the years, reviewnutrition basics and how to make small changes toward better health.The presentation will last 30 minutes with an additional 15 minutes for Q&A followingthe presentation. The same information will be presented on three separateoccasions so pick the time that works best for you! The webinar will be available:Friday, April 21st at 11 am EST - CLICK HERE to registerFriday, May 19th at 1 pm EST- CLICK HERE to registerFriday, June 16th at 3 pm EST -- CLICK HERE to register Home

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page 25$300 referral bonus for all Direct Roles*$500 referral bonus for all Indirect Roles*$1,000 referral bonus for all Salaried Roles**Refer to the Refer a friend, Crescent policy or your PeopleGroup Representative for payout details and additionalinformation.BRING YOUR FRIENDSTO WORK EVERYDAY!ELTExecutive Vice President of Operations - West Chester, OHPEOPLE GROUPPeople Generalist- Edwardsville, ILMAINTENANCE Maintenance Technician- Memphis, TNQUALITYContinuous Improvement Specialist- West Chester OHQuality Control Inspector (1st Shift)- Fairfield, OHQuality Control Inspector (2nd Shift)- Fairfield, OH Sanitation (1st Shift)- Cincinnati OHOPERATIONSAccount Coordinator (1st Shift) - West Chester, OHForklift Operator (1st Shift) - West Chester, OHForklift Operator (1st Shift) - Memphis, TNForklift Operator (2nd Shift) -Fairfield, OHForklift Operator (2nd Shift) -Mason City, IAForklift Operator (3rd Shift) -Fairfield, OHForklift Operator (3rd Shift) -Mason City, IAInventory Control Coordinator (1st Shift)- Memphis, TNOperations Lead Logistics (Weekend Shift)- West Chester, OHSolutions Engineer - West Chester, OHWarehouse Coordinator (1st Shift) - West Chester, OHTRANSPORTATIONCDL Truck Driver - Florence, KYPRODUCTIONAuto Line Machine Operators (1st, 2nd and 3rd Shift) -Mechanicsburg PALine Leaders (2nd Shift), West Chester, OHLine Leaders (2nd and 3rd Shift), Mechanicsburg, PAProduction Lead (2nd and 3rd Shift), Mechanicsburg,PAProduction Planner - Mechanicsburg, PA Home

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Enjoy discounts, rewards, and perks on thousands ofbrands and attractions you love in a variety of categories: Go to: Enter in Referral Code: JD8157 Complete Registration1.2.3.ITS EASY TO ACCESS AND START SAVINGQUESTIONS? CALL 1-866-664-4621 OR EMAIL CUSTOMERCARE@BENEFITHUB.COMTravelAutoElectronicsApparelLocal DealsEducationEntertainment TicketsRestaurantsHealth and WellnessBeauty and SpaInsuranceSports and OutdoorsNEW SPRING MUST SEE ATTRACTIONS AND TOP 26 Home

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WINNER CIRCLEJ A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3OMAR RUBIO Omar stepped in when we were shorthanded and pulled theteam together. Omar is kind, friendly, easy to work with, andeasy to talk to. Always smiling, works well with others, andmindful of the end goal. Does his job right , safe, and well. Heis hardworking, consistent, and maintains a positive attitudepositive. I am glad he was able to help us out!PHILLIP GRIFFINPhillip started with Crescent in January 2023 and within amonth of his time here, he has exhibited key qualities in hisrole. Phillip’s keen eye prevented a potential issue with theproduct date. He exhibited great leadership skills by bringingthis feedback to the proper people, and we are delighted tohave him within the quality team!BOB REDMONDBob always going above and beyond his expected duties. Hedoes his work in the safest way possible. He is one of the bestdrivers on our shift and he deserves to be recognized for hisaccomplishments!C1 | THE VERTICAL THREATC11 | POWERUPSSTEVEN STACEYSteve always ensures that our people are kept safe by saltingthe sidewalks during the winter weather. He is a great co-worker always checking in on people when they seem off. Hedoes a fantastic job at keeping our site in tip top shape. Thankyou Steve for being a part of the C11 family!page 27 Home

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WINNER CIRCLE CONT.J A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3TIM SOLESTim has taken to his new role as a forklift lead on 2nd andreally stepped up to the task. He is always willing to help theoperations team and ensure that the job is done Right, Safe, &Well! His co-workers speak highly of his work and feel safeworking with him each night. Thank you, Tim, for being a partof the C11 family!VICRI ESPINOZA ROBLEROVicri was nominated by her peers for always going above andbeyond. She is always willing to help her teammates and isthe recon expert! She operates in a safe and productivemanner and it is noticed by all levels of the organization. Ifyou see Vicri out and about this week give her a bigCongratulations!MELANIE CONNORSMelanie was going for her 2nd break one day when shenoticed another individual having a panic attack. She took theinitiative to help calm the individual. She used her break tosupport the person and stayed with the individual and helpedthem to the parking lot for their ride. Melanie displayedexceptional empathy and a selflessness without a secondthought. Thank you, Melanie for a job well done.D1| INDOMITABLESCHRISTY CADWELLChristy is always helpful. Always picking up things we cannotget to right away, like answering calls on the radio.She isalways available whenever someone is in need or requestassistance. Alwdo she changed her scheduled to help on 2ndshift longer. Thank you Christy for a job well done!page 28

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WINNER CIRCLE CONT.J A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3ANTONIO CLANTONAntonio is dependable, efficient and has a strong attention todetail. he took charge while his supervisors were out and ledthe department. Antonio ensures that all the polices andprocedures of Crescent are met at the highest standard andholds his team to the same standard. Thank you, Antonio for ajob well done!DENNIS VONDERHEIDTDennis comes into work and does it RSW and with the bestattitude. Dennis never complains and always goes out of hiswat to help anyone and does everything the safest waypossible. Dennis work ethic and dedication to this compnaywould be hard to beat by anyone at D1. Thank you, Dennis fora job well done!STACY PHILLIPSStacy is always checking in with people and writing downfeedback. She makes sure lines are safe. Stacy was superhelpful during a line leads first shift on their own. She is greatat explaining everything and helping when quality needshelp. Stacy is a team player! Thank you, Stacy, for a job welldone!WILBON PERRY-ISOMwIL is always doing it RSW. He is always hard working andvery helpful. Wil has a positive attitude, is nice and helpfulwith all people. He is very helpful to the quality of theoperations and he tries to help whenever help is needed.Thank you, Wil, for a job well done!page 29

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ANGIE NANCEAngie demonstrates doing it right by giving a hand whereverit is needed. I have seen several times that she has helpedme the 2nd shift leads. She has helped me with materials tocomplete my job as well as others. She has a positive attitudeand makes sure that all people are following GMPS. Thankyou, Angie, for a job well done!NANCY ZAWECNancy always keeps the lines in order and always helps teline leaders and team. Nancy always has a great attitude andshe's always going non-stop. She has a answer to all of myquestions no matter what the question is, she figures it out ingreat timing. Thank you, Nancy, for a job well done!JAYE SCHOLLMEYERJaye was nominated for going above and beyond last monthin doing it safe. She is always helping and ensuring thatpeople are doing it safe. Thank you, Jaye, for a job well done!JAMAR ELLISJamar was nominated for going above and beyond inFebruary and doing it safe. Jamar is a wonderful line leaders.He is very good at his job and takes it seriously. He alsoextends his hand to help, in line F he assisted with theportable bander and helps make more MODs when a linemay be struggling. Thank you, Jarmar, for a job well done!WINNER CIRCLE CONT.J A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3NO PICTURE PROVIDEDNO PICTURE PROVIDEDNO PICTURE PROVIDEDNO PICTURE PROVIDEDpage 30

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WINNER CIRCLEJ A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3E1 | CPACK GIANTSBRIAN MCNEALBrian is a forklift operator who was nominated because hecame in on a Saturday early to support first shift. When hecame in, he realized there were four trucks out of service thatneeded battery replacements so he didn’t have a machineavailable to use. Brian took it upon himself to help theproduction floor with emptying the trash and corrugate fromthe floor because the regular person from first shift was offthat day. Brian filled a gap for housekeeping and helped tokeep the facility clean. CHUCKIE COLDEN & RAUL RODRIGUEZChuckie and Raul are Production Leads on first shift and are always the first people that lineworkers see when they enter the floor. They are always wishing each Crescent and TalentPartner Person a good morning and asking if they need anything. They go out of their way tomake E1 a welcoming environment for all people and it shows.In 2022, E1 digitalized the R.S.W. Rewards program as well as rolled it out in Spanish, making it moreaccessible to all people to recognize each other for doing a great job. This revitalization of the programhas seen significantly increased participation throughout the 1st Quarter of 2023, with a record 74nominations submitted. Each month, the E1 Leadership goes online and reviews the submissions andvotes for the three that they feel best represent the Crescent core values of Doing it Right, Doing itSafe, and Doing it Well. Throughout this quarter, we have had winners who represented each one ofthe values: Doing it Right – Doing what is right for our customers, doing what is right for our company, and doingwhat is right for our People. page 31

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WINNER CIRCLEJ A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3KHADIJA BOULAHIAKhadija is a Line Leader on first shift who called out apotential fall hazard that exists on Line M when someoneneeds to operating and clean the glue machine. Shediscussed this with the leadership team which resulted in aproper metal step tool being ordered to be put in place toprevent this hazard and keep people safe on the line. MARIA BURGOSMaria is a Line Worker who works for our Talent Partner, AtWork, on first shift. While Maria was packing on Line 4, shediscovered a loose suction cup that was inside of a Hersheycase of intermediate. She reported this to her Line Leader,Carlos, who then reported it to Bryan Homer. This was agreat call out as it could have been mistakenly packed intothe build. Doing it Safe – Creating a safe environment where all forms of risk are assessed and controlled, andwhere People’s ideas, opinions and well-being are respected. JEFRY REYNOSA GARCIAJefry is a forklift operator who noticed an unsafe racklocation. He called this out immediately to leadership so itcould be fixed before someone got seriously hurt. page 32

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WINNER CIRCLEJ A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3DIANA BAKERDiana, a Quality Control Inspector on first shift,volunteered to temporarily transfer to third shift for twomonths while a teammate was out on medical leave tohelp support the department. IVONNE LENDOFFIvonne is a Line Leader on second shift. She volunteered toassist the People Group with Spanish translation duringorientation of new Line Workers for third shift. Thisrequired her to stay almost two hours after her shift ended.Ivonne assisted with a positive attitude and a smile to helpmake the new people feel welcome at Crescent. Doing it Well – Optimizing all our resources to efficiently and effectively perform all tasks well. During a visit from the customer, Khadija, the InventoryControl Lead, did a great job of answering their questionsabout the recon process. The customer asked if we couldhelp reduce the amount of partials we are putting in theracks, and Khadija is keeping track of a new process to keepspace open in the racks to provide more material flow. KHADIJA ELAASSOUSpage 33

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WINNER CIRCLEJ A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3DRAGAN BOZICDragan is a Line Leader on second shift who came up witha great way to help promote the Crescent Way at E1 –Crescent magnets. As part of the recognition that E1 does,this item may be used in the future for safety and/or othergiveaways to recognize the team and continue to promoteR.S.W.Each of these individuals have received an exclusive R.S.W. Winner jacket, embroidered with theCrescent logo and R.S.W. Winner logo. We continue to promote this program at E1 and recognizeour people for Doing it Right, Doing it Safe, and Doing it Well! page 34

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WINNER CIRCLE JANUARY MARCH 2023 GE TEAM MVP In Crescent s LG GE division we had a chance to highlight the propensity of three of our all stars who do it RIGHT SAFE and WELL every single day One of these outstanding People was chosen by their peers each month in the first quarter of 2023 It was a pleasure being able to celebrate these People who live noticeably by the Crescent Way Each of these three People were nominated by peers and leaders across all Logistics GE businesses We are glad these People are part of Crescent and LG GE We are ecstatic for the opportunity to Recognize them for a job done Right Safe and Well page 35

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WINNER CIRCLEJ A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3JOLYNN SHEPHERDHer thought processes and knowledge of the requirements for shipping these tricky orders werevaluable when deciding the new layout for the MU area – finalized in March of this year. Through hervision and assistance, the line achieved smoother throughput while reducing the chances for labelingquality issues. She helps make sure the MU area has what they need to Do it Well while maintainingquality and safety. IShe graciously supports C10 when needed as well. She is always quick with a joke and rewards uswith a smile. Like the flint arrowheads she enjoys seeking in a freshly-plowed field or creek bed,Laura’s cleaning and dedication to making our area a SAFE and Welcoming one is always on point! In January, the GE Team nominatedmaterial handler Jolynn Shepherd for theRSW award. In one of our newest areas,the GE2 Military Unit Pack Processingworkstation; Jolynn was noticed forproviding stability and focus in a quickly-changing environment. She hasconsistently performed with Quality andOperational Delivery in mind whilemaintaining a safe work environment. LAURA MAXWELLIn February, Team GE recognizedour Queen of Clean, Laura Maxwell,as our RSW winner. Each day Lauraprepares our Environment to be aSafe one for all our People. She hasraised the bar on what a cleanoperation should look like, and theimpact she has in making GE a moreenjoyable place for everyone in itcannot be overstated. page 36

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WINNER CIRCLEJ A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3ROGER DAWSONIn March, Team GE chose material handler Roger Dawson. Roger spends much of his time loading andunloading freight at our GE3 docks. As one of our receivers, Roger is one of the first lines of defense for high value aviation parts. He lets the good parts in andkicks suspect parts out (to our problem lot area). He provides valuable feedback in our safety sentinelprogram, and is quick to identify - and fix - any hazards that could jeopardize the safety of our people. If water makes it onto the dock, you probably won’t beat Roger getting to a mop to clean it up first! It isalways a pleasure working with Roger during audits or when assessing inbound work instructions. MC| PLAYMAKERSJeff embodies the Crescent way in making sure ourinventory is top notch every day. Jeff also helps whenneeded loading trucks. Thank you Jeff!JEFF NITCHERpage 37

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WINNER CIRCLEJ A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3Elizabeth’s performance is 100% RSW. Elizabeth is alwayswilling to do any extra tasks given to her. Thank youElizabeth!ELIZABETH BASSKyle brings a positive attitude and uplifting words to theteam everyday. Kyle leads first shift team on theweekends and does a great job. Thank you Kyle!KYLE NITCHERP1| SILENT STORMMELVIN CRUMPMelvin proved he was a rockstar shortly after he startedAt crescent. He asks questions when he does not fullyUnderstand a need and always up for a new challenge. HeHas developed relationships with all functional areas onSecond shift and helps where needed. Melvin has a greatAttitude of “one team one dream”. He has continued to putForth great effort while being the solo auditor for secondShift. We know we can count on Melvin to go above andBeyond his current 38

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WINNER CIRCLETJuan has a full commitment to quality and his drive asthe production lead on 2nd shift. Juan has beeninstrumental in communicating the importance ofDoing it Right. He helped 2nd shift line leadersunderstand how to identify potential errors before aline is started. He also is involved with the setup teamsto verify that all steps are being taken to have allproduction lines ready on time. Juan has a wonderfulattitude and has a very active role in ensuring 2nd shiftis successful and most importantly that our people aresafe and comfortable while at P1.J A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3TIMOTHY LOWERYTim arrives on time daily and puts in extra effort onFriday to ensure P1 has a clean work area. He keeps upwith our sanitation inventory, took on cobweb cleaningprior to our BDF audit, and helps team members whilein the break room.He has an attitude of doing it right, safe and well forevery shift. Tim is an asset to the sanitation team! Healways has a smile on his face. You can count on timeto cheer you up on the hard days. He lives andbreathes the Crescent Way Culture.JESSIE FAULKNERJessie is committed to safety and his willingness tohelp everyone succeed in their roles. Regardless of theday or time jessie has a smile and a desire to helpothers. His personality and willingness to continuelearning more about the operation has made him awelcomed addition to the team. Jessie has even takenthe next step to learn more about the machines on thelines to help the maintenance team. Jessie is also agreat example of turning attendance around andgrowing as an individual.JUAN GONZALEZpage 39

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WINNER CIRCLEJ A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 2 3AMINA KAPOAmina, you have a great work attitude! You come towork on time and you are always smiling! She is Doingit Right, Doing it Safe, and Doing it Well. Amina, youhave a great attitude about everything. You alwaysgive 110% every single day and never give up on thejob at hand. Thanks for going above and beyond foryour team! Excellent worker! Amina goes above andbeyond daily! She is definitely an attribute to Crescent!She does various jobs along the line daily!DAN KAHLDan demonstrates right safe well every day in theperformance of his job duties. He has been a keycontributor to "raising the bar" in maintenance. Dancontinually drives to identify and solve root causes ofmachine problems. Dan has developed a high level ofexpertise on all our equipment. Over the past year, hehas identified numerous incipient equipment issues,which, if not proactively addressed, would haveresulted in unplanned production downtime. In each case, he searched for necessary parts, followed up onsourcing, and ensured timely completion of therepairs. Dan is also highly focused on quality. Heidentified the miniaquaphor blister flange crack issueand brought it to the attention of leadership. Heperformed all the hands-on testing work to evaluatepotential solutions and came in on short notice on hisday off to validate the long-term solution. Dan is a trueteam player. He is generous with his knowledge,helping everyone on the team to broaden theirskillsets. Dan can be counted on to live out right safewell in everything he 40

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Ask a Question. Report an 41*Crescent Help Hotline is monitored by Tasha Bell and Tom Schwallie.Crescent Help Hotline has a 24 hour response turnaround, Monday-Friday. Home

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Hacer una pregunta. Reportar un 42*Tasha Bell y Tom Schwallie monitorean la línea directa de ayuda deCrescent. La línea directa de ayuda de Crescent tiene un tiempo derespuesta de 24 horas, de lunes a viernes.

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