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Crescent Chronicle (July to September 2022)

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JULY SEPTEMBER 2022 ISSUE 3 A Newsletter for Crescent People by Crescent People CRESCENT COMMUNITY NEWS Welcome David Gile Crescent s New President PG 2 Welcome Jim Brzezinski Sr Vp of Finance PG 2 Footprints in the Warehouse solving complex WHOLE PERSON WELLBEING Your 401k Plan What s stopping you PG 3 Healthy Together PG 7 Route 66 Walking Challenge PG 10 problems through little feet GE2 PG 5 CU The most critical skills for leaders are Thank you Elvin Rodriguez GE3 PG 6 fundamentally human Champions play as one D1 C11 Challenge Accepted Plus Crescent University Champions PG 6 FAQ What are Crescent s Recognition PG 8 A New Approach to supporting our community C1 PG 9 Data tells a story what s yours E1 PG 11 Programs PG 14 When Performance Gets in the Way of Achievement The Language of a Great Culture P1 PG 12 PG 16 Crescent Open Positions Refer a Friend and Earn DO IT SAFE NEWS GE3 continues to raise the bar with 100 participation in Safety Sentinels PG 13 PG 15 PG 4 Safety Moments with Mike Douglas Videos PG 4 Staying Hydrated in the Summer Know Your Tools Hyperlinks will not work if newsletter is printed Scan QR Code to access online Newsletter

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page 02Welcome to the Crescent Community!David GileDavid comes to Crescent with a very strongbackground in leading operations and buildingcontinuous improvement service cultures. Davidbrings over 30 years of operational experience,lean thinking and key customer engagement. David’s official start date is August 1st, and duringthe months of June & July he will be going throughvarious onboarding activities, including visiting asmany Crescent operating sites as possible,meeting the leadership and operating teams, andlearning more about the Crescent Way! Crescent President"I am passionate about creating great jobs that improve the lives ofCrescent people in a meaningful way; this drives me to get out of bedevery morning. I am going to get to know all people, and looking forwardto doing that. Learn our people, processes, and customers, and assessopportunities and programs to ensure our business, customers, and allPeople are successful." Jim BrzezinskiSenior Vice President of FinanceJim comes to Crescent with over 35 years ofexperience as a financial leader for many differentcompanies, both public and privately held. Jimbegan his career with accounting firm, Ernst &Young, then went on to spend a good portion of hiscareer with WW Grainger, followed by financialleadership roles at Asurion, Sonepar, ThermoFisher, and most recently with Vallen Distribution. Over the next three weeks, Jim will be completinghis onboarding, during such time we will be makingintroductions; over the next 6 months, Jim will bevisiting the operating sites. "The focus on People is significant to me. I am excited to help ensure thatthere is a financial lens on decisions and that financial implications ondecisions are being considered to support Crescent's overall growth.Teamwork is also a passion of mine, not just within finance and accountingbut across the entire organization. When we work together, finance andoperations are key to growth and long-term success, and I am happy to be apart of that."

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WHATS STOPPING YOU?Financial health is one majorcornerstone to a greatretirementWe can help you achievethe freedom to live thelife you want.If you contribute to a 401(k) plan, you probably enjoyseeing your savings grow yearly. Participating in yourcompany 401(k) plan lowers your tax bill and makesmonthly savings automatic. Meanwhile, your moneygrows tax-free. That’s a good thing!One of the most potent advantages of participating in a401(k) is the money you save in taxes; this is because your401(k) contributions are taken out of your paycheck beforetaxes are deducted from your paycheck. That means yourgross income is reduced, so you pay less in income taxes.Plus, Crescent offers a matching contribution that’s freemoney to you. The more your Crescent matches, the lessyou have to save on your own. Did we mention that it isFREE money? Getting started is easy! Go to enroll!*ENROLL IN OUR 401K PLANYour 401(k) Is More ImportantThan You Think"I think our 401k program is a great benefit that most ofour people are not taking the FULL advantage. The 401kallows you to contribute to your future, plus Crescentadds money to it. I encourage all People to learn more,and try their best to contribute 6% to get the full matchfrom Crescent. Your future you will be so grateful that youput the money into it!" - Leanna Van Vleet, P1 Site People GeneralistCrescent offers a match of 25% up to 6% of your annualcompensation. *All Crescent People are eligible on day 61 to enroll in the401k plan, and can enroll anytime after, not subject toopen enrollment.Fully vested by year three of employment1year =33%, 2 years=67%, 3 years=100% You can change your 401k elections at anytime.Crescent Benefit Plan:Take control of your retirement, visit to enroll03

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page 04GE3 continues toraise the bar with100 % participation,in Safety SentinelsBy: JR Roseberry, Logistics ManagerThe GE3 Team has been running strong for one yearwith 100% Safety Sentinel participation.Performing Safety Sentinel walks in GE3 is for ourpeople to focus on identifying safety risks and correctingthem before they become an incident. We encourageour people to focus on looking for things that couldcause slips, trips or falls in the areas. Thanks to the GE3 People listed below that make thishappen Month after Month, keeping our operation safe: The sentinels are reviewed daily, and anything thatrequires attention is immediately acted upon. This is amassive factor in why participation has increased, byletting the people know we hear them! We also have aweekly drawing to promote safety sentinel participationwith a gift card. GE3's motto is never let unsafe conditionsgo by without reporting or correcting! Safety Moments,with Mike DouglasWhether you work outside, at a desk, or with heavymachinery, there are hazards in your work environment.It’s important to note the potential dangers in yourenvironment to avoid workplace injuries.Click on the videos below for a few safety tips to be awareof this summer and how knowing your tools can eliminatejob-related injuries.Buddy McNeal, Cristal Garcia, David Salcedo, Der-ReeseGriffin, Elvin Rodriguez, Erika Rodriguez, J.R. Roseberry,Ignarda Trinidad Sena, James Walsh, Shane Ott, John Baker,Jonathan Medina Mercado, Joe Siemering, Josh Terry, JuanMedina Mercado, Julio Mecado Asencio, Laura Leal, LauraMaxwell, Maribel Tapia Tufino, Martha Hernandez Mares,Matt UHL, Miny Kovach, Naishareen Gonzalez Ramos, NathanSloan, Roger Dawson, Shannon McKeehan, Taylor Turner,Tim Burnett, Tomi, Murphy, Wadneira Vargas Delgado,Wanda Pizarro Martinez, Wilman Trinidad Sena.Staying Hydrated in the SummerJob Safety Tips

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page 05Footprints in the Warehouse In 2021 Crescent’s GE leadership team went through atraining program focused on developing a leanapproach to our daily work, and the value thiscontinuous improvement mindset can have on theservice we provide for our customers. Over the courseof five months, we were coached on the methods andtools used to successfully manage and sustainimprovement projects. Some of the tools learned werevalued stream mapping, A3s, cause and effectdiagrams, spaghetti diagrams, and many others. Wespent time in the classroom and on the floor workingthrough the lean concepts, and through this processlearned that some of the best opportunities forimprovement can come from the smallest of ideas. Through the value stream mapping process we realizedthat 55% of our total outbound hours were spent pickingorders, which amounted to about 600 hours per weekon average. We were then surprised to learn that of histime, 25% of it was not spent picking - but rather sortingand dropping orders in the areas where they were to beprocessed for shipment. Nearly 30 hours of our picker’sdays were not spent picking orders! By: John Chaney, Logistics Manager" The little feet provide a form of equity I have neverseen before, and I love it. With the diversity inlanguage and skillsets, this idea levels the playingfield for everyone. I am blown away. I will be tellingmy other partners about what you have accomplishedhere! Simple, but a fantastic idea.-Matt Mooney, Vice President, Beacon of Hope andCincinnati WorksSo what do tiny little footprints have to do with solving this problem? Well, through the drop optimization project, we didtime studies to determine the best method to organize and drop orders systematically. We also created an optimizedpath to drop orders in their respective processing areas, visually represented by little footprints on the warehouse floor.The footprints are color-coordinated with our drop sheets so that when a picker stands on a yellow footprint, it is alignedwith the orders with a yellow bar code. This allows them to make their drops in one continuous path instead of bouncingaround the operation. Each of our six drop areas has a color-coordinated footprint in front of the areas where thoseorders are to be dropped. As a result of this project, we reduced the drop time by 8%. It is also much easier to train newpickers in this critical process. Sometimes the best opportunities come from areas where you least expect them to. This project demonstrated the valueof knowing how much time is spent in each process step so that waste can be more readily identified. It is easy tooveranalyze and focus on the shiniest new toy with the highest price tag - but in the end, good data is a much better wayto find out what areas to focus on. This project has led to an increase in picking production and a lot of interestingconversations. Sometimes a simple idea and small footprints will solve the most complex business solutions.

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When people feel valued at work, it increasesengagement, productivity, and even company loyalty.Recognition shows people that they’re valued and theyaren’t invisible; GE3 would like to recognize ElvinRodriguez for his hard work! Lift tables in GE3 have helpedimmensely when handing oversized and heavy items!Elvin Rodriguez is pictured using the lifting table to checkthe part number and packing it in a GE box per the packdesign. By using the lift tables, Elvin has reduced his risk ofback injury from bending over to check the part number &Serial numbers. Thank you, Elvin Rodriguez! By: Team GE3For Crescent to continue to Do it Right, Safe, and Well, wemust follow our job hazard protocols and use propertechniques, even if these may add a few additional steps.Did you know?OSHA reports that handling, lifting, or carrying accounts for20% of non-fatal injuries in the workplace. In a warehouse,workers often have to lift heavy items. People could sustainstrain or sprain injuries by improper lifting, lack of training ifthe right equipment isn’t provided, or strenuous work is toorepetitive.Elvin’s willingness and follow-through on the processes toprevent accidents have caused him to stand out as a leaderwithin our operation.; teaching people the correct way toget the job done, avoid injuries, and deliver on our promises.Thank you, Elvin, for doing it Right, Safe and Well!Champions play as one!The new and exciting things the D1 team is working on newCI project starting this week (June 6th). Using auto-banders to replace one labor to generate cost savings. D1designed the platform the bander sits on. If all goes well,more will be added. D1 is also working on a capacity tool(along with Tina Alsip) that will give insight to Hersheyplanners based on capacity by job type. Many lines canonly run a specific job type. By developing this tool,Hershey can see what jobs are over capacity and what jobsare under-utilized. Lastly, we are participating in a pilotproject called “Worker Voice”. This is a program Hersheywould like to test – similar to Crescent’s Voice of ourPeople.By: Tami Anstedt, General ManagerMany of you know, D1 has had a large focus on safety. Onenew initiative we have rolled out is providing all safetycommittee members a yellow hair nets to keep them beeasily identified as well as keep saftey top of mind! We also Insist on pairing up to pick up when moving ANYpallets, to eliminate job related pains and injuries. It takestwo. Leadership has also started meeting monthly to reviewdata from other sights and try to be proactive on incidents.We started celebrating milestones with Safety Snacks,Catered Meals, Swag. Exciting stuff!Lastly, I am big on community giving and support. So, D1has started a program called Helping Hands. This programis managed by two FT Crescent People. It is a confidentialway to help those that may require personal care items, orresources to help them get back on their feet. Donationsare accepted and Crescent contributes monetarily to helpwith supplies needed. Several individuals have used thisprogram and trust the confidentiality of the individualsmanaging it. Our team at ideas that are boosting morale andperformance; bringing out the best in each other!page 06

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OUR TRAININGHEALTHY TOGETHERCelebrate Social Wellness Month with aprogram designed to help you and yourfamily or friends start a fitness routine andplay classes together - whether live or virtual!For 3-4 days a week, invite others to join youfor some fun cardio, HIIT (high-intensityinterval training), and kickboxing classes.Oh yeah - it's time to dance! Bringyour energy, your smile, and yourattitude for this fun Latin-styledance class for a total body workout.Mark and Kim keep it interesting withpyramid sets of increasing anddecreasing work intervals and theoption to use either a kettlebell or adumbbell for your strength exercises.No equipment - no problem!Join Acacia as she coaches youthrough this fun and energizingstrength and cardio circuit class.Latin Dance PartyTabata Pyramids Body CheckWellbeats, your FREEfitness JOIN NOWLEARN MOREFEEL GREAT INSIDE AND OUTSIGN UP NOWSelect Programs in the main menu, thenselect "Healthy Together" to get started.UPCOMING PROGRAMS 07

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C11, Challenge Acceptedpage 08By: Paul Atkinson, General ManagerIt's busy, it's crazy, and it's standing tall, that is, C11. Early thisyear, Crescent launched the newest site, C11, in Fairfield,Ohio. This 408,000 square feet stand-alone, contractpackaging operation is one of Crescent's most prominentsites to date. C11 is the packaging provider for Energizerbatteries and lights, with production lines made up of blister,shrink packaging, and all displays for North America. Batteriesare one of America's growing and high-demand consumerproducts. The global battery market annual growth rateprojection of 14.1% from 2020 to 2027. The market growth is attributed to the increasing popularityand demand for portable electronics, including handheldgames, smart door locks, digital cameras, and flashlights,within the last five years. Furthermore, the market is expectedto grow substantially in technological advancements inenhanced efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and productinnovation. This increase in demand has kept the C11 teambusy and agile, maximizing their productivity to meet theneeds of their clients and the end consumer.Since the soft start in mid-February the C11 team has made great strides in the areas of safety, quality anddelivery on its path to becoming a premier service provider to our customer.” – Paul Atkinson As Contract packagers, Crescent brings a particular expertise to the table, as we live and breathe packaging daily. Ofcourse, startups come with challenges; between the variance in client needs and the tight labor market, the expense andhuman capital required to operate have been one of the most significant hurdles. The C11 team has quickly adapted byleveraging best practices and the support of SMEs across Crescent to identify ways to run more efficiently and less costly. Simplifying processes and a focus on training has been key in our success. With our leadership team fully staffed andintact throughout the startup and execution, we have been able to bring diverse solutions and operational execution. Itruly believe we will be able to accomplish great things in the future..

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page 09A New Approach tosupporting our community“At Crescent, we realize that the services we provide for our customersare reliant on our People who comprise our culture”- Chris Taylor,Founder & CEO. As Crescent continues to grow, so does our need forPeople that positively contribute to the Crescent culture. Therefore, wealways look for new and creative ways to attract talent. Crescent began partnering in late 2021 with Catholic Charities throughtheir refugee resettlement services program. The mission of thisprogram is to welcome refugees escaping persecution, war, andviolence in their homeland and empower them to build new lives andbecome self-sufficient in a welcoming community. This partnership isone of the recent examples of how Crescent is trying to find the rightpeople to be a part of the Crescent Community.As with most new things, especially when they involve people, thisprogram has not been without challenges and setbacks. For example,most of our TENT program new hires have spoken very little English,and time with translators was not as accessible as we anticipated. Thishas required the team to devise creative ways to bridge the gap andcommunicate heavily with our partners at Catholic Charities forsupport. Our new people come from different cultures with various beliefs andbackgrounds. Finding and accommodating time for personnel needs,such as prayer time, is one example of a new challenge to the C1 team.In addition, they often have limited resources, specificallytransportation, and Deon (C1 Production Manager) has had to workclosely with the People Group (Tasha, Michelle, and Matt) to ensuretransportation is coordinated and must overcome several obstaclespertaining to the shuttle service for our people.By: Bruce Esteves, Deon Onley and Michelle BurchfieldRefugees often faceincreased barriers toaccessing jobs intheir new hostcommunities.Companies likeCrescent play a vitalrole in creating jobsfor refugees, bytraining them andhiring them directlyinto their workforce.Going through challenges will also bringrewards. Through this partnership, we havefound people with a desire to contribute to thesuccess of the operation, while buildingpersonal experience and gaining opportunitiesto develop their skills and talents. It has taughtthe entire team to expand their perspectivesand worldview as they meet individuals fromvarious parts of the world. This has added anew layer of diversity to the C1-C10 team,providing us with opportunities to continuouslyimprove the inclusiveness of our culture.

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Sign Up for our 8Week Virtual walkingroad trip on thehistorical Route 66from Chicago to theSanta Monica Pier inCalifornia!Requirements 1. Participants must average 7,500 steps per day throughout the eight (8) week walking challenge 2. Only steps tracked between July 4, 2022, through August 28, 2022 will count towards the challenge 4. Sync your device, or manually enter your steps, you must enter steps at least once a week during thechallenge to be eligible for the incentive 5. All steps must be uploaded into the portal by Sunday, August 28, 2022, at 11:59 PM EST. Sign-up for the Route 66 Road Trip Walking Challenge Sign-Up for the Challenge Log into your Wellworks Wellness Portal Select MENU>Challenges>Route 66Walking Challenge, and click Join. Route 66 Road Trip Individual Walking Challenge

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page 11Data tells a story, what's yours?By: Bryan Homer, Sr. Co-Pack Operations ManagerStandard forklift speed set at 5.0 mph normaltravel, 3.0 forks forward travel across all units. Forklift Utilization improved by 30.26%maintaining our moves per hour targets acrossall 3 shifts. 100% Forklift Checklist Compliance, includingthe option to have our Checklists available inSpanish. In addition, checklist completion timehas decreased by 53.75%Impacts down by 98.96% - iWarehouse comeswith an impact monitoring system that reportsany impacts (vertical or horizontal) on a scalefrom 1.0 to over 4.0. Crescent E1 has implemented a new Forklift FleetManagement System called iWarehouse. Each ofour 16 forklift units is outfitted with a TelematicsSystem that records data whenever the forklift isbeing used. Our forklift leadership team has accessto a web-enabled Gateway used to monitor trends,dispatch service, and monitor equipment utilizationand operator performance. Since our Go-Live event with iWarehouse on March 30, 2022, E1 has observed severalimprovements, including:Any impacts that are registered result in reducing thetravel speed of the lift down to 1.0 mph with an audiblealarm that repeats. A Forklift Lead or Supervisor mustreset the lift and enter details of the event thattriggered the impact into the iWarehouse system. Allnotifications are immediately sent via e-mail and textto the Forklift leadership team. iWarehouse has proved to be an excellent tool forDoing it Safe as part of the Crescent Way. Based onthe observations listed, the system has encouragedour People to practice Safe Behaviors while operatinga lift. Let’s continue working towards a Culture of Quality &Continuous Improvement.

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page 12The Language of a Great Culture By: Leanna Van Vleet, Site People Generalist Workplace culture makes up the character and personality ofyour operations and company. As a Memphis team, we wereasked to share some tips the P1 team can share with the othersites to improve team culture, especially in challenging times.The Memphis team has gone through some tremendous andarduous challenges at times, and we couldn't have overcomethem all without the Crescent vision and building a culture ofresilience at Memphis; Respect the Hustle!To do this, Right, Safe, and Well, every person at the site hasto be invested in the culture. As a leadership team, we notonly speak about the culture but, as we say, "We bleed theCrescent blue." Culture plays a significant role in the lives ofeveryone in society. Culture gives you a sense of belonging,especially when everyone speaks the same "language," and bythe language, we mean the Crescent values and vision.Language evolves with the culture as an intimate product ofthe way. As a result, people within the Crescent Communitycommunicate and thrive together. Culture Provides StabilityCulture provides stability that, in turn, gives you a feeling of security and safety. For most people, culture provides them withthe same emotional response as they have to their family, because of this, we strive to live out the Crescent Way everysingle day. It takes every single person on the leadership team to help create and maintain the culture. We believe that if ourleadership team is strong in culture then our floor will follow in our footsteps of creating the Crescent Way Culture.Our culture is a reflection of a community, our company and each person that works here, we are proud of that, and we wantto make sure that is shines bright! This makes culture a vital and important determining factor of how the community reacts,responds, and grows. Culture NurturesIn the right kind of culture, people feelnurtured, appreciated, and even loved. One ofthe things we do to create pride andownership of our site is by ending everymeeting with “Go P1!” This little cheer isanother way we communicate to our team andevery individual that we are in this together. We also value the little things that mean somuch to others. We work to make sure everyone is heard, and ideas are considered; we share the samegoals; this gives everything unity providing a sensation of longevity, a feeling of truth, andliving an authentic life. For example, our production manager, John Kerr, places popsiclesin our freezers to help our people with sweltering days. We had a summer cookout tocelebrate our people at the end of June. We create excitement over the little things likesigning up for the wellness or 401k programs. We make the smallest of things a big dealat P1. We take pride in the culture that we strive to continue to create. Understand thatworkplace culture is always a work in progress and can and will change as time goes on.But, strive to make culture as influential as your business strategy. Shaping it is tooimportant to ignore and is one of your most important leadership responsibilities.

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Innovation and thought leadership go hand in hand. So if you are looking for ways to boost your skills, learnnew skills, and bring new ideas to the company, make your learning and development goals moreproactive instead of reactive. The only way to do that is to take the time to invest in yourself for FREE!CrescentULuna DeleonJames CoxNathan NicholsApril ChampionsLuna Deleon James Cox Nathan Nichols Keith WalzKimberly GreshamJamar EllisAdam NicelyMay ChampionsJune ChampionsChampions have completed/attendedfive or more Crescent University Coursesor Crescent Training Webinars within themonth.CU CHAMPIONSCOMPETENT & CAPA BLETOP SKILLS FOR CRESCENTCRITICAL ROLESThe most critical skills for leadersare fundamentally humanToday great leaders drive change through their reputation,ability to empower people, willingness to experiment andfocus on developing people and their teams. The same topicalso points to the critical importance of soft skills in theworkplace, which recent data supports. According to a studyby Deloitte, 92 percent of executives rate soft skills as acritical priority for operating in today’s dynamic businessenvironment. In the age of AI and automation, it is—ironically— our“humanness” that sets us apart, as individuals and workers. Inthe face of constant change, it becomes even more importantthat we learn how to—and are encouraged to—leverage theskills that help us thrive in the midst of the challenges of todayand tomorrow. Soft skills—such as creativity, flow, coaching,mindset, and collaboration—set us up for success and help usup our game when the stakes are high, in life and business.Exp[ore Crescent University's course offerings & programs toturn your challenges into opportunities.Leverage the best of your humanityEnroll in the Progressive Leadership Clinic; the next class starts October 10th! Contact your supervisor to sign up.Learn more about your operations level up development theprogram, don't have a program for your role? Work with yourleadership team to get one created.ProgramseLearningBeing Resilient, No Matter WhatConflict ResolutionComposure in LeadershipDelegating AuthorityCreating an AccountabilityCultureGaining Buy in as a LeaderIntermediate to Advanced Skills inMicrosoft Office, Including Excel Healthy Communication SkillsCritical ThinkingMacroanalysisExperience with Nulogy (Pack manager)2+ years of experience leading a teamGROW WITH CRESCENTFor information or assistance with Crescent University contactyour People Group Representative.13

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FAQ: What are Crescent'sRecognition Programs? Great question!Recognition is a massive part of the Crescent Wayand is highlighted in our STAR process. TheCrescent SCARF framework sets the direction forour many forms of recognition; one, in particular, isthe Crescent's Right Safe Well (RSW) Program.The goal is to ensure we appreciate in ameaningful, sustainable way the hundreds ofPeople who contribute to Crescent's successdaily. What is an RSW Program? While each site hasvariations, these recognition programs emphasizeand reward those adhering to the Crescent valuesof Doing it Right, Doing it Safe, and Doing it Well!Vision, therefore culture and build towardsbecoming a Premier Service Provider.Each site has a program that recognizes its peoplefor Doing it Right, Doing it Safe, and Doing it Well.First, nominations are given, and each site'sleadership team reviews and determines whichfinalists are recognized. Then, individualsdemonstrating these core values are rewardedwith prizes ranging from gift cards to Crescentswag at a set frequency. Have you noticed someone who hasdemonstrated these core values and deserves tobe recognized? Then, talk to your supervisor tosee how you can nominate them for an RSWAward or ask them about your site's RSWprogram.In addition to the RSW program, each site has or is in theprocess of creating the development criteria for people tocontinue their development in their position through a "LevelUp" development program. The programs differ per site, butthe goals are the same, to develop competent and capablepeople. Recognition for participating in this voluntary programis displayed on each site's "Wall of Fame" boards orDevelopment Board. As you level up, your skill sets grow, andyou are compensated for completing your program'smilestones.Feeling like you belong represents one of those basic needsof motivation and is one of the most powerful drivers ofhuman behavior; this is why Crescent recognizes our Peoplethrough our service award program. Certificates and CrescentSwag are presented at various milestone points in a Crescentperson's career. These milestones typically begin at 90 Daysand continue at one year, two years, five years, ten years, andbeyond in five-year increments.These are just a few ways Crescent recognizes our People. Inaddition to the items mentioned, performance reviews,growth opportunities, Whole Person Wellbeing, Cookouts,etc., are also in place to show Crescent's appreciation to allPeople for their contributions resulting in Crescent being agreat company. If you have questions concerning Crescent's RecognitionPrograms or to learn more, contact your manager or PeopleGroup Representative!By: Tristan Myers, Site People Managerpage 14

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page 15CO: ACCOUNTING AND FINANCEAP SpecialistMAINTENANCEFacilities Maintenance TechnicianFacilities Maintenance Technician (1st shift) - WestChester, OHMaintenance Technician (2nd Shift)- West Chester, OHMaintenance Technician (2nd Shift)- Mechanicsburg, PAOPERATIONSAccount Coordinator (1st Shift) - West Chester, OHForklift Operator (1st Shift) - West Chester, OHForklift Operator (1st Shift) - Fairfield, OHForklift Operator (2nd Shift) Edwardsville, ILForklift Operator (2nd Shift) -Fairfield, OHForklift Operator (2nd Shift) -Mason City, IAForklift Operator (3rd Shift) -Mechanicsburg, PAForklift Operator - Lead (2nd Shift) -Mason City, IAForklift Operator - Lead (3rd Shift) Mason City, IAIntermediate Planner - Edwardsville, ILInventory Control (2nd Shift) -Mechanicsburg, PAInventory Control Coordinator (1st Shift) -West Chester, OHInventory Control Coordinator (2nd Shift)- Fairfield, OHLogistics Lead -Mechanicsburg, PAMaterial Handler (1st Shift) -Cincinnati, OHOperations Lead Logistics (2nd Shift) -Cincinnati, OHCRESCENT OPEN POSITIONSPRODUCTIONAuto Line Machine Operator (2nd Shift) -Mechanicsburg PAAuto Line Machine Operator (3rd Shift) -Mechanicsburg PALine Leaders (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Shifts), MultipleLocationsLine Worker (1st, 2nd & 3rd Shifts), MultipleLocationsProduction Lead (2nd Shift), West Chester, OHProduction Lead (2nd Shift), Mechanicsburg, PAProduction Supervisor (2nd Shift), West Chester OHPEOPLE GROUPPeople Generalist - Mechanicsburg, PAQUALITYDirector of Crescent Way Quality and ContinuousImprovementRemote with 60% TravelQuality Assurance + Continuous ImprovementManager -Memphis TNQuality Control Inspector (1st Shift), Memphis TNQuality Control Inspector (1st Shift),Edwardsville, IL62025Quality Control Inspector (1st Shift), Fairfield OHQuality Control Inspector (2nd Shift), Fairfield OHSanitation (1st Shift), Mechanicsburg, PATRANSPORTATIONCDL Truck Driver - Florence, KY$300 referral bonus for all Direct Role*$500 referral bonus for all Indirect Roles*$1,000 referral bonus for all Salaried Roles*Refer Your Friends to Work with Crescent*Refer to the Refer a friend, Crescent policy for payout details andadditional information.

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page 16When Performance Gets in the Way ofAchievementBy: Mike Gore | 2 min readThe senior leadership team was a powerhouse ofhigh achievers. Each was driven, and disciplined, andhad a reputation for achieving or exceeding goals.However, as we got to know each other, it becameobvious that something was missing. While theywere strong at achieving individual results, togetherthey were a dysfunctional mess. The leaders frequently worked at cross-purposeswith each other. Silos had developed – along with acompetitive spirit that led them to hoard informationand subtly undermine each other. This mindset hadcascaded down to the lowest levels of theirorganizations. Rather than achieving somethingextraordinary together, they had settled formediocrity without even realizing it.Unfortunately, the scenario above is common. Mostmanagers don’t rise to their positions without a strongdrive for achievement. When in balance, anachievement mindset is a strength and serves as adriver for extraordinary results. However, when out ofbalance, the long-term consequences can bedisastrous.The scoreboard masks the problem.Part of the reason it is so hard to diagnose the problemis the scoreboard frequently says we are winning. Whenthe winds are at your back and the industry isprospering, it is easy to get results in the short term,especially if you are willing to burn some bridges alongthe way. The pacesetter leader who drives their team tothe point of disengagement is a classic example. Thepacesetter is a flurry of activity and may see a quickbump in performance, but the performance is notsustainable because they lose their team along the way. Short-term performance creates a false sense ofsecurity that what you are doing is working, but it rarelytells the whole story. It is not until you encounterheadwinds or face rapid change that you discover thetrue health of a team. Conversely, the scoreboard canfrequently disguise achievement as well. An example iswhen a coach leader makes a conscious decision tosacrifice short-term results to build bench strength. Thescoreboard today does not reflect the future reality. Do I have damaged relationships characterized by lowtrust? If so, am I taking responsibility for rebuilding trust inthose relationships? Do my team members collaborate well with othersoutside my organization (across business units,departments, or shifts)? If not, what am I doing or notdoing to contribute to this mindset?How much time do I spend talking about strategicpriorities? Am I fixated on activity and short-termperformance to the detriment of long-term results? Am I sacrificing my team’s engagement to achieve short-term performance? Am I making time to develop everyteam member and build bench strength?How do you know if you are out of balance? The clearest indicator you are out of balance is damagedrelationships – either with your peers or direct reports. Askyourself the questions below:Taking time to self-reflect on these questions createsclarity and will make you a more effective leader.

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