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CreditXpert Ebooklet

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The Credit First Approach to Mortgage Lending

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Table of Contents Weathering the ups and downs of mortgage lending Customer satisfaction communication credit scores What we know about what consumers want The Golden Opportunity available to lenders today Winning with the Credit First strategy

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Weathering the ups and downs of mortgage lending 1 Weathering the ups and downs of mortgage lending 4 Finding a competitive advantage 5 Weathering the ups and downs of mortgage lending 3

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Weathering the ups and downs of mortgage lending If you ve been in the mortgage business for more consumers are more technologically advanced than a cycle or two you know that the turbulent than many of the companies that hope to times we are experiencing now is simply a re run service them Over time consumers have been from the past Our business never stays the same conditioned by the likes of Amazon to expect for long and if you get comfortable you ll find immediate gratification Unfortunately they don t yourself rushing to keep up when the cycle changes understand the painful process of developing and deploying technology in a highly regulated We ve been here before We ll be here again industry 4 000 The other big difference in today s market relates 3 500 to the incredible advancements in data science 3 000 and analytics This has made many things clear 2 500 that were once very confusing both for those in 2 000 our industry and the consumers we serve We ll 1 500 talk about some of them in this guide including our 1 000 new ability to help borrowers better understand something they ve been asking about for years 500 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 l Purchase Originations Bil l Refi Originations Bil Source Mortgage Bankers Association So what does this all add up to We believe that a powerful way for lenders to succeed in a competitive and dynamic market is to meet prospective borrowers with the technology and insights they have come to expect This will give Many of the executives we talk to understand lenders a competitive advantage that will help that part of their job is to assess the current them differentiate their offering and ultimately situation find out where borrowers are what win more business those borrowers need and find solutions that will help them finance their homes or work with their existing equity There will always be competitive pressure compliance oversight and all the other ever present challenges that come with originating and servicing a highly complex financial instrument However we are seeing some new challenges that we haven t seen before The first of these is the rapidly changing expectations of today s mortgage borrower For the first time in history For the first time in history consumers are more technologically advanced than many of the companies that hope to service them Over time consumers have been conditioned by the likes of Amazon to expect immediate gratification Weathering the ups and downs of mortgage lending 4

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Finding a competitive advantage Lower loan volume a higher percentage of pur choose their mortgage lender based on relationship chase money loans narrow profit margins and This is expensive lending to customers whose loans more powerful competitors doesn t sound like a are currently being serviced is far less expensive recipe for mortgage lending success But it can be than lending to brand new customers All a lender needs to do is find a competitive edge Moreover losing borrowers whose loans are currently The right strategy will deliver more business now being serviced current mortgage holders is very in the immediate term increase pull through for expensive yet sadly is more rule than exception more closed loans and lower origination costs in the industry This lack of customer loyalty is one and win more referral business Closing loans of the dynamics that drives up costs and hammers today s loans after all is the only way to make down profits Building loyalty is not as difficult as money in the mortgage business But that s not all it sounds if you have the right process and the In this eBook we ll also show you how it s possible right partner to perhaps for the first time in the history of our But first we must introduce you to the metric that industry win customer loyalty As our recent matters when it comes to competing effectively in research shows less than 1 3 of borrowers the business today Which of the following were most important to you when selecting a lender Top 2 ranked New Mortgage 58 Interest rate Re nance Mortgage 58 New Mortgage 54 Monthly payment Re nance Mortgage 51 Mortgage lender 33 Relationship Less than 1 3 of borrowers choose their mortgage lender based on relationship Re nance Mortgage 33 CreditXpert 2021 Consumer Survey Weathering the ups and downs of mortgage lending 5

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Customer Satisfaction Communications Credit Scores 2 Customer satisfaction is the key 7 The power of social media 8 What borrowers really want 9 Borrowers want help with their credit score 10 Customer satisfaction communication credit scores 6

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Customer satisfaction is the key Ask any veteran of the mortgage lending business about customer service and you re likely to get asked which customer Technically this business serves investors in the secondary mortgage market with financial assets backed by real estate mortgages For most of the 1900s the actual borrower was less of a customer and more of a work input That all changed with the financial crash of 2007 2008 With the passage of the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act the satisfaction of the American homebuyer became an important industry metric A new federal agency was created to oversee the industry and advocate for consumers the Consumer Financial Protection Agency When the CFPB launched its public website for consumer complaints it taught savvy lenders a very important lesson Customer satisfaction communication credit scores 7

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The power of social media It can be argued that the CFPB launched its as competitors will work hard to push it down complaint database to drive lenders to more in the search results So consumers will go to consumer friendly behaviors While some have friends and family directly for referrals which is suggested that it achieved that goal it also a great opportunity for lenders offered lenders a very interesting piece of information consumers will go online to talk about their lender J D Power Associates has been surveying borrowers about their levels of customer satisfaction with their lenders for years In its 2020 If the consumer will complain might they not report the company pointed to a clear correlation also praise lenders that meet or exceed their between customer satisfaction and the frequency expectations The answer is yes But it may not of communication between the lender and the be as easy to find praise for your company online borrower The more lenders communicate with customers during the application closing and onboarding processes the more customer satisfaction improves Customers with the highest level of satisfaction receive daily communications from their lender However this occurs just 11 of the time Source J D Power 2020 U S Primary Mortgage Origination Satisfaction Study Customer satisfaction communication credit scores 8

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What borrowers really want trust trust trust t trus trust trust st tru trust trust In fact it s not just the frequency of the communication that matters it s also about the content What information do borrowers really want What does it take to increase their satisfaction enough to get them to discuss it with other borrowers online and give the lender a competitive advantage These questions seemed very important to us so we commissioned a study to find the answers We sent the experts at Brand Planning LLC in search of some solid evidence pointing to what mortgage loan borrowers expect out of the lenders that serve them What we found was surprising not only in terms of the demands of the new generation of home buyer but also in terms of what they already knew about our process and their chances of being approved for a mortgage Today s home loan borrower is much more sophisticated than borrowers of the past and they expect to find a lender who is willing to earn their trust In fact they won t be satisfied with anything less Customer satisfaction communication credit scores 9

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Borrowers want help with their credit score The primary objective of our research effort was the example of two borrowers The first has a to better understand consumer experiences and mortgage credit score of 760 Their APR is preferences during the mortgage purchase pro approximately 2 375 for a 30 year fixed rate cess specifically as it relates to credit scores loan The other borrower has a credit score The survey queried a nationwide projectable group of consumers that recently refinanced their mortgage or purchased their home either their next home or their first of 625 Their APR for the same loan is almost 4 00 The second borrower will pay approximately 90 000 more interest than the first over the life of the loan with a monthly payment about 250 higher Higher credit scores clearly matter They What we learned was not totally expected Virtually all new homebuyers and mortgage refinancers already knew or had a good idea of their have perhaps the largest impact on a borrower s overall financial well being and their long term ability to grow their net worth credit scores before starting the home buying or There s a benefit to lenders too Borrowers for refinancing process The problem was most of the most part choose their lender based on them don t trust it Deep down they know their interest rates and monthly payments according score should be higher That may be due in part to our research to the fact that in 2017 the CFPB told consumers that the credit bureaus were not treating them fairly When a loan officer addresses the borrower s credit and offers to support them in achieving a more accurate score trust results and customer This is important because not surprisingly having a high enough credit score to get the best interest rate and terms is the most important criteria when considering financing options Consider Borrower 1 mortgage credit score of 760 APR 2 375 30 year satisfaction increases dramatically This is what today s home loan borrower is looking for But that s not all we learned Borrower 2 mortgage credit score of 625 APR 4 00 30 year 90 000 interest 250 monthly payment Customer satisfaction communication credit scores 10

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What we know about what consumers want 3 Consumers know a lot about their credit scores 12 Armed and ready to borrow 13 Borrowers in search of a trusted advisor 14 Not just a nice to have 15 Taking action to get a better deal 16 What we know about what consumers want 11

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Consumers know a lot about their credit scores For decades most consumers treated their Consumers searched a number of sources for credit scores like they were generated randomly their credit information ahead of making an like the fruit that comes up on a Las Vegas slot application for a new loan including free credit machine Credit scores have long been a black monitoring services bank or credit card provid box and many consumers acted like they weren t ers credit bureaus and paid credit monitoring supposed to know what their scores were After services Where they went depended to some all they couldn t just call up Fair Isaac Co and degree on how experienced they were but the get their FICO score most popular source was free credit monitoring services the very organizations most responsi But a few years ago that began to change Con ble for educating borrowers about their ability to sumers began to find more places to get their know their credit scores credit scores often for free A surprising 23 of new mortgage applicants reported looking up their credit score before they even started looking for a new mortgage Only 14 said they found out when the lender told them their score Everyone else looked it up in advance 23 20 23 20 14 Before looking at homes Start of home shopping Middle of home shopping After selected home When lender told me When consumers looked up their credit score in the home buying process new mortgage CreditXpert 2021 Consumer Survey What we know about what consumers want 12

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Armed and ready to borrow Widely available credit scores Tri merge mortgage credit score While not all consumers went to the same sources that point this out This particular one however to get their credit information and they didn t all makes the point perfectly Increasingly borrowers start searching for it at the same time the vast are thinking about financing earlier and earlier in majority of new home loan borrowers started the home buying process It is important when their conversation with a loan officer armed with working with them at these early stages that you their credit information help them understand the differences in credit Our data showed that borrowers fully understand scores and what it means to them the importance of managing their credit scores A slightly smaller percentage of applicants said with more than 60 of new mortgage first time that their LO thought their credit score was higher and experienced borrowers calling it extremely but in either case accuracy leads to mistrust This important Only 1 of borrowers felt that it was effect is compounded when borrowers learn that not very important the credit score they are receiving from consumer Surprisingly our data shows that nearly 80 of borrowers come into the lender s shop with a very good idea of what the credit bureaus say their credit score is Unfortunately they have no reporting sites or some other source is not the same as a tri merged Residential Mortgage Credit Report that lenders use to make underwriting decisions idea that the score the credit bureau is reporting Borrowers want a source of truth and they re may not be the score they have actually earned not sure where to find it They do however know This is a common perception and a common where they would like to find it experience There are many stories in the news What we know about what consumers want 13

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Borrowers in search of a trusted advisor Most consumers have little experience with Consumers know that a higher credit score mortgages or the mortgage process Considering means a better deal on their next mortgage the average person will own three homes over and lower monthly costs to their families They the course of a lifetime that s about 7 to 10 total believe that LOs know how to correct or otherwise mortgages including refinancing over the course improve their credit scores and they expect of 50 or so years of ownership In other words them to share that information with them not something anyone does a lot of or wants to That stands in stark contrast to the utter importance of a mortgage and its impact on overall financial well being and the building of net worth Getting it right is essential And getting it right starts with making sure every borrower s credit score is analyzed and maximized at the very beginning of the mortgage process Doing so saves them thousands of dollars over the life of their When they do good things happen When consumers were asked whether they would be more likely to recommend a loan officer who informed them of their credit score improvement nearly 94 of new borrowers said they would likely do so and 88 of refinance borrowers said they would as well And that s if nothing else in the loan origination process changed at all loan as well as hundreds on their monthly mortgage payment It also transforms loan officers to trusted advisor one they ll stick with through the mortgage process and return to again for their next loan If your mortgage loan officer had shown you how to improve your credit score how likely would you be to recommend them to a friend or relative Indicate Agreement When consumers were asked if they believe loan officers should inform them of their credit score improvement potential virtually all new homebuyers New Mortgage Extremely likely Re Extremely likely Very likely 94 Somewhat likely said loan officers should be required to inform applicants of this potential 92 0 Mortgage loan officers should be required to inform all applicants of their credit score improvement potential Indicate Agreement New Mortgage Strongly agree Re Strongly agree 0 60 92 85 Somewhat agree 40 40 Somewhat likely 60 80 88 100 CreditXpert 2021 Consumer Survey What would it mean to Somewhat agree 20 20 Very likely 80 100 your bottom line if a small change materially increased referrals from your borrowers CreditXpert 2021 Consumer Survey What we know about what consumers want 14

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Not just a nice to have Sure borrowers would appreciate it if someone helped them improve their credit score but are they actively seeking out lenders who can help them understand their ranking and see how to improve it When asked how interested consumers were in managing their credit score information 51 of new mortgage borrowers and 56 of first time home buyers were extremely interested Another 28 30 were very interested and most of the remainder were somewhat interested Only about 5 of borrowers were only slightly interested or not interested in managing their credit score information When borrowers who were not offered this help were asked if they would have welcomed it 93 of new homebuyers and 83 of refinancers said they would have welcomed the assistance From the borrower s perspective this information was not just nice to have They want it and they ll reward the lenders that offer it to them Of course we re not suggesting that professional loan officers become credit counselors just that consumers are very concerned about this topic and loan officers who share that concern will build stronger relationships with their borrowers 51 of new mortgage borrowers and 56 of first time home buyers were extremely interested in managing their credit score information CreditXpert 2021 Consumer Survey What we know about what consumers want 15

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Taking action to get a better deal But will home loan borrowers actually act on lasting change for the borrower Furthermore information that will increase their credit scores lenders will not approve a mortgage if the You bet they will borrower has an active open dispute Our data clearly shows that when consumers are Credit counseling properly executed addresses shown exactly what to do to improve their credit a consumer s overall relationship with their scores so they can qualify for a better deal on money and can be a longer term antecedent to their mortgage 95 of borrowers will do it even homeownership Counselors are often non profit if it delays the closing This information can be groups that work with clients over months or delivered easily through third party reports that even years do not require the LO to counsel the borrower What we are suggesting is a proven data And to be clear what we are suggesting is science analytics based approach to credit score neither what could be classified as credit repair improvement that uses artificial intelligence nor credit counseling Credit repair is often a trained over two decades and almost 1 billion fee based service that largely focuses on very credit reports to create an action plan that more short term credit disputes either real or imagined than 2 3 of borrowers can follow to raise their Credit repair might improve credit scores for the credit scores by at least one credit score bin moment but there is little evidence that it produces continued on next page Time willing to postpone closing 30 45 60 90 DAYS DAYS DAYS DAYS 46 10 17 22 95 of borrowers will delay closing for a better rate CreditXpert 2021 Consumer Survey What we know about what consumers want 16

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Taking action to get a better deal Con t The loan officer s role in this process is to run the We have seen a similar approach to consumer analytics that create the report and deliver it to transparency achieve stunning success in the their borrower The loan officer s role is not one of auto sales industry CarFax led the way here with dispute resolver or credit counselor The report a simple report that allows the car salesperson to once delivered provides loan officers with a show the buyer that the car under consideration meaningful reason to follow up regularly with their has not sustained serious damage in the past borrower to make sure the borrowers is taking the revolutionized the way many car dealers sold actions listed in the report This keeps the borrower automobiles engaged with their lender and gets them to the closing table quickly and with the best possible financing option It s possible today to do something very similar about the consumers credit score something data shows is very important to them What we know about what consumers want 17

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4 The Golden Opportunity available to lenders today The key to becoming a more competitive lender 19 Defining the Credit First strategy 20 The Golden Opportunity available to lenders today 18

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The key to becoming a more competitive lender If the picture isn t coming into focus for you yet Borrowers are shopping around so loan officers let us clear it up for you The market is getting must find a way to differentiate themselves It s more competitive and a new breed of home also important that borrowers are not disappointed loan borrowers is demanding more information when they ask their questions about their credit scores information that tells them exactly what their mortgage credit score is and how to improve it This is where CreditXpert comes in When they get it it builds stronger relationships between the borrower and the LO Stronger relationships lead to more repeat and referral business It also boosts pull through Failing to give borrowers the information they want will not lead to a stronger relationship That could lead them to favor another lender and take their business elsewhere This is important This is a golden opportunity for lenders to set themselves apart from competitors in the coming purchase money mortgage market Especially when the actions they help consumers take regarding their credit score results in an improvement which we can show it does Is that possible It is and we ll tell you how but to deliver this information and win these borrowers the lender must adopt a new strategy We call it Credit First because the data indicates quite clearly that most borrowers will make an application with 2 or more lenders and 24 of first time borrowers will apply with up to 5 or more lenders New Mortgage 39 Re nance Mortgage 59 39 30 17 9 3 1 2 1 OF LENDERS CreditXpert 2021 Consumer Survey The Golden Opportunity available to lenders today 19

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Defining the Credit First strategy When consumers go in search of a new home or Identify credit potential to refinance their business the first question loan originators have traditionally asked is do they qualify This has been our starting point and all the work done from this point on in the process is designed to support that positive answer But what if we started the process one step XPN Current earlier What if we started by understanding their credit potential Potential TU EFX 631 632 632 56 35 39 Now instead of asking if they qualify we re asking are we offering the best rate and terms When we start with this question everything changes LOs can answer this question by turning to CreditXpert for a one click improvement plan Ensure you are offering best rate and terms through which the consumers can qualify for the best rates and terms available The CreditXpert platform makes it easy to quickly see a borrower s credit potential In fact a link to this powerful CreditXpert tool may already be on the credit report the LO is looking at today Because our tool is built with modern AI it is highly We found a way To reach 660 or higher accurate After analyzing over 750 million records our plans have been shown to be 94 accurate in 94 their ability to predict the likelihood of a borrower reaching a target credit score bin L I K E LY continued on next page using 1 016 total cancel 2 accounts Finish 1 month See Details Try Other Options The Golden Opportunity available to lenders today 20

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Defining the Credit First strategy Con t Simply stated a Credit First strategy is one in only a few minor changes to their financial which lenders leverage credit data as one of situation As many as half of these borrowers the first actions in the loan origination process could move up more than one bin seeing credit scores for what they could be rather Change Band to Bin than what they look like Lenders are in a perfect position to benefit from sharing this information For those in the lower bins this means they qualify because the home loan transaction is one of the when they otherwise would not For those in the times when the consumer s credit score will have higher bins it means a better deal on their mortgage a significant impact on their life and they know it and a higher satisfaction score for the lender Our research indicates that 67 of borrowers could move up at least one credit score bin with that could move up AT LEAST one band Help applicants Help secure QUALIFY Better rates Terms 54 75 75 73 500 579 580 599 600 619 620 639 67 72 69 67 67 72 640 659 700 719 720 739 660 679 680 699 Of ALL applicants could move up AT LEAST one band Source CreditXpert tri merge pulls in 2021 Does not include

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5 Winning with the Credit First strategy The advantages of the Credit First strategy 23 The financial advantages of the Credit First strategy 24 Reduce fall out at the inquiry stage 25 Qualify more applicants 26 Stay competitive with the best rate and terms 27 Driving production profit by putting credit first 28 Winning with the Credit First Strategy 22

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The advantages of the Credit First strategy By starting every loan origination process for In addition this tool can be very effective at every mortgage loan product with consumer building stronger relationships with business credit something the borrower already knows referral partners especially when their borrowers is vitally important and suspects is inaccurate could not qualify to buy a new home without it and costing them more money the lender can This differentiates LOs who use CreditXpert in be seen as a consumer advocate their communities Using a tool like CreditXpert gives LO s the In the coming purchase money market having opportunity to bring CarFax like transparency borrowers who are ready to trust the lender s LOs to the mortgage industry Instead of bringing will be enough to mitigate the risk of competing transparency to the condition of a vehicle lenders Don t risk losing your borrowers to other CreditXpert highlights the improvement potential lenders when the Credit First strategy will easily in a borrower s credit score and gives them win their loyalty It is the best way for winning an actionable plan to make the necessary lenders to set themselves apart adjustments When the borrower s credit score increases due to information provided by the loan officer trust is established and everything about the process at least from the perspective of the borrower changes for the better Borrowers are looking for a trusted financial advisor they can believe has their interests at heart By leveraging CreditXpert s platform the lender creates a competitive advantage that is very difficult to counter Winning with the Credit First Strategy 23

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The financial advantages of the Credit First strategy There are three primary ways that CreditXpert can improve your bottom line 1 Credit Inquiry Fall out Credit Application Denials Retaining More Approvals 2 3 For LO s closing loans is the name of the game It is after all the only path to revenue Employing a full funnel credit first strategy opens the opportunity for a lender to optimize their pipeline and grow production profit To get a sense of how a full funnel credit first strategy could impact a lender s production profit we dug into 2018 20 HMDA bureau data and our own metrics to understand where fallout was happening Through this analysis we identified three primary areas where lenders can grow their production profit by increasing pull through Winning with the Credit First Strategy 24

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Reduce fall out at the inquiry stage As we learned from our survey consumers are contributed to fall out in 30 of all inquiries considering multiple lenders as they start the Furthermore our internal data shows that 34 process of purchasing a new home or refinancing of those that had credit scores below 640 could an existing mortgage In fact 54 of those quickly score above that threshold shopping for new mortgages and 49 of those refinancing considered between 2 and 4 lenders Another 21 and 14 respectively considered a whopping 5 7 lenders This shopping around is a likely contributor to the 65 annual growth rate of mortgage inquiries since 2018 If you were to take a lender that converted nearly 70 000 inquiries into 46 000 loan applications roughly 7 000 of those inquiries fell out because of credit If 34 of those could achieve a 640 score an additional 2 400 inquiries could turn into closed loans Using MBA survey data to While it s difficult to tell exactly how many estimate pre tax net income of 2 013 per closed consumers fall out at the inquiry stage due to loan this lender would add an additional 4 8M credit we conservatively assumed that credit in production profit 45 839 Loan Applications 1 16 454 Lead Fallout Other 2 7 052 Lead Fallout Credit 2 3 34 Of those with initial scores below 640 could improve to 640 4 Credit Inquiry Fall out 1 2 398 Saved by CreditXpert 4 8M Incremental Production Pro t5 Source 2020 HMDA Data Source 2020 HMDA Data credit as ONLY denial reason Source 2020 HMDA Data includes other denials withdrawals and not accepted 4 Source CreditXpert 2020 Mid Score Opportunity report 5 Assumes 2 013 of pre tax net income closed loan MBA Survey 2018 20 average 1 2 3 Winning with the Credit First Strategy 25

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Qualify more applicants To understand the production profit opportunity for applicants that fell out due to credit we turned to HMDA data For the same lender processing 46 000 applications we know that about 3 500 will fall out due to credit being the ONLY reason for denial Again if 34 of those that were initially denied could score above 640 this lender could close another 1 200 loans and add an additional 2 4M in production profit 24 693 Loans Originated 1 17 644 Other Fallout 3 3 502 Credit Fallout2 34 Of those with initial scores below 640 could improve to 640 4 Credit Application Denials 2 1 191 Saved by CreditXpert 2 4M Source 2020 HMDA Data 2 Source 2020 HMDA Data credit as ONLY denial reason 3 Source 2020 HMDA Data includes other denials withdrawals and not accepted 4 Source CreditXpert 2020 Mid Score Opportunity report 5 Assumes 2 013 of pre tax net income closed loan MBA Survey 2018 20 average 1 Incremental Production Pro t5 Winning with the Credit First Strategy 26

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Stay competitive with the best rate and terms Consumers aren t just considering more than the lender but not accepted by the consumer one lender We know from our survey that 39 While we don t know it s probably a safe bet that of those applying for new mortgages and 30 many took their business to another lender How of those refinancing ends up applying with two much of that fall out could have been saved if lenders An additional 17 and 9 respectively the lender could have assured the consumer that apply with three lenders This means that smart they were getting them the best rate and terms consumers are shopping around and looking for based upon their credit potential the best deal If we were to assume that 25 of that fall out Going back to the lender that processes 46 000 could be saved the lender could add another applications HMDA data shows us that nearly 1 1M in production profit 2 300 of those applications were approved by 24 693 18 873 Loans Originated 1 Other Fallout 3 2 273 Credit Fallout2 25 Saved by using CreditXpert to secure the best rate and terms 568 Retaining More Approvals 3 Saved by CreditXpert 1 1M Incremental Production Pro t4 1 Source 2020 HMDA Data 2 Source 2020 HMDA Data Approved Not Accepted 3 Source 2020 HMDA Data includes credit and other denials withdrawals 4 Assumes 2 013 of pre tax net income closed loan MBA Survey 2018 20 average Winning with the Credit First Strategy 27

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Driving production profit by putting credit first 4 8M Credit Inquiry Fall out Credit Application Denials Retaining More Approvals 2 4M 1 1 M 8 3M Incremental production pro t With a tightening market lenders will be looking don t have the data to back it up we think it s for smart strategies to help retain leads and close a safe bet that the lender would be able to grow more loans The above example demonstrates that pipeline of 70 000 inquiries pull through how a lender can squeeze an additional even more loans and meaningfully grow 8 3M in production profit from their existing production profit 70 000 inquiries Curious what your pipeline performance could Imagine if that same lender marketed their look like employing a credit first strategy Drop credit first approach to consumers shopping us an email at creditfirst creditxpert com for mortgages or looking to refinance Lenders We ll help you with the math explain our logic that take this approach will be meeting those and show you exactly how this works consumers with something they value While we Winning with the Credit First Strategy 28

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Win more business and grow with CreditXpert Interested in learning more about how you can forge stronger relationships with your borrowers earning loyalty repeat and referral business with the Credit First strategy Drop us a note at creditfirst creditxpert com today for more information creditxpert com 1600 W 41st Street Suite 100 Baltimore MD 21211 CF092021 2021 CreditXpert Inc All rights reserved