Newsletter - September 2021HappeningsThank you for making the decision to send your children to Creative Beginnings Preschool this year. The sta and I are looking forward to meeting those of you new to the school and welcoming back those of you who are returning. Hopefully, any questions you have about the school were answered at our parent orientations, but if anything is still unclear, please don’t hesitate to speak to your child’s teacher or call the oce. We will be happy to provide any additional information you may need. -1-Thank You!Sept 6MondayLabor Day We are CLOSED!Sept 7-10Tuesday-Friday Staggered OpeningsSept 13-14Monday & Tuesday Lunch Helper Orientation 11 AMSept 20Wednesday Lunch Program Begins Our lunch program begins on Monday, September 17 for children who are 3 and toilet trained. Please send a lunch which does not include any choking hazards, such as whole grapes, cherry tomatoes, fruit snacks or gummies, in with your child along with $7.00 or a lunch ticket on the day your child is attending. Tickets may be purchased in the oce at any time (a sheet of tickets contains 6 tickets for $36.00) or you can send in a check with your child and we will send them home to you.Lunch ProgramKirstan Brown and Lauren Jones will be running our lunch program this year. They will be holding lunch helper orientations on Monday, September 13 and Tuesday, September 14 at 11:00 a.m. The orientation will nish up in time for you to pick up your children if they are attending school that morning. If you signed up in your child’s classroom to help, please plan on attending an orientation session. If you did not sign up but would be interested in nding out more about the program and/or volunteering, please plan on coming as well. Everyone must complete an orientation program every year in order to volunteer. REMEMBER—WE NEED YOUR HELP IN ORDER TO CONTINUE THIS PROGAM. IT CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT YOU! Your child will not need to pay or provide us with a lunch ticket on days you are volunteering to help. It is possible to volunteer even if you have younger children. Lunch Volunteers NeededCreative Beginnings Preschool Director: Kelly Morihlatko P.O. Box 859, Arnold MD 21012 (410) 647-9224 www.creativebeginningspreschool.orgIf your child has a food allergy, please remember to send in two small pictures of your child so that we can give one to your student’s teacher and one to the lunch coordinators to use as a visual tool to help keep your children safe. Any child with a diagnosed food allergy will be required to bring in their own food snack each day they attend school for their safety. Any child who needs to keep an inhaler or epi pen in the oce also needs to have the proper form lled out. If you have any questions, give the oce a call.Food Allergies/ EPI Pens/ Inhalers
-2-Please remember our parking lot is a very busy place. Drive SLOWLY through the lot and around the corners. There should NEVER be any passing while in the car line. For everyone’s safety, we also ask you to please walk around the perimeter of the parking lot when walking your child into the building. Please do not use cell phones while in the carpool line. There should never be anyone walking between the cars in the drop-o and pick-up lines. We appreciate your help in keeping everyone safe this year. Parking Lot SafetyNewsletter - September 2021If you need additional car cards, please remember to ll out a car card request form and we will make sure you receive them. If you would like a car card with a child’s name on it other than your own child’s name, both you and the other child’s parent must sign the form giving permission for us to provide you with one. Parents of children using day care providers must sign a form stating we have permission to give your day care provider a card as well. If you come into the building to pick up your child, please carry your car card with you. Car CardsOnce arrival has been completed, our doors will be locked during the day. If you arrive after the doors have been locked, please ring the bell and someone from the oce will be there shortly to let you in. All visitors must sign in with the oce when they are in the school at all times other than arrival or dismissal. School SecurityOce Depot: Mention our school number (70203945) and/or name when paying for your purchases. The school will then receive 5% of all qualifying purchases in the form of gift cards for us to use for supplies. Fundraising Activities For the SchoolOur Bash and Splash will be held on Saturday, September 11th. Please mark your calendars and plan on joining us for an afternoon of fun. As long as the weather cooperates, we will be in the parking lot with food trucks, dunk tank, moon bounce and games. Look for more information to be sent home shortly about this fun-lled afternoon. home shortly about this fun-lled evening. Bash and Splash
-3-We are a ministry of Newsletter - September 2021Welcome to science! Your child will visit me for science instruction once a week throughout the year. We have a literature-based science program that includes lots of hands-on learning, experiments, discovery and exploration.Our units follow a monthly schedule. In September we will study the weather. We will learn about the rain, where it comes from and make it rain in science class! We’ll also learn about rainbows, the wind, and helpful vs. harmful weather. The 4’s will even get to make a tornado!I hope your children learn to love science as much as I do. Ask your children about the things they are learning in science class, and if there is something they particularly enjoyed, let me know! I love hearing about what the children take away from our class time.Science News from Mrs. KilpatrickWe will be providing canvas snack bags to send in class snack. Your child’s teacher will send the bag home when it is your snack week.Please empty out your child’s Home/School Communications Folder each day and send it back with your child on their next school day. Please remember to put a complete change of clothes in your child’s backpack.Reminders