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Cream and Black Minimalist Self

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B O O K L E TThe only person who can pull me down is myself, andI’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.Juliana Silva & Ketut SusiloW R I T T E N B YSelf CareActivities

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Table ofContentsTab 03Tab 04Tab 05Tab 06Tab 07Tab 08Tab 09Tab 10IntroductionCreating a Self Care PlanUnderstanding Self CareTypes of Self CareWays to Improve Self CareSelf Care Ideas for life BalanceSelf Care in Difficult TimesThank You

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IntroductionLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit,sed do eiusmod temporincididunt ut labore etdolore magna aliqua. Utenim ad minim veniam,quis nostrud exercitationullamco laboris nisi utaliquip ex ea commodoconsequat. WHO ARE WE? OUR REASONSOUR DESTINATIONLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit,sed do eiusmod temporincididunt ut labore etdolore magna aliqua. Utenim ad minim veniam,quis nostrud exercitationullamco laboris nisi utaliquip ex ea commodoconsequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit,sed do eiusmod temporincididunt ut labore etdolore magna aliqua. Utenim ad minim veniam,quis nostrud exercitationullamco laboris nisi utaliquip ex ea commodoconsequat.

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Creating aSelf Care PlanGoals ForMy MindWander in the cityUnplug for an hourKeep an journalHave a self dateGo cloud watchingDo a mini declutterGoals ForMy BodyTake a few deep breathsRun for a few minutesTake a quick napHave a good laughDo a massageWake up at 6MIND BODY

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UnderstandingSelf CareSelf care is an activity carried out by individuals to care forthemselves with things that benefit themselves, bothspiritually and physically. In short, self care is taking careof yourself.However, self care is often considered selfish by somepeople. Why is that? This happens because from a youngage our mindset or some people have been taught that"we have to care about and prioritize other people beforeourselves." Finally, the concept is embedded by somepeople.Indeed, caring and being concerned about others issomething that needs to be applied within yourself, butdon't forget to remain selfish. In fact, self care must bebalanced.WHAT IS SELF CARE?

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Types ofSelf CarePhysical Self CareEmotional Self CareSpiritual Self CarePersonal Self CareIntellectual Self Care

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Ways to ImproveSelf CareSelf esteem is the most important part of self care,especially in avoiding psychiatric or psychological illness.This is because a low level of self-esteem can put oneselfin a state of constant anxiety and negative thinking.Meditating will help you to recognize emotional feelings,whether they are positive or negative emotions. Spend atleast 5-10 minutes a day meditating.Doing sports has been proven to affect our body and mind.Sports are not always synonymous with burdensomeactivities. There are several relaxing sports that we canapply, such as aerobics, jogging, cycling, and the like.If your body feels tired from the work you have done allday, do this self care. Doing massage, spa, or just doingaromatherapy will make your body and mind relaxed andfresh.INCREASE SELF ESTEEMMEDITATIONEXERCISING ROUTINEBODY CARE

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Self careIdeas forlife BalanceTake a random day off. Have a day off without anyplanning or purpose. Just to be off from work.1.Plan for a weekend holiday. Go for a short trip. Escapefrom the routine.2.Get to work early. Avoid the rush hour. This also meansyou might be able to leave work early.3.Leave work early. Enjoy some free time when the sun isstill there.4.Eat lunch away from your office. Take a little break.Breathe some fresh air.5.Have a small chat. Talk about something other thanwork. This makes your time at work less dull.6.Turn off work-related email notification. Make off-hourreally off-hour.7.Wear your favorite outfit to work. Boost your happinessby a smart and refreshing appearance.8.Have some healthy snacks. Supply energy to yourbody.9.Listen to soft music. Relieve your stress with a softbackground music.10.

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Self Care inDifficult TimesOn a daily basis, Ricketts recommended to,“Acknowledge your privilege, set boundaries, and learnto say no.” Setting boundaries is essential to a healthylife, but it’s a skill that many of us never learn.On a daily basis, Ricketts recommended to,“Acknowledge your privilege, set boundaries, and learn tosay no.” Setting boundaries is essential to a healthy life,but it’s a skill that many of us never learn.There’s a reason that meditation is one of the most talked-about practices in the wellness world—this is powerful.Meditation is effective for self-care because it takes ourfocus off of the world around us, and puts it back onourselves.There’s a reason that meditation is one of the mosttalked-about practices in the wellness world—this sh*t ispowerful. Meditation is effective for self-care because ittakes our focus off of the world around us, and puts itback on ourselves.SET BOUNDARIESRest (no, not just sleeping)MeditateCheck in with yourself frequently

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ThankYouGREETINGS FROMJULIANA SILVAKETUT SUSILOLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et doloremagna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrudexercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex eacommodo consequat.