RRedefine QualityOOptimize QualityAAssess QualityDDemonstrate QualityCAPRW - HEAD START CQI REPORT 2023CAPRW - Head Start program’s Continuous Quality Improvement is deeplyrooted into two philosophies. The founding principle of this methodologyis the famous quote from William Thomson Kelvin,While the quote provides the program with a framework for continuouslydefining and redefining quality, it also directs the program to quantifyeach iteration of progress, thereby enabling the program to takeinspiration from the second principle: the Fibonacci Sequence.Fibonacci Sequence is the mathematical series of numbers where eachnumber is the sum of two preceding ones e.g. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 and so on. In CQI,it implies that the number of objectives keep on increasing every yearwhere the total number of objectives is the sum of all the other objectivesof the preceding years. This ensures that while we continuously improveour program, we remain cognizant of our past measures of quality,To put these philosophies into action, the program created the followingframework, and named it “ROAD to Continuous Quality Improvement”:“What is not defined, cannot be measured.What is not measured, cannot be improved.What is not improved, will always degrade.”PHILOSOPHY
CAPRW - HEAD START CQI REPORT 2023METHODOLOGYThe Head Start management teaminterprets the Head Start ProgramGoals according to current HeadStart landscape and redefines themeasurements of quality in thecurrent context.CQI Committees meet for the firsttime to set the baseline scoresbased on the completion status ofthe objectives, this meeting iscalled Baseline Meeting.After the Baseline Meeting, theCQI committees meet to do acheck-in and update the statusof the objectives. This meetingis called Check-in MeetingThe CQI committees meet for thethird time to finalize any pendingaction item under the objectives.This is called Outcomes MeetingAll the CQI committees participatein Continuous QualityImprovement Conference topresent improvement madethroughout the program yearThe process of redefining themeasures of quality translates intoSMART objectives. Each Head StartProgram Goal thus has a set numberof SMART objectives assigned to respective Continuous QualityImprovement (CQI) committees
StatusScoreCriteriaNot Started0None of the “Action Steps” arecompleteStarted/In Progress5At least one “Action Step” iscomplete, but not allCompleted9All the “Action Steps” arecomplete.Quality ImprovementAchieved1Objective complete andpresented at the CQI conferenceCAPRW - HEAD START CQI REPORT 2023MEASUREMENTSThe SMART objectives may have any of statuses listed in the table, below and based on the status, they are assigned a score.Objectives are made up of smaller “Action Steps”. These “ActionSteps” are binary in nature (i.e. they either happened or did not).There is no “in-progress” option.Scores of all the SMART objectives make up a Program Goal Score,which ultimately makes up a Program Quality Score. This Score istracked over the three meetings mentioned in the methodology,to track the QI outcomes of the program.
PG 1: The program will support the competency of all families and staff toencourage self-sufficiency, leadership and continued personal andorganizational stability.PG 2: The Program will better utilize data to guide informed decision-making and overall quality program improvements.PG 3: The program will increase targeted engagement practices with bothinternal and external stakeholders of Community Action to better reflectand address the needs of the children and families in the community.PG 4: The program will increase awareness of unique individual/familyneeds in order to provide more responsive and caring practices inaddressing the diverse needs of children and families.PG 5: (Approaches to Learning) Children will develop a unique sense ofidentity and belonging that will foster confidence, emotional literacy andthe establishment of positive, secure and responsive relationships withadults and children.PG 6: (Social and Emotional Development) Children will develop andmaintain positive, secure and responsive relationships with adults andchildren.PG 7: (Language and Literacy) Children will develop proficiency in Englishthrough classroom and socialization experiences while continuing toengage in opportunities at home to maintain their home language.PG 8: (Language and Literacy) Children will demonstrate a curiosity towardsearly literacy, including engagement with print materials.PG 9: (Perception) Through active exploration and discovery of theirenvironment at home and school, children will develop skills that supportfundamental concepts in mathematics, scientific reasoning and problemsolving.PG 10: (Cognition) Children will engage in perceptual learning to developincreased control, navigation and balance of large and fine motormovements to support their overall growth and development.CAPRW - HEAD START CQI REPORT 2023PROGRAM GOALS
IDObjectivesStatusProgram Goal 1: The program will support the competency of all families and staff to encourageself-sufficiency, leadership and continued personal and organizational stability.1.1Health Staff will increase dental exam rates for children over age 1 to 60% bythe end of program year 22-23Complete1.2The Head Start Wellness committee will provide one wellness initiative eachquarter to staff by the end of program year 22-23.Complete1.3Health Services will develop 5 I am Moving I am Learning trainers by the endof program year 22-23.Incomplete1.4The program will add one position during the 22-23 program year to increasethe support and professional growth of EHS coaches, Family SupportSpecialists, and EHS center-based teachers.Complete1.5Health Services will implement a Health Education Calendar for programyear 22-23 with at least 2 family/participant opportunities per center forhealth education.Complete1.6During program year 22-23, program supervisors will meet with direct reportsonce quarterly to discuss professional progress and aspirations.IncompleteProgram Goal 2: The Program will better utilize data to guide informed decision-making andoverall quality program improvements.2.1The data team will create demographic profiles of current centers vs.participant demographics at those centers and present it to the SeniorDirector of Head Start and Early Head Start by the end of February 2023.Complete2.2The data team will attend all the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) meetings through program 22-23 to provide data support to all the CQIleaders.Incomplete2.3The professional development team will develop a new learningmanagement system by the end of program year 22-23.Complete2.4The data team will create a CQI report by the end of program year 22-23.CompleteCAPRW - HEAD START CQI REPORT 2023SMART OBJECTIVES
CAPRW - HEAD START CQI REPORT 2023SMART OBJECTIVESIDObjectivesStatus Program Goal 3: The program will increase targeted engagement practices with both internaland external stakeholders of Community Action to better reflect and address the needs of thechildren and families in the community.3.1The program will establish a data sharing agreement with all other CAPRWprograms by the end of the program term.Incomplete3.2The program will establish a minimum of 3 partnerships/collaborations toprovide well-rounded services to children and families that will encompass abroad array of topics to address the “whole health” (e.g., health, safety,nutrition, education, community engagement, etc.) of children, families, andstaff by the end of program year 2022-2023Incomplete3.3By March 2023, the program will establish a consistent schedule for tablingat locations and events where eligible families may go in order to increasethe proportion of these participants enrolled in the program each term.Complete3.4A minimum of 2 Head Start staff will participate in the agency’s WholeFamily Approach Committee on a monthly basis throughout the 2022-2023program year to support efforts to enroll families in all applicable CAPRWprograms.Complete3.5The Senior Data/BI Analyst will establish a social media subcommittee andwill create baseline data on program's engagement by the end of programyear 2022-2023. AbandonedProgram Goal 4: The program will increase awareness of unique individual/family needs in orderto provide more responsive and caring practices in addressing the diverse needs of children andfamilies.4.1The program will create a Family Strengths/Needs tool by the end of July2023.Incomplete4.2The PD Team will provide at least 1 training to all staff related to diversity,equity & inclusion by June 1, 2023.Complete4.3Family Services Staff (FA’s & FSS’s) will engage families, so that 60% willattend at least 1 Family Services event by the end of program year 2023.Incomplete4.4Family Services will host a Nurturing Fathers training course by June 1, 2023.Complete
IDObjectivesStatusProgram Goal 5: (Approaches to Learning) Children will develop a unique sense of identity andbelonging that will foster confidence, emotional literacy and the establishment of positive, secureand responsive relationships with adults and children.5.1The Professional Development team, the Early Intervention Services andEducation Operation teams will partner and provide one training for teachers,teacher assistants, and family support specialists to increase staffunderstanding of how to best analyze and use DECA data to inform planningand to strategically individualize activities related to social-emotionaldevelopment for children by the end of August ‘22.Complete5.2The EHS Supervisors, CECs and Coaches will set at least one goal pertaining toPyramid Strategies with teaching teams based on Quality Checklist or TPOTassessment per classroom by the end of November ‘22.Complete5.3The average score of all children (by age groups), will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023.Complete5.4The average score of dual language learner children will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023. Complete5.5The average score of children with disabilities will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023.IncompleteProgram Goal 6: (Social and Emotional Development) Children will develop and maintain positive,secure and responsive relationships with adults and children.6.1Throughout the 22-23 program year, each classroom will have a fall and springTPOT/TPITOS and CLASS assessment and each Family Support Specialist willhave a fall and spring HOVRS-A+ assessment.Complete6.2This data will be used to inform monthly collaboration meetings between thefamily support specialists, teachers, teacher assistants, family advocates andsupport staff that will determine program quality improvement strategies tobe implemented. Complete6.3Once per month, family support specialists, teachers, teacher assistants,family advocates and support staff will share recommendations andinformation on positive and caring interactions in classrooms and in homesthroughout the 22-23 program year.Complete6.4The average score of all children (by age groups), will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023. Complete6.5The average score of dual language learner children will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023.Complete6.6The average score of children with disabilities will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023.IncompleteCAPRW - HEAD START CQI REPORT 2023SMART OBJECTIVES
CAPRW - HEAD START CQI REPORT 2023SMART OBJECTIVESIDObjectivesStatusProgram Goal 7: (Language and Literacy) Children will develop proficiency in English throughclassroom and socialization experiences while continuing to engage in opportunities at home tomaintain their home language.7.1The Assistant Director of Education Quality will create a Dual LanguageLearning resource sheet that will be shared with families at their initial homevisits. Document will be created by February 2023.Incomplete7.2The Assistant Director of Education Quality and Data Systems Coordinator willupdate the Initial and Second Home Visit policies and procedures to reflectthe steps for identifying the languages spoken and heard at home by theHead Start and Early Head Start children, and the procedure for updatinglanguage data in Child Plus by the end of November 2022.Incomplete7.3The Assistant Director of Education Quality will create a Planned LanguageApproach training and recording, and place in the Google Classroom LMS byJanuary 2023.Incomplete7.4All staff will receive PLA training by the end of August 2023.Incomplete7.5The average score of all children (by age groups), will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023.Incomplete7.6The average score of dual language learner children will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023.Incomplete7.7The average score of children with disabilities will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023.IncompleteProgram Goal 8: (Language and Literacy) Children will demonstrate a curiosity towards earlyliteracy, including engagement with print materials.8.1The education team will re-establish the Lending-Libraries by the end ofprogram year 2022-2023.Complete8.2The average score of all children (by age groups), will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023.Incomplete8.3The average score of dual language learner children will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023.Incomplete8.4The average score of children with disabilities will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023.Incomplete
CAPRW - HEAD START CQI REPORT 2023SMART OBJECTIVESIDObjectivesStatusProgram Goal 9: (Perception) Through active exploration and discovery of their environment athome and school, children will develop skills that support fundamental concepts in mathematics,scientific reasoning and problem solving.9.1The education quality team will establish criteria for objectives 24-36 fordetermining status by the end of the second Teaching Strategies GOLDcheckpoint.Complete9.2The average score of all children (by age groups), will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023.Complete9.3The average score of dual language learner children will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023. Complete9.4The average score of children with disabilities will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023. IncompleteProgram Goal 10: (Cognition) Children will engage in perceptual learning to develop increasedcontrol, navigation and balance of large and fine motor movements to support their overallgrowth and development.10.1All infant and toddler teaching staff and Early Head Start Family SupportSpecialists will receive Developmentally Appropriate Practice related toperception for 0-3 year olds training by February 2023.Incomplete10.2The average score of all children (by age groups), will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023. Incomplete10.3The average score of dual language learner children will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023. Incomplete10.4The average score of children with disabilities will increase to at leastmidpoint by the end of program year 2022-2023.Incomplete
BaselineMeetingCheck-inMeetingOutcomesMeetingProgram Goal 101/03/202303/30/202306/05/2023Program Goal 211/06/202202/15/202306/06/2023Program Goal 312/05/202203/29/202306/05/2023Program Goal 411/22/202202/21/202305/23/2023Program Goal 512/19/202203/09/202306/01/2023Program Goal 612/19/202203/09/202306/01/2023Program Goal 712/19/202203/09/202306/01/2023Program Goal 801/05/202303/09/202306/01/2023Program Goal 901/05/202303/09/202306/01/2023Program Goal 1001/05/202303/09/202306/01/2023CQI Conference07/19/2023CAPRW - HEAD START CQI REPORT 2023MEETINGSHead Start Program has ten program goals and hence there are 10CQI Committees. The committees met three times in PY 2022-2023 and finally for the Head Start Continuous QualityImprovement Conference where all the CQI leaders presentedtheir quality outcomes for the year.
CAPRW - HEAD START CQI REPORT 2023RESULTSProgram GoalBaselineScoreCheck-inScoreOutcomesScoreProgram Goal Goal Goal Goal Readiness) Program Goal Readiness) Program Goal Readiness) Program Goal Readiness) Program Goal Readiness) Program Goal Readiness) Program Goal Program Score2.05.37.5
CAPRW - HEAD START CQI REPORT 2023CONCLUSIONThe program started with an overall baseline score of 2.0, ideallythe baseline score must be 0, but because the CQI meetings donot start until late winter, the Head Start CQI Committees startedwith a few objectives already completed. During the year, theprogram raised to a score of 5.3 indicating a lot of work wascompleted by that second meeting. Finally, the year ended with ascore of 7.5 that includes the quality achievement points. A scoreof 7.5 indicates that we accomplished 75% of the promised qualityimprovement. It is worth noting that the quality indicators are notcompliance and/or Head Start Performance Standards’ mandatedwork, but, rather reflect the program’s aspirations to go above andbeyond performance standards.Program year 2022-2023 was an initial year for this new approachtowards measuring Continuous Quality Improvement and welearned many lessons along the way. A few of those lessons aresummarized below:Creating SMART Objectives is critical to the success of this approach The deadlines of the objectives must be on or before May 31st each program yearPre-CQI meetings between CQI leads and CQI Project Manger is of great valueDefinition of Quality Achievement point needs more input from CQI leads