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JUNE 2015 Changing COST DRIVERS 41009509 How will the key trends impact your bottom line CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 1 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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Technology professional services and Maintenance for transportation fuels and power generation Diesel Bio Diesel Diesel Exhaust Fluid Gasoline Propane Ethanol Natural Gas Lube Oil VANCOUVER NANAIMO EDMONTON 778 588 7635 250 753 4188 780 466 2171 CALGARY SASKATOON REGINA 403 735 1103 306 665 0223 306 721 1030 CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 2 Fleet and operations systems exible to meet your current and future energy needs Storage Pumping Refueling Fuel Fleet Management Environmental Compliance Tank Gauging Vehicle Conversions ED LED Lighting Toll Free National Directory 1 866 574 5100 www nee ca WINNIPEG MISSISSAUGA 204 633 8569 905 670 8863 MONTR AL 514 355 2366 ST JOHN S DARTSMOUTH MONCTON 709 747 0015 902 468 7342 506 861 1013 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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in this issue 4 5 8 11 14 A message from the board Regional news Changing cost drivers advertisers Clarkway Construction Ltd 5 Containment Solutions Inc 15 DTE Industries 2010 Ltd National Energy Equipment Inc Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association Steelcraft Inc ZCL Composites Inc 10 2 3 13 16 Staying current POST safety bulletin Advertising Sales and Editorial Offices Stagnito Business Information Canada 2300 Yonge Street Suite 1510 Toronto ON M4P 1E4 Telephone 416 256 9908 Toll free 877 687 7321 Fax 888 889 9522 Email EHoffman stagnitomail ca JUNE 2015 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 3 CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 3 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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a message from the board BOARD OF DIRECTORS CPCA MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS Alberta Petroleum Storage Systems Contractors Association Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec Inc British Columbia Petroleum Contractors Association Manitoba Petroleum Contractors Association Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association Saskatchewan Retail Petroleum Construction Association ALBERTA The CPCA board of directors meets regularly to discuss issues that affect our industry Whether the subjects of our discussions are training membership finances or AGMs it all relates to the well being and sustainability of our businesses Given the concerns regarding oil prices US exchange rates and their effect on the Canadian economy we decided we should offer our members a more sophisticated perspective We engaged the services of an experienced economist familiar with our industry Dr David Bond is a retired economist for HSBC Bank Canada and retired UBC economics professor He has written for many Canadian newspapers including the Globe and Mail and has written economics textbooks used at the university level He has also held senior federal government positions over the years We are pleased to provide you with his comments on the topics mentioned above in his article Changing cost drivers affecting your industry CPCA board of directors Marcus Cormier Cantest Solutions Tel 403 912 9129 Ext 12 mcormier cantest net Pat White Leak Technologies Solutions Tel 403 637 0280 pwhite leaktechsol ca MANITOBA Chad Kenwood Century Petroleum Construction Tel 204 694 2230 centpet mts net ONTARIO Gord Thompson Comco Canada Inc Tel 705 728 0905 gord thompson comcocanada com Phil Hughes Southwest Energy Control Systems of Canada Tel 905 420 8400 Ext 102 phughes southwestenergy ca QUEBEC Guy Rochon Service Construction Mobile Lt e Tel 418 688 5751 grochon groupemobile com Louis Rizzetto quipement National nergie Tel 514 489 8281 lrizzetto nee ca SASKATCHEWAN Arlene Wright Capital Petroleum Services Ltd Tel 306 757 3533 arlene_cps sasktel net Mike Seibel National Energy Equipment Inc Tel 306 665 0223 mseibel nee ca BRITISH COLUMBIA Rob Bateman Western Oil Services Tel 604 514 4787 rbateman westernoilservices com CPCA OFFICE Michelle Rae Administrator Mailing Address 92 Caplan Ave Suite 223 Barrie ON L4N 0Z7 Toll Free 1 866 360 6722 Tel 705 735 9437 Fax 705 735 9418 info cpcaonline com Web www cpcaonline com OFFICERS Marcus Cormier President Pat White Vice President Louis Rizzetto Secretary Chad Kenwood Treasurer 4 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2015 CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 4 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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News from the BCPCA By Rob Bateman Here in British Columbia we re all enjoying a fairly robust work schedule which has picked up since the first quarter slowdown The BCPCA had a board meeting on May 1 We are continuing our efforts to make upgrades to the training manuals and the exams for both tech designations and the core training We have had difficulty getting through to the Industry Training Authority ITA since they made changes to their structure which re centralized trade training It appears that the current administration group is overwhelmed with the additional responsibilities At the CPCA annual general meeting we discussed recommending the exchange of material training and upgrades between the BCPCA and the CPCA in an effort to standardize Canadian petroleum technician training We recommend that this be added to the agenda at the AGM in June One of our issues in BC is the lack of standards and inspection by provincial government officials While we are lobbying for this we are not sure whether to focus our efforts on the Safety Authority or through the Fire Code More work will be done on this and we are in the pro cess of contacting both provincial trade authorities as mentioned and safety authorities In the meantime more petroleum technicians are writing the certification exams in order to qualify for work being tendered by governments GCs and engineers We have maintained contact with federal government authorities and their support for our cause has been very strong JUNE 2015 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 5 CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 5 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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Upcoming APSSCA events By Marcus Cormier As summer finally approaches the APSSCA board has been working on preparations for our annual general meeting taking place at the Deerfoot Inn and Casino in Calgary on June 10 at 10 a m as well as our 17th annual golf tournament on June 11 at the Sirocco Golf and Country Club in Calgary We hope to see as many of you there as possible This year we are offering Canadian Petroleum Mechanic review and exam sessions in Calgary on June 8 9 and 10 If you have technicians enrolled in the CPCA Petroleum Home Study Program and they are ready for the review and exam sessions offered in June please contact Michelle Rae at 1 866 360 6722 toll free to ensure you are registered for these sessions Please note that these are not training sessions but rather review sessions for technicians who have been following the home study program and are preparing to write their Petroleum Mechanic exams Sessions offered PMH June 8 2015 8 30 a m PM1 June 9 2015 8 30 a m PM2 PM3 June 10 2015 8 30 a m Note The PM2 and PM3 classes will be combined This year we have three long standing directors who will be retiring from our board of directors Gerrit DeHaan Petrocom Construction David Jonasson Centcom Construction and Cathy Coutu Petroleum Tank Management Association of Alberta It has been a pleasure serving with them and I want to thank them all for their many years of service energy and contributions to our association News from the OPCA By Michelle Rae OPCA 2015 golf tournament Save the date The 2015 OPCA golf tournament is scheduled for September 18 Proceeds from the tournament go to Threads of Life a very special organization that promotes safety in the workplace and supports families who have suffered a workplace fatality traumatic life altering injury or occupational disease through many of their programs across Canada The OPCA raised more than 7 000 for Threads of Life through last year s tournament so be sure to join us this year for a great day of golf Corrosion control workshop for the TSSA The OPCA recently provided a workshop for the TSSA s inspection division on the recommended procedures for Cathodic Protection or corrosion control on steel tanks and associated piping including what to look for on a survey report when reviewing facility owner s records Proper reporting and record keeping on Cathodic Protection is required by both contractors and facility owners and the OPCA is also working with TSSA on a standard survey form to be used province wide to ensure continuity of procedures OPCA pension plan The OPCA is thrilled to be launching a registered pension plan program for OPCA members The main goal of the OPCA pension plan is to pool the resources of the entire association and provide advantages to each and every member This is achieved with lower management fees from the investments we choose in each individual account The more members we have the lower the fees will be for all Enrollment in the plan will exclude employers from mandatory participation in the Ontario Registered Pension Plan We started the process in March and hope everyone is signed up by June so members are encouraged to register right away Contact the OPCA office at 1 866 360 6722 OPCA for details Welcome new members S Nichols Construction Inc W D McLaren Limited P lueprint2Build SOJ Associates B renchline Construction T otal Meter Service T 6 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2015 CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 6 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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End of the dispute between the OIQ and the AEPQ By Jacques Poulin To start let s give a short summary of the facts The Quebec legislation ruling the engineers was promulgated in 1972 This law stipulates that the goal is to assure the public safety and is covering in a general manner the mechanical electrical and hydraulic works From 1972 to 2008 no infraction or suit was taken against any members When more and more suits were taken we decided to bring these cases to the court In the first case wherein one of our members was first making a very standard petroleum equipment installation the court of first instance ruled in our favour based on the following facts It is not to the engineers association to extend any definition to the words that appear in the law Our lawyer Richard Cliche has represented the AEPQ since 1973 and has never lost a court case in this period of time In his defence plea he came out with a simple but very effective example According to the extended definitions of the engineers association a milking system installation on a farm would require some engineering plans and supervision as it has components that are mechanical electrical and hydraulic The OIQ appealed that decision to the Quebec superior court The appeal was rejected as the judge maintained that if the government wanted to include petroleum equipment installation in the engineer s field of competence he would have specified it as he did for the construction of a retention basin under or above ground tank While we were proceeding with our court case there was another case where a professional technologist was sued for proposing drawings for a service station equipment installation In this case the court of first instance and the superior court ruled in favour of the OIQ As the two cases were similar in nature the AEPQ and the provincial technologist association asked the Quebec appeal court to clarify the jurisdiction of the OIQ This last appeal court has very quickly rejected the OIQ s claims and stated very clearly that the petroleum equipment installation work in Quebec does not require any engineering plans as supervision Fin de la dispute entre l ordre des ing nieurs du Qu bec et l association des entrepreneurs p troliers du Qu bec Pour commencer voici un court r sum des faits La loi du Qu bec sur les ing nieurs date de 1972 Cette loi stipule de fa on g n rale que son but est d assurer la protection du public et que les travaux de m canique d lectricit et d hydraulique sont touch s par cette loi De 1972 2008 jamais une plainte ne f t port e contre l un de nos membres Notre association recevant des plaintes r p t es a d cid de contester ces plaintes devant les tribunaux Dans le premier jugement concernant une installation p troli re tr s standard la cour de premi re instance rejeta cette plainte et rendit un jugement en notre faveur se basant sur les faits suivants Il n est pas donn l ordre des ing nieurs du Qu bec le pouvoir de faire dire des mots ce qu ils signifient Notre avocat Me Richard Cliche qui repr sente notre association depuis 1973 n a jamais perdu une cause que ce soit contre la commission de la construction ou n importe quelle autre instance gouvernementale Dans sa plaidoirie il a amen un exemple simple mais combien r aliste Dans un syst me de traite des vaches il y a des notions de m canique d lectricit et d hydraulique pourtant des plans d ing nieur ou la surveillance des travaux par un ing nieur n est pas requis Finalement l ordre des ing nieurs du Qu bec porte cette d cision en appel devant la cour sup rieure du Qu bec qui nous a encore donn raison en disant que si le gouvernement avait voulu que les travaux d installation p troli re soient r gis il l aurait sp cifi dans la loi comme il l a indiqu dans un seul cas c est o un bassin de r tention est construit pour des r servoirs hors terre En m me temps que cette cause tait devant les tribunaux une autre cause impliquant un technologue professionnel qui avait propos des plans d implantation tait perdue en cours de premi re instance et en cour d appel la cour sup rieure Puisque les deux cas traitaient toujours sur les travaux d installation p troli re nous avons d cid d aller la cour d appel du Qu bec pour pr senter les deux cas Cette cour d appel a rejet rapidement les pr tentions de l ordre des ing nieurs du Qu bec et a statu que les travaux d installation p troli re ne relevaient absolument pas de la comp tence des ing nieurs JUNE 2015 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 7 CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 7 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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The recent decline in the price of oil should have only a marginal impact upon your business primarily due to a rise in the use and therefore wear on fuel dispensers as consumers buy more fuel 8 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2015 CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 8 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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CHANGING COST DRIVERS AFFECTING YOUR INDUSTRY How will the key trends impact your bottom line For contractors in your industry the primary business relates to fuel dispensers and storage systems It does not involve searching for producing or refining hydrocarbons Thus the recent decline in the price of oil should have only a marginal impact on your business primarily due to a rise in the use and therefore wear on fuel dispensers as consumers buy more fuel Most analysts are predicting that oil will remain below 75 dollars for at least 18 months Saudi Arabia wants to retain market share and it has the lowest cost of production so it will force down the price until other higher cost producers including the tar sands and fracking exit the market Given the slower rate of growth in the demand for oil products lower prices will prevail until supply matches demand probably about 18 months While the price of oil has risen and then declined substantially over the past few years what have been other key trends in the environment in which you operate Consider just three things the cost of labour the cost of parts and imposition of regulations primarily related to safety by both government and the oil companies themselves by Dr David Bond author and economist Labour costs constitute a major expense and they have risen not uniformly across the nation it is true but nowhere have they fallen As the economy continues to grow even if only 2 annually and unemployment declines the demand for higher wages will become more common and strident Parts particularly those coming from the US have in the past year risen by more than 15 and those increased prices caused by the falling Loonie are unlikely to be reversed in the short to intermediate term say five years Most economists believe that the exchange rate will settle at about 85 partly because oil will likely remain at 75 or lower for at least 18 months if not longer While exports will rise commodity prices coal copper and iron ore will remain relatively low and they constitute a major part of our exports Also growth in Canada will be lower than in the US so the Bank of Canada will keep interest rates lower than in the US This will cause a modest outflow of investment capital putting further downward pressure on the Loonie Note that even if the exchange rate were to move back to something close to par which is highly unlikely prices on parts could be expected to rise in US dollars over time There is a cost to increased regulation no matter what the source The cost comes primarily in the form of increased time required to undertake JUNE 2015 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 9 CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 9 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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Labour costs including employee training are a major expense for contractors There are two important facts to bear in mind when oil companies ask you to reduce your prices First in the total costs of their operations servicing of fuel dispensers and storage facilities are an infinitesimal part of their expenditures and their franchisees bear most of the cost Even if everyone in the industry were to cut fees by 50 the impact on the oil companies bottom lines would be relatively insignificant Second any cost reduction you offer up comes right out of your bottom line When oil rose to more than 100 US a barrel did the oil companies voluntarily offer to raise what they paid you for each service call Why were you ignored when high prices for crude prevailed but when things are tough they go after your margins That sounds like Heads I win tails you lose a given task time to make sure regulations are followed time to fill out required reports time to train technicians on the new regulations and time costs money Your money The decline in oil prices has had an adverse impact on the bottom line of petroleum producers and that has led them to try to cut costs The expense related to servicing fuel dispensing and storage is a natural target After all individual service companies are no match for multinational multi billion dollar corporations Dr Bond was born in Hamilton Ontario and received his university education in the United States at Dartmouth College and Yale University where he earned his doctorate in economics He has taught at the universities of Western Ontario Quebec and British Columbia He has also coauthored books on the impact of US Canada Free Trade on the Canadian furniture industry as well as a textbook on money and banking now in its third edition His most recent book Future Perfect Retirement Strategies for Productive People clearly establishes that retirement is the beginning of a new series of adventures and experiences ISO 9001 2008 Certified Your Partner in Total Containment Solutions Protecting the environment for future generations Aboveground Tanks Underground Tanks Tank Accessories Fire Rated Tanks Double Bottom Tanks Fuel Oil Tanks Double Wall Oval Tanks Custom Fabrication Spill collectors Wall Mounted Free standing Vertical Tanks Horizontal Tanks Bench Tanks Dike Tanks Utility Tanks Sub Base Tanks Static Head Tanks Utility Pumps Rectangular Tanks Threaded Integral Style All tanks are designed fabricated and labeled in accordance to the latest edition of applicable standards UL ULC AWWA API Up to 250 000LT 69 Comstock Road Toronto ON M1L 2G9 Phone 416 757 6278 Fax 416 757 5579 Toll Free 1 800 387 1400 dteindustries com sales dteindustries com 10 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2015 CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 10 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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ing tay S nt re ur c test s the la ase owc nce sh confere CA lle Rae By Miche ents ind lopm try deve us OP The OPCA 21st annual conference was held over three days from March 8 11 in Toronto in conjunction with The Convenience U CARWACS Show Day one of the conference launched with manufacturer training sessions for APT Dualoy FE Petro Flexworks Petrovend Icon ASI Gilbarco CSI and PD McLaren New sessions this year included DEF Dispenser training from PD McLaren Icon Containment equipment training and the VeederRoot session by Gilbarco The OPCA would also like to thank Franklin Fueling OPW CSI Products and Red Leonard who have provided training for many years now along with all of the manufacturers for their continued support of the association and its members Some reps even travel from the US to provide these sessions Sessions provide important information on the latest equipment and products Participation is important as many of our members who are required to keep this certification up to date are small contractors and typically find it a challenge to obtain the training Manufacturers participation offers these contractors the convenience of attending the conference and re certifying at the same time The OPCA works with the manufacturers to provide these sessions at no additional charge to OPCA members and their employees The OPCA was also thrilled to extend the session invitation to the TSSA and their fuels safety inspection team and engineering department staff The OPCA also held re certification sessions for current certificate holders of OPCA s corrosion control program Certification requires the holder to recertify every three years with re evaluation of their continu ous knowledge of the proper testing reporting and surveying procedures for corrosion protection on steel tanks and piping That evening the OPCA welcomed members during a cocktail reception Attendees were also given a few promotional items from the OPCA Day two saw the launch of the POST safety forum and breakfast hosted by the OPCA and included a panel of guest speakers invited to discuss a variety of topics The planning committee was comprised of Rob Rivers of Claybar Contracting Scott Eadie of SAS Petroleum Technologies Russ Porter of National Energy Equipment and myself representing the OPCA After opening remarks from our master of ceremonies Andy Ferland Rob Rivers delivered his presentation on the importance of site housekeeping This was followed by Russ Porter s presentation Forming your behavioural safety On behalf of the POST committee I presented an overview of the plans for a new level of POST online orientation geared toward those in supervisory roles After the planning committee s presentations our guest speakers delivered their presentations on a variety of topics Heather Cowie senior EHS advisor for Suncor Energy discussed Suncor s stanJUNE 2015 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 11 CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 11 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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dards for operational discipline and provided their safety statistics for 2014 Heather also shared a video on hand safety to communicate some of Suncor s learnings from last year Respect Group s Kevin McLaughlin discussed their program that helps organizations and their employees recognize and prevent bullying abuse harassment and discrimination in the workplace through their interactive online certification John Aird of Workplace Safety Prevention Services discussed work at height requirements and presented the provincial requirements for hiring new workers Our special keynote was motivational speaker Neil Aitchison When not performing his duties as senior manager of market development at Melloul Blamey Construction Neil is a seasoned performer and broadcaster who receives rave reviews for his unique way of finding humour in everyday life His presentations share laughs and honest reflections on life and clearly demonstrate how to cope with life s constant changes and stresses by exercising humour as an option If you re looking for a fun and lighthearted speaker consider Neil for your next event On behalf of the POST committee Lance Mullett of SAS Petroleum Technologies presented Ron Ballantyne and Siep Nyholt with appreciation awards for their service on the POST committee Both Ron and Siep were charter members of the committee representing Imperial Oil and provided invaluable input for the POST program Also a big thank you goes to Andy Ferland of Claybar Contracting who did a great job as master of ceremonies and kept the pace going throughout the morning A number of prizes were handed out to attendees at the conclusion of the morning before everyone enjoyed a lunch buffet and headed over to the International Centre to attend The Convenience U CARWACS Show In the evening the OPCA hosted a dinner followed by entertainment featuring Gemini Award winning comedian Pete Zedlacher Afterwards several associate member companies including National Energy Equipment KMD and Waleco played host to members in their hospitality suites The final day of the conference wrapped up with the OPCA annual general meeting in the morning OPCA president Gord Thompson opened the AGM by welcoming members and guests and providing an overview of the OPCA s involvement and participation with regulatory and industry organizations such as the TSSA CSA and ULC Gord also noted the OPCA has attended meetings with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services keeping them apprised of OPCA initiatives Gord also reported OPCA s newest initiatives including developing a course for generator work and creating a pension plan for OPCA members OPCA secretary Lou Cerruti reported the results of the previous year s member survey Members were asked to rate the OPCA on a number of subjects Overall results showed OPCA members are generally satisfied with the programs and services the OPCA provides For instance when members were asked to rate the quality of the OPCA conferences media such as our newsletters and the CPCA magazine and the insurance programs the overall ratings were very good to excellent Dave Mason of Canada Brokerlink provided an update on the OPCA s environmental and contractor liability insurance programs and also included some general figures with respect to claims over the past five years Dave also reminded contractors to keep all of their documentation in order and to be mindful of client s business practices as statistics show companies with poor practices are more likely to submit an insurance claim The claims process is a very stressful time therefore he stressed the importance of keeping the communication lines open with your insurance broker 12 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2015 CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 12 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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OPCA members spent time with other industry stakeholders on the trade show floor at The Convenience U CARWACS Show in Toronto while OPCA staff provided information to attendees at the association s booth Steelcraft_1011_Waterloo Layout 1 In other insurance related news the OPCA hopes to establish a pension fund program for OPCA members Steve Peachey of National Bank Financial was on hand to help present the program Steve provided an overview of the proposed program noting that regardless of company size the program will benefit all members He added that it not only promotes long term employment but would also give members more control compared to the proposed provincial pension plan that will become mandatory next year Our final guest speakers were Zenon Fraczkowski and Ann Marie Barker of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority Ann Marie is the engineering specialist for Liquid Fuels at the TSSA and is responsible for the development of the Liquid Fuels Handling Code providing technical assistance to both inspectors and external clients Zenon Fraczkowski joined the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Services in 1980 and now works with Ann Marie at the TSSA as the fuels safety engineering manager Zenon provided a corporate update of the TSSA including an overview of their tasks responsibilities and stakeholders Ann Marie provided an overview of the updates to the Liquid Fuels Handling Code which is the regulation in Ontario developed by the TSSA in consultation with the industry The code updates are currently being reviewed under the Environmental Registry and public consultation and the code is expected to be published in early 2016 An overview of these updates is available on the OPCA website Please visit the OPCA website at www OPCAonline org for all of the conference highlights and presentations 10 25 11 6 15 AM Page 1 Storage Containment Solutions Since 1923 Looking for a superior storage containment solution STEELCRAFT Inc offers a full line of standard and custom liquid containment tanks and systems as well as pressure vessels including single and double walled tanks underground storage process vessels and field erected tanks Field proven after thousands of installations our products meet stringent code specifications and are the choice of engineers contractors and architects With our leading edge engineering custom manufacturing facilities and in house finishing capability you can trust us to deliver a quality product on time every time For lasting trouble free storage containment STEELCRAFT Inc Visit our website or contact us Waterloo ON 1 800 265 8840 Moncton NB 1 888 258 8166 Edmonton AB 1 888 661 8265 Innisfail AB 1 800 661 2851 www steelcraftinc com JUNE 2015 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 13 CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 13 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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safety bulletin Taking POST up a level By Michelle Rae administrator Petroleum Oriented Safety Training Last year the POST committee saw a need to take the online orientation to another level literally so they appointed a sub committee to develop the framework for an online orientation that captures the basic POST requirements while stepping it up a notch I m sure all of you are familiar with the current POST online orientation While the current POST online course does a good job of covering all of the basic POST requirements we wanted to get more in depth with some of these requirements to give users especially those in supervisory or leadership roles a better understanding in some of these areas As a result we ve created POST Level 2 The rationale for POST level 2 is to ensure site supervisors understand their role with respect to POST requirements In a nutshell the goal is to ensure any worker in a leadership role is a POST expert With POST Level 2 users will have an in depth knowledge of POST requirements based on a supervisor and or leadership perspective In addition it will provide a high level understanding of POST documentation including the ability to perform Planned Job Observation and JSA quality evaluations Some of the core competencies that will be covered in POST Level 2 include Demonstrate core competencies at a higher level Demonstrate leadership qualities with respect to enforcing site rules and POST requirements Improve hazard identification and mitigation skills when completing JSAs Use critical thinking when performing Planned Job Observations Hazard Identification Increase level protection knowledge of certain PPE The recommended users of POST Level 2 are supervisors lead hands foremen forewomen and workers with POST certification Level 1 BBS of 2 years or more who want more in depth knowledge Companies or users who are unsure can verify with the POST administration office or speak to their contractor and or oil company representative We have created a guideline to help companies determine the appropriate level for each of their employees The guideline contains the outline of both POST levels as well as the list of service categories that Level 2 users fall under We look forward to providing this new level of training to help you and your employees stay safe Our plan is to launch this new course in the coming weeks For more information please visit our website at www POSTtraining ca 14 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2015 CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 14 2015 06 11 4 35 PM

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A Trusted Leader ZCL is an unparalleled industry leader with the vision To be the leading global provider of environmentally friendly liquid storage fluid handling and corrosion resistant industrial products The ZCL Advantage 30 Year Warranty Long Term Peace of Mind Made in Canada Local Manufacturing and Service 100 Resin and Glass No Low Cost Fillers Integral Rib Construction No Rib Delamination Parabeam Interstitial Space Superior Design Safer Tank Additional Safety Options Available CONTACT US TODAY 1 800 661 8265 www zcl com FUEL TANKS CAR WASH INTERCEPTORS OIL WATER SEPARATORS POTABLE WATER TANKS SEWAGE TANKS DEF TANKS CPCA_June15_FINAL indd 16 2015 06 11 4 35 PM