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PM42940023The Path toCertification JUNE 20222022 AGMHIGHLIGHTSPLUS:P.7What you need to know to become a certied Petroleum Mechanic

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BIOFUEL SYSTEM SOLUTIONSGetting compatible system components from multiple suppliers is a hassle. Franklin Fueling Systems oers a wide range of Biofuel compatible fuel system components – providing you with a single, reliable source for your system solution. We're here to help ensure your site meets current and future fuel compatibility requirements. Our team is standing by to provide expert direction on choosing the right equipment selections for your fuel blends.To get assistance, email or call 1-866-574-5100Your Partner In Biofuel Compatibility

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JUNE 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 3 CPCACPCACPCACPCACPCACPCACPCACONTRACTORCANADIAN PETROLEUMAn official publication of the CPCACONTRACTORCANADIAN PETROLEUMAn official publication of the CPCA 4 CPCA Petroleum Mechanic Certtification 7 OPCA 2022 Annual General Meeting Highlights 12 ECCC: do you deliver petroleum products to federal regulated storage tanks? 14 News from POST advertisersCanadian Petroleum Contractors Association ....... 3, 8Capital Petroleum Services Ltd ................................ 13Clarkway Construction Ltd ....................................... 13Convenience U CARWACS Show ............................ 15Industries Desjardins ............................................... 16Leak Technologies Solutions Limited ....................... 11Meridian Manufacturing ............................................ 6National Energy Equipment Inc.................................. 2Petroleum Oriented Safety Training ......................... 11Petro Service Limited ................................................. 9Steelcraft Inc ............................................................ 11Advertising Sales and Editorial Ofces: Ensemble IQ20 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 1800, Toronto, ON M4R 1K8Telephone: 416.256.9908 Toll-free: 1.877.687.7321 Fax: 888.889.9522Contact: Elijah Hoffman Ext:1009 : ehoffman@ensembleiq.comPM42940023in this issue

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4 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • JUNE 2022BOARD OF DIRECTORSCPCA MEMBER ASSOCIATIONSAlberta Petroleum StorageSystems Contractors AssociationAssociation des Entrepreneurs Pétroliers du Québec Inc. British Columbia Petroleum Contractors Association Manitoba Petroleum Contractors AssociationOntario Petroleum Contractors AssociationSaskatchewan Retail PetroleumConstruction AssociationALBERTAMarcus CormierCantest SolutionsTel: 403.912.9129 Ext. 12 Kim HansenMI PetroTel: 866.563.7868 khansen@mipetro.comMANITOBAChad KenwoodCentury Ptetroleum ConstructionTel: 204.694.2230 ONTARIOGord ThompsonComco Canada Inc.Tel: 705.728.0905 gord.thompson@comcocanada.comKen JamiesonKenstruct Ltd.Tel: 855.912.8453 ken@kenstruct.caQUEBECDany PedneaultÉquipements Claude Pedneault Inc.Tel: 418.693.8906 dany.pedneault@epcp.caNicolas TrepanierÉquipement National ÉnergieTel: 438.289.1961 ntrepanier@nee.caSASKATCHEWANArlene WrightCapital Petroleum Services Ltd.Tel: 306.757.3533 Mike SeibelNational Energy Equipment Inc.Tel: 306.665.0223 BRITISH COLUMBIAMargo MiddletonMiddleton PetroleumTel: 250.372.7742 midpet@shaw.caCPCA OFFICEMichelle Rae, AdministratorMailing Address: 387 Mapleview Dr. W. Barrie, ON L4N 9G4 Toll Free – 1.866.360.6722 Tel: 705.735.9437 Fax: 705.735.9418 Web: www.cpcaonline.comOFFICERS Marcus Cormier, President; Nicolas Trepanier, Vice President; Kim Hansen, Secretary; Margo Middleton, Treasurer NEED PETROLEUM MECHANIC CERTIFICATION? Certication to work on petroleum systems is required in most jurisdictions across Canada includ-ing working on Federal Land. The CPCA certication program combines theoretical training, exams and on the job practical experience working with a petroleum mechanic holding the appropriate license. The hours of practical experience vary for each license (1000 hours for PM1, 2000 hours for PM2 and 500 hours for PM3). Once an individual completes all the requirements for certication, they can apply to CPCA for their license. CPCA training utilizes a blended learning method combining home study material with online tools and in-class review sessions with quali-fied instructors. The home study course is self-led; students can study the material on their own time with each course taking an average of forty hours to complete. CPCA students also have access to our online learning platform with tutorials for tank installation, piping, dispenser maintenance and activities that challenge the student based on what they have learned throughout the course.THE PATH TO CERTIFICATIONTo start the training process, you need to first obtain the Petroleum Mechanic Helper (or PMH) certifica-tion. The PMH is a prerequisite to PM1, PM2, or PM3. This enables you to then work under a licensed Petro-leum Mechanic to gain your practi-cal experience / field work required for certification. You only obtain the license(s) based on the work you are doing – for example, service techni-cians will need to obtain PMH and PM1 certification, while an individu-al working on underground systems (e.g., installing storage tanks) need PMH and PM2 certification. Students combine their theoretical training, exams and on the job train-ing under a licensed PM to gain the necessary skills. The hours of practi-cal experience vary for each license. Once an individual completes the re-quirements, they can apply to CPCA for their Petroleum Mechanic license.The Path to Certification

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JUNE 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 5 The Path to Certification What you need to know to become acertied Petroleum Mechanic by CPCAREVIEW & EXAM Students are provided with a one day in-class course review with a certified instruc-tor. The CPCA certification exam is written following the review session. Review & Exam sessions are scheduled through-out the year (based on demand) and pre-registration for the sessions is required. Students that are enrolled in a course are notified of upcoming sessions in advance. Students are encouraged to enroll in cours-es early so that they are prepared for their exam. Ensuring you are enrolled also helps us determine our schedules.TRADE EXPERIENCE LOGBOOKThe CPCA provides a Trade Experience logbook developed to be used by the train-ee as a permanent record of their practi-cal experience as they gain the necessary skills in accordance with the CPCA cur-riculum and license scope. The logbook is very useful in assisting the trainee in keeping a detailed record of their practi-cal experience.Supervisors and Employers are re-quired to sign off and date the skills follow-ing each successful achievement attesting that the trainee has properly demonstrated the required skills as well as attesting the trainee has obtained the required number of hours required to obtain certification. The trainee shall work under the direct supervision of the supervisor holding the applicable PM license (e.g., PM1 license holder signs off for a PM1 trainee). It is the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure the trainee has properly demonstrated the required skills to them.WE ARE HERE TO HELP!The CPCA is a great resource to help you determine your path to certification. With knowledgeable and experienced instructors and staff, we can assist you with any ques-tions you have. To find out more about the CPCA petroleum mechanic training program visit our website at or email us LICENSE CATEGORIES:PMH PETROLEUM MECHANIC HELPER Prerequisite to PM1, PM2 & PM3 • Introduction to codes & basic safetyrequirements • Routine & non-routine maintenance on dispensing equipment • Leak and spill response PM1 | SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE• Install & remove suction pumps &relatedsystems • Repair & maintain suction pumps &related systems • Repair & maintain submersible pumps, dispensers & related systems PM2 | UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION • Install underground tanks • Remove underground tanks • Install petroleum transfer systems • Install, repair, and maintain systems forleak detection & tank monitoring • Install and remove submersiblepumpsPM3 | ABOVEGROUND INSTALLATION• Install aboveground tanks • Remove aboveground tanks • Install & repair and maintain systems forleak detection & tank monitoring • Install, remove, repair, & maintain bulkhandling equipmentPRACTICAL EXPERIENCE HOURS REQUIREDFOR CERTIFICATIONPM1 – 1000 hoursPM2 – 2000 hoursPM3 – 500 hours

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6 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • JUNE 2022 ®Take advantage of low fuel costs by buying in bulk with a Meridian Fuel Tank. Meridian’s NEW 15,000L, 25,000L & 35,000L skidded Econo Tanks are the ideal storage for those who are looking to increase their on-site fuel storage. Meridian Econo tanks feature double wall construction and our signature powder coated finish for reliable, long lasting fuel storage at an exceptional value.Ask us about our Standard Series Tanks up to 90,000L and our Recycled Oil Tanks!INCREASE YOUR BOTTOM LINE WITHMERIDIAN FUEL TANKSDOUBLE WALL | CAN- ULC-S601-14 APPROVED | POWDER COATED | 2,300-90, | | (800) 661-143670/30, 60/40, 50/50 Split Tank Options Used Oil Tanks Pump Package Options AvailableFind your local dealer at meridianmfg.comNEW ECONO TANKS15,000-35,000L | 3,278-7,710 Imp. Gal.© 2021 Meridian Manufacturing, Inc. Registered Trademarks Used Under License. (11/2021)

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JUNE 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 7 THE OPCA HELD THEIR ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON MARCH 31, 2022. While we were set to hold our event in person, unfortunately at the time of planning earlier in the year the province was still under restrictions for public gatherings, and we were compelled to cancel and hold the event virtually. Despite this, we still had a great turnout and appreciate our member’s participation. This was the second year we held our event virtually and look forward to meeting again in person next year. President Ken Jamieson reported the OPCA is currently working with TSSA to try to streamline the underground stor-age tank inspection process between the fuel oil and liquid fuels requirements es-pecially as the procedures for both are the same. OPCA believes this alignment will improve the inspection process and communication between TSSA and con-tractors knowing the inspector’s expec-tations during an inspection. This will also help contractors with their project timelines and budgets when working with their customer. We will keep our members updated on this progress. Marie-Michelle Modéry and Shelia McFarlane with Environment and Cli-mate Change Canada’s storage tank program were on hand to discuss the stor-age tank requirements for working on Federal Lands. They discussed their pro-grams to assist contractors help their clients better understand the identifica-tion requirements of the Storage Tank Systems for Petroleum Products and Allied Petroleum Products Regulations as well as help determine if their systems are subject to the Regula-tions (visit the OPCA web-site for more information and links to these resourc-es). We also celebrated and acknowledged an industry colleague upon their retire-ment who has provided exceptional service to our association and to our in-dustry - TSSA’s Engineer-ing Specialist Ann-Marie Barker. Ann-Marie has worked actively with the association and our members for over twenty-years, attending meet-ings and participating in OPCA events and working with industry to improve regulation and public safety in Ontario. “Ann-Marie is considered a pillar of our industry and we are sad to see her leave,” says Ken Jamieson, “Ann has been instrumental in the development of the Liquid Fuels Handling Code and proven leader within TSSA’s Liquid Fu-els Risk Reduction Group. Many of us have worked with Ann for over twenty-five years and while we are happy she can enjoy her retirement, we are sad to see her go and will leave a big gap in our industry”. Ann-Marie’s contribution to safety is unparalleled and upon her retirement thanked her for the exceptional service to our association and to our industry. Ann-Marie was also in attendance and said while she looks forward to her re-tirement, she will miss working with the OPCA and the many petroleum contrac-tors she has worked with over the years. Canada Brokerlink insurance special-ist Dave Mason handles OPCA’s insur-ance program and provided an update on the program. OPCA’s program includes Environmental and Contractor Liability, Auto and Fleet insurance as well as per-sonal insurance for OPCA member’s and their employees. HighlightsOPCA Annual General Meeting 2022Ann-Marie Barker

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8 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • JUNE 2022He discussed the current market condi-tions explaining the industry is still in a hard market where insurance companies look at their profitability and are more competitive. Due to the pandemic, the in-surance cycle is slower due to the uncer-tainty and pressures of some pandemic and natural disaster related claims. He also noted the fleet auto options are becoming more limited and some frustrations from companies to add new drivers. OPCA Annual Year inReview videoThe OPCA presented our annual year in review video, with the focus on the global supply chain issues impacting our industry and OPCA’s ongoing initia-tive to bridge the gap within the genera-tor installation and inspection regulation and requirements. While we continue to recover from a global pandemic, industries are still deal-ing with the long-term impacts and how it has disrupted the global movement on the supply of equipment for many businesses. These supply-chain disruptions, with many causes including port congestions, factory shutdowns and limited produc-tion has caused industry-wide supply constraints. In our year in review video, we discussed how these disruptions have impacted our industry. Along with Ken Ja-mieson, we also spoke with Joe Lynch, VP (Ontario) at National Energy Equipment and Krista Chaytor, Partner at Weirfoulds Law. They all discussed the importance of customers understanding the volatility of the current market and prepare them for unexpected price increases, surcharges and pushed out delivery dates. Creating a long-term plan and negotiat-ing with clients upfront based on unfore-seen price increases and delays can help them look further ahead than they nor-mally would while companies do their best to meet their needs throughout the project.Weirfoulds Law partner Krista Chay-tor is a leading lawyer in construction law and delivers seminars and workshops for the industry, was also on hand during the AGM to discuss what contractors should consider during contract negotiations with their clients to provide for delays and cost escalations. She noted force majeure clauses don’t always apply to supply chain issues and to ensure it covers the unavail-Krista ChaytorOPCA Annual General Meeting 2022

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JUNE 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 9 ability of materials due to this. Clients may also agree to extensions and schedule relief provisions which will help the con-tractor if there are material and equipment delays. Some owners will also realize price escalations are also a reality and will work with contractors to provide for these addi-tional material costs. In the video, we also discuss our ongo-ing initiative to address industry gaps for the installation and inspection of diesel generator systems. This initiative by the OPCA began as the demand and scale for backup generator systems has evolved but the availability of training and qualified people to work on these systems has not kept up with demand. The OPCA has also developed the pro-gram to be used nationally where provinc-es can use the curriculum to fill identified gaps in their own industry and regulato-ry requirements. Board of Directors ElectionThe Board for the 2022 membership year were elected. OPCA Director Bill Rathwell also acknowledged Zacary Villeneuve who retired his Director-At-Large position and thanked him for his service to the Board. The Director-At-Large represent the small contractor members, Ken Jamieson noted the importance of this representation on the OPCA Board and encour-aged members to consider vol-unteering. Members who may be interested in this position can also attend a few meetings before committing to a position. Lastly, thank you this year’s AGM sponsors and congratu-lations to our prize draw win-ners! Visit the OPCA website for our list of winners and links to the OPCA Annual Report and Year in Review video. Mark your calendars for 2023 and look forward to seeing you in person next year!OPCA Annual General Meeting 2022Visit the OPCA website to view our 2022 Year in Review videoYour national fueling, EV and car wash solutions provider. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services. Trusted. Experienced. Essential.

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10 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • JUNE 2022UPCOMING OPCA EVENTS:September 13thManufacturer training sessions in conjunction with the Convenience U/CarwacsShowSeptember 23rdOPCA Annual Golf Tournament – Innisbrook Golf Course, BarrieMarch 6-8, 2023OPCA Annual Conference in conjunction with the Convenience U/Carwacs Show (March 7/8)OPCA Annual General Meeting 2022OPCA 2022 BOARD OF DIRECTORSGENERAL MEMBERKen Jamieson,Kenstruct Ltd.EASTERN REGIONBill Rathwell,Triangle Pump Service LimitedWESTERN REGIONMatthew Field,Tanknology Canada Inc.METRO WEST REGIONLou Cerruti,Claybar Contracting Inc.ASSOCIATE DIRECTORDave Ledingham,Petroleum Technical ServicesGENERAL MEMBERRick Lombardi,GreenergyNORTHERN REGIONTerry Ablett,Wagg’s Petroleum Equipment Ltd.PAST PRESIDENTGord Thompson,Comco Canada Inc.CENTRAL REGIONDave Thompson,Comco Canada Inc.ASSOCIATE DIRECTORJohn Richards,Stem | CanMETRO EAST REGIONDwayne MacDonald,BGIS EFS

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JUNE 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 11 “Precision Testing And Inspection Specialists.”Toll Free: 1-866-565-2611www.leaktechsol.caPrecision leak testing company for all your underground leak testing requirements.Leak testing for all your aboveground testing requirements.Very little disruption to your day to day operation.CPCA certified technicians.Competitive rates.Helium Pinpoint leak locating service.3rd party inspection of underground and aboveground storage tank system, installation by a certified technician.Since 1923, Steelcraft has collaborated with consulting engineers, end-users, general contractors, and petroleum contractors to develop cost-effective, reliable, and safe storage solutions for flammable fuels and liquids. We offer a variety of storage solutions across two orientations (horizontal and vertical), four containment styles (single-wall, double-wall vacuum-monitored, double-wall integral contained, static head), and a wide range of capacities from 5000 L to 150,000 L. In addition to our expertise with aboveground storage solutions, we offer integrated design, engineering, and custom metal fabrication solutions for a variety of other product categories, including API-650 tanks, pressure vessels, and more.*Please note that Steelcraft’s ULC-listed aboveground storage tanks are not currently available for sale to Western Canada.For industry-leading aboveground storage solutions, contact us today!Steelcraft - Partner with ExcellenceCheck out our new website! www.steelcraftinc.comor call us at:1-800-265-8840

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12 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • JUNE 2022DO YOU DELIVER PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TO FEDERAL REGULATED STORAGE TANKS?When you deliver products to a storage tank system covered by the Regulations—whether the system is new or has been in use for a long time—you must ensure that the system has a visible Environment and Climate Change Canada identication number BEFORE delivering petroleum product or allied petroleum product to it.For more information on the requirements related to the delivery of products pursuant to the Regulations, consult Tank Tip 10 - If you deliver products and the video “Identication of storage tank systems: Why, when and how to go about it”.If you fail to comply with the requirements of the Regulations, you could be subject to an enforcement measure in accordance with the Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, including but not limited to administrative monetary penalties, and prosecution. Contact the Storage Tank Program:Telephone: 1-844-672-8038 (toll free)Email: Visit our LIVREZ-VOUS DES PRODUITS PÉTROLIERS DANS DES RÉSERVOIRS DE STOCKAGE RÉGLEMENTÉS PAR LE GOUVERNEMENT FÉDÉRAL ? Lorsque vous livrez des produits dans un système visé par le règlement, qu’il s’agisse d’un nouveau système de stockage ou d’un système installé depuis longtemps, vous devez vous assurer que le numéro d’identication d’Environnement et Changement climatique Canada est visible AVANT d’effectuer votre livraison de produit pétrolier ou de produit apparenté.Pour plus d’information sur les exigences du règlement liées à la livraison de produits, consultez la che Sachez stocker 10 - Si vous livrez des produits et le vidéo portant sur l’identication des systèmes.Si vous ne respectez pas les exigences du règlement, vous pourriez faire l’objet d’une mesure d’application de la loi en vertu de la Politique de conformité et d’application de la Loi canadienne sur la protection de l’environnement, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, des sanctions administratives pécuniaires et des poursuites. Contactez le Programme des réservoirs de stockageTéléphone: 1-844-672-8038 (sans frais)Courriel: Site

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JUNE 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 13 No job is too small or too big. Clarkway is the onlyway!Brampton, Ontario Oce11411 Clarkway Drive E.Brampton, Ontario, L6P 0W1Phone: (905) 794-016824-hour Emergency Contact: (416) 677-1375www.ClarkwayConstruction.caDid you know that delivering product to a federal regulated system without a visible Environment and Climate Change Canada identication number constitutes a violation of the Storage Tank Systems for Petroleum Products and Allied Petroleum Products Regulations (SOR/2008-197) (the Regulations), and may be subject to enforcement measures?Saviez-vous que livrer des produits à un système visé qui ne comporte pas de numéro d’identication visible d’Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, constitue une infraction au Règlement sur les systèmes de stockage de produits pétroliers et de produits apparentés (DORS/2008-197) (le règlement) et peut faire l’objet d’une mesure d’application de la loi?

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14 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • JUNE 2022Shell Safety Day was held on May 11, 2022 – recognized across Shell networks across the world. The theme this year “We Are All Con-nected” explored how everyone is connected in the work we do, and how our actions can create a chain of events that can influence the decisions and actions of others, including at the frontline. The POST team attended the session in Markham, Ontario hosted by BGIS. “We appreciate being included in Shell Safey Day, says Michelle Rae, chair of the POST committee. “This year’s topic of the safety mindset was particularly interesting and look forward to implementing these ideas for our POST program”. “Great discussions were sparked across North America with the help of our wonder-ful speakers”, says Anik Westerneng, Sr. Manager Health, Safety & Environment (Shell Mobility) with BGIS. “We certainly hope that Human Performance and Learner Mindset will have gained a deeper meaning collective-ly”. Anik also contributes their key to success to their team members and contractors. “They are the reason we continue to have of the safest and strongest portfolios within BGIS”. At the session in Markham, Mike Papulkas, Sr. Manager for Health, Safety & Environment (Shell Mobility) for BGIS, was presented with a special award from POST recognizing his long standing (fifteen years) service to the POST committee. Michelle Rae presented the award to Mike noting to the attendees Mike’s strong commitment to POST. “All our committee members appreci-ate Mike’s dedication; he is always involved in new initiatives. This small token of our appreciation is well deserved”. NEWS FROM POSTVisit for links to these resources. Follow us on social media, visit the website for links

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JUNE 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 15 September 13-14, 2022Toronto Congress CARWACS.comIncrease ProfitsDrive TrafficInspire LoyaltyLIVE and IN-PERSON

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Disponibles en inventaire jusqu’à 5000litres de capacité, tous nos réser-voirs mobiles en acier sont conçus et fabriqués en conformité avec la normeCAN/CGSB-43. 146 et sont conformesau standard international UN 31 A/Y. Qualité assurée par un système ISO 9001.Réservoirs mobilesCertiés CAN/CGSB-43.146Available in stock up to 5000 litres of capacity, all our mobile steel tanks are designed, built and certified accordingto CAN/CGSB-43.146 and also complywith UN 31 A/Y International Standard.Quality guaranteed by an ISO 9001 system.Mobile tanksCAN/CGSB-43.146 CertiedSince 1865Depuis