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JUNE 2017 PM42940023 Highlights from the CPCA Annual General Meeting the OPCA 2017 Annual Conference Pollution liability insurance options FOR SITE OPERATORS

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IN THIS ISSUE 4 Regional news 6 CPCA Annual General Meeting Highlights 8 Site operators pollution liability insurance options 12 OPCA Annual Conference Highlights CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR An official publication of the CPCA CANADIAN PETROLEUM advertisers CONTRACTOR AGI Ag Growth International 10 An official publication of the CPCA Canada Brokerlink Ontario Ltd 11 Clarkway Construction Ltd 15 Convenience U CARWACS Show Calgary 4 DTE Industries 2010 Limited 7 Meridian Manufacturing Inc 15 National Energy Equipment Inc 2 Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association 3 Pumps Pressure Inc 7 Raymar Equipment Service 11 Steelcraft Inc 13 Velco Mechanical 13 ZCL Composites Inc 16 Advertising Sales and Editorial Offices Ensemble IQ 2300 Yonge Street Suite 1510 Toronto ON M4P 1E4 Telephone 416 256 9908 Toll free 1 877 687 7321 Fax 888 889 9522 Contact Elijah Hoffman Ext 1009 ehoffman ensembleiq com PM42940023 Introducing the industry s premier NBOVGBDUVSFS training and resource tool for installation professionals FFS PRO University is your go to source for NBOVGBDUVSFS installation education best practices and product training It s about being safe It s about TUBZJOH educated It s about getting the job done right sales nee ca ph 1 866 574 5100 www nee ca university ffspro com JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 3

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IN THIS ISSUE 4 Regional news 6 CPCA Annual General Meeting Highlights 8 Site operators pollution liability insurance options 12 OPCA Annual Conference Highlights CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR An official publication of the CPCA CANADIAN PETROLEUM advertisers CONTRACTOR AGI Ag Growth International 10 An official publication of the CPCA Canada Brokerlink Ontario Ltd 11 Clarkway Construction Ltd 15 Convenience U CARWACS Show Calgary 4 DTE Industries 2010 Limited 7 Meridian Manufacturing Inc 15 National Energy Equipment Inc 2 Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association 3 Pumps Pressure Inc 7 Raymar Equipment Service 11 Steelcraft Inc 13 Velco Mechanical 13 ZCL Composites Inc 16 Advertising Sales and Editorial Offices Ensemble IQ 2300 Yonge Street Suite 1510 Toronto ON M4P 1E4 Telephone 416 256 9908 Toll free 1 877 687 7321 Fax 888 889 9522 Contact Elijah Hoffman Ext 1009 ehoffman ensembleiq com PM42940023 Introducing the industry s premier NBOVGBDUVSFS training and resource tool for installation professionals FFS PRO University is your go to source for NBOVGBDUVSFS installation education best practices and product training It s about being safe It s about TUBZJOH educated It s about getting the job done right sales nee ca ph 1 866 574 5100 www nee ca university ffspro com JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 3

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REGIONAL NEWS BCPCA REPORT FOR SPRING 2017 By Rob Bateman The highlight for early 2017 has been the completion of a review by the ITA Industrial Training Authority of BC of program documentation for the certified trades of Petroleum Equipment Installer and Petroleum Service Technician The review was centred on the Program Profile the Program Outline and the Certificate of Qualification exam and was conducted over two workshops of two days and three days respectively and involved eight different experienced and ITA certified subject matter experts from three BCPCA BC Petroleum Contractors Association member companies Two ITA representatives managed the process on both sessions Our intent was to update the Occupational Analysis Chart and then update and improve the exam questions The last session which was to deal with the exams ended on May 5th The new and improved exams will be available in July for those challenging them Apprenticeship hours was another topic under discussion It was determined in the early sessions that the requirement for qualifying apprenticeship hours for each designation installer or service tech would be 4 500 hours instead of 6 000 and 9 000 hours It was established at these meetings and in meetings with the ITA executive committees that the ITA would no longer be responsible for updating or maintaining training material and that BCPCA would create a list and keep on hand the specialized reference material for challengers BCPCA member companies will be encouraged to have this material in their possession in an on site library A list has been established and will be available for review on both the BCPCA and ITA websites Prior to the sessions the BCPCA Board invited CPCA executives Michelle Rae and Marcus Cormier to attend a meeting January 12 2017 with the ITA staff to present the TSSA CPCA Technical Standards and Safety Authority Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association learning material and the program This was done to bring ITA up to date on our working relationship with CPCA regarding our mutual desire to standardize Canadian petroleum industry technical training and certification We also wanted to showcase the updated CPCA material and programs and explore the possibility of incorporating common training manuals We would like to have the CPCA program available to BC technicians who could also after satisfying the ITA stipulated apprenticeship hours challenge the ITA exams to obtain certified trade status This is an ongoing process when it concerns inter provincial labour mobility and we have confirmed that out ofprovince technicians with the requisite hours can challenge both ITA Installer and Service Technician exams to obtain a trade ticket British Columbia still does not have a regulatory body to oversee the installation and maintenance of petroleum based fuel systems ITA has agreed to give us some assistance And while their support on our initiative is very limited they do recognize the need and can convey our concerns in this regard to their contacts within the trade training community CALGARY OCTOBER 3 4 2017 WESTERN CANADA S LARGEST CONVENIENCE GAS WASH INDUSTRY EVENT OF THE YEAR 4 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2017 ConvenienceU ca NEWS FROM OPCA By Ken Jamieson President Conservation Ontario s Drinking Water Source Protection DWSP program Last spring Chitra Gowra and Ryan Post of Conservation Ontario attended an OPCA Board meeting and provided an overview of their initiative for mandatory risk management plans based on the government s Clean Water Act Ryan provided an overview of the program showing how the regions are broken down across Ontario the various threats to water sources key vulnerable areas and the risk management requirements for the handling and storage of fuels Our Board noted there are many facilities that need upgrades some owners cannot afford specifically independent sites Chitra indicated the government is looking at reestablishing their stewardship program We also felt the government needs to step in with respect to abandoned sites We recommended that Conservation Ontario also work with Federal regulators e g NFC committee We expressed our support for their initiative and offered our assistance if needed The Clean Water Act 2006 is part of the multi barrier approach of the Government of Ontario to ensure clean safe and sustainable drinking water for Ontarians It led to the development of science based assessment reports and source protection plans by multi stakeholder source protection committees supported by Source Protection Authorities including the 36 Conservation Authorities of Ontario The local source protection plans contain policies that either recommend or require that actions be taken to address certain activities Implementation of all source protection plans is well underway across the province The handing and storage of fuel is one of the many activities managed in certain protection areas around municipal drinking water wells and intakes You may hear from a local Risk Management Official regarding managing certain activities at your property to support the protection of valuable drinking water sources To learn more visit www OPCAonline org regulation NEWS FROM AEPQ By Jean Pierre Gauthier CEMEQ Business Development Manager As you know over the last few decades the AEPQ Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec has been tirelessly highlighting the workers in its industry Today we are proud let you know that Emploi Qu bec has agreed to make this a regulated profession For several of you this is business as usual but for many this will be quite different Today there are 487 businesses that consider themselves petroleum contractors but in reality there are only about 60 companies These 60 or so companies agree to require their workers to undertake the required training for working in their profession as is the case for most workers across Canada But what is new for the workers in Qu bec is that Emploi Qu bec has agreed to harmonize its requirements with those across Canada Emploi Qu bec has even recognized the training tools as being the only ones that will be recognized At this point we would like to thank the CPCA Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association and the OPCA Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association for their openness of spirit in this area by allowing indispensable exchange and collaboration For this we would also like to thank Ms Michelle Rae for her invaluable collaboration on this issue We are currently translating updating and improving best practices and updating all the standards and regulations from Qu bec and the rest of Canada To do this we have recruited experts in all areas trade experts specialists in writing publishing and standards No effort is being spared to put forth the best tools possible In this effort we have met with Ms Rae to share information for the benefit of all the workers in the industry This collaboration will allow for harmonization thanks to the open spirit of all those involved This collaboration will allow Emploi Qu bec to be able to reach a cross Canada workforce mobility agreement with the same criteria and requirements This achievement is a giant step in interprovincial relations I would like to pay tribute to Ms Beaulieu from the CPIEPQ Joint committee on installation of petroleum equipment in Qu bec for her unwavering support on this initiative The joint committee cannot by law be involved in training However Ms Beaulieu within the framework of her roles and responsibilities has always known how to get things done and contributed to the implementation of this project In closing I wish that at the end of this process we will all be united for the launch of a new era in the petroleum equipment industry in Qu bec while remembering the pioneers that came before us While there will undoubtedly be some pitfalls our dreams and determination for the love of our profession will reaffirm the pride we should all take in our work NOUVELLES DEL AEPQ Comme vous le savez sans doute l A E P Q a d ploy beaucoup d nergie au cours des derni res d cennies pour faire reconna tre les travailleurs de son industrie Aujourd hui nous ne nous sommes peu fiers de vous informer qu Emploi Qu bec a accept d en faire un m tier r glement et par le fait m me reconnu Pour plusieurs cela signifie peu de choses business as usual Mais pour plusieurs ce sera bien diff rent En effet actuellement il y aurait 487 entreprises qui peuvent s improviser entrepreneurs p troliers mais dans la r alit il n y en a qu une soixantaine d entreprises Ces derni res acceptent d obliger ses travailleurs suivre les formations exig es pour l exercice de leur m tier comme la plupart des travailleurs travers le Canada Mais ce qui est nouveau pour les travailleurs du Qu bec c est qu Emploi Qu bec a accept d harmoniser ses exigences celles exig es travers le Canada Emploi Qu bec a m me reconnu les outils de formation comme tant les seuls qui seront reconnus ce chapitre nous nous devons de remercier chaleureusement le CPCA et OPCA pour leur ouverture d esprit dans ce dossier en permettant un change et une collaboration absolument indispensable Dans cette foul e nous tenons galement remercier Mme Michelle Rae pour son inestimable collaboration dans ce dossier Actuellement nous sommes traduire mettre jour bonifier de bonnes pratiques et mettre toutes les normes et r glements tant canadiens que qu b cois jour Pour ce faire nous avons mis sur pied une quipe d experts dans tous les domaines experts du m tier sp cialistes de la r daction de l dition et de la normalisation Aucun effort n est m nag pour mettre de l avant les meilleurs outils possibles Dans cet effort de d veloppement Mme Rae et nous avons convenu de partager nos informations pour le b n fice de tous les travailleurs de l industrie Cette collaboration permettra une harmonisation gr ce l ouverture d esprit de tous les intervenants Cette m me collaboration permettra enfin Emploi Qu bec de pouvoir convenir d une entente de mobilit de la main d uvre travers le Canada avec les m mes crit res les m mes exigences Cet avanc est absolument un pas de g ant dans les relations interprovinciales Je tiens rendre hommage Mme Beaulieu du C P I E P Q Comit Paritaire de l Installation d quipement P trolier du Qu bec pour son appui ind fectible dans ce dossier Le Comit Paritaire ne peut au terme de la loi s impliquer dans la formation Cependant Mme Beaulieu dans le cadre de ses fonctions et obligations a toujours su faire la part des choses et contribuer la r alisation de ce projet En terminant je fais le v u qu au terme de ce d veloppement nous soyons tous r unis pour le lancement d une nouvelle re dans le domaine de l quipement p trolier au Qu bec sans oublier les pionniers de la premi re heure Un r ve une d termination pour l amour de son m tier sera toujours parsem d embuches mais c est ce qui confirme la fiert qu on doit avoir l exercer BOARD OF DIRECTORS CPCA MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS Alberta Petroleum Storage Systems Contractors Association Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec Inc British Columbia Petroleum Contractors Association Manitoba Petroleum Contractors Association Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association Saskatchewan Retail Petroleum Construction Association ALBERTA Marcus Cormier Cantest Solutions Tel 403 912 9129 Ext 12 mcormier cantest net Kim Hansen MI Petro Tel 866 563 7868 khansen mipetro com MANITOBA Chad Kenwood Century Ptetroleum Construction Tel 204 694 2230 centpet mts net ONTARIO Gord Thompson Comco Canada Inc Tel 705 728 0905 gord thompson comcocanada com Ken Jamieson Kenstruct Ltd Tel 855 912 8453 ken kenstruct ca QUEBEC Guy Rochon Service Construction Mobile Lt e Tel 418 688 5751 grochon groupemobile com Louis Rizzetto quipement National nergie Tel 514 489 8281 lrizzetto nee ca SASKATCHEWAN Arlene Wright Capital Petroleum Services Ltd Tel 306 757 3533 arlene_cps sasktel net Mike Seibel National Energy Equipment Inc Tel 306 665 0223 mseibel nee ca BRITISH COLUMBIA Rob Bateman Western Oil Services Tel 604 514 4787 rbateman westernoilservices com Margo Middleton Middleton Petroleum Tel 250 372 7742 midpet shaw ca CPCA OFFICE Michelle Rae Administrator Mailing Address 51 King St Unit 8 Barrie ON L4N 6B5 Toll Free 1 866 360 6722 Tel 705 735 9437 Fax 705 735 9418 info cpcaonline com Web www cpcaonline com OFFICERS Marcus Cormier President Kim Hansen Vice President Louis Rizzetto Secretary Chad Kenwood Treasurer JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 5

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REGIONAL NEWS BCPCA REPORT FOR SPRING 2017 By Rob Bateman The highlight for early 2017 has been the completion of a review by the ITA Industrial Training Authority of BC of program documentation for the certified trades of Petroleum Equipment Installer and Petroleum Service Technician The review was centred on the Program Profile the Program Outline and the Certificate of Qualification exam and was conducted over two workshops of two days and three days respectively and involved eight different experienced and ITA certified subject matter experts from three BCPCA BC Petroleum Contractors Association member companies Two ITA representatives managed the process on both sessions Our intent was to update the Occupational Analysis Chart and then update and improve the exam questions The last session which was to deal with the exams ended on May 5th The new and improved exams will be available in July for those challenging them Apprenticeship hours was another topic under discussion It was determined in the early sessions that the requirement for qualifying apprenticeship hours for each designation installer or service tech would be 4 500 hours instead of 6 000 and 9 000 hours It was established at these meetings and in meetings with the ITA executive committees that the ITA would no longer be responsible for updating or maintaining training material and that BCPCA would create a list and keep on hand the specialized reference material for challengers BCPCA member companies will be encouraged to have this material in their possession in an on site library A list has been established and will be available for review on both the BCPCA and ITA websites Prior to the sessions the BCPCA Board invited CPCA executives Michelle Rae and Marcus Cormier to attend a meeting January 12 2017 with the ITA staff to present the TSSA CPCA Technical Standards and Safety Authority Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association learning material and the program This was done to bring ITA up to date on our working relationship with CPCA regarding our mutual desire to standardize Canadian petroleum industry technical training and certification We also wanted to showcase the updated CPCA material and programs and explore the possibility of incorporating common training manuals We would like to have the CPCA program available to BC technicians who could also after satisfying the ITA stipulated apprenticeship hours challenge the ITA exams to obtain certified trade status This is an ongoing process when it concerns inter provincial labour mobility and we have confirmed that out ofprovince technicians with the requisite hours can challenge both ITA Installer and Service Technician exams to obtain a trade ticket British Columbia still does not have a regulatory body to oversee the installation and maintenance of petroleum based fuel systems ITA has agreed to give us some assistance And while their support on our initiative is very limited they do recognize the need and can convey our concerns in this regard to their contacts within the trade training community CALGARY OCTOBER 3 4 2017 WESTERN CANADA S LARGEST CONVENIENCE GAS WASH INDUSTRY EVENT OF THE YEAR 4 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2017 ConvenienceU ca NEWS FROM OPCA By Ken Jamieson President Conservation Ontario s Drinking Water Source Protection DWSP program Last spring Chitra Gowra and Ryan Post of Conservation Ontario attended an OPCA Board meeting and provided an overview of their initiative for mandatory risk management plans based on the government s Clean Water Act Ryan provided an overview of the program showing how the regions are broken down across Ontario the various threats to water sources key vulnerable areas and the risk management requirements for the handling and storage of fuels Our Board noted there are many facilities that need upgrades some owners cannot afford specifically independent sites Chitra indicated the government is looking at reestablishing their stewardship program We also felt the government needs to step in with respect to abandoned sites We recommended that Conservation Ontario also work with Federal regulators e g NFC committee We expressed our support for their initiative and offered our assistance if needed The Clean Water Act 2006 is part of the multi barrier approach of the Government of Ontario to ensure clean safe and sustainable drinking water for Ontarians It led to the development of science based assessment reports and source protection plans by multi stakeholder source protection committees supported by Source Protection Authorities including the 36 Conservation Authorities of Ontario The local source protection plans contain policies that either recommend or require that actions be taken to address certain activities Implementation of all source protection plans is well underway across the province The handing and storage of fuel is one of the many activities managed in certain protection areas around municipal drinking water wells and intakes You may hear from a local Risk Management Official regarding managing certain activities at your property to support the protection of valuable drinking water sources To learn more visit www OPCAonline org regulation NEWS FROM AEPQ By Jean Pierre Gauthier CEMEQ Business Development Manager As you know over the last few decades the AEPQ Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec has been tirelessly highlighting the workers in its industry Today we are proud let you know that Emploi Qu bec has agreed to make this a regulated profession For several of you this is business as usual but for many this will be quite different Today there are 487 businesses that consider themselves petroleum contractors but in reality there are only about 60 companies These 60 or so companies agree to require their workers to undertake the required training for working in their profession as is the case for most workers across Canada But what is new for the workers in Qu bec is that Emploi Qu bec has agreed to harmonize its requirements with those across Canada Emploi Qu bec has even recognized the training tools as being the only ones that will be recognized At this point we would like to thank the CPCA Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association and the OPCA Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association for their openness of spirit in this area by allowing indispensable exchange and collaboration For this we would also like to thank Ms Michelle Rae for her invaluable collaboration on this issue We are currently translating updating and improving best practices and updating all the standards and regulations from Qu bec and the rest of Canada To do this we have recruited experts in all areas trade experts specialists in writing publishing and standards No effort is being spared to put forth the best tools possible In this effort we have met with Ms Rae to share information for the benefit of all the workers in the industry This collaboration will allow for harmonization thanks to the open spirit of all those involved This collaboration will allow Emploi Qu bec to be able to reach a cross Canada workforce mobility agreement with the same criteria and requirements This achievement is a giant step in interprovincial relations I would like to pay tribute to Ms Beaulieu from the CPIEPQ Joint committee on installation of petroleum equipment in Qu bec for her unwavering support on this initiative The joint committee cannot by law be involved in training However Ms Beaulieu within the framework of her roles and responsibilities has always known how to get things done and contributed to the implementation of this project In closing I wish that at the end of this process we will all be united for the launch of a new era in the petroleum equipment industry in Qu bec while remembering the pioneers that came before us While there will undoubtedly be some pitfalls our dreams and determination for the love of our profession will reaffirm the pride we should all take in our work NOUVELLES DEL AEPQ Comme vous le savez sans doute l A E P Q a d ploy beaucoup d nergie au cours des derni res d cennies pour faire reconna tre les travailleurs de son industrie Aujourd hui nous ne nous sommes peu fiers de vous informer qu Emploi Qu bec a accept d en faire un m tier r glement et par le fait m me reconnu Pour plusieurs cela signifie peu de choses business as usual Mais pour plusieurs ce sera bien diff rent En effet actuellement il y aurait 487 entreprises qui peuvent s improviser entrepreneurs p troliers mais dans la r alit il n y en a qu une soixantaine d entreprises Ces derni res acceptent d obliger ses travailleurs suivre les formations exig es pour l exercice de leur m tier comme la plupart des travailleurs travers le Canada Mais ce qui est nouveau pour les travailleurs du Qu bec c est qu Emploi Qu bec a accept d harmoniser ses exigences celles exig es travers le Canada Emploi Qu bec a m me reconnu les outils de formation comme tant les seuls qui seront reconnus ce chapitre nous nous devons de remercier chaleureusement le CPCA et OPCA pour leur ouverture d esprit dans ce dossier en permettant un change et une collaboration absolument indispensable Dans cette foul e nous tenons galement remercier Mme Michelle Rae pour son inestimable collaboration dans ce dossier Actuellement nous sommes traduire mettre jour bonifier de bonnes pratiques et mettre toutes les normes et r glements tant canadiens que qu b cois jour Pour ce faire nous avons mis sur pied une quipe d experts dans tous les domaines experts du m tier sp cialistes de la r daction de l dition et de la normalisation Aucun effort n est m nag pour mettre de l avant les meilleurs outils possibles Dans cet effort de d veloppement Mme Rae et nous avons convenu de partager nos informations pour le b n fice de tous les travailleurs de l industrie Cette collaboration permettra une harmonisation gr ce l ouverture d esprit de tous les intervenants Cette m me collaboration permettra enfin Emploi Qu bec de pouvoir convenir d une entente de mobilit de la main d uvre travers le Canada avec les m mes crit res les m mes exigences Cet avanc est absolument un pas de g ant dans les relations interprovinciales Je tiens rendre hommage Mme Beaulieu du C P I E P Q Comit Paritaire de l Installation d quipement P trolier du Qu bec pour son appui ind fectible dans ce dossier Le Comit Paritaire ne peut au terme de la loi s impliquer dans la formation Cependant Mme Beaulieu dans le cadre de ses fonctions et obligations a toujours su faire la part des choses et contribuer la r alisation de ce projet En terminant je fais le v u qu au terme de ce d veloppement nous soyons tous r unis pour le lancement d une nouvelle re dans le domaine de l quipement p trolier au Qu bec sans oublier les pionniers de la premi re heure Un r ve une d termination pour l amour de son m tier sera toujours parsem d embuches mais c est ce qui confirme la fiert qu on doit avoir l exercer BOARD OF DIRECTORS CPCA MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS Alberta Petroleum Storage Systems Contractors Association Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec Inc British Columbia Petroleum Contractors Association Manitoba Petroleum Contractors Association Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association Saskatchewan Retail Petroleum Construction Association ALBERTA Marcus Cormier Cantest Solutions Tel 403 912 9129 Ext 12 mcormier cantest net Kim Hansen MI Petro Tel 866 563 7868 khansen mipetro com MANITOBA Chad Kenwood Century Ptetroleum Construction Tel 204 694 2230 centpet mts net ONTARIO Gord Thompson Comco Canada Inc Tel 705 728 0905 gord thompson comcocanada com Ken Jamieson Kenstruct Ltd Tel 855 912 8453 ken kenstruct ca QUEBEC Guy Rochon Service Construction Mobile Lt e Tel 418 688 5751 grochon groupemobile com Louis Rizzetto quipement National nergie Tel 514 489 8281 lrizzetto nee ca SASKATCHEWAN Arlene Wright Capital Petroleum Services Ltd Tel 306 757 3533 arlene_cps sasktel net Mike Seibel National Energy Equipment Inc Tel 306 665 0223 mseibel nee ca BRITISH COLUMBIA Rob Bateman Western Oil Services Tel 604 514 4787 rbateman westernoilservices com Margo Middleton Middleton Petroleum Tel 250 372 7742 midpet shaw ca CPCA OFFICE Michelle Rae Administrator Mailing Address 51 King St Unit 8 Barrie ON L4N 6B5 Toll Free 1 866 360 6722 Tel 705 735 9437 Fax 705 735 9418 info cpcaonline com Web www cpcaonline com OFFICERS Marcus Cormier President Kim Hansen Vice President Louis Rizzetto Secretary Chad Kenwood Treasurer JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 5

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CPCA AGM HIGHLIGHTS Ken Jamieson of the Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association reported OPCA is working on a course for work on generator systems it has been a challenge to develop due to the complexities of the code The Liquid Fuels Handling Code for Ontario has been delayed in being published it is anticipated it will be released this fall noting there is more alignment with the national code in this latest version The OPCA will be working with TSSA Technical Standards Safety Authority to develop a code update workshop for license holders The OPCA hosted a welcome reception for CPCA on the evening of March 6th CPCA delegates also joined OPCA members for dinner and entertainment the evening of March 7th The banquet was well attended with approximately one hundred guests enjoying the festivities of the evening Master magician Jack Poulin was invited to entertain the crowd The CPCA Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association annual general meeting was held on March 6 2017 in Toronto in conjunction with the Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association s annual conference Top right From left CPCA Ontario representatives Gord Thompson Ken Jamieson CPCA Administrator Michelle Rae and CPCA President Marcus Cormier Bottom left Marcus Cormier s address at the OPCA Annual General Meeting In attendance representing their respective provincial associations were CPCA president Marcus Cormier Alberta directors Ken Jamieson Ontario Louis Rizzetto Quebec Margo Middleton British Columbia and CPCA administrator Michelle Rae Thank you to those CPCA Board members that attended especially to those that travelled from other provinces Representatives from Saskatchewan and Manitoba were unfortunately unable to attend The meeting commenced with each provincial association providing an update on their respective organization Marcus Cormier reported the Alberta Petroleum Storage System Contractors Association sees very good participation from their members They are currently working on a best pra ctice for their members with respect to contractor liability Louis Rizzetto of the Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec reported they have made a lot of progress with respect to their Petroleum Mechanic Training and Certification Program They are working closely with the labour mobility group to ensure the CPCA standard is consistent throughout the process Anticipated rollout of the program is early 2018 Margo Middleton of the British Columbia Petroleum Contractors Association reported they are continuing their efforts to build their Association s member base although their focus right now is to continue their work with their provincial industry training authority with respect to their province s Petroleum Equipment Tradesperson Program Marcus Cormier and Michelle Rae recently met with the group to discuss utilizing CPCA resources for the BC program 6 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2017 CPCA Address at the OPCA Annual General Meeting Marcus Cormier CPCA President Marcus thanked the OPCA for hosting the CPCA Annual General Meeting on March 6 As OPCA staff manage the day to day operations of CPCA he thanked Michelle Rae and Donna Riddle for all their work The CPCA s mandate is to promote a standard for Petroleum Mechanic Training and Certification across Canada He noted special recognition should be given to OPCA for their initial development of a training program for the industry in 1994 The program has come a long way over the years Marcus also noted the CPCA promotes labour mobility through the Agreement on Internal Trade signed by all provinces Chapter 7 of the Agreement on Internal Trade states workers officially recognized in once province are recognized in all other provinces without workers being required to undertake any material additional requirements such as education training examination or assessments As discussed at the CPCA annual meeting Marcus and Michelle Rae recently met with the British Columbia Industry Training Authority to discuss potential harmonization of their s and CPCA s program to facilitate certification and work towards reciprocity The Alberta Petroleum Storage System Contractors Association APSSCA is currently collecting case studies with respect to contractor liability Information collected will assist APSSCA in developing best practices for contractors Please contact APSSCA for more information Marcus congratulated the Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec on their achievement in working with the Quebec government to establish the Petroleum Mechanic Trade and Training and Certification Program in Quebec Thank you again to the OPCA for hosting our event we appreciate all the support received from our member associations We look forward to our continued collected efforts in promoting our industry across Canada ISO 9001 2008 Certified Your Partner in Total Containment Solutions Protecting the environment for future generations Aboveground Tanks Underground Tanks Tank Accessories Fire Rated Tanks Double Bottom Tanks Fuel Oil Tanks Double Wall Oval Tanks Custom Fabrication Spill collectors Wall Mounted Free standing Vertical Tanks Horizontal Tanks Bench Tanks Dike Tanks Utility Tanks Sub Base Tanks Static Head Tanks Utility Pumps Rectangular Tanks Threaded Integral Style All tanks are designed fabricated and labeled in accordance to the latest edition of applicable standards UL ULC AWWA API Up to 250 000LT 69 Comstock Road Toronto ON M1L 2G9 Phone 416 757 6278 Fax 416 757 5579 Toll Free 1 800 387 1400 dteindustries com sales dteindustries com Untitled 2 1 2017 02 17 3 29 PM Pressure Washers Hot Cold Complete Air Compressor Systems Wash Bay Equipment Commercial Vehicle Wash Systems Waste Water Recycling Equipment Bulk Fluid Handling Equipment Parts Cleaning Systems CAT Pumps Replacement Parts Design Consulting We install and service everything we sell HEAD OFFICE 7018 Johnstone Drive Red Deer AB T4P 3Y6 TF 1 888 430 9395 P 403 347 9770 F 403 343 7922 Burnaby 604 434 2188 Calgary 403 263 7202 Edmonton 780 430 9359 Grande Prairie 780 539 9939 Leduc 780 980 9294 Lethbridge 403 328 0504 Saskatoon 306 242 6622 Brandon 204 728 9303 www pumpsandpressure com P P_CPCA_June16 indd 1 JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 7 2016 05 26 4 17 PM

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CPCA AGM HIGHLIGHTS Ken Jamieson of the Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association reported OPCA is working on a course for work on generator systems it has been a challenge to develop due to the complexities of the code The Liquid Fuels Handling Code for Ontario has been delayed in being published it is anticipated it will be released this fall noting there is more alignment with the national code in this latest version The OPCA will be working with TSSA Technical Standards Safety Authority to develop a code update workshop for license holders The OPCA hosted a welcome reception for CPCA on the evening of March 6th CPCA delegates also joined OPCA members for dinner and entertainment the evening of March 7th The banquet was well attended with approximately one hundred guests enjoying the festivities of the evening Master magician Jack Poulin was invited to entertain the crowd The CPCA Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association annual general meeting was held on March 6 2017 in Toronto in conjunction with the Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association s annual conference Top right From left CPCA Ontario representatives Gord Thompson Ken Jamieson CPCA Administrator Michelle Rae and CPCA President Marcus Cormier Bottom left Marcus Cormier s address at the OPCA Annual General Meeting In attendance representing their respective provincial associations were CPCA president Marcus Cormier Alberta directors Ken Jamieson Ontario Louis Rizzetto Quebec Margo Middleton British Columbia and CPCA administrator Michelle Rae Thank you to those CPCA Board members that attended especially to those that travelled from other provinces Representatives from Saskatchewan and Manitoba were unfortunately unable to attend The meeting commenced with each provincial association providing an update on their respective organization Marcus Cormier reported the Alberta Petroleum Storage System Contractors Association sees very good participation from their members They are currently working on a best pra ctice for their members with respect to contractor liability Louis Rizzetto of the Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec reported they have made a lot of progress with respect to their Petroleum Mechanic Training and Certification Program They are working closely with the labour mobility group to ensure the CPCA standard is consistent throughout the process Anticipated rollout of the program is early 2018 Margo Middleton of the British Columbia Petroleum Contractors Association reported they are continuing their efforts to build their Association s member base although their focus right now is to continue their work with their provincial industry training authority with respect to their province s Petroleum Equipment Tradesperson Program Marcus Cormier and Michelle Rae recently met with the group to discuss utilizing CPCA resources for the BC program 6 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2017 CPCA Address at the OPCA Annual General Meeting Marcus Cormier CPCA President Marcus thanked the OPCA for hosting the CPCA Annual General Meeting on March 6 As OPCA staff manage the day to day operations of CPCA he thanked Michelle Rae and Donna Riddle for all their work The CPCA s mandate is to promote a standard for Petroleum Mechanic Training and Certification across Canada He noted special recognition should be given to OPCA for their initial development of a training program for the industry in 1994 The program has come a long way over the years Marcus also noted the CPCA promotes labour mobility through the Agreement on Internal Trade signed by all provinces Chapter 7 of the Agreement on Internal Trade states workers officially recognized in once province are recognized in all other provinces without workers being required to undertake any material additional requirements such as education training examination or assessments As discussed at the CPCA annual meeting Marcus and Michelle Rae recently met with the British Columbia Industry Training Authority to discuss potential harmonization of their s and CPCA s program to facilitate certification and work towards reciprocity The Alberta Petroleum Storage System Contractors Association APSSCA is currently collecting case studies with respect to contractor liability Information collected will assist APSSCA in developing best practices for contractors Please contact APSSCA for more information Marcus congratulated the Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec on their achievement in working with the Quebec government to establish the Petroleum Mechanic Trade and Training and Certification Program in Quebec Thank you again to the OPCA for hosting our event we appreciate all the support received from our member associations We look forward to our continued collected efforts in promoting our industry across Canada ISO 9001 2008 Certified Your Partner in Total Containment Solutions Protecting the environment for future generations Aboveground Tanks Underground Tanks Tank Accessories Fire Rated Tanks Double Bottom Tanks Fuel Oil Tanks Double Wall Oval Tanks Custom Fabrication Spill collectors Wall Mounted Free standing Vertical Tanks Horizontal Tanks Bench Tanks Dike Tanks Utility Tanks Sub Base Tanks Static Head Tanks Utility Pumps Rectangular Tanks Threaded Integral Style All tanks are designed fabricated and labeled in accordance to the latest edition of applicable standards UL ULC AWWA API Up to 250 000LT 69 Comstock Road Toronto ON M1L 2G9 Phone 416 757 6278 Fax 416 757 5579 Toll Free 1 800 387 1400 dteindustries com sales dteindustries com Untitled 2 1 2017 02 17 3 29 PM Pressure Washers Hot Cold Complete Air Compressor Systems Wash Bay Equipment Commercial Vehicle Wash Systems Waste Water Recycling Equipment Bulk Fluid Handling Equipment Parts Cleaning Systems CAT Pumps Replacement Parts Design Consulting We install and service everything we sell HEAD OFFICE 7018 Johnstone Drive Red Deer AB T4P 3Y6 TF 1 888 430 9395 P 403 347 9770 F 403 343 7922 Burnaby 604 434 2188 Calgary 403 263 7202 Edmonton 780 430 9359 Grande Prairie 780 539 9939 Leduc 780 980 9294 Lethbridge 403 328 0504 Saskatoon 306 242 6622 Brandon 204 728 9303 www pumpsandpressure com P P_CPCA_June16 indd 1 JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 7 2016 05 26 4 17 PM

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SITE OPERATORS POLLUTION LIABILITY INSURANCE OPTIONS By David J Mason B Comm FCIP CRM Canada Brokerlink SAFETY is simple Retailer service station owners have two types of Pollution Liability policies available to insure retail sites from pollution incidents caused by spills and leaks www POSTtraining ca Storage Tank Liability Storage Tank Pollution polices list specific tanks by construction type age characteristic and protection In the event a storage tank system fails and results in a leak or spill the insured can seek clean up costs including restoration emergency clean up costs and third party liability in the event the pollutant migrates off the property This type of policy usually extends to pollution conditions caused by unloading and loading of product JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 9

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SITE OPERATORS POLLUTION LIABILITY INSURANCE OPTIONS By David J Mason B Comm FCIP CRM Canada Brokerlink SAFETY is simple Retailer service station owners have two types of Pollution Liability policies available to insure retail sites from pollution incidents caused by spills and leaks www POSTtraining ca Storage Tank Liability Storage Tank Pollution polices list specific tanks by construction type age characteristic and protection In the event a storage tank system fails and results in a leak or spill the insured can seek clean up costs including restoration emergency clean up costs and third party liability in the event the pollutant migrates off the property This type of policy usually extends to pollution conditions caused by unloading and loading of product JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 9

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The cost per this policy is generally 1 500 per tank subject to underwriting criteria Premise Pollution Liability Premise pollution policies provide coverage for pollution conditions that occur from storage tank systems other onsite operations and pollutants that have migrated onto the premise from adjacent properties An example of an on site claim is a leak or spill that occurs in the garage area of a service station Coverage would be afforded As in any insurance policy the coverage is triggered by the discovery and reporting of an incident The cost of a premise policy generally starts around 7 500 The underwriting requirements include any available environmental site assessments So depending on the history the insurer might request a phase 1 or phase 2 ESA Environmental Site Assessment The key to triggering the coverage is that an incident must have occurred and be reported by the insured during the policy period As stated in the statutory conditions of all insurance policies the onus on the site operator to prove their loss Note that the policy does not cover pre existing conditions It only covers releases originating from the storage tank system during the policy term FUEL YOUR Contractor s involvement with insurance pollution claims As a contractor servicing retail sites it s important to know the basics of the claims settlement process involving pollution incidents First and most importantly the policy is triggered by the reporting of a pollution condition as the result of the discovery of a spill or leak Often you can face situations were contamination exists but a claim has never been submitted to the insurance company Two common situations where impacted sites are discovered without a specific date of leak or spills occur in the due diligence of a property sale or the actual removal of tanks ENGINES FEATURES Single or multiple compartments Long lasting durable industrial grade paint exterior High flow ground level fill and spill preventer Accessory mounting system Ladders stairs catwalks Reliable high output pump optional discharge piping Additional accessories available 800 665 2099 lcs westeel com westeel com 10 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2017 In the case of a tank removal impacted soil conditions are often discovered Depending on the extent of the plumes the insured would look to the Storage Tank Pollution Policy for indemnification The same situation occurs during the due diligence of a property sale The purchaser could discover pollution conditions from new ESA reports that were never previously completely Again the owner will look to the pollution policy for indemnification In both of the cases the onus on the insured is to prove his loss The insured has to prove that an incident occurred during the policy period Once the insurer has been placed on notice a non prejudice letter goes to the site operator which basically acknowledges the reporting of the claim and the advisement that a complete investigation will occur to determine if the policy will respond The insurer starts the investigation into the contamination to determine the source and age of the pollutants Precision leak tests inventory records and alarm reports are reviewed in an effort to determine the time and origin of the incident Once the information is gathered and reviewed the insurer provides a position letter in regards to the policy s response On a storage tank policy if the incident cannot be pin pointed to a time that the policy was in place the insurer will deny and turn it back to the insured to prove when the spill occurred Often the site operator will turn to a petroleum contractor to provide any evidence that will substantiate a pollution condition that happened during the policy period Your customer will often request service records At this point the owner might ask you to do further work at the site or ask for your opinion to help prove his claim It s important to realize that this additional work is performed at the expense of the site owner until it s determined that coverage is in place It s important to know who you re working for the site owner or the insurer It is recommended that any documentation provided to a client regarding an opinion of equipment or site condition should include a disclaimer In general a disclaimer should communicate the following points a It s important to declare the type of services you provide or your duty as a contractor b The disclaimer should include a hold harmless clause c The disclaimer should suggest that an appropriate environmental study be completed by an Environmental Professional d Precision leak test should be recommended The client should sign and date your documentation When providing a written opinion of equipment and or site conditions it s important that the opinion is related to specific work prescribed or preformed Stand alone opinion letters are more likely to be interpreted as professional opinions as opposed to being part of your work In the event you are brought into an incident by way of a statement of claim the opinions can be interpreted as professional services which in general is an exclusion under majority of liability policies In summary it seems in this day and age a quality paper trail is as important as the workmanship itself It is recommended that your documented opinions with clients include a disclaimer and relate to specific work you perform as a petroleum contractor JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 11

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The cost per this policy is generally 1 500 per tank subject to underwriting criteria Premise Pollution Liability Premise pollution policies provide coverage for pollution conditions that occur from storage tank systems other onsite operations and pollutants that have migrated onto the premise from adjacent properties An example of an on site claim is a leak or spill that occurs in the garage area of a service station Coverage would be afforded As in any insurance policy the coverage is triggered by the discovery and reporting of an incident The cost of a premise policy generally starts around 7 500 The underwriting requirements include any available environmental site assessments So depending on the history the insurer might request a phase 1 or phase 2 ESA Environmental Site Assessment The key to triggering the coverage is that an incident must have occurred and be reported by the insured during the policy period As stated in the statutory conditions of all insurance policies the onus on the site operator to prove their loss Note that the policy does not cover pre existing conditions It only covers releases originating from the storage tank system during the policy term FUEL YOUR Contractor s involvement with insurance pollution claims As a contractor servicing retail sites it s important to know the basics of the claims settlement process involving pollution incidents First and most importantly the policy is triggered by the reporting of a pollution condition as the result of the discovery of a spill or leak Often you can face situations were contamination exists but a claim has never been submitted to the insurance company Two common situations where impacted sites are discovered without a specific date of leak or spills occur in the due diligence of a property sale or the actual removal of tanks ENGINES FEATURES Single or multiple compartments Long lasting durable industrial grade paint exterior High flow ground level fill and spill preventer Accessory mounting system Ladders stairs catwalks Reliable high output pump optional discharge piping Additional accessories available 800 665 2099 lcs westeel com westeel com 10 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2017 In the case of a tank removal impacted soil conditions are often discovered Depending on the extent of the plumes the insured would look to the Storage Tank Pollution Policy for indemnification The same situation occurs during the due diligence of a property sale The purchaser could discover pollution conditions from new ESA reports that were never previously completely Again the owner will look to the pollution policy for indemnification In both of the cases the onus on the insured is to prove his loss The insured has to prove that an incident occurred during the policy period Once the insurer has been placed on notice a non prejudice letter goes to the site operator which basically acknowledges the reporting of the claim and the advisement that a complete investigation will occur to determine if the policy will respond The insurer starts the investigation into the contamination to determine the source and age of the pollutants Precision leak tests inventory records and alarm reports are reviewed in an effort to determine the time and origin of the incident Once the information is gathered and reviewed the insurer provides a position letter in regards to the policy s response On a storage tank policy if the incident cannot be pin pointed to a time that the policy was in place the insurer will deny and turn it back to the insured to prove when the spill occurred Often the site operator will turn to a petroleum contractor to provide any evidence that will substantiate a pollution condition that happened during the policy period Your customer will often request service records At this point the owner might ask you to do further work at the site or ask for your opinion to help prove his claim It s important to realize that this additional work is performed at the expense of the site owner until it s determined that coverage is in place It s important to know who you re working for the site owner or the insurer It is recommended that any documentation provided to a client regarding an opinion of equipment or site condition should include a disclaimer In general a disclaimer should communicate the following points a It s important to declare the type of services you provide or your duty as a contractor b The disclaimer should include a hold harmless clause c The disclaimer should suggest that an appropriate environmental study be completed by an Environmental Professional d Precision leak test should be recommended The client should sign and date your documentation When providing a written opinion of equipment and or site conditions it s important that the opinion is related to specific work prescribed or preformed Stand alone opinion letters are more likely to be interpreted as professional opinions as opposed to being part of your work In the event you are brought into an incident by way of a statement of claim the opinions can be interpreted as professional services which in general is an exclusion under majority of liability policies In summary it seems in this day and age a quality paper trail is as important as the workmanship itself It is recommended that your documented opinions with clients include a disclaimer and relate to specific work you perform as a petroleum contractor JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 11

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OPCA 2017 ANNUAL CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS By Michelle Rae OPCA Executive Director Each year the OPCA holds their annual conference in conjunction with The Convenience U CARWACS Show in Toronto This year our conference was held at the International Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre on March 6 8 OPCA members gather at our event every year to attend educ ation sessions roundtable discussions as well as enjoy a few social gatherings after a day of meetings and sessions We are also fortunate to coincide our event with EnsembleIQ s The Convenience U CARWACS Show held this year at the Toronto Congress Centre March 7 8 Ensemble IQ has supported the OPCA and provided convenience to our members who look forward to attending every year The OPCA was also host to the Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association CPCA Annual General Meeting on March 6 2017 In attendance representing the group were CPCA president Marcus Cormier directors Ken Jamieson Ontario Louis Rizzetto Quebec Margo Middleton British Columbia and CPCA administrator Michelle Rae For highlights of this meeting and the latest news from CPCA visit www CPCAonline com Day 1 Manufacturer Training Each year the OPCA invites companies to provide industry related training for our members Several company represen12 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2017 tatives travelled from the United States to provide these sessions Sessions are provided at no charge to OPCA members and their employees Also we extend the invitation again to TSSA Technical Standards Safety Authority staff to attend the training sessions and we were happy to see several TSSA staff in attendance Thank you to the following companies who provided training sessions this year APT FE Petro hosted by Franklin Fueling Products Petrovend Flexworks Provided by OPW Dualoy Red Jacket hosted by Red Leonard Associates Steelcraft_1011_Waterloo Layout 1 Veeder Root hosted by Gilbarco CSI hosted by Containment Solutions Icon hosted by Icon Containment Solutions Cathodic Protection Recertification thanks to Elson Fernandes of Elfent Ltd for running the Cathodic Protection recertification sessions at the conference DAY 2 POST Safety Forum 2017 The OPCA hosted a POST Safety Forum March 7 2017 Thank you to the organizing committee Scott Eadie from SAS Petroleum Technologies Mike Lamont and Russ Porter from National Energy Equipment who assisted the OPCA in hosting an informative and interactive session Special thanks to Scott Eadie who did a fantastic job as our master of ceremonies for the event Thanks to everyone for their great presentations All presentations are available to view online via the POST website at www POSTtraining ca These presentations are a great way to open the dialogue on safety issues with staff by using them at your own meetings or by simply sharing the links to communicate these safety tips Using a real time survey we conducted with our audience on safety intervention our presentations discuss various issues such as distracted driving safety culture The OPCA invited safety expert Kevin Burns who spoke on the way people engage with each other in the workplace Kevin presented his M4 Method of people centered management for safety in the workplace laying out the practical how to steps that frontline supervisors and safety people can master This promotes a relationship based culture focused on mentoring coaching and inspiring teams It s an approach that ultimately improves employee productivity and allows everyone to achieve their personal goals and the goals of their company Engaged employees take pride in their work Engaged workplaces care about quality Engaged organizations are highly productive And engaged employees take workplace safety personally Simply put improve your people at all levels value them increase their engagement levels and you improve the things they do quality production and safety If you are interested in hiring Kevin for your own event please visit his website at www kevburns com Kevin has also published several books on safety that can be used as tools in enhancing safety within your company In his latest book PeopleWork The Human Touch in Workplace Safety Kevin Burns presents a ground breaking method for safety staff supervisors managers executives and crews to maximize safety results by focusing on people New POST mobile app The new POST Petroleum Oriented Safety Training mobile app is now available through both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store OPCA has retained LVM Tech to help us develop this app LVM is a leader in mobile forms technology and caters to many leading businesses including Shell HP AT T and Toshiba The intent of the app is to be an extension of the POST main website www posttraining ca We want to keep up the dialogue and communication and bringing our users back to the site In addition there is also a mobile form feature for all the POST documents Workers can fill out all POST documents right on their mobile device which are then saved to their own servers The apps landing page will display icons of the available options for users including access to safety bulletins Users will also receive notifications for any updates from POST which ensures they are always on top of the latest industry 10 25 11 6 15 AM Storage Containment Solutions Since 1923 Looking for a superior storage containment solution STEELCRAFT Inc offers a full line of standard and custom liquid containment tanks and systems as well as pressure vessels including single and double walled tanks underground storage process vessels and field erected tanks Field proven after thousands of installations our products meet stringent code specifications and are the choice of engineers contractors and architects With our leading edge engineering custom manufacturing facilities and in house finishing capability you can trust us to deliver a quality product on time every time For lasting trouble free storage containment STEELCRAFT Inc Visit our website or contact us Waterloo ON 1 800 265 8840 Moncton NB 1 888 258 8166 Edmonton AB 1 888 661 8265 Innisfail AB 1 800 661 2851 www steelcraftinc com PLANES TRAINS BUSES 905 738 9662 JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 13 Page 1

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OPCA 2017 ANNUAL CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS By Michelle Rae OPCA Executive Director Each year the OPCA holds their annual conference in conjunction with The Convenience U CARWACS Show in Toronto This year our conference was held at the International Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre on March 6 8 OPCA members gather at our event every year to attend educ ation sessions roundtable discussions as well as enjoy a few social gatherings after a day of meetings and sessions We are also fortunate to coincide our event with EnsembleIQ s The Convenience U CARWACS Show held this year at the Toronto Congress Centre March 7 8 Ensemble IQ has supported the OPCA and provided convenience to our members who look forward to attending every year The OPCA was also host to the Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association CPCA Annual General Meeting on March 6 2017 In attendance representing the group were CPCA president Marcus Cormier directors Ken Jamieson Ontario Louis Rizzetto Quebec Margo Middleton British Columbia and CPCA administrator Michelle Rae For highlights of this meeting and the latest news from CPCA visit www CPCAonline com Day 1 Manufacturer Training Each year the OPCA invites companies to provide industry related training for our members Several company represen12 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2017 tatives travelled from the United States to provide these sessions Sessions are provided at no charge to OPCA members and their employees Also we extend the invitation again to TSSA Technical Standards Safety Authority staff to attend the training sessions and we were happy to see several TSSA staff in attendance Thank you to the following companies who provided training sessions this year APT FE Petro hosted by Franklin Fueling Products Petrovend Flexworks Provided by OPW Dualoy Red Jacket hosted by Red Leonard Associates Steelcraft_1011_Waterloo Layout 1 Veeder Root hosted by Gilbarco CSI hosted by Containment Solutions Icon hosted by Icon Containment Solutions Cathodic Protection Recertification thanks to Elson Fernandes of Elfent Ltd for running the Cathodic Protection recertification sessions at the conference DAY 2 POST Safety Forum 2017 The OPCA hosted a POST Safety Forum March 7 2017 Thank you to the organizing committee Scott Eadie from SAS Petroleum Technologies Mike Lamont and Russ Porter from National Energy Equipment who assisted the OPCA in hosting an informative and interactive session Special thanks to Scott Eadie who did a fantastic job as our master of ceremonies for the event Thanks to everyone for their great presentations All presentations are available to view online via the POST website at www POSTtraining ca These presentations are a great way to open the dialogue on safety issues with staff by using them at your own meetings or by simply sharing the links to communicate these safety tips Using a real time survey we conducted with our audience on safety intervention our presentations discuss various issues such as distracted driving safety culture The OPCA invited safety expert Kevin Burns who spoke on the way people engage with each other in the workplace Kevin presented his M4 Method of people centered management for safety in the workplace laying out the practical how to steps that frontline supervisors and safety people can master This promotes a relationship based culture focused on mentoring coaching and inspiring teams It s an approach that ultimately improves employee productivity and allows everyone to achieve their personal goals and the goals of their company Engaged employees take pride in their work Engaged workplaces care about quality Engaged organizations are highly productive And engaged employees take workplace safety personally Simply put improve your people at all levels value them increase their engagement levels and you improve the things they do quality production and safety If you are interested in hiring Kevin for your own event please visit his website at www kevburns com Kevin has also published several books on safety that can be used as tools in enhancing safety within your company In his latest book PeopleWork The Human Touch in Workplace Safety Kevin Burns presents a ground breaking method for safety staff supervisors managers executives and crews to maximize safety results by focusing on people New POST mobile app The new POST Petroleum Oriented Safety Training mobile app is now available through both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store OPCA has retained LVM Tech to help us develop this app LVM is a leader in mobile forms technology and caters to many leading businesses including Shell HP AT T and Toshiba The intent of the app is to be an extension of the POST main website www posttraining ca We want to keep up the dialogue and communication and bringing our users back to the site In addition there is also a mobile form feature for all the POST documents Workers can fill out all POST documents right on their mobile device which are then saved to their own servers The apps landing page will display icons of the available options for users including access to safety bulletins Users will also receive notifications for any updates from POST which ensures they are always on top of the latest industry 10 25 11 6 15 AM Storage Containment Solutions Since 1923 Looking for a superior storage containment solution STEELCRAFT Inc offers a full line of standard and custom liquid containment tanks and systems as well as pressure vessels including single and double walled tanks underground storage process vessels and field erected tanks Field proven after thousands of installations our products meet stringent code specifications and are the choice of engineers contractors and architects With our leading edge engineering custom manufacturing facilities and in house finishing capability you can trust us to deliver a quality product on time every time For lasting trouble free storage containment STEELCRAFT Inc Visit our website or contact us Waterloo ON 1 800 265 8840 Moncton NB 1 888 258 8166 Edmonton AB 1 888 661 8265 Innisfail AB 1 800 661 2851 www steelcraftinc com PLANES TRAINS BUSES 905 738 9662 JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 13 Page 1

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OPCA BOARD ELECTION THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORS WERE ELECTED FOR A TWO YEAR TERM IN 2017 Associate Elson Fernandes Elfent Ltd Metro Region Lou Cerruti Claybar Contracting Eastern Region Bill Rathwell Triangle Pump Service Western Region Owen Wilfong GR Wilfong Son General Member Ken Jamieson Kenstruct Ltd Director at Large Carmen Villeneuve Alf s Pump Maintenance Day 3 OPCA Annual General Meeting OPCA President Ken Jamieson welcomed members from all over Ontario as well as those who has travelled from other provinces OPCA was also host to the CPCA Annual General Meeting on March 6 and welcomed CPCA representatives who attended the conference including CPCA president Marcus Cormier from APSSCA Alberta Petroleum Storage Systems Contractors Association Margo Middleton from BCPCA British Columbia Petroleum Contractors Association and Louis Rizzetto from AEPQ Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec Special guests and speakers included Ann Marie Barker Zenon Fraczkowski from TSSA Sarah Jeffery Hampton from the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services Lorna Catrambone from Threads of Life and Michael Kaloussian from LVM Technologies GUEST SPEAKERS David Mason of Canada Brokerlink and manager of OPCA s insurance program provided a recap of the insurance industry over the past year including an update on OPCA s insurance program Dave also discussed recommendations for pollution insurance for retailers as well as petroleum contractor involvement with respect to these policies and claims For more information read Dave s article on page 8 In attendance with Dave was Tracey Montgomery administrator for the OPCA program and Megan Durocher administrator for OPCA s new program for personal insurance Megan provided a presentation on OPCA s new personal insurance program for members and their employees ZENON FRACZKOWSKI ANN MARIE BARKER TSSA Zenon Fraczkowski provided an overview of TSSA s corporate structure Ann Marie Barker provided an overview of the Liquid Fuels Handling Code updates LORNA CATRAMBONE THREADS OF LIFE Lorna provided an overview of Threads of Life s mandate and various initiatives The Association for Workplace 14 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2017 Tragedy Family Support known as Threads of Life is a Canadian registered charity dedicated to supporting families after a workplace fatality life altering injury or occupational disease She encouraged members to get involved with Threads of Life either by corporate sponsorship or participating in their campaigns including their annual Steps for Life She also thanked the OPCA for their continued financial support through proceeds from their annual golf tournament For more information on Threads of Life visit their website at threadsoflife ca DIRECTOR CURRENTLY SERVING TWO YEAR TERM UP FOR RE ELECTION IN 2018 Associate Phil Hughes Southwest Energy Control Systems of Canada Metro Region Lance Mullett SAS Petroleum Technologies Northern Region Terry Ablett Wagg s Petroleum Systems Central Region David Thompson Comco Canada General Member Henry Gruyters Tervita OTHER NO TERM Past President Gord Thompson Comco Canada Ken also thanked all the companies that sponsored the conference with either a monetary or prize donation 100 of funds donated are used to purchase prizes for the draw The OPCA greatly appreciates the generosity of sponsors of which some went above and beyond providing great prizes for our draws including Toronto Maple Leaf tickets Apple ipads a big screen TV and much more Roundtable The roundtable provides a forum for members to share experiences issues and challenges faced in their businesses The forum assists the OPCA in determining what issues face members and what needs to be addressed by the association on behalf of the members Various topics are given to generate conversation with some specific questions geared towards improving the quality and value of services provided by the OPCA Presentation to Gord Thompson On behalf of the OPCA Board and Members Gord was presented with a gift for serving as president of the OPCA for almost twenty years since the Association was established in 1994 Ken Jamieson and Gord have been the only members to serve as president with Ken serving from 2005 to 2010 and from 2016 to the present The OPCA greatly appreciates Gord s service and commitment to the Association and for his service as past president OPCA The Convenience U CARWACS Show Attendees also had the chance to attend The Convenience U CAR WACS Show March 7 8 The show is organized by EnsembleIQ and hosted at the Toronto Congress Centre where attendees showcase the latest in petroleum technology and equipment The OPCA also hosted an information session for service station owners on March 8th OPCA member and consultant Dave Ledingham of Petroleum Technical Services provided the session as part of The Convenience U CARWACS Show educational sessions The session focused on safety and emergency procedures the characteristics of gasoline and diesel and how to handle leaks and spills Thanks to Convenience U CARWACS for inviting the OPCA to provide this session Lastly thanks to EnsembleIQ and the staff of The Convenience U CARWACS Show for their continued support of the OPCA and their members by providing a booth to OPCA to help promote the Association at the show and for the show passes for OPCA members meridianmfg com Innovation and Performance in Fuel Storage and Handling Meridian Fuel Tanks Custom built to meet your specific needs Built to ULC 601 7 Standards Single and Double Wall Tanks Vacuum Monitored DW Tanks Sizes 2300L 80 000L Tanks Proud Member of OPCA 50 000L Triple Split DW Tank Tanks Proudly Built in Ontario New Fuel Express Trailer FX430 Transport Canada Approved Capacity 1 968L Pump 12V 25GPM or Gas Engine 40GPM Hose Reel 20 x1 Hose Auto Nozzle DEF System 208L Tank 12V Pump Contact fueltanks meridianmfg com fueltrailers meridianmfg com 1 519 620 6004 or 1 855 346 3712 Watch our videos online at meridian com videos 2017 Meridian Manufacturing Inc Registered Trademarks used under License 05 2017 OPCA Board and Staff Front Row Ken Jamison Carmen Villeneuve Terry Ablett Gord Thompson David Thompson Back row Owen Wilfong Bill Rathwell Lance Mullett Henry Gruyters Michelle Rae safety news You will also be able to utilize the contractor search function on the app If you haven t already please visit the POST site and add your company to our contractor database The database can be searched by region as well as by over 70 categories based on the services your company provides The OPCA is grateful to all that attended the safety forum from our contractor community as well as oil company representatives such as Shell Husky and Suncor That evening attendees gathered for dinner with entertainment provided by Quebec City master magician Jack Poulin Rather than performing on stage Jack worked the room performing a different magic trick up close for each table Afterwards attendees made their way to the hospitality rooms hosted by Waleco National Energy Equipment and KMD JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 15

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OPCA BOARD ELECTION THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORS WERE ELECTED FOR A TWO YEAR TERM IN 2017 Associate Elson Fernandes Elfent Ltd Metro Region Lou Cerruti Claybar Contracting Eastern Region Bill Rathwell Triangle Pump Service Western Region Owen Wilfong GR Wilfong Son General Member Ken Jamieson Kenstruct Ltd Director at Large Carmen Villeneuve Alf s Pump Maintenance Day 3 OPCA Annual General Meeting OPCA President Ken Jamieson welcomed members from all over Ontario as well as those who has travelled from other provinces OPCA was also host to the CPCA Annual General Meeting on March 6 and welcomed CPCA representatives who attended the conference including CPCA president Marcus Cormier from APSSCA Alberta Petroleum Storage Systems Contractors Association Margo Middleton from BCPCA British Columbia Petroleum Contractors Association and Louis Rizzetto from AEPQ Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec Special guests and speakers included Ann Marie Barker Zenon Fraczkowski from TSSA Sarah Jeffery Hampton from the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services Lorna Catrambone from Threads of Life and Michael Kaloussian from LVM Technologies GUEST SPEAKERS David Mason of Canada Brokerlink and manager of OPCA s insurance program provided a recap of the insurance industry over the past year including an update on OPCA s insurance program Dave also discussed recommendations for pollution insurance for retailers as well as petroleum contractor involvement with respect to these policies and claims For more information read Dave s article on page 8 In attendance with Dave was Tracey Montgomery administrator for the OPCA program and Megan Durocher administrator for OPCA s new program for personal insurance Megan provided a presentation on OPCA s new personal insurance program for members and their employees ZENON FRACZKOWSKI ANN MARIE BARKER TSSA Zenon Fraczkowski provided an overview of TSSA s corporate structure Ann Marie Barker provided an overview of the Liquid Fuels Handling Code updates LORNA CATRAMBONE THREADS OF LIFE Lorna provided an overview of Threads of Life s mandate and various initiatives The Association for Workplace 14 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR JUNE 2017 Tragedy Family Support known as Threads of Life is a Canadian registered charity dedicated to supporting families after a workplace fatality life altering injury or occupational disease She encouraged members to get involved with Threads of Life either by corporate sponsorship or participating in their campaigns including their annual Steps for Life She also thanked the OPCA for their continued financial support through proceeds from their annual golf tournament For more information on Threads of Life visit their website at threadsoflife ca DIRECTOR CURRENTLY SERVING TWO YEAR TERM UP FOR RE ELECTION IN 2018 Associate Phil Hughes Southwest Energy Control Systems of Canada Metro Region Lance Mullett SAS Petroleum Technologies Northern Region Terry Ablett Wagg s Petroleum Systems Central Region David Thompson Comco Canada General Member Henry Gruyters Tervita OTHER NO TERM Past President Gord Thompson Comco Canada Ken also thanked all the companies that sponsored the conference with either a monetary or prize donation 100 of funds donated are used to purchase prizes for the draw The OPCA greatly appreciates the generosity of sponsors of which some went above and beyond providing great prizes for our draws including Toronto Maple Leaf tickets Apple ipads a big screen TV and much more Roundtable The roundtable provides a forum for members to share experiences issues and challenges faced in their businesses The forum assists the OPCA in determining what issues face members and what needs to be addressed by the association on behalf of the members Various topics are given to generate conversation with some specific questions geared towards improving the quality and value of services provided by the OPCA Presentation to Gord Thompson On behalf of the OPCA Board and Members Gord was presented with a gift for serving as president of the OPCA for almost twenty years since the Association was established in 1994 Ken Jamieson and Gord have been the only members to serve as president with Ken serving from 2005 to 2010 and from 2016 to the present The OPCA greatly appreciates Gord s service and commitment to the Association and for his service as past president OPCA The Convenience U CARWACS Show Attendees also had the chance to attend The Convenience U CAR WACS Show March 7 8 The show is organized by EnsembleIQ and hosted at the Toronto Congress Centre where attendees showcase the latest in petroleum technology and equipment The OPCA also hosted an information session for service station owners on March 8th OPCA member and consultant Dave Ledingham of Petroleum Technical Services provided the session as part of The Convenience U CARWACS Show educational sessions The session focused on safety and emergency procedures the characteristics of gasoline and diesel and how to handle leaks and spills Thanks to Convenience U CARWACS for inviting the OPCA to provide this session Lastly thanks to EnsembleIQ and the staff of The Convenience U CARWACS Show for their continued support of the OPCA and their members by providing a booth to OPCA to help promote the Association at the show and for the show passes for OPCA members meridianmfg com Innovation and Performance in Fuel Storage and Handling Meridian Fuel Tanks Custom built to meet your specific needs Built to ULC 601 7 Standards Single and Double Wall Tanks Vacuum Monitored DW Tanks Sizes 2300L 80 000L Tanks Proud Member of OPCA 50 000L Triple Split DW Tank Tanks Proudly Built in Ontario New Fuel Express Trailer FX430 Transport Canada Approved Capacity 1 968L Pump 12V 25GPM or Gas Engine 40GPM Hose Reel 20 x1 Hose Auto Nozzle DEF System 208L Tank 12V Pump Contact fueltanks meridianmfg com fueltrailers meridianmfg com 1 519 620 6004 or 1 855 346 3712 Watch our videos online at meridian com videos 2017 Meridian Manufacturing Inc Registered Trademarks used under License 05 2017 OPCA Board and Staff Front Row Ken Jamison Carmen Villeneuve Terry Ablett Gord Thompson David Thompson Back row Owen Wilfong Bill Rathwell Lance Mullett Henry Gruyters Michelle Rae safety news You will also be able to utilize the contractor search function on the app If you haven t already please visit the POST site and add your company to our contractor database The database can be searched by region as well as by over 70 categories based on the services your company provides The OPCA is grateful to all that attended the safety forum from our contractor community as well as oil company representatives such as Shell Husky and Suncor That evening attendees gathered for dinner with entertainment provided by Quebec City master magician Jack Poulin Rather than performing on stage Jack worked the room performing a different magic trick up close for each table Afterwards attendees made their way to the hospitality rooms hosted by Waleco National Energy Equipment and KMD JUNE 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 15

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