PM42940023DECEMBER 2022Planned Job ObservationsAdvancing Standardization for the Oil and Gas Industry .........7Pollution coverage gaps you may not know about ..............13An Important Tool for Working Safely
Happy HolidaysThank you for your continued support. We truly appreciate your business. Wishing you a very safe, peaceful and happy holiday season. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year.TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND INDUSTRY PARTNERS:NEE CPCA - December 2022_Resized.indd 1NEE CPCA - December 2022_Resized.indd 1 11/29/2022 8:11:51 PM11/29/2022 8:11:51 PM
DECEMBER 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 3 CPCACPCACPCACPCACPCACPCACPCACPCACPCACPCACONTRACTORCANADIAN PETROLEUMAn official publication of the CPCACONTRACTORCANADIAN PETROLEUMAn official publication of the CPCA 4 Planned Job Observations An Important Tool for Working Safely 7 Advancing Standardization for theOilandGas Industry 12 Pollution coverage gaps youmaynotknow about 14 POST SAFETY BULLETIN Fall Into Carwash Pit advertisersBGIS........................................................................... 8Canada Brokerlink Inc. ............................................ 11Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association ........ 13Capital Petroleum Service Ltd ................................. 12Century Petroleum Construction ............................... 8Clarkway Construction Ltd ...................................... 10Convenience U CARWACS Show ........................... 15Industries Desjardins .............................................. 16Leak Technologies Solutions Ltd ............................. 11Meridian Manufacturing, Inc .................................... 6National Energy Equipment Inc................................. 2Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association ............. 3Steelcraft Inc. .......................................................... 13The Tank Shop .......................................................... 10Advertising Sales and Editorial Ofces: Ensemble IQ, 20 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 1800, Toronto, ON M4R 1K8Telephone: 416.256.9908 Toll-free: 1.877.687.7321 Fax: 888.889.9522Contact: Elijah Hoffman Ext:1009 : ehoffman@ensembleiq.comPM42940023in this issueHappy HolidaysThank you for your continued support. We truly appreciate your business. Wishing you a very safe, peaceful and happy holiday season. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year.TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND INDUSTRY PARTNERS:NEE CPCA - December 2022_Resized.indd 1NEE CPCA - December 2022_Resized.indd 1 11/29/2022 8:11:51 PM11/29/2022 8:11:51 PM
4 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • DECEMBER 2022BOARD OF DIRECTORSCPCA MEMBER ASSOCIATIONSAlberta Petroleum StorageSystems Contractors AssociationAssociation des Entrepreneurs Pétroliers du Québec Inc.British Columbia Petroleum Contractors AssociationManitoba Petroleum Contractors AssociationOntario Petroleum Contractors AssociationSaskatchewan Retail PetroleumConstruction AssociationALBERTAMarcus CormierCantest SolutionsTel: 403.912.9129 Ext. 12 Kim HansenMI PetroTel: 866.563.7868 khansen@mipetro.comMANITOBAChad KenwoodCentury Ptetroleum ConstructionTel: 204.694.2230 ONTARIOGord ThompsonComco Canada Inc.Tel: 705.728.0905 gord.thompson@comcocanada.comKen JamiesonKenstruct Ltd.Tel: 855.912.8453 QUEBECDany PedneaultÉquipements Claude Pedneault Inc.Tel: 418.693.8906 dany.pedneault@epcp.caNicolas TrepanierÉquipement National ÉnergieTel: 438.289.1961 ntrepanier@nee.caSASKATCHEWANArlene WrightCapital Petroleum Services Ltd.Tel: 306.757.3533 Mike SeibelNational Energy Equipment Inc.Tel: 306.665.0223 BRITISH COLUMBIAMargo MiddletonMiddleton PetroleumTel: 250.372.7742 midpet@shaw.caCPCA OFFICEMichelle Rae, AdministratorMailing Address: 387 Mapleview Dr. W. Barrie, ON L4N 9G4Toll Free – 1.866.360.6722 Tel: 705.735.9437 Fax: Web: www.cpcaonline.comOFFICERS Marcus Cormier, President; Nicolas Trepanier, Vice President;Kim Hansen, Secretary; Margo Middleton, Treasurer A PJO is a documented observation process providing a cold-eye review of tasks
DECEMBER 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 5 What is a PJO?A PJO is a documented observation pro-cess providing a cold-eye review of tasks. In a planned job observation, the supervi-sor, manager or co-worker, or any other in-terested party stands back from the work and observes it in progress. They docu-ment their observations and determines, in their opinion whether the worker is safe or at risk in the performance of the work. Observations are done in conjunction with an easy-to-use predetermined checklist provided by POST of typical items to look for and/or against the JSA that was prepared by the work crew for the task in progress. Once the observations are made and recorded, the observer engages the crew in a discussion of what they observed. It is to be an open, constructive discussion and consideration should be given to the worker’s opinions on “safe” or “at risk” as-sessment as well. The outcomes of PJO can be collected and used to direct the site and company safety program.Howard Heal, Business Manager at Bar W Petroleum & Electric discussed with us the importance of performing Planned Job Observations (PJOs) and his insights on why they should be viewed as a positive exercise. “PJO’s are sometimes viewed as onerous or hypercritical by both the person performing it and the workers who may feel they are being unnecessarily scruti-nized, but for the most part we commend the workers for doing their tasks safely, so it is positive experience not a negative one.” He feels when they see things that might need further discussion, to keep it as constructive as possible, adding “it must be a positive learning experience”. The observer is there to remind workers there is a safe way of performing a task. This is where coaching staff on performing PJOs is key to learn to be constructive, ask questions and consider worker’s points of view without sounding critical or fault-find-ing. “We are not trying to criticize the work-ers for potentially doing things in an unsafe manner” says Howard. “For instance, if a worker is using a high impact tool and they are not wearing double hearing protection, I will discuss this with them. In POST for instance, we show the decibel comparison chart that help workers determine what noise levels require the appropriate hearing protection to prevent damage to their hear-ing” noting their company doesn’t want their workers to take unnecessary risks to their health and safety. Peer to Peer evaluations is encouragedPeer to peer evaluations is a great way for staff to provide feedback to their co-workers. The greatest benefit with peer-to-peer reviews is they provide a more level playing field when workers are evaluating tasks they routinely do themselves, giving them a better understanding of the task and how best to do them safely. “Peer-to-peer reviews give workers the safe space to communicate their ideas and sugges-tions if there is a safer way to perform a task” says Howard. The skills workers develop when per-forming peer-to-peer evaluations not only gives them the confidence to provide feed-back to others, but it also equips them with the skills to self-assess and improve their own work. This leads them to find ways in utilizing their peers’ skills and become productive as a team. BENEFITS OF PLANNED JOBOBSERVATIONS:• PJO’s are a learning opportunity for everyone• Evaluates the effectiveness of JSA andnon JSA tasks• Promotes positive discussion with workers on safest approach to do the task• Improves a company’s safetyprogramPlanned JobObservationsAn Important Tool for Working SafelyBy Michelle Rae - POSTPJOs remind workers there is a safe way to perform a task
6 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • DECEMBER 2022 ®Take advantage of low fuel costs by buying in bulk with a Meridian Fuel Tank. Meridian’s NEW 15,000L, 25,000L & 35,000L skidded Econo Tanks are the ideal storage for those who are looking to increase their on-site fuel storage. Meridian Econo tanks feature double wall construction and our signature powder coated finish for reliable, long lasting fuel storage at an exceptional value.Ask us about our Standard Series Tanks up to 90,000L and our Recycled Oil Tanks!INCREASE YOUR BOTTOM LINE WITHMERIDIAN FUEL TANKSDOUBLE WALL | CAN- ULC-S601-14 APPROVED | POWDER COATED | 2,300-90, | | (800) 661-143670/30, 60/40, 50/50 Split Tank Options Used Oil Tanks Pump Package Options AvailableFind your local dealer at meridianmfg.comNEW ECONO TANKS15,000-35,000L | 3,278-7,710 Imp. Gal.© 2021 Meridian Manufacturing, Inc. Registered Trademarks Used Under License. (11/2021)
DECEMBER 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 7 Root CausesThe root causes provided in the PJO helps determine the reason for a non-confor-mance. Determining root causes enables the company to eliminate the non-confor-mance through process improvement. By becoming acquainted with the root cause analysis toolbox, you’ll be able to apply the appropriate technique or tool to address a specific problem.Root cause analysis (RCA) is a tool to help identify what, how, and why an event occurred so that steps can be taken to prevent future occurrences. Additionally, RCA may be used to target opportunities for system-wide improvement. Root causes are specific underlying causes that can be reasonably identified, are within manage-ment’s control to remedy, and which gen-erate effective recommendations to pre-vent recurrences.The Planned Job Observation root causes comprise of two categories – Per-sonal Factors and Job Factors. This en-ables the company to determine what ar-eas need to be addressed. For example, if personal factors are determined, the com-pany may want to review the worker’s training or whether the supervisor did not intervene when standards were not followed. Examples of Job Factors could be lack of updated procedures, or insuf-ficient planning of the job. The checklist is used to observe the proper use of PPE, body positioning, work environment, procedures, and proper use of tools. The observer will make the appro-priate comments both positive and areas that require improvement. Howard also agrees that Planned Job Observations can also be a learning ex-ercise for the observer when a worker points out a job process that could be saf-er. “We then have an opportunity to look at our safe work practices for that task and where improvement needs to be ad-dressed. We might even recognize a pro-cess or method that is not in place. PJOs keep us from becoming complacent, it’s a win-win situation”. The POST online orientation course cov-ers how to effectively complete a Planned Job Observation including examples. Visit the for more information. Peer to Peer evaluations equips workers with the skills to self-assess and improve their own work PJOs help direct and improve a company’s site safety program
8 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • DECEMBER 20221900 Logan Ave., Winnipeg, MB R2R 0H5Phone: 204.694.2230 • Fax: 204.697.3000Email: “ Our coverage area includes Western Canada, Northwest Territories and Northwestern Ontario. ”• We specialize in gas bars, bulk plants, mobile tanks, fuel trailers and petroleum products.• Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada we have been serving customers since 1988.BUILDING AND MAINTAINING A SAFER ENVIRONMENT
DECEMBER 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 9 The UL Standards & Engagement team have been hard at work overhauling several of our standards relating to the downstream oil and gas industry. This effort was, in part, a direct response to the Interprovincial Gas Advisory Council (IGAC) and the Council of Canadian Fire Marshals and Fire Commissioners (CCFMFC) requesting that several Other Recognized Documents (ORDs) be developed into full consensus standards to ac-count for Canada’s growing needs for expanded coverage in this field. The timelines for our current initiatives are being driven by the five-year duration for which an edition of each ORD or standard is valid. UL Standards & Engagement’s continuous maintenance program also involves the re-view of American and Canadian standards to determine if they are appropriate for formal harmonization. Since several Ca-nadian ORDs were based on older editions of existing American UL standards or Out-lines of Investigation (OOIs), we typically determine that the most effective path forward is to expand American technical committees to include Canadian members and put proposed standards through both the American National Standards Insti-tute (ANSI) and the Standards Council of Canada’s (SCC’s) consensus processes in parallel to achieve the National Stan-dard designation in both countries. These single-publication, joint U.S.-Canada stan-dards may be distinguished from other types due to their designations beginning with “ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC” or “ANSI/CAN/UL” before the standard number.Some of the ORD conversion projects also included the incorporation of National Standards of Canada (NSCs) into new joint U.S.-Canada standards and superseding the previous documents. An example of this is ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 567, Standard for Emergency Breakaway Fittings, Swivel Connectors and Pipe-Connection Fittings for Petroleum Products and LP-Gas, which superseded two NSCs (CAN/ULC-S634 and CAN/ULC-S644), an ORD (ULC/ORD-C567), and an American National Standard (ANSI/UL 567). As we worked through the list of ORDs, we identified additional ULC Standards and UL Standards/OOIs that could be harmonized and improve safety requirements for both Canada and the U.S. One of the benefits of creating binational standards is that these documents allow for the implementation of a single set of min-imum requirements for the Canadian and American markets. This leads to faster and increased harmonization; reduces the need for additional testing; and enables greater product innovation and market access for manufacturers from both countries. Advancing Standardization for the Oil and Gas IndustryHow UL Standards & Engagement uses consensus standards and binational approaches to improve safety practicesLocated in Ottawa, ON, Laura Werner is the project manager responsible for UL Standards & Engagement’s Canadian catalogue of downstream oil and gas standards. She additionally managed several of the ORD conversion projects and other harmonization efforts to date with more planned for the future. Reach her at Laura.Werner@ul.orgBy Laura WernerUL Standards & Engagement identied additional Standards that could be harmonized and improve safety requirements for both Canada and the USA
10 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • DECEMBER 2022No job is too small or too big. Clarkway is the onlyway!Brampton, Ontario Oce11411 Clarkway Drive E.Brampton, Ontario, L6P 0W1Phone: (905) 794-016824-hour Emergency Contact: (416) 677-1375www.ClarkwayConstruction.caAll of our Canadian standards address the typical low-ethanol gasoline (E10) or low-biodiesel (B5) fuels currently sold in Can-ada, however coverage of higher-blend ratios of biofuels, which may soon be introduced, is limited. Given that our ANSI/UL standards already address the common high-biofuel blends, we plan to continue harmonizing more of our Canadian standards requirements with their American equivalents by proactively developing the necessary joint US-Canada standards via the process described above. Higher-ethanol and higher-biodiesel blends have been proposed for widespread future use in Can-ada, so the corresponding UL standards for use in the United States with “A”-suffix or “B”-suffix identifiers may be developed into joint standards to complement the other binational stan-dards we have developed so far. For example, the requirements for low-biofuel blends in ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 842, Standard for Valves for Flammable and Combustible Liquids, which was previously developed into a joint U.S.-Canada National Standard, can be expanded by de-veloping joint U.S.-Canada versions of ANSI/UL 842A (covering higher gasoline and ethanol blends) and ANSI/UL 842B (cover-ing diesel, higher biodiesel blends, kerosene, and fuel oil). This activity would widen Canada’s biofuel standards coverage to include gasoline, gasoline/ethanol blends with nominal ethanol concentrations up to 85 % (E0 - E85), diesel fuel, biodiesel fuel, diesel/biodiesel blends with nominal biodiesel concentrations up to 20 % (B20), B100, kerosene, and fuel oil.Readers may be surprised to learn how many different standards that apply to vehicle fueling systems are published by UL Standards & Engagement. There are approximately 60 documents covering the system from end to end in categories such as: underground steel (and non-metallic) tanks and vaults; aboveground steel (and non-metallic) tanks; sumps, gauges and other accessories; piping; pumps; meters; dispensing devices; hose and hose assemblies; swivels, breakaways and connectors; and valves and hose nozzles. Note that the Scope statements in each standard identify whether they apply to the storage or transfer of conventional fuels, high-ethanol blends, biodiesel blends, or to all types in a single standard.Given that they have been available for decades (and in some cases a century) the standards landscape for fueling systems may appear to be static; however, this is far from the truth. Even without technological innovations and usage changes that Creating joint US-Canada standards enables greater product innovation and market access for Canadian and American manufacturers
DECEMBER 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 11 Proudly serving theinsurance needs ofPetroleum Contractorssince 1993.At BrokerLink, our commercial insurance specialists offer a complete range of insurance products and services through our Petroleum Contractors insurance program.We help find you insurance with real value and the most appropriate coverage possible. For more information, or a no obligation insurance review, contact David Mason today. Services available in Ontario through Canada Brokerlink (Ontario) Inc. ™BrokerLink & Design is a trademark of Canada Brokerlink Inc. used under license. © Copyright 2012 Canada Brokerlink Inc. All rights reserved. 705.840.0780email: BrokerLink.cacontinue to drive reviews of the currency of requirements, our standards are evolving now at least as rapidly as at any time in the past.As UL Standards & Engagement looks ahead to 2023, we are working to wrap up the remainder of our ORD Conversion project and bringing some Canadian and American standards closer together in requirements to prepare them for harmoniza-tion. Based on discussions we’ve already had with some prov-incial regulators, we intend to develop the biodiesel standards into joint U.S.-Canada standards while continuing discussions to determine the need for standards addressing mid- and high-blend ethanol fuels.Whether you are sourcing replacement parts, installing a component, inspecting a system, or simply refuelling a vehicle, look for certification marks that indicate compliance with con-sensus standards. Recalling that there are roughly 60 safety standards defining requirements across the entire system, consider how you can stay informed about – or get involved in developing – these requirements. Our consensus standards rely on the input of a diverse set of knowledgeable stakehold-ers to ensure our standards are comprehensive, sustainable and safety-driven. UL Standards & Engagement is grateful to the thousands of individuals from around the world volunteering to serve as technical committee members or participating as nonvoting stakeholders to share their expertise to maintain and grow our library of more than 1,800 standards and other docu-ments. Learn more about how you can participate in standards development at a nonprofit organization committed to the UL mission of working for a safer world, UL Standards & Engagement provides free access to its library of standards and other documents via our free Digital View service. Visit, and click the ‘Digital View’ button on the overview page for each standard or document. Note that site registration and accept-ance of the terms and conditions is required; however, there is no limit to the number of documents you can view and you can access them as many times as you like. You are not under any obligation to purchase the Standards you view. All joint U.S.-Canada standards and all Canadian consensus standards are published in both English and French.“Precision Testing And Inspection Specialists.”Toll Free: 1-866-565-2611www.leaktechsol.caWe’re expanding! Looking for experienced service technicians. Training provided. Contact us at info@leaktechsol.caCertified company for all your aboveground and underground requirements.Very little disruption to your day to day operation.CPCA certified technicians.Competitive rates.Helium Pinpoint leak locating service.3rd party inspection of underground and aboveground storage tank system, installation by a certified technician.There are approximately sixty standards for vehicle fueling systems published by UL Standards & Engagement
12 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • DECEMBER 2022The cost of cleaning up after spills of petroleum, oil, or other contaminants may not be covered under your client’s liability or property policy, a managing general agent warns.Many clients are exposed to pollution risk but are not necessarily aware of it, said Christine Nauth, assistant vice president for Strategic Underwriting Managers Inc. Examples include contractor and manufac-turing operations.A spill of fuel or other contaminants could bring about a loss that may be ex-cluded under commercial general liability or standard property policies, said Nauth.This makes it important for some cli-ents to carry separate pollution coverage, said Nauth.In a recent interview, Nauth cited two recent examples in the construction indus-try. In one example, a contractor was operating a piece of heavy equipment on a job site when the vehicle ran over a sharp ob-ject and punctured its fuel tank. As a result, fuel spilled.Although the machine was a motorized wheeled vehicle, it was unlicensed equipment and therefore not considered an auto-mobile under provincial law. The heavy equipment was not cov-ered under an auto policy.In another example cited by Nauth, a contractor was work-ing on a high-rise condo building, which was at the concrete forming stage. Oil for the tools and equipment was stored onsite in a barrel. During the night, high winds knocked the barrel over and the oil spilled on the street and cars below.Until the late 1970s, pollution cover for third parties tended to be included as endorsements in CGL policies, said Rick DeGrace, senior vice president of environ-mental at Strategic Underwriting Man-agers.In the mid 1980s, those were modified to become either more restrictive or to ab-solutely exclude pollution.The basic auto policy in each of the provinces does not have a pollution exclu-sion, explained DeGrace.Some inconsistency exists in environ-mental coverage offered by the insurance carriers across the country. The scope of coverage can be quite different when com-paring one insurer to another, DeGrace re-ported. So it is important that the broker review the wordings carefully when they are discussing the client’s coverage needs.Even if a client had some sort of lim-ited form of pollution coverage under the CGL, it is still an absolute exclusion with respect to handling of “waste,” said Nauth.For example, a contractor who pumps out septic tanks could have a pollution expos-ure because the contractor is handling or storing or other-wise involved in waste. De-pending on that contractor’s policy wording, a leak from the hose or truck, or the instal-lation of the septic tank, may not be covered, said DeGrace.Pollution coverage gaps you may not know aboutby Greg Meckbach, Canadian UnderwriterA spill of fuel or other contaminants could bring about a loss that may be excluded under commercial general liability or standard property policiesSome inconsistency exists in environ-mental coverage offered by the insur-ance carriers across the country
DECEMBER 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 13 Since 1923, Steelcraft has collaborated with consulting engineers, end-users, general contractors, and petroleum contractors to develop cost-effective, reliable, and safe storage solutions for flammable fuels and liquids. We offer a variety of storage solutions across two orientations (horizontal and vertical), four containment styles (single-wall, double-wall vacuum-monitored, double-wall integral contained, static head), and a wide range of capacities from 5000 L to 150,000 L. In addition to our expertise with aboveground storage solutions, we offer integrated design, engineering, and custom metal fabrication solutions for a variety of other product categories, including API-650 tanks, pressure vessels, and more.*Please note that Steelcraft’s ULC-listed aboveground storage tanks are not currently available for sale to Western Canada.For industry-leading aboveground storage solutions, contact us today!Steelcraft - A Century of Partnering for SuccessVisit us online to learn more! www.steelcraftinc.comor call us at:1-800-265-8840
14 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • DECEMBER 2022INCIDENTThe subcontractor technician had removed some grating within the carwash which a contractor technician fell into while looking up as he was working on the rain arch. The open pit was unbarricaded and opened by another worker. The worker who fell injured an ankle. The contractor technician went to emergency and sustained a right ankle sprain. WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROMTHISEVENT?Workers must be aware of their surroundings and any hazards must be identified and mitigated and discussed with all crew Proper work procedures must be followed – barricading should have been placed around the carwash pitPOSTSAFETY BULLETINFALL INTO CARWASH PIT SOME THINGS TO REMEMBER1 2 3Visit for links to these resources. Follow us on social media, visit the website for linksReview all hazards with crew and ensure they are assessed and mitigated Place barricades around secondary hazardsStop & Think! Always Perform a Last Minute Risk Assessment
DECEMBER 2022 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 15 MARCH 7 & 8, 2023The International CentreCanada’s LARGEST convenience, gas and car wash industry eventDISCOVER / CONNECT / GROWREGISTERNOW!FREE trade show access use PROMO CODECPCAConvenienceU.caCNUE23_DesignCollection.indd 6CNUE23_DesignCollection.indd 6 12/2/22 3:26 PM12/2/22 3:26 PM
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