BUILDING THE FOUNDATION FUELING THE FUTURE A scalable flexible high power charging HPC system for commercial operators 175kW DC High Power Charger Patented Liquid cooling technology Minimal maintenance for maximum uptime 10 screen IP65 user unit protected electronics Customizable branding options Best in class user experience Simple Reliable Fleet Charging L2 EV Charger Amps2Go Series 6 Aluminum construction and NEMA 3R certified Rugged for operation in harsh environments Dual and single port options along with Flexible pedestal wall and pole mount configurations Integration Along with the EKOS software Seamless platform manage EV charging alongside fueling for traditionally powered vehicles The Easy Way into EV 50kW EV Charger Veefil RT Smallest footprint and most lightweight reliability patented liquid cooling and IP65 Supreme protected electronics for low wear longer life accessibility the Veefil RT speaks a Maximum language everyone can understand exterior for powerful brand Customizable communication and seamless integration
IN THIS ISSUE CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR An official publication of the CPCA CANADIAN advertisers PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association 6 An official publication of the CPCA Clarkway Construction Ltd 12 Convenience U CARWACS Show 11 Leak Technologies Solutions Limited 10 4 Regional News 7 Guide to Working Safely in Winter Conditions 14 POST Safety Bulletin National Energy Equipment Inc 2 Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association 3 P D McLaren Ltd 16 Pumps Pressure Inc 13 Steelcraft Inc 9 STEM CAN 15 Western Oil Services Ltd 9 Advertising Sales and Editorial Offices Ensemble IQ 20 Eglinton Avenue West Suite 1800 Toronto ON M4R 1K8 Telephone 416 256 9908 Toll free 1 877 687 7321 Fax 888 889 9522 Contact Elijah Hoffman Ext 1009 ehoffman ensembleiq com PM42940023 DECEMBER 2020 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 3
REGIONAL NEWS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CPCA MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS Alberta Petroleum Storage Systems Contractors Association Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec Inc British Columbia Petroleum Contractors Association Manitoba Petroleum Contractors Association Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association Saskatchewan Retail Petroleum Construction Association ALBERTA Marcus Cormier Cantest Solutions Tel 403 912 9129 Ext 12 mcormier cantest net Kim Hansen MI Petro Tel 866 563 7868 khansen mipetro com MANITOBA Chad Kenwood Century Ptetroleum Construction Tel 204 694 2230 centpet mts net NEWS FROM OPCA By Michelle Rae Executive Director OPCA Annual Golf Tournament the weather was beautiful and the scores were low The OPCA recently held their 7th annual golf tournament on September 25 at the Innisbrook Golf Course in Barrie Ontario As to be expected our numbers were lower than previous years due to the pandemic However we had the support of more than 30 golfers and everyone had a great day on the course The event supports Threads of Life an association that brings awareness to workplace safety and helps families heal from workplace tragedies and we are thrilled to have raised more than 6 000 Thank you to all our attendees and sponsors that supported the event ONTARIO Gord Thompson Comco Canada Inc Tel 705 728 0905 gord thompson comcocanada com Ken Jamieson Kenstruct Ltd Tel 855 912 8453 ken kenstruct ca QUEBEC Dany Pedneault quipements Claude Pedneault Inc Tel 418 693 8906 dany pedneault epcp ca Nicolas Trepanier quipement National nergie Tel 438 289 1961 lrizzetto nee ca SASKATCHEWAN Arlene Wright Capital Petroleum Services Ltd Tel 306 757 3533 arlene_cps sasktel net Mike Seibel National Energy Equipment Inc Tel 306 665 0223 mseibel nee ca BRITISH COLUMBIA Margo Middleton Middleton Petroleum Tel 250 372 7742 midpet shaw ca CPCA OFFICE Michelle Rae Administrator Mailing Address 387 Mapleview Dr W Barrie ON L4N 9G4 Toll Free 1 866 360 6722 Tel 705 735 9437 Fax 705 735 9418 info cpcaonline com Web www cpcaonline com OFFICERS Marcus Cormier President Nicolas Trepanier Vice President Kim Hansen Secretary Margo Middleton Treasurer 4 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR DECEMBER 2020 OPCA 2021 Annual General Meeting Due to the ongoing pandemic the OPCA plans to hold their 2021 annual general meeting virtually on March 3 2021 The event will be held virtually as an in person event will not likely be possible The virtual event will include OPCA s year in review highlights and annual report of the Board of Directors As The Convenience U CARWACS Show is planned for August 17 18 2021 the OPCA looks forward to hosting events at this time such as a POST safety forum and manufacturer training sessions We will keep our members updated with details as they become available
DES NOUVELLES DE L A PQ NEWS FROM THE AEPQ Par Nicolas Trepanier AEPQ By Nicolas Trepanier AEPQ L Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec AEPQ f te EN 2021 ces 50 ans d existence Cette association vue le jour en 1971 et repr sente jusqu maintenant 36 entrepreneurs p troliers qui ont adh r notre regroupement Aujourd hui nous sommes fi res de souligner l implication de deux de nos membres monsieur Louis Rizzetto et monsieur Guy Rochon L Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec AEPQ is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2021 This association as was founded in 1971 and until now represents 36 contractor who have joined our group Today we are proud to highlight the involvement of two of our members Mr Louis Rizzetto and Mr Guy Rochon Monsieur Rochon a t pr sident pendant les dix derni res ann es pour notre association Il a galement si g au comit paritaire et travailler l laboration d un programme de formation de la main d uvre en troite collaboration avec le Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association CPCA Avec plus de 40 ans d exp rience dans le domaine p trolier il a su apporter sa contribution l association par son engagement sa d termination et ses comp tences Au cours de son mandat il a su apporter une stabilit l association toujours disponible r pondre aux interrogations des membres Son implication dans l AEPQ le CPCA et le comit paritaire d montre son engagement repr senter et d fendre le m tier des entrepreneurs p troliers du Qu bec Avec plus de 20 ans d exp rience Monsieur Rizzetto a su d velopper une relation de confiance avec les responsables du CPCA Il a t aussi tr sorier de l AEPQ pendant les huit derni res ann es Son talent communicateur a su tisser des liens avec les associations des autres provinces afin d tablir une relation d entraide et de collaboration Il a toujours t appr ci et l coute de ces partenaires et de ces collaborateurs Il a toujours su concilier travail et famille La r ussite d une association comme la n tre repose sur l engagement de nos membres comme monsieur Louis Rizzetto et monsieur Guy Rochon qui donne de leur temps et de leur nergie et ne calcule jamais le temps investi Nous voulons pour ces raisons souligner les ann es de travail et les efforts consacr s Nous voulons vous exprimer nos sinc res remerciements de tous les membres et responsables des associations Mr Rochon has been president for the last 10 years for our association He also served on the joint committee and worked on the development of a training program in close collaboration with the Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association CPCA With more than 40 years of experience in the petroleum industry he contributed to the association through his commitment determination and skills During his mandate he was able to bring stability to the association always available to answer member s questions His involvement in the AEPQ the CPCA and the joint committee showed his commitment to representing and defending the profession of Quebec contractors With more than 20 years of experience Mr Rizzetto has developed a relationship of trust with those in charge of the CPCA He has also been treasurer of the AEPQ for the past eight years His talent as a communicator has forged links with associations in other provinces in order to establish a relationship of mutual help and collaboration He has always been appreciated and listened to these partners and collaborators He always knew how to manage work and family The success of an association like ours relies on the commitment of our members like Mr Louis Rizzetto and Mr Guy Rochon who give of their time and energy and never calculates the time invested For these reasons we want to underline the years of work and the efforts devoted We want to express to you our sincere thanks from all the members and managers of the associations M Guy Rochon M Louis Rizzetto DECEMBER 2020 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 5
NEWS FROM THE BCPCA Margot Middleton President BCPCA Greetings to all from British Columbia We hope you are all managing to keep safe and sound through these new and very different times The BCPCA has been fairly quiet this past 6 months We had planned to have a presence at The Convenience U CARWACS Show in Abbotsford this past October but due to the pandemic and the event becoming an online platform we elected not to participate We will be having our AGM in December but anticipate this will be a Zoom or Team meeting as the second wave has made gatherings even small ones inadvisable We had planned to host an Industry event in the spring of 2021 but this too may have to be postponed We will monitor the situation and if it is at all possible to bring our association and members together we will press forward We will continue to work with the CPCA on training and certification in hopes that our members will see value in training and certifying through the CPCA HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL Shuswap Highlands of central British Columbia by De Harry Beugelink 6 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR DECEMBER 2020
Guide to WORKING SAFELY in WINTER CONDITIONS By Michelle Rae CPCA As winter weather is here for most of us in Canada it is important to know the effects of working outside in cold weather including the risk of cold related injuries This guide includes tips to mitigate cold weather related injuries including how to identify hypothermia proper clothing and emergency procedures Working in cold temperatures At very cold temperatures the most serious concern is the risk of hypothermia or dangerous overcooling of the body Another serious effect of cold exposure is frostbite or freezing of the exposed extremities such as fingers toes nose and ear lobes Hypothermia could be fatal in absence of immediate medical attention The risk of cold injury can be minimized by proper equipment design safe work practices and appropriate clothing Equipment Design For work below the freezing point metal handles and bars should be covered by thermal insulating material Also machines and tools should be designed so that they can be operated without having to remove mittens or gloves Surveillance and Monitoring Every workplace where the temperature may fall below 16 C should be equipped with a suitable thermometer to monitor any DECEMBER 2020 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 7
further temperature changes For colder workplaces with temperatures below the freezing point the temperature should be monitored at least every four hours For indoor workplaces whenever the rate of air movement exceeds two meters per second five miles per hour it should be recorded every four hours In outdoor workplaces with air temperature below the freezing point both air temperature and wind speed should be recorded Emergency Procedures Procedures for providing first aid and obtaining medical care should be clearly outlined For each shift at least one trained person should be assigned the responsibility of attending to emergencies Education Workers and supervisors involved with work in cold environments should be informed about symptoms of adverse effect exposure to cold proper clothing habits safe work practices physical fitness requirements for work in cold and emergency procedures in case of cold injury While working in cold a buddy system should be used Look out for one another and be alert for the symptoms of hypothermia Clothing Protective clothing is needed for work at or below 4 C Clothing should be selected to suit the temperature weather conditions e g wind speed rain the level and duration of activity and job design These factors are important to consider so that you can regulate the amount of heat and perspiration you generate while working If the work pace is too fast or if the type and amount of clothing are not properly 8 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR DECEMBER 2020 selected excessive sweating may occur The clothing next to body will become wet and the insulation value of the clothing will decrease dramatically This increases the risk for cold injuries Clothing should be worn in multiple layers which provide better protection than a single thick garment The inner layer should provide insulation and be able to wick moisture away from the skin to help keep it dry The additional layers of clothing should provide adequate insulation for the weather conditions under which the work being done For work in wet conditions the outer layer of clothing should be waterproof Almost 50 of body heat is lost through the head A wool knit cap or a liner under a hard hat can reduce excessive heat loss Clothing should be kept clean since dirt fills air cells in fibres of clothing and destroys its insulating ability Clothing must be dry Moisture should be kept off clothes by removing snow prior to entering heated shelters If fine manual dexterity is not required gloves should be used below 4 C for light work and below 7 C for moderate work For work below 17 C mittens should be used Cotton is not recommended It tends to get damp or wet quickly and loses its insulating properties Wool and synthetic fibres on the other hand do retain heat when wet
Footwear Felt lined rubber bottomed leather topped boots with removable felt insoles are best suited for heavy work in cold since leather is porous allowing the boots to breathe and let perspiration evaporate Leather boots can be waterproofed with some products that do not block the pores in the leather Socks You may prefer to wear one pair of thick bulky socks or two pairs one inner sock of silk nylon or thin wool and a slightly larger thick outer sock Liner socks made from polypropylene will help keep feet dry and warmer by wicking sweat away from the skin However as the outer sock becomes damper its insulation properties decrease If work conditions permit have extra socks available so you can dry your feet and change socks during the day If two pairs of socks are worn the outer sock should be a larger size so that the inner sock is not compressed Face and Eye Protection In extremely cold conditions where face protection is used eye protection must be separated from the nose and mouth to prevent exhaled moisture from fogging and frosting eye shields or glasses Select protective eye wear that is appropriate for the work you are doing and for protection against ultraviolet light from the sun glare from the snow blowing snow ice crystals and high winds at cold temperatures Emergency Kit All vehicles should be outfitted with emergency gear as a precaution against vehicle breakdown or sudden changes in weather or road conditions Drivers should routinely check to see that their vehicles are equipped with Reflectors or flares Shovel Hatchet axe or saw Tow strap or rope Basic tool kit Jumper cables Flashlight candle First aid kit Personal survival kit Food rations 19840 57A Avenue Langley BC V3A 6G6 Tel 604 514 4787 Fax 604 514 4688 sales westernoilservices com Fuel Storage Handling and Monitoring Expertise for Over 70 Years 1 800 663 2097 www westernoilservices com Proudly Serving The Petroleum Industry Since 1950 Steelcraft Partner with Excellence Maps Mirror Newspaper Toilet paper paper towels Small metal can jug Matches strike anywhere Check out our new website www steelcraftinc com or call us at 1 800 265 8840 Knife Rope wire Sleeping bag or blankets Work rest schedule The work warm up schedule as developed by the Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Division shows the warm up breaks required for working in cold conditions and the normal breaks to be provided every two hours The schedule allows additional breaks for workers as the wind velocity at the work site increases and or the temperature drops Since 1923 Steelcraft has collaborated with consulting engineers end users general contractors and petroleum contractors to develop cost effective reliable and safe storage solutions for flammable fuels and liquids We offer a variety of storage solutions across two orientations horizontal and vertical four containment styles single wall double wall vacuum monitored double wall integral contained static head and a wide range of capacities from 5000 L to 150 000 L In addition to our expertise with aboveground storage solutions we offer integrated design engineering and custom metal fabrication solutions for a variety of other product categories including field erect tanks pressure vessels and more Please note that Steelcraft s ULC listed aboveground storage tanks are not currently available for sale to Western Canada For industry leading aboveground storage solutions contact us today DECEMBER 2020 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 9
Slips Trips and Falls As temperatures drop and snow flies the number of injuries due to slips trips and falls increases Workers can suffer bruises abrasions broken limbs cracked ribs serious back and or head injuries often resulting in time off work In Canada more than 42 000 workers get injured annually due to falls according to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Statistics show the majority 66 are due to slips and trips on the same level The remaining 34 are falls from heights such as ladders stairs or roofs Slip trip and fall hazards Uneven surfaces Untreated surfaces during adverse weather conditions e g snow Slippery surfaces e g spilled oil Bad housekeeping objects not cleared up after use and untidy cables wires and ropes etc Incautious walking lack of awareness of potentially hazardous objects present ow to control slip trip and fall hazards Indoors H and outdoors Conduct frequent hazard spotting trailing cables obstructions or damaged floors Report potential incidents and immediately correct situation Ensure training on slip trip falls and competency of workers and equip them with the proper PPE Avoid work on outdoors during bad weather Precision Testing And Inspection Specialists Avoid slippery surface and establish safe working areas add salt in case of snow or ice or use sand to absorb oil spills Practice good housekeeping remove obstruction in walkways passageways and fire exits Precision leak testing company for all your underground leak testing requirements Exercise caution when walking over washed or waxed floors Leak testing for all your aboveground testing requirements W hen using stairs keep a firm hold of the handrail especially when descending Very little disruption to your day to day operation CPCA certified technicians Competitive rates Helium Pinpoint leak locating service 3rd party inspection of underground and aboveground storage tank system Toll Free 1 866 565 2611 www leaktechsol ca 10 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR DECEMBER 2020 THE ART OF FALLING It may sound impossible but if you can control your fall you can lessen the chance and severity of injury 1 Tuck your chin in turn your head and throw an arm up It is better to land on your arm than on your head 2 W hile falling twist or roll your body to the side 3 Keep your wrists elbows and knees bent
L T S E G R A Accelerate your business MAR K YOUR CAL ENDA R TORONTO AUGUST 17 18 2021 Toronto Congress Centre ConvenienceU ca CARWACS com DECEMBER 2020 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 11
THE PENGUIN WALK When walking on slippery surfaces especially ice walking like a penguin actually keeps you in a position to lessen your chance of slipping and falling Bend slightly and walk flat footed Keep your center of gravity over your feet as much as possible Point your feet out slightly well like a penguin Shuffle your feet and take short steps Watch where you are stepping Concentrate on keeping your balance Keep your arms at your sides and hands out of your pockets go slow The expanded guide is available through the CPCA website at www CPCAonline com The expanded guide includes the warm up break schedule and what to do if caught in a winter storm Pressure Washers Hot Cold Complete Air Compressor Systems Wash Bay Equipment Commercial Vehicle Wash Systems Waste Water Recycling Equipment Bulk Fluid Handling Equipment Parts Cleaning Systems CAT Pumps Replacement Parts Design Consulting We install and service everything we sell HEAD OFFICE 7018 Johnstone Drive Red Deer AB T4P 3Y6 TF 1 888 430 9395 P 403 347 9770 F 403 343 7922 Edmonton 780 430 9359 Calgary 403 263 7202 Grande Prairie 780 539 9939 Lethbridge 403 328 0504 Brandon 204 728 9303 Saskatoon 306 242 6622 www pumpsandpressure com DECEMBER 2020 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 13
POST FEATURED CONTRACTOR KENSTRUCT LTD KENSTRUCT S STAFF have been involved in the design construction or upgrading of a large percentage of the fuel facilities in Ontario over the past 30 years as well as many projects in other provinces Projects include new construction of retail sites truck stops marinas bulk plants fast food restaurants and carwashes tank and piping installations removals upgrades pump upgrades re imaging LED and lighting upgrades car wash revamping convenience store renovations environmental remediation and everything in between Kenstruct President Ken Jamieson has worked in the petroleum industry for more than 30 years and currently serves as President of the Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association Ken is also the founding member of the POST program and notes the benefits of one standard safety program for the industry We have been using POST since the beginning of the POST program POST has been a phenomenal program for us because it is specifically designed for our industry and for the petroleum membership but also easily works for general construction Kenstruct Ltd has also achieved the highest level of safety certification in Ontario and is COR Certified achieving the highest grades ever given out by the External Auditor Ken also explains the challenges with not only developing a standard safety program for the industry but also at the time getting everyone to agree on the program POST is a Ken Jamieson President Kenstruct Ltd huge win for industry Years ago we used to battle having seven or eight different safety programs our own company s plus one for every individual company we were working for out there We really thank the oil companies for agreeing to come together on this issue we know it was not easy for them Thankfully they all saw the benefit of having one common program on safety and everyone put their differences aside to come together and create this program Ken also believes while POST is the standard program for our industry it is also important the program is user friendly The way POST has been designed makes it very easy to follow he says You are driven through the process it s not complicated and still flexible enough to cater to different clients The documentation design is very intuitive and simple to use Candice Beauvais Health and Safety Manager for Kenstruct agrees POST helps our workers in the field ensure they are completing their documentation properly Ken also tells us his staff utilize the digital format of the document and found this streamlines their process Documentation comes back to the office immediately so our response time is much quicker To view more of our POST Featured Contractors please visit www POSTtraining ca 14 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR DECEMBER 2020
Structural Tank Equipment Maintenance Canada Ltd Your Partner in Total Containment Solutions Structural Tank Equipment Maintenance Canada Limited offers a full range of carbon and stainless steel storage tanks and vessels along with custom fabrication services for multiple industries We are continually upgrading and innovating our manufacturing process to improve our quality and products We are committed to being the premier tank manufacturer in Canada All of our tanks meet or exceed the specification s of the Underwriter s Laboratory of Canada ULC and carry the ULC Label is ISO certified and our manufacturing process follows a given level of testing and quality control which in turn we provide the best product possible Aboveground storage tanks are available in horizontal and vertical multiple compartments and capacity from 227 to 200 000 liters offers a variety of designed products and complete turnkey systems We can also meet all your custom fabrication requirements It is our goal to not only meet your expectations but to exceed them Eastern Office 69 Comstock Rd Scarborough ON M7L 2G9 Western Office 1 785 Bridge St W Waterloo ON N2V 2K1 1 800 387 1400 www stem can com DECEMBER 2020 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 15
www pdmclaren com SURREY BC CALGARY AB CONTACT US TODAY WHITBY ON MONTREAL QC 604 371 3732 sales pdmclaren com