DECEMBER 2017 CANADIAN C CANAD IAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR An official publication of the CPCA PM42940023 THE NEW SAFETY STANDARD For Albert Budding the POST safety program provides his business with the guidelines tools and support needed to ensure his employees are protected
IN THIS ISSUE 4 News from the CPCA 7 The New Safety Standard 14 Guide to working safely in winter conditions CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR An official publication of the CPCA advertisers PETROLEUM CANADIAN CONTRACTOR Clarkway Construction Ltd 11 Convenience U CARWACS Show Toronto 5 An official publication of the CPCA DTE Industries 2010 Limited 9 Leak Technologies Solutions Limited 15 Meridian Manufacturing Inc 10 National Energy Equipment Inc 2 Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association 3 Pumps Pressure Inc 13 Raymar Equipment Service 15 Steelcraft Inc 12 Velco Mechanical 12 Westeel AGI 13 ZCL Composites Inc 16 Advertising Sales and Editorial Offices Ensemble IQ 20 Eglinton Ave West Suite 1800 Toronto ON M4R 1K8 Telephone 416 256 9908 Toll free 1 877 687 7321 Fax 888 889 9522 Contact Elijah Hoffman Ext 1009 ehoffman ensembleiq com PM42940023 DECEMBER 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 3
NEWS FROM THE CPCA The CPCA continues to work with industry partners to provide the highest standard of training for this unique industry We currently have 380 licensed individuals across Canada As we are a niche industry it s important for us to continue to promote awareness of the work our contractors do Some of the ways we do this are through this publication Our content features regular updates from our provincial associations as well as feature content from industry experts based on current industry issues For example our October issue featured a piece on contractor liability issues and risk management The CPCA also promotes a recommended practices booklet for our industry professionals The booklet covers the major components of petroleum work such as tank installation and removal piping leak and spill prevention and working in confined spaces The recommendations meet and in most cases exceed current regulatory standards Continuing our initiative we recently had the opportunity to promote the CPCA at the Integrated Review Services first annual storage tank systems technical workshop on October 27 in Ottawa The workshop was developed for individuals who manage regulate investigate remediate or are impacted by storage tank systems Attendees included representatives from the Federal and Municipal sectors across Canada such as Environment Canada Transport Canada Public Service and Procurement Canada and Canada Post In addition to CPCA those taking part in the presentations included representatives from a range of industry professionals including ZCL National Energy Equipment Tanknology Brugg Piping Franklin Fueling Systems Diesel Pure Filtration and Safe Drain All presenters discussed the latest industry technology products equipment and methods The CPCA had the opportunity to discuss the work our contractors do our training and certification scope and the promotion for a standard training program across Canada Our presentation focused on the scope of each Petroleum Mechanic license explaining the work that can be done within each license category The CPCA wants to ensure work on petroleum systems is being done by qualified contractors Pierre Legault owner of Integrated Review Services remarked on the success of the workshop A huge thank you to all the great vendors who participated in our first annual workshop The presenters provided attendees with access to a broad base of practical experience and an excellent opportunity to network with leading professionals We look forward to participating in future workshops across Canada If you are interested in attending or participating in future workshops visit Integrated Review Services website at irstanksolutions com 4 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR DECEMBER 2017 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CPCA MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS Alberta Petroleum Storage Systems Contractors Association Association des Entrepreneurs P troliers du Qu bec Inc British Columbia Petroleum Contractors Association Manitoba Petroleum Contractors Association Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association Saskatchewan Retail Petroleum Construction Association ALBERTA Marcus Cormier Cantest Solutions Tel 403 912 9129 Ext 12 mcormier cantest net Kim Hansen MI Petro Tel 866 563 7868 khansen mipetro com MANITOBA Chad Kenwood Century Ptetroleum Construction Tel 204 694 2230 centpet mts net ONTARIO Gord Thompson Comco Canada Inc Tel 705 728 0905 gord thompson comcocanada com Ken Jamieson Kenstruct Ltd Tel 855 912 8453 ken kenstruct ca QUEBEC Guy Rochon Service Construction Mobile Lt e Tel 418 688 5751 grochon groupemobile com Louis Rizzetto quipement National nergie Tel 514 489 8281 lrizzetto nee ca SASKATCHEWAN Arlene Wright Capital Petroleum Services Ltd Tel 306 757 3533 arlene_cps sasktel net Mike Seibel National Energy Equipment Inc Tel 306 665 0223 mseibel nee ca BRITISH COLUMBIA Rob Bateman Western Oil Services Tel 604 514 4787 rbateman westernoilservices com Margo Middleton Middleton Petroleum Tel 250 372 7742 midpet shaw ca CPCA OFFICE Michelle Rae Administrator Mailing Address 51 King St Unit 8 Barrie ON L4N 6B5 Toll Free 1 866 360 6722 Tel 705 735 9437 Fax 705 735 9418 info cpcaonline com Web www cpcaonline com OFFICERS Marcus Cormier President Kim Hansen Vice President Louis Rizzetto Secretary Chad Kenwood Treasurer
THE NEW SAFETY STANDARD For Albert Budding the POST safety program provides his business with the guidelines tools and support needed to ensure his employees are protected By Albert Budding M y name is Albert Budding and I am president of Albert s Gas Station Maintenance based out of Cambridge ON When I first came into the service station maintenance industry as an employee way back in 1989 there was very little training or emphasis on safety We would take our WHMIS course while sharing a pizza and consider ourselves experts on safety Rubber gloves and safety glasses were for doctors and welders not for service technicians Now throughout the years these have become some of the basic essentials of PPE for all workers 6 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR DECEMBER 2017 Looking back on those times we were lucky if we had a single traffic cone and that was because it doubled as a funnel garbage cans were used to block the other side of the pump where we were working and it was unheard of to use your service vehicle as a barricade as that usually would impede the flow of traffic to the islands Grocery bags on nozzles boots would let the customer know that they could not use the dispenser and the main focus was to not interrupt the customer getting fuel therefore forcing us to work between customers and making it impossible to shut down pumps for maintenance
I can remember a number of close calls as well as stories from other contactors where technicians were practically run down or hit by customers who were either not paying attention in a rush or because they were annoyed that we were blocking their way Safety glasses and hard hats were rarely worn and being splashed in the face with gasoline was almost a rite of passage Thankfully since the inception of POST in 2007 things have started to change I say thankfully and sincerely mean it although at the time most were not quite so enthusiastic about the whole process Esso seemed to pioneer the way with the introduction of JSAs much to the dismay of many disgruntled employees who hate filling out paperwork From there it seems that things just went from bad to worse Rules which had never been enforced before coupled with what seemed like an endless stream of new rules and forms became paramount and the consequences if caught not abiding by them were severe Once everyone got used to the new safety standards things went much more smoothly I m not saying that we didn t have a riff or two over paperwork and how to properly secure a site but once our employees realized that our commitment to safety was non negotiable things fell into place I feel as though POST has created an awareness of what could happen and how it can be prevented In spite of the seemingly mundane paperwork that is often viewed as not very beneficial by many of the employees I find that once we review and spend time discussing some of the issues that can arise from different situations my staff becomes much more compliant and acknowledges awareness of the possible hazards that may have otherwise been overlooked Last November we were at a resort in Mexico that was still under construction There we got to see firsthand how workers can become completely complacent to even common sense when regulations are not put in place or enforced These workers of whom the majority were working in shorts and flip flops had no safety glasses hard hats or gloves of any sort and were chipping concrete off of the sidewalk and retaining walls not to mention they were working late into the night only by the light of their cell phones Stairs had been removed with no sort of barricades to keep guests away and basically the resort was an accident waiting to happen for both employees and guests During this time we met a couple of people from the US who were part of the OSHA team at their respective companies We started talking about the lack of safety rules in Mexico which prompted a discussion about what kind of rules each of us had in place in our own countries I was very surprised to find that the USA has nothing compared to what we have here in Canada I went on to describe out POST program and the JSA safe work permit checklists etc They could not believe that we had a program like that which had been implemented enforced and embraced by the oil companies They said that if they had something like that in place or were forced to implement it they would be out of business as there was no way that they could afford to maintain DECEMBER 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 7
Safety is definitely a serious focus for us Our guys have learned that if ever there is a breach in the safety protocol the consequences are serious Susan and Albert Budding the cost of such a program What our US friends failed to understand is that if our stringent safety standards prevented even one serious injury amongst our workers it would more than pay for itself And in a perfect world the cost should never be the main focus Many of us and the companies we work for have embraced this system not mainly to appease the oil companies but because we know this simple fact INJURIES SUCK As an employer I do not want to have to visit an employee in the hospital or even worse to have to tell a spouse or child that their husband father or wife mother won t be home due to an accident that may have been prevented We are a small company with less than 10 employees in total Our safety budget has increased year after year as we implement the different tools and procedures that are available to help ensure our employees safety and although accidents may happen as an employer I need to feel as though I have done everything possible to protect my employees from avoidable dangers Something more that I like about the POST forums is that they prompt us to discuss openly amongst ourselves issues that affect us doing our day to day jobs POST is an integral part of every one of our safety meetings and definitely inspires some good conversations which allows us to share ideas and recommendations to make things safer These discussions often lead into Guess what I saw situations where a non petroleum contractor was doing work in a ridiculously unsafe manner these are often 8 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR DECEMBER 2017 accompanied by a photo Although it s unfortunate that not every industry abides by safe workplace standards I am thankful that POST has given our employees the ability to recognize unsafe practices elsewhere Safety is definitely a serious focus for us Our guys have learned that if ever there is a breach in the safety protocol the consequences are serious We perform routine LMRAs on our technicians while working at sites to ensure that things are set up properly and this has been so instilled into their heads that even the smallest breach including the improper placement of cones for example will be immediately brought to their attention and discussed at the next meeting If ever there is a situation that exceeds a minor infraction a meeting will be called the next morning involving all staff members so that all employees are able to learn from their colleague s mistakes All employees are encouraged to perform an LMRA on their colleagues if they arrive on site to assist drop off parts or even if they happen to be driving by I recently ran into the father of one of my daughter s friends who happens to be an Ontario Minister of Labour inspector He commented that he sees our trucks around town all the time and has always been impressed with the extent of our setup He also mentioned that he has seen other contractors working in other areas around Hamilton and as far as Niagara Falls and they all seem to use the same type of set up and asked if it was a requirement of the oil companies I explained that as petroleum contractors most if not all embrace the POST safety program He was quite impressed and pleased that safety had come so far within our industry I have to admit I m definitely not clever enough nor do I have the time to think about every possible dangerous scenario that is out there but we have changed our work habits extensively following the implementation of POST Although somewhat time consuming and at times tedious it has given me as an employer all of the guidelines tools and support that I need to ensure that our employees are protected in the best possible way There will always be grumbles as no one likes change but if we could only imagine the incidents that could have occurred since the implementation of POST even that one life a father mother son or daughter that died due to a preventable accident then it s not hard to believe without any doubt that the extra time effort and expense is a very small price to pay
POST A AM LIOR NOTRE CULTURE DE S CURIT Par Albert Budding Albert s Gas Station Maintenance P our ceux qui ne me connaissent pas mon nom est Albert Budding et je suis le pr sident d Albert s Gas Station Maintenance Cambridge en Ontario En 1989 mon arriv e dans l industrie de l entretien de station service en tant qu employ on accordait beaucoup moins d importance la s curit qu aujourd hui et il n existait que tr s peu de formation ce sujet Nous suivions notre cours sur le SIMDUT une pointe de pizza la main et nous nous consid rions comme des experts en s curit Les gants en caoutchouc et les lunettes de s curit c tait pour les docteurs et les soudeurs Pas pour les techniciens en entretien et en r paration Au fil des ann es ces l ments sont devenus la base essentielle des EPI pour tous les travailleurs En y repensant bien cette poque nous tions chanceux d avoir un seul c ne de signalisation parce qu il servait galement d entonnoir nous nous servions de poubelles pour bloquer l autre c t de la pompe o ISO 9001 2008 Certified Your Partner in Total Containment Solutions Protecting the environment for future generations Aboveground Tanks Underground Tanks Tank Accessories Fire Rated Tanks Double Bottom Tanks Fuel Oil Tanks Double Wall Oval Tanks Custom Fabrication Spill collectors Wall Mounted Free standing Vertical Tanks Horizontal Tanks Bench Tanks Dike Tanks Utility Tanks Sub Base Tanks Static Head Tanks Utility Pumps Rectangular Tanks Threaded Integral Style All tanks are designed fabricated and labeled in accordance to the latest edition of applicable standards UL ULC AWWA API Up to 250 000LT 69 Comstock Road Toronto ON M1L 2G9 Phone 416 757 6278 Fax 416 757 5579 Toll Free 1 800 387 1400 dteindustries com sales dteindustries com DECEMBER 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 9 Untitled 2 1 2017 02 17 3 29 PM
La s curit est sans aucun doute au centre de nos int r ts Nos gars ont appris qu en cas de violation du protocole de s curit les cons quences seront graves nous travaillons et nous n avions jamais pens utiliser un v hicule de service comme barricade ce qui aurait ralenti la circulation se rendant vers les les On mettait des sacs d picerie sur les pistolets pour avertir les clients de ne pas utiliser le distributeur et le but principal tait de ne pas interrompre le client pendant qu il faisait le plein Cela nous for ait travailler au milieu des gens et nous emp chait d teindre les pompes pour faire des travaux d entretien D apr s mes souvenirs et les histoires d autres entrepreneurs nombreuses sont les fois o il s en est fallu de peu pour que des techniciens soient renvers s ou heurt s par des clients inattentifs press s ou simplement contrari s parce que nous tions sur leur chemin Il tait rare de nous voir porter des lunettes et un casque de s curit et les claboussures d essence dans le visage taient presque devenues un rite de passage meridianmfg com Heureusement depuis le lancement de POST en 2007 les choses ont commenc changer Je dis heureusement en le pensant vraiment m me si la plupart du temps beaucoup de travailleurs n taient pas ravis l id e du processus Esso semble avoir t le pr curseur avec l introduction de l AST entra nant le m contentement d un bon nombre d employ s qui n aimaient pas remplir des papiers partir de ce moment l les choses se sont empir es Des r glements qui n avaient jamais t mis ex cution en plus de ce qui paraissait tre un flot incessant de nouvelles r gles et de nouveaux formulaires sont devenus d une importance capitale Les cons quences du non respect de ces nouveaux r glements taient s v res D s que tout le monde f t habitu aux nouvelles normes de s curit les choses se sont mieux pass es Je ne dis pas que nous n avons jamais improvis sur la mani re de remplir les papiers ou de s curiser un site de mani re efficace Toutefois d s que nos employ s ont r alis que notre engagement envers la s curit n tait pas n gociable les choses se sont plac es J ai l impression que POST nous a fait prendre conscience de ce qui pouvait arriver et nous a sensibilis s sur la mani re dont nous pouvons emp cher ces choses d arriver Malgr les papiers qui semblaient sans int r t et qui taient souvent per us par beaucoup d employ s comme n tant pas b n fiques je trouve qu apr s avoir examin et pris le temps de discuter de certains probl mes qui pourraient d couler de diff rentes situations les membres de mon personnel deviennent beaucoup plus conciliants et conscients des dangers potentiels Innovation and Performance Fuel Storage and Handling Meridian Fuel Tanks Custom built to meet your specific needs Built to ULC 601 7 Standards Single and Double Wall Tanks Vacuum Monitored DW Tanks Sizes 2300L 80 000L Tanks Proud Member of OPCA Meridian Fuel Trailers Transport Canada Approved Sizes 1 968L 3 750L Pump 12V or Gas Engine Pumps Retractable HD Hose Available Def System Contact fueltanks meridianmfg com fueltrailers meridianmfg com 855 346 3712 or 519 620 6004 2017 Meridian Manufacturing Inc Registered Trademarks Used Under License 11 2017 10 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR DECEMBER 2017 meridianmfg com
qui sans quoi auraient pu tre n glig s En novembre dernier nous tions dans un h tel en construction au Mexique L bas nous avons pu constater par nous m mes quel point les travailleurs peuvent faire preuve de bon sens lorsque les r glements ne sont pas mis en place ou appliqu s Ces travailleurs dont la majorit travaillaient en culottes courtes et en sandales ne portaient pas de lunettes de casque ou de gants de s curit caillaient le b ton du trottoir et dressaient des murs jusqu tard la nuit la lumi re de leurs t l phones cellulaires seulement L escalier avait t enlev et aucun type de barri re n avait t install e afin d loigner les clients En gros ce n tait qu une question de temps avant que l h tel soit le lieu d un accident autant pour les employ s que pour les clients Pendant ce temps nous avons rencontr quelques personnes originaires des tats Unis et qui faisaient partie de l quipe de l OSHA de leurs entreprises respectives Nous avons commenc parler du manque de r gles de s curit au Mexique ce qui nous a pouss s discuter des pratiques en place au sein de chacune de nos entreprises J tais tr s surpris de d couvrir qu en comparant au Canada les tats Unis avaient peu de r gles de s curit J ai commenc expliquer le programme POST et l AST l autorisation d ex cuter des travaux en toute s curit les listes de v rification etc Ils ne pouvaient pas croire que nous avions un programme du genre qui tait mis en uvre respect et adopt par les soci t s p troli res Ils ont dit que s ils avaient un programme comme celuil ou s ils taient forc s mettre un en pratique ils se ruineraient puisqu ils ne pourraient jamais se permettre de subvenir aux co ts d un tel programme Ce que nos amis Am ricains n ont pas compris c est que m me si nos normes de s curit rigoureuses permettaient d viter qu une seule blessure grave parmi nos travailleurs elles seraient plus que rentables Et dans le meilleur des mondes on ne devrait jamais se concentrer sur les co ts Un bon nombre d entre nous et des entreprises pour lesquelles nous travaillons ont adopt ce syst me non seulement pour calmer les soci t s p troli res mais parce nous savons bien que les BLESSURES C EST EMMERDANT En tant qu employeur je ne veux pas avoir visiter un employ l h pital ou encore pire devoir annoncer une femme ou un enfant que son mari ou son p re ne rentrera pas la maison cause d un accident qui aurait pu tre vit Nous sommes une petite entreprise comptant moins de 10 employ s au total Notre budget en mati re de s curit augmente d ann e en ann e au fur et mesure que nous mettons en uvre des outils et des proc dures afin de garantir la s curit de nos employ s et bien que des accidents puissent survenir en tant qu employeur j ai besoin d avoir le sentiment d avoir tout fait en mon possible pour prot ger mes employ s des dangers vitables Une autre chose que j aime des forums POST est qu ils nous forcent discuter ouvertement entre nous des probl mes qui nous touchent dans nos t ches quotidiennes POST fait partie int grante de chacune de nos r unions sur la s curit et il est vident qu il inspire de bonnes conversations ce qui nous a permis de partager DECEMBER 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 11
Steelcraft_1011_Waterloo Layout 1 10 25 11 6 15 AM Storage Containment Solutions Since 1923 Looking for a superior storage containment solution STEELCRAFT Inc offers a full line of standard and custom liquid containment tanks and systems as well as pressure vessels including single and double walled tanks underground storage process vessels and field erected tanks Field proven after thousands of installations our products meet stringent code specifications and are the choice of engineers contractors and architects With our leading edge engineering custom manufacturing facilities and in house finishing capability you can trust us to deliver a quality product on time every time For lasting trouble free storage containment STEELCRAFT Inc Visit our website or contact us Waterloo ON 1 800 265 8840 Moncton NB 1 888 258 8166 Edmonton AB 1 888 661 8265 Innisfail AB 1 800 661 2851 www steelcraftinc com PLANES TRAINS BUSES 905 738 9662 12 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR DECEMBER 2017 Page 1 nos id es et nos recommandations afin d tre encore plus s curitaires Ces discussions entra nent souvent des situations devine ce que j ai vu o un entrepreneur non p trolier travaillait de fa on ridiculement dangereuse Ces situations sont souvent accompagn es d une photo M me s il est triste de voir que ce ne sont pas toutes les industries qui se conforment aux normes en mati re de s curit dans le lieu de travail je suis heureux que POST ait donn nos employ s la capacit de reconna tre les pratiques non s curitaires quand ils en voyaient La s curit est sans aucun doute au centre de nos int r ts Nos gars ont appris qu en cas de violation du protocole de s curit les cons quences seront graves Nous proc dons une valuation du risque de derni re minute routini re aupr s de chacun de nos techniciens pendant qu ils travaillent sur des sites afin de s assurer que tout est bien organis et qu ils ont inculqu le protocole un point tel que la moindre violation telle que le mauvais emplacement des c nes leur sera signal e et qu ils en discuteront la prochaine r union Si un jour une situation d passe l infraction mineure une r union sera convoqu e le matin suivant et tous les membres du personnel y participeront de mani re ce que tous les employ s puissent apprendre des erreurs de leurs coll gues On encourage tous nos employ s r aliser une valuation du risque de derni re minute sur leurs coll gues s ils arrivent sur le site pour aider d poser des pi ces ou m me s ils passent par l en voiture Je suis r cemment tomb sur le p re de l un des amis de ma fille qui est en fait un inspecteur pour le minist re du Travail de l Ontario Il m a dit qu il voit souvent nos camions en ville et qu il a toujours t impressionn de voir quel point nous sommes bien organis s Il a ajout qu il a vu que d autres entrepreneurs travaillant dans des r gions de Hamilton et aussi loin qu Niagara Falls semblent tous avoir le m me type d organisation puis il m a demand s il s agissait d une exigence des soci t s p troli res Je lui ai expliqu que la plupart si ce n est pas l ensemble des entrepreneurs p troliers adh rent au programme de s curit POST Il tait tr s impressionn et heureux de savoir que la s curit tait devenue si importante au sein de notre industrie Je dois admettre que je ne suis certainement pas assez adroit je n ai m me souvent pas le temps de penser tous les sc narios dangereux qui pourraient survenir Nous avons consid rablement chang nos habitudes de travail depuis la mise en uvre du programme POST M me s il prend parfois beaucoup de notre temps et est ennuyeux POST m a donn les lignes directrices les outils et le soutien dont j ai besoin pour m assurer que nos employ s sont prot g s au maximum Il y aura toujours des gens pour se plaindre puisque personne n aime le changement mais pensons tous les incidents qui auraient pu se produire depuis la mise en uvre de POST m me seulement une vie un p re une m re un fils ou une fille d c d cause d un accident qui aurait pu tre vit alors il est facile de croire que le temps les efforts et les d penses suppl mentaires sont peu cher pay s
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with a suitable thermometer to monitor any further temperature changes For colder workplaces with temperatures below the freezing point the temperature should be monitored at least every four hours For indoor workplaces whenever the rate of air movement exceeds two meters per second five miles per hour it should be recorded every four hours In outdoor workplaces with air temperature below the freezing point both air temperature and wind speed should be recorded EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Procedures for providing first aid and obtaining medical care should be clearly outlined For each shift at least one trained person should be assigned the responsibility of attending to emergencies EDUCATION GUIDE TO WORKING SAFELY IN WINTER CONDITIONS Winter weather will soon be upon us so we would like to offer some tips for working in cold weather with information provided by the Canadian Centre Occupational Health and Safety By Michelle Rae CPCA Training Certification Manager WORKING IN COLD TEMPERATURES EQUIPMENT DESIGN At very cold temperatures the most serious concern is the risk of hypothermia or dangerous overcooling of the body Another serious effect of cold exposure is frostbite or freezing of the exposed extremities such as fingers toes nose and ear lobes Hypothermia could be fatal in absence of immediate medical attention The risk of cold injury can be minimized by proper equipment design safe work practices and appropriate clothing For work below the freezing point metal handles and bars should be covered by thermal insulating material Also machines and tools should be designed so that they can be operated without having to remove mittens or gloves SURVEILLANCE AND MONITORING Every workplace where the temperature may fall below 16 C should be equipped 14 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR DECEMBER 2017 Workers and supervisors involved with work in cold environments should be informed about symptoms of adverse effect exposure to cold proper clothing habits safe work practices physical fitness requirements for work in cold and emergency procedures in case of cold injury While working in cold a buddy system should be used Look out for one another and be alert for the symptoms of hypothermia CLOTHING Protective clothing is needed for work at or below 4 C Clothing should be selected to suit the temperature weather conditions e g wind speed rain the level and duration of activity and job design These factors are important to consider so that you can regulate the amount of heat and perspiration you generate while working If the work pace is too fast or if the type and amount of clothing are not properly selected excessive sweating may occur The clothing next to body will become wet and the insulation value of the clothing will decrease dramatically This increases the risk for cold injuries Clothing should be worn in multiple layers which provide better protection than a single thick garment The inner layer should provide insulation and be able to wick moisture away from the skin to help keep it dry The additional layers of clothing should provide adequate insulation for the weather conditions under which the work is being done For work in wet conditions the outer layer of clothing should be waterproof
Almost 50 of body heat is lost through the head A wool knit cap or a liner under a hard hat can reduce excessive heat loss Clothing should be kept clean since dirt fills air cells in fibres of clothing and destroys its insulating ability Clothing must be dry Moisture should be kept off clothes by removing snow prior to entering heated shelters If fine manual dexterity is not required gloves should be used below 4 C for light work and below 7 C for moderate work For work below 17 C mittens should be used Cotton is not recommended It tends to get damp or wet quickly and loses its insulating properties Wool and synthetic fibres on the other hand do retain heat when wet FOOTWEAR Felt lined rubber bottomed leather topped boots with removable felt insoles are best suited for heavy work in cold since leather is porous allowing the boots to breathe and let perspiration evaporate Leather boots can be waterproofed with some products that do not block the pores in the leather Leak Technologies Solutions Ltd Precision Testing And Inspection Specialists Precision leak testing company for all your underground leak testing requirements Leak testing for all your aboveground testing requirements Very little disruption to your day to day operation CPCA certified technicians Competitive rates Helium Pinpoint leak locating service Third party inspection of the installation of the underground storage tanks and product lines Toll Free 1 866 565 2611 www leaktechsol ca SOCKS You may prefer to wear one pair of thick bulky socks or two pairs one inner sock of silk nylon or thin wool and a slightly larger thick outer sock Liner socks made from polypropylene will help keep feet dry and warmer by wicking sweat away from the skin However as the outer sock becomes damper its insulation properties decrease If work conditions permit have extra socks available so you can dry your feet and change socks during the day If two pairs of socks are worn the outer sock should be a larger size so that the inner sock is not compressed FACE AND EYE PROTECTION In extremely cold conditions where face protection is used eye protection must be separated from the nose and mouth to prevent exhaled moisture from fogging and frosting eye shields or glasses Select protective eye wear that is appropriate for the work you are doing and for protection against ultraviolet light from the sun glare from the snow blowing snow ice crystals and high winds at cold temperatures For more safety tips please visit the CCOHS website at www ccohs ca DECEMBER 2017 CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR 15
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