PM42940023JUNE 2023Insurance Trends for our Industry p. 4 OPCA Annual Conference Highlights p. 9EffectiveLeadership Tools
ABOVEGROUND PIPING FORFLAMMABLE & COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDSDoubleTrac® by Omegaflex is now Dual listed.DoubleTrac® is listed to UL 971A CAN/ULC S679, the standard for Metallic Underground Piping for Flammable Liquids and listed to UL/ULC 1369, the standard for Aboveground Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids.DoubleTrac®, our reputation is stainless.Take the guess work out of your aboveground and marina pipe and go with one of the only piping systems on the market listed to UL/ULC 1369Listed to:Ŷ ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 1369:2020Ŷ UV Exposure TestCompatible with:Ŷ Motor Vehicle FuelsŶ High Blend FuelsŶ Concentrated FuelsŶ Aviation and Marine FuelsŶ DEFŶ Concentrated and Blended Bio FuelsNEE CPCA - March 2023Proudly Distributed ByDoubleTrac® is the new standard for safety,ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 1369:2020 includes Aboveground Piping forgenerators, airports, and marinas.
JUNE 2023 t CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR t 3 CONTRACTORCANADIAN PETROLEUMAn official publication of the CPCAadver tisersBGIS.......................................................................... 15Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association... 12, 15Capital Petroleum Service Ltd.................................. 12Clarkway Construction Ltd....................................... 11Convenience U CARWACS Show .............................. 7Industries Desjardins ............................................... 16Leak Technologies Solutions Ltd.............................. 11Meridian Manufacturing, Inc..................................... 8National Energy Equipment Inc.................................. 2Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association .............. 3Steelcraft Inc............................................................ 12The Tank Shop............................................................ 6Advertising Sales and Editorial Ofces: Ensemble IQ, 20 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 1800, Toronto, ON M4R 1K8Toll-free: 1.877.687.7321Contact: Jonathan Davis | 705.970.3670 | jdavis@ensembleiq.comPM42940023in this issue4 Insurance Market and Trends for 20239 OPCA 2023 Annual General Meeting Highlights13 News from POST POST Level 2 Provides Effective Leadership
4 t CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR t JUNE 2023BOARD OF DIRECTORSCPCA MEMBER ASSOCIATIONSAlberta Petroleum StorageSystems Contractors AssociationAssociation des Entrepreneurs Pétroliers du Québec Inc.British Columbia Petroleum Contractors AssociationManitoba Petroleum Contractors AssociationOntario Petroleum Contractors AssociationSaskatchewan Retail PetroleumConstruction AssociationALBERTAMarcus CormierCantest SolutionsTel: 403.912.9129 Ext. 12 Kim HansenMI PetroTel: 866.563.7868 khansen@mipetro.comMANITOBAChad KenwoodCentury Ptetroleum ConstructionTel: 204.694.2230 ONTARIOGord ThompsonComco Canada Inc.Tel: 705.728.0905 gord.thompson@comcocanada.comKen JamiesonKenstruct Ltd.Tel: 855.912.8453 ken@kenstruct.caQUEBECDany PedneaultÉquipements Claude Pedneault Inc.Tel: 418.693.8906 dany.pedneault@epcp.caNicolas TrepanierÉquipement National ÉnergieTel: 438.289.1961 lrizzetto@nee.caSASKATCHEWANArlene WrightCapital Petroleum Services Ltd.Tel: 306.757.3533 Mike SeibelNational Energy Equipment Inc.Tel: 306.665.0223 BRITISH COLUMBIAMargo MiddletonMiddleton PetroleumTel: 250.372.7742 midpet@shaw.caCPCA OFFICEMichelle Rae, AdministratorMailing Address: 387 Mapleview Dr. W. Barrie, ON L4N 9G4Toll Free – 1.866.360.6722 Tel: 705.735.9437 Fax: Web: www.cpcaonline.comOFFICERSMarcus Cormier, President; Nicolas Trepanier, Vice President;Kim Hansen, Secretary; Margo Middleton, Treasurer This past March, I had the opportunity to speak at the OPCA Annual General Meeting and what trends and topics are currently affecting the industry. Let’s talk about post-Covid issues and insurance industry trends that are affecting your insurance policies:This annual insurance presentation usually focuses on market cycle of in-surance rates. The insurance industry is capitalistic, it’s fueled by profit, we go through soft market pricing stages as well as hard market pricing stages, all driven by the return on invest-ment, the complete market cycle lasts 12-15 years. Currently, our industry remains in the tail end of a hard mar-ket; although rate increases continue, conditions have seemed to stabilize. It’s an odd hard market compared to others because it’s in the third year, while at the same time, insurance companies have experienced very high earnings for the past 2 years. In 2021, on average insurer’s returns were in excess of fifteen cents on the dollar, with the same results occur-ring for the first nine months of 2022. The annual 2022 results will be com-ing out over the next month or so. What’s prolonging the hard market and adding to your insurance cost?1. Labour supply 2. Supply chain 3. Ination 4. Cyber insurance 5. Climate change6. Merger and acquisition 7. Underwriting process 8. Automobile theft So how do all these factors affect the insurance program this year?With respect to the program, we cur-rently have the same list of carriers on the General Liability, Contractors Pollution Liability, Fleet and Prop-erty policies. For 2023 the General Liabil-ity Carrier is looking for 5% rate in-crease, this has been tempered from the double digit increases from pre-vious years. Although they’ve taken rate increases and made coverage cor-rections over the last couple of years,
JUNE 2023 t CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR t 5 Market and Trends for 2023they still prove to have a competitive of-fering. Working on Fuel handling systems has traditionally been a difficult operation to insure, it’s been no different regardless of the stage of the market cycle we are in. Contractor Pollution Liability has es-sentially remained with the same carrier since 2003, we’ve had some cases where we’ve utilized other markets, based on indi-vidual needs. We are always nervous about moving between carriers for pollution as the underground gradual fuel leaks some-times go undetected for years, it’s best to have the same carrier on risk throughout. Fleet insurance has had a tough go over the last three years, companies re-main very selective on inexperienced driv-ers, couple that with the labour shortage, it has really caused strain on contractors trying to hire drivers with verifiable in-surance history. For 2023 we are actively marketing the fleets individually, not so much as the entire portfolio. So, for any contractors out there who op-erate vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of 4,500 Kgs or over, you are required by the ministry of transportation to register your business with a Commercial Vehicle Opera-tors Registration number. The National Safe-ty Code registration is the common name used within Canada for an operating author-ity. For Canadian carriers, you file for this in your home province, and it follows you from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific coast. The province of Ontario calls this number a CVOR and Quebec calls this an NIR. This registration number contains a history of your fleet’s collisions, convictions, vehicle’s condition and audit results. This information is all readily available in the form of a level 2 CVOR report. The CVOR level 2 report is your 2-year rolling safety score and histori-cal record of how your fleet operates. Two The strict requirements for eet insurance have caused a strain for contractorsBy David Mason, B.Comm., FCIP, CRM Canada Brokerlink
6 t CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR t JUNE 2023OF SERVICE TO THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY SINCE 195227, Industrial Blvd. Unit 140, Caraquet (NB) E1W 0A2 | TEL (506) 727-0955 | FAX (506) 727-0959Aboveground Tank Fabrication (ULCS601, ULCS602, UL142)Cylindrical, Horizontal, Vertical & Rectangular (ULCS652 Used Oil)Underground Tank Fabrication (ULCS603.1)Pressure Vessels - ASMEWWW.THETANKSHOP.CAkey indicators on this report are your Overall Violation Rate as a percentage and your Safety Rating as a category, categories include excel-lent, satisfactory, satisfactory-no audit, condi-tional and unsatisfactory. Your level 2 CVOR report is the most important assessment tool for a fleet underwriter. Take a look at your level 2 CVOR report, specifically overall violation rate, if your per-cent is 35% or over, fleet underwriters will decline to quote your fleet, if this percentage wanders up to 70%, there’s a good chance you’ll be getting warning letters from the ministry with the potential to downgrade your Safety rating, If your run with a condi-tional CVOR, a fleet underwriter will decline to quote your insurance, if your CVOR safety rating downgrades from satisfactory to con-ditional, your current insurer will probably take heavy rate increase based on the fact that all the other markets will decline quot-ing. A clean CVOR will directly affect the terms and conditions of your fleet policy. With a 2-year rolling report that changes monthly, there are tips and tricks out there that can help keep your fleet rates in line. David Mason is the insurance manager for the OPCA and APSSCA insurance programs. He can be reached at
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8 t CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR t JUNE 2023®Take advantage of low fuel costs by buying in bulk with a Meridian Fuel Tank.Meridian’s NEW 15,000L, 25,000L & 35,000L skidded Econo Tanks are the ideal storage for those who are looking to increase their on-site fuel storage. Meridian Econo tanks feature double wall construction and our signature powder coated finish for reliable, long lasting fuel storage at an exceptional value.Ask us about our Standard Series Tanks up to 90,000L and our Recycled Oil Tanks!INCREASE YOUR BOTTOM LINE WITHMERIDIAN FUEL TANKSDOUBLE WALL | CAN- ULC-S601-14 APPROVED | POWDER COATED | 2,300-90, | | (800) 661-143670/30, 60/40, 50/50 Split Tank Options Used Oil Tanks Pump Package Options AvailableFind your local dealer at meridianmfg.comNEW ECONO TANKS15,000-35,000L | 3,278-7,710 Imp. Gal.© 2021 Meridian Manufacturing, Inc. Registered Trademarks Used Under License. (11/2021)
JUNE 2023 t CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR t 9 THE OPCA 28TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE TOOK PLACEMARCH 6 TO 8 ATTHEINTERNATIONAL CENTRE IN TORONTO. We were thrilled to nally meet in person once again after holding virtual meetings for the past two years. It’s hard to imagine when we had our last in person conference in 2020 that we would be in lockdown less than a week later! It was great to see the great turnout from our members and contractor community over the three-day event. OPCA members and their employees attended the one-day manufacturer training sessions on March 6th offered by Franklin Fueling, Nupi, OPW, Gil-barco, CSI, ZCL, Icon Containment Solu-tions, PD McLaren, and National Energy Equipment. This training helps keep our members up to date with their manufac-turer certification on various petroleum equipment and we are pleased to offer this every year. The day was well at-tended with over one hundred and twen-ty people participating in the sessions including staff from the TSSA whom we invite to attend every year. The OPCA is grateful for the support from the com-panies that provide these sessions at no cost to our participants. On day two of the conference, the OPCA held a POST Safety Forum. POST (Petroleum Oriented Safety Training) is widely used across Canada with an av-erage of sixteen thousand workers rep-resenting over four thousand companies utilizing the program each year. The program combines online learning with the necessary tools and documents to help companies keep their workers safe when working on petroleum sites. Our safety forums are a great way to share POST initiatives and report on updates to the POST program. We also invite speakers to discuss their insights on safety initiatives related to our industry. At the forum we provided an overview of the current initiatives with POST in-cluding the contractor’s commitment to POST, the online learning program and promoting our contractor community.The contractor community has also been key to helping POST achieve its vision of creating a safe, and productive workplace in Canada, and their con-tinued support of POST has remained steady. In 2022 we had over sixteen thousand workers complete the POST online orientation course which is just over 5% from 2021 and surpassing the five-year average. I think we can all agree that by continuing to work togeth-er we are making a positive impact on safety for our industry.It’s also important to note that POST would not be successful without the support of the many volunteers that comprise the POST Advisory Commit-tee. The committee meets several times throughout the year to examine contrac-tor engagement of the program, evaluate current POST documentation, resources and training and look at new initiatives to improve the program. This year, we also honoured two of our volunteers, Rick Lombardi and Mike Lamont. We were thrilled to spotlight both Mike and Rick for their outstanding service to POST and the advisory com-mittee including participating in various projects and campaigns. Congratula-tions Rick and Mike!OPCA Annual Conference Highlightsby Michelle Rae, OPCAAttendees at the OPCA 28th Annual Conference £
10 t CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR t JUNE 2023Also participating at the POST safety fo-rum was Helen Grasso, Program Manage-ment Consultant at Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. Helen was on hand to discuss WSIB’s Health & Safety Excellence Program. Companies can earn rebates on premiums and save money by improving their health and safety and help reduce injuries and illnesses and keep their employees and customers safer. In-formation on the program is available on the OPCA website at Our keynote at the safety forum were Stasy Presutto and Lisette Shaw both with Suncor Energy. They discussed Human and Organizational Performance otherwise known as HOP soon to be implemented at Petro-Canada. HOP is an operating philoso-phy and mindset allowing people to move from thinking about safety as an outcome, to thinking about safety as capacity. It pushes people to do investigations differ-ently, empowers learning, and helps lead-ers succeed. The full presentation can be viewed on POST’s YouTube channel, visit for more information. On day three, at the OPCA Annual Gen-eral Meeting on March 8th, Ken Jamieson, the President of OPCA, shared his thoughts on the future of the petroleum contracting industry and how it will be impacted by al-ternative fuels. Although alternative fuels provide an effective way to reduce emis-sions and reliance on traditional fuels, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed before they can be widely used. However, there are several chal-lenges that need to be addressed before they can become widely adopted. While the OPCA doesn’t have all the answers yet, they believe it’s crucial to start discuss-ing the topic. Additionally, Ken Jamieson wanted to address the misconception that the industry will become extinct in the next decade. He clarified that it would take years to rebuild infrastructure, and the in-dustry will adapt to service the facilities and equipment required, regardless of the fuel source.Guest speakers from the Technical Standards and Safety Authority were Fuels Safety Director Sam Sadeghi and Engineer-ing Manager for Fuels Gary Highfield. Sam provided an update on TSSA’s journey to become an Outcome Based Regulator us-ing an evidence-based and data-driven approach to identify which areas are most correlated to risk. Sam discussed TSSA’s Outcome-Based Regulatory model is based on a set of guiding principles, which in-clude focusing on reducing risks of harm to Ontarians, making decisions that are evidence based and balanced, responding consistently and proportionally to risks of harm, regulating clearly, flexibly, col-laboratively, and transparently, utilizing a regulatory toolkit, and an innovative and responsive service and rewarding regula-tory compliance and safety. Gary addressed how biofuels will be addressed in Ontario as industry is con-cerned there will be incompatible equip-ment continuing to be used or installed as higher bio content fuels are legislated to be produced by the Federal Government. There are currently no standards adopted in Ontario regarding biofuel compatibility to ensure existing equipment and/or new installations meet the minimum require-ments to prevent environmental or safety risks. TSSA has reviewed and received input from ULC on a preferred short list and is preparing a plan forward for each code based on UL’s plans for updating each code. David Mason, OPCA’s insurance pro-gram manager post-Covid issues and in-surance industry trends that are affect-ing your insurance policies. He noted the factors affecting the current insurance “hard” market including labour supply, ongoing supply chain issues and automo-bile theft. He also recommended compa-nies who have fleets look at their safety records. In Ontario, certain fleets depend-ing on combined weight are required to register with the Ministry of Transporta-tion for a Commercial Vehicle Operators Registration number. This report is a key tool for underwriters of your fleet insur-ance plan. Read more on Dave’s report in this issue on page 4.Our keynote speaker was Amanda Mitchell, Head of Fuels, Electric Vehicle Charging & Renewable Fuels for Petro-Canada. Amanda’s topic Navigating the Changing Energy Landscape in Canada ad-dressed her perspective on how everyone can successfully lead through the energy expansion in Canada. Amanda noted the many factors influencing Canada’s chang-ing energy landscape including address-ing climate change, government policies (such as net-zero emissions), competition and customer demands, and the pressure industry is facing to gain momentum in the race for alternative fueling. She also provided an overview of Petro-Canada’s portfolio of energy alternatives across Canada including EV charging stations, EcoDiesel™, and hydrogen. Sam Sadeghi, OPCA AGMStasy Presutto & Lisette Shaw of Suncor – POST Safety Forum
JUNE 2023 t CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR t 11 No job is too small or too big. Clarkway is the onlyway!Brampton, Ontario Oce11411 Clarkway Drive E.Brampton, Ontario, L6P 0W1Phone: (905) 794-016824-hour Emergency Contact: (416)“Precision Testing And Inspection Specialists.”Toll Free:·UHH[SDQGLQJ/RRNLQJIRUH[SHULHQFHGVHUYLFHWHFKQLFLDQV7UDLQLQJSURYLGHG&RQWDFWXVDWLQIR#OHDNWHFKVROFD&HUWLILHGFRPSDQ\IRUDOO\RXUDERYHJURXQGDQGXQGHUJURXQGUHTXLUHPHQWV9HU\OLWWOHGLVUXSWLRQWR\RXUGD\WRGD\RSHUDWLRQ&3&$FHUWL¿HGWHFKQLFLDQV&RPSHWLWLYHUDWHV+HOLXP3LQSRLQWOHDNORFDWLQJVHUYLFHUGSDUW\LQVSHFWLRQRIXQGHUJURXQGDQGDERYHJURXQGVWRUDJHWDQNV\VWHPLQVWDOODWLRQE\DFHUWL¿HGWHFKQLFLDQAmanda’s presentation was a powerful reminder of the importance of incorporating alternative fuels with tradition-al methods and products. While there is still much work to be done in this area, her message was one of hope and en-couragement. By working together and making small chang-es in our everyday lives, we can create a more sustainable future for ourselves and for generations to come.It is always inspiring to see dedicated individuals step up and take on leadership roles in their communities. Con-gratulations to Ken Jamieson, Lou Cerruti, Bill Rathwell and John Richards on their re-election to the OPCA Board. Their continued commitment to the organization is a testament to their passion for the industry. And let’s not forget to wel-come Joshua Armstrong to the team! As a representative of small business members, his unique perspective and expe-rience will undoubtedly contribute greatly to the Board’s decision-making process. We are excited to see what this talented group of individuals will achieve together in the coming year.Lastly, we would like to take this opportunity to bid fare-well to Donna Riddle as she leaves us for retirement. As Donna Riddle retires from our team, we want to express our gratitude for her dedicated service and contributions over the past fourteen years. She has been a valuable member of our team and her hard work and commitment have not gone unnoticed. We will truly miss her presence in our work-place, but we are happy for her as she embarks on this new journey in her life. We wish her all the best in her retire-ment and hope that she enjoys this new chapter filled with relaxation, adventure, and joy. Thank you, Donna, for being an integral part of our team and we will always remember the positive impact you have made on our organization.On behalf of our organization, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined us this year. Your participation was instrumental in making our event a resounding success. We appreciate the time, effort, and resources that you invested in attending, and we hope that it was a valuable experience for you. Rest assured that we will continue to work hard to serve our association and mem-bers, and we remain committed to providing you with top-notch events and services.Looking ahead, we are excited to announce that we have already started planning for our next event in 2024. We hope that you will mark your calendars and join us once again for another memorable gathering. Our team is dedicated to mak-ing each event better than the last, and we are always open to hearing feedback and suggestions from our attendees. Once again, thank you for your support and participation, and we look forward to seeing you in 2024!
12 t CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR t JUNE 2023 Petroleum Construction & Maintenance Fuel, Tanks, Pumps & Equipment Carwash Maintenance Aviation Fueling Facilities DecommissioningProudly Serving Our Clients For Over 40 Years!+HDG2IÀFH500 - 4th Avenue EastRegina, SK S4N 4Z53KRQH%UDQFK2IÀFHVSaskatoon, SKPrince Albert, SK7ROO)UHHSince 1923, Steelcraft has collaborated with consulting engineers, end-users, general contractors, and petroleum contractors to develop cost-effective, reliable, and safe storage solutions for flammable fuels and liquids. We offer a variety of storage solutions across two orientations (horizontal and vertical), four containment styles (single-wall, double-wall vacuum-monitored, double-wall integral contained, static head), and a wide range of capacities from 5000 L to 150,000 L. In addition to our expertise with aboveground storage solutions, we offer integrated design, engineering, and custom metal fabrication solutions for a variety of other product categories, including API-650 tanks, pressure vessels, and more.*Please note that Steelcraft’s ULC-listed aboveground storage tanks are not currently available for sale to Western Canada.For industry-leading aboveground storage solutions, contact us today!Steelcraft - A Century of Partnering for SuccessVisit us online to learn more! www.steelcraftinc.comor call us at:1-800-265-8840
JUNE 2023 t CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR t 13 POST is thrilled to have the continuing and unwavering support of the contractor community and the oil companies towards our mission of creating a safe and productive workplace in Canada. We believe that the contractor com-munity has played a pivotal role in helping POST achieve its vision, and your continued support has undoubtedly been a driving force in our success. We appreciate your dedication and commitment to our cause, and we look forward to continuing our partnership in the years to come.In 2022 we had over sixteen thousand workers complete the POST online orien-tation course across Canada. And those sixteen thousand workers represent al-most five thousand companies in every province and territory utilizing the POST program. We can all agree that by con-tinuing to work together we are making a positive impact on safety for our industry.The POST online orientation course of-fers two levels of training, with the ma-jority of users (around 65%) opting for Level 1. However, we highly recommend that companies encourage their workers to take the Level 2 course, which comes with additional benefits and tools at no extra cost. While both POST courses equip workers with the necessary tools to use the program effectively, Level 2 takes things a step further by offering more knowledge and resources that can make a significant impact on safety in the work-place. In fact, it can even help individuals become better leaders by providing them with advanced skills and insights.This is where you truly start honing your skills and take your knowledge and expertise to the next level. One of the ben-efits of Level 2 is that it helps you to de-velop your hazard identification and miti-gation skills. This means that you will be able to quickly identify potential hazards in any situation and take steps to mitigate them before they become a problem. This is an incredibly valuable skill to have, not just in the workplace but in everyday life as well.NEWS FROM POSTPOST LEVEL 2 PROVIDES EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP
14 t CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR t JUNE 2023Another huge benefit of Level 2 is that it helps you to develop critical thinking skills when performing PJOs. PJOs, or Planned Job Observations, are an impor-tant part of any job, as they help to ensure that everyone stays safe and that the job is completed correctly. With Level 2 train-ing, you will learn how to approach PJOs with a critical eye, asking questions and analyzing each step of the process to en-sure that everything is being done safely and efficiently.Overall, Level 2 will help you to become a more skilled and confident worker. With improved hazard identification and miti-gation skills, as well as critical thinking abilities when performing PJOs, you will be able to take on any job with confidence and success.As we explore the world of leadership, we realize that one of the most crucial as-pects is coaching. It is not just about en-forcing site rules and POST requirements, but it is also about leading by example and recognizing outstanding performance. And guess what? Being a good leader is not just limited to supervisors. Everyone can benefit from leadership tools. It is amazing how leading by example can inspire and encourage others to be their best selves.It is not just about giving orders and expecting people to follow them blindly. It is about being a role model and showing them how to do things right. As a leader, it is important to recognize that every in-dividual is unique and has their own set of strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, effective coaching is all about identifying those areas that need improvement and providing guidance and support to help them achieve their goals.By acknowledging outstanding perfor-mance, we not only boost the morale of the individual but also motivate others to strive for excellence. It creates a cul-ture of positivity and encourages healthy competition within the team. Seeing your team members excel at what they do is one of the most rewarding experiences for a leader.In conclusion, coaching is an essential aspect of leadership that cannot be ignored. Whether you are a supervisor or an indi-vidual contributor, there is always room for improvement. So, let us lead by example, recognize outstanding performance, and encourage others to do the same
Disponibles en inventaire jusqu’à 5000litres de capacité, tous nos réser-voirs mobiles en acier sont conçus et fabriqués en conformité avec la normeCAN/CGSB-43. 146 et sont conformesau standard international UN 31 A/Y. Qualité assurée par un système ISO 9001.Réservoirs mobiles -/$6.äµÁ<;9<>Available in stock up to 5000 litres of capacity, all our mobile steel tanks are designed, built and certified accordingto CAN/CGSB-43.146 and also complywith UN 31 A/Y International Standard.Quality guaranteed by an ISO 9001 system.Mobile tanksµÁ<;9<>ä -/$6 Since 1865Depuis 1865222$)0./-$ . .%-$).*(