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Course Conditions

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Course ConditionsThe following document details the terms and conditionsapplicable to all students whilst completing the Certificateof Veterinary Nursing in Emergency & Critical Care. These conditions will govern any decision taken by theCentre regarding an enrolled student's place or progress onthe courseIt is the students responsibility to ensure they have read andunderstood these conditions prior to starting the course.Any enquiries should be directed to the Centre

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ContentsDefinitionsApplication process & entry requirementsQualification approvalSecuring your place on the courseTerms of RegistrationCity & Guilds Learner RegistrationRequired course componentsExtension requestsDeferment requestsStudent InactivityWithdrawal / CancellationStudent TransferFinal Assessment Registration & Terms367891011121419222527

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DefinitionsThe Centre: Vets Now Ltd, Penguin House, Castle Riggs, Dunfermline,Fife, KY11 8SGStudent: The named person listed on an approved registration.Application: Completion of a valid online application form The application must becompleted in full and according to the listed application dates. Lateapplications will not be considered.Registration/Enrolment: Guarantee of a place for a listed intake ofthe Cert VN ECC. Registration will be confirmed following a reviewof all applications according to the course entry requirements. Registration, encompasses online application, Moodle access as wellas City & Guilds enrolment. Registration remains in the name of thelisted student at all times and is limited to the specific enrolledintake. Intake: The dated cohort of the Certificate a student joins. E.g, April2022. October 2024 etc. Registration is limited to one specific listedintake at any one time.Deferment: Delay of a students enrolment to a later date/intake.Transfer: Transfer of Certificate enrolment from one student toanother.This defines the terms we will use in this document and theirspecific meaning.

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Withdrawal: Cancellation of Certificate enrolment. Can be enacted byeither student or Centre.Inactive: A student who fails to adhere to the listed Course Conditions,and/or fails to maintain appropriate/regular contact with the Centre.Suspension: temporary suspension of student enrolment due toinactivity, deferment, or failure to make monthly payments as agreed.Includes suspension of Moodle and course material access.Extension: Extra time to complete and submit coursework. Must berequested by the student and agreed by the Centre.Final Assessment: Final exams, successful completion of whichbestows award of Cert VN ECC.Candidate: the learner/student, once they are enrolled to sit the finalassessment.Definitions cont'd

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Application process 1.A full and valid online application must be completed via PRIOR to the listed close of applications.No late applications will be considered.All applications will be reviewed by the Centre according to the listedcourse entry requirements. Applicants must adequately meet allcourse entry requirements before an application can be approvedand accepted onto the listed intake.Entry requirementsA Veterinary Nursing qualification and RCVS registered; or equivalentfor overseas candidates.Proficiency in English language (at IELTS 7 or equivalent). Proofrequired.A good level (at least 6 months) of continuous small animal work-based experience, post qualification.RequiredDesiredPreferably currently working in a predominantly small animalpractice with a good and varied caseload.

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Additional documentation requested may include qualification andinstitution information, copies of official award certification andsyllabus content. Applicants may also be asked to complete a skills checklist, whichmust be validated by a suitably qualified person to verify your skills.All required information should be returned to the Centre by the daterequested, in order that no delays are incurred.If the required information is not received by the listed date, it may not be possible to approve the application at that time.Consequently the application will be withdrawn and any fees alreadypaid, would be refunded, less the £200 deposit amount.The refund amount would be confirmed to the applicant and issuedvia the original payment method.For overseas candidates, it may be necessary to submit additionaldocumentation and information to confirm their listed qualification is asuitable equivalent to the current UK veterinary nursing qualification. We do appreciate however, that qualifications differ from country tocountry. Therefore we are also prepared to take into account relevantand appropriate practical work experience. Verification of practical skillsfrom a suitably qualified person would be required to support yourapplication.Qualification approval - overseas candidates

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Once an application has been approved, the applicant will receive anemail to confirm their enrolment on the listed intake.Full payment or payment confirmation must then be received by theCentre PRIOR to the listed payment due date to secure thatregistration.For those candidates paying by staged payments, a minimum depositof £200 is required prior to the listed payment due date in addition towritten confirmation of a monthly standing order payment of at least£75 a month.If payment, or payment confirmation is not received by the listed duedate, the registration will be withdrawn.The deposit amount of £200 is non-refundable.2. Securing your place on the course

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Registration on the Cert VN ECC is limited to one selected intake. 3. Terms of RegistrationConfirmation of registrantThe named person on the approved registration, will be consideredthe enrolled student for the course duration; unless they confirmotherwise in writing by withdrawing or transferring their place.Changes to the registration/enrolment cannot be processed by theCentre without written confirmation from the enrolled student.Confirmation of intakeAny changes to theselected intake date,will be processed andcharged accordingly.

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City & Guilds Learner RegistrationUpon commencement of the Certificate, students will be registered as alearner with City & Guilds. This ensures that students who successfullycomplete the course will receive their official City & Guilds certification.The City & Guilds learner registration is valid for a maximum of 5 years. All required course components must be completed within this 5 yeartimescale, otherwise, the registration will expire. Should a registrationexpire before the course is fully completed, it would be necessary for thestudent to re-register with City & Guilds before they are able to continuewith and complete the Certificate.A fee of £150 + VAT would be due prior to recommencement of study. This fee would be in addition to any deferment fees also due.Re-registration must take place within 6 months of the learnerregistration expiry date. If this time is exceeded re-registration would no longer be possible and the student would instead be required to re- enrol as a brand new student.

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Completion of required course components.Students are required to complete all course components tobe eligible to gain the final award of Cert VN ECC. Completion and submission of all unit outcome coursework andassignments must be done in a timely manner and in accordancewith the listed intake due dates.If a student is unable to complete the required course componentsfor their selected and enrolled intake, they should contact theCentre at the earliest opportunity to request an extension,deferment, transfer or withdrawal depending on their preference.If an enrolled student fails to adhere to the listed submission datesfor their intake and/or fails to contact the Centre, they will deemedas inactive. Inactive students may be suspended or withdrawn as necesscary.Appropriate fees will apply as listed below.Completion & submission of all Unit coursework according tolisted intake calendar dates.Completion of an approved final assessment registrationCompletion of all required final assessment papers.Components of the Cert VN ECC include: 1.2.3.

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A maximum of one week would usually be offered*, but only oneextension per unit will be considered.Students would be expected to make every effort to submit their workwithin the additional time allocated.Extensions requests should be submitted in writing A valid reason for the extension should beprovided.NB: *Requests longer than one week may be considered under exceptional circumstances.Requesting an extensionIf no submission is made and no contact received at the listed duedate, the Centre will contact the student directly to advise of anautomatic extension for one week.If the lack of submissions/contact continues after this, the Centre will contact the student to detail the Inactivity process and that this will result in them being suspended from the course.Students are encouraged to plan their time appropriately to ensureassignments are submitted within the relevant timescales. However, anextension can be requested if necessary.

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Students are permitted to defer their place to a later intake up to amaximum of three times. The relevant process should be followed,and the request submitted to the Centre by email. Charges will apply. If they are unable or no longer wish to complete the course, studentscan instead transfer their place to another eligible nurse from theirpractice This option is only available for a limited time, and costs willapply. A student can withdraw (cancel) their place at any time; however,fees may not be eligible for refund depending on withdrawal date.(For more information please see withdrawal section.)All changes must be confirmed in writing by the listed enrolledstudent. 4. Registration change options Deferring, transferring or withdrawing

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If after registering and being accepted onto the Cert VN ECC, you areunable to continue with your registered intake of the Certificate for anyreason, you have the option to defer your place to a later available intakedate.There are two intakes per year, in April and October. If you request tochange your enrolled intake, you will be offered relevant optionsdepending on your original start date. The deferment option can be utilised a maximum of 3 times.Deferring your placeRequests should be submitted in writing to the Centre for consideration.You will be contacted within a period of no more than 7 working daysto offer deferment options.A reply would be required within 1 week to confirm your preferredintake.Students will be expected to confirm their prefered options to theCentre by the dates listed in the email.If no reply is received by the requested date, deferment to the nextavailable date will be automatically processed and will be counted asone deferment option.Deferment Terms

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Places on an intake are entirely dependent on availability at the timeof request.If the prefered intake is not available, alternative options will beoffered.Any subsequent changes to your processed deferment, afterconfirmation, will incur additional charges or fees.Payment of outstanding deferment fees in full, is required prior tostarting a new intake.If a subsequent deferment is processed before payment for the firstdeferment fee is received, payment of both fees will be due before thestudent is eligible to restart the course.If a student uses all three deferment options, but fails to complete thecourse, then the Centre reserves the right to withdraw the studentfrom the course.Automatic defermentIf all required coursework is not completed within the timescales ofthe enrolled intake, automatic deferment may be enacted to allow thestudent to complete the course. Fees will apply.For those students who have completed the coursework portion of theCertificate but have yet to sit or pass the final assessment, automaticdeferment may apply if your enrolled intake closes before you sit theassessment. Charges will apply.Note: Certain time limits and fees will apply which are detailed below.

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Approved deferment periodExtended deferment periodAny period longer than one yearThe next available intake date = a period of no more than 6 months. Usually offered in the first instanceAperiod exceeding thenext available intakedate (e.g. up to one year)These requests will beconsidered on an individualbasisApplicable time limits and fees explaineda) First deferment requestApproved & extended deferment period (up to one year)A minimum feeof £50 (+ VAT) No re-enrolment is necesscary.Student would restart from wherethey left off.Units already completed, submitted and marked would stand. Student would restart the course from the next consecutive unit onthe new intake, following the new intake submission dates.Previously submitted work does not need to be resubmitted.

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A further fee of£100 (+ VAT) A further fee of£150 (+ VAT) b) Second & Third Deferment requests2nd deferment 3rd & final defermentFurther deferment options are available (maximum of 3 in total) butadditional charges will be incurred (see below). Existing unit submissions will be reviewed and depending on timeelapsed since original completion (18 months or longer). Studentsmay be asked to review and re-submit all assignments in their newintake (even those previously submitted).This is to compensate for review and update in the notes andassignments, during deferment periods. Each request will be considered on an individual basis.Administration fees would apply regardless of any fees previously paidand full payment would be required prior to the start of eachsubsequently agreed deferment term.

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A minimum feeof £100 (+ VAT)would be dueStudents should be aware they may be required to re-enrol and re-submit all unit assignments (including those previously submitted) ifthey opt to defer to an intake 18 months or more after their originalstart date.This is a City & Guilds requirement to ensure candidates knowledgeand understanding is current prior to assessment.The Centre will advise which, if any, of these requirements would benecessary.Re-enrolment will be required,Student should re-submit all unit assignments (including any previously completed)Each request will be considered on an individual basisc) Deferment period exceeding one yearAny additional fees due would be payable prior to the recommencement of study to confirm your place on the registered intake.

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If a student is unable to meet the conditions of the course or complete allcomponents of the Certificate (for whatever reason), then they arerequired to contact the Centre to discuss their options in a timelymanner. If they do not, students will be classed as Inactive. Consequently, thestudents' Moodle access and Certificate enrolment will be suspendeduntil appropriate action (as outlined in the terms below) is taken oragreed.5. Student InactivityInactivity TermsStudents who fail to submit their assignments, or exceed 3 weekspast the listed submission dates. (regardless of requested/agreedextensions)Students who do not respond to follow-up/contact emails from theCentre or their tutor.Students who exceed one year past the close of their enrolled intakewithout attempting the final assessment.In the following instances, students would be deemed inactive:

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Student will be given 1 week from the sent date to contact usto discuss the situation.Reply requiredFirst Inactive contactStudent will be advised that their enrolment and Moodle access has been suspended and they require to defer their place to continuethe course. Fees will apply.The first Inactive contact will be sent, if there has been no reply from astudent, despite being sent repeated (minimum of 2) emails regardingnon submission.The Centre will contact Inactive students following the process below;Second & Final Inactive contactStudent will be advised that due to repeated non contact, we assume that they no longer wish to continue with the course andhave consequently withdrawn their place.The second Inactive contact will be issued if no response is received tothe first contact.

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Confirmation of the student's withdrawal will be included in theemail, confirming the date of cancellation.Students who request to continue at this point, would not be eligibleto reinstate their original registration and would instead require to re-enrol as a brand new student, paying full course fees and completingall required course components again.Should the student refute the Centre's decision, they would have aperiod of no longer than 2 weeks (10 working days) from the date ofwithdrawal to appeal. Appeals must be submittedin writing and addressed tothe Head of Centre who willmake the final decision.Appeals

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The £200.00 deposit is non-refundable at any timefollowing payment. Therefore, any refund due wouldbe less this amount.Any remaining fees already paid would be refunded. Prior to officialcourse start dateand up to 28 daysafter.Date of cancellation Refund applicableMore than 28 daysafter the officialcourse start dateNo refund dueHowever, depending on the withdrawal date, students should be awarethat fees may not be eligible for refund.Please see below for more details:6. Withdrawala. Student cancellation requestCancellation requests must be put in writing to the Centre atvncertecc@vets-now.comA student can of course opt to canceltheir place on the course at any point.

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No refund would be due for fees already paid.If a student has used or exceeded their 3 deferment options but has notyet completed all required components of the course, the Centre willreserve the right to deem them Inactive and withdraw them from thecourse. Student's will be notified by email of their withdrawal from the course andwould have 10 working days (from receipt of email) to dispute this. Your request will be confirmed by email within 7 working days along withany refund due. Bank details from the original payee will be required toarrange a refund. It will be the student’s responsibility to provide these tothe Centre.b. Centre withdrawalDisputes should be put in writing (email)addressed to the Head of Centre. A valid reasonwould be required for the centre to consideroverturning the withdrawal decision. Dispute requests will be considered andresponded to by email within 10 working daysof receipt.

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Once a cancellation or withdrawal has been processed, it is not possibleto reverse this and allow continuation of the course. Therefore, if a student changes their mind and wishes to re-join thecourse at a later date, then they would require to re-register as a brand-new student. c. I've changed my mind can I restart the course?A brand-new online applicationshould be completed. Full coursefees would be payable, and all unitassignments must be completedand submitted (including anypreviously completed)There are no exceptions to this condition.

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Please note: the transfer option can only be used once per registration.It must also be used before the issue of Unit 3. After this stage, it will onlybe possible to defer or cancel your place. Fees will apply as detailed below.If  a  student  is  unable  to  continue  with  thecourse,  their  place  can  be  transferred  toanother  eligible  RVN  at  their  practice,  ratherthan cancel their place entirely.7. Student Transfera. Student has not started the course or received Moodle log in.No additional charge at this stage.If  the  course  fees  have  already  been  paid  in  full  for  the  first  student,these will be transferred to the new student’s registration.b. Student has received course material and submitted units...Fees will differ, depending on the stage of the course reached.The number of units issued, tutor support, admin time and registrationfees already paid will be considered, as these are required to be reissuedfor any new student, therefore will affect the amount due.As the student is the registered learner, we require confirmation of transferdirectly from them.  This cannot be actioned on the request of the practicealone, regardless of payment.

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To be eligible to sit the Cert VN ECC Final Assessment, student's musthave completed and submitted coursework for all six core units PRIOR tothe listed final submission date for their intake.If a student is unable to complete all coursework prior to the closing dateof their intake, they are required to defer their place onto an active intakein order to adequately complete the required coursework component.Students who have completed the coursework component of theCertificate, but have exceeded one year from the listed close of theirregistered intake, without attempting the final assessment would beclassed as inactive. Please see inactivity section for more information,8. Final Assessment RegistrationFor those students who have completed all unit coursework and are ready to sit the final assessment, an online registration will bemade available at least three months prior to the listedfinal assessment date. An assessment booking form must be completed, andpayment confirmation received PRIOR to the listedclosing date to secure their place.Full final assessment terms and conditionswill be issued to all eligible candidatesprior to applying.

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If a student chooses to defer their assessment place, and they are stillwithin one year of the closing date of their registered intake and have notyet completed an online registration, there would be no additionalcharges due.Students should email the centre at with theirrequest. If no assessment registration or contact is received from the student bythe listed assessment registration closing date, students willautomatically be moved to the list for the next available assessmentsitting. Again, no fees would apply at this stage.We would recommend you complete the final assessment at the earliestopportunity to capitalise on all the learning and knowledge you haveaccumulated whilst completing the course. However, we understand thatit is not always possible to do so for various reasons.Therefore, you do have the option to defer your exam place if you wish.However, depending on your circumstances different conditions or feesmay apply.a. Students within one year of intake closing date.You have not yet registered online...

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Students who have exceeded one year past the close of their registeredintake without attempting to sit the final assessment will be classed asinactive, regardless of any previous contact.The students course enrolment and Moodle access will be suspended andthey would require to defer to the next active intake, incurring therelevant fees and costs, before they are eligible to register for the nextavailable sitting of the final assessment.If no contact is received from an inactive student following repeatedcontact from the Centre, the students enrolment will be withdrawn. Written confirmation will be issued by email.b. Students exceeding one year past intake closing datewithout attempting assessment.If a student decides they want to defer after they have completed theonline assessment registration, then charges will apply to coveradministration costs and any non-refundable charges we may haveincurred. Requests should be submitted in writing to vncertecc@vets-now.comand must be submitted prior to the close of assessment applications.Terms will apply (see below) Student has already registered to sit the assessment on alisted date.

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Terms for deferment of Final assessment registrationYour existing registration will be cancelled, and you will be required tore-enrol once registrations become available for the next assessmentdate. For each deferment an administration fee of £25 (+VAT) will becharged. This would be payable prior to the close of applications forthe requested assessment date.The assessment fee (if already paid) will be transferred to the nextrequested assessment sitting.If there are any changes to the fees for the next selectedassessment, the candidate would be liable to pay any differencedue.This would be in addition to the listed deferment fee. No refund would be due for any reduction in fees.If deferment of their assessment place, means the candidate willexceed one year past the close of their enrolled intake, withoutattempting the final assessment, they would also be required to defertheir course enrolment to an active intake, so they can review thecurrent course material. This would be in addition to their assessmentdeferment. Appropriate fees will be due.Candidates are limited to a maximum of two assessmentdeferments.

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Any fees already paid would be non-refundable. Candidates would be required to re-register and pay fullassessment fees again to secure a place on any later assessmentsitting.If after deferring their assessment place twice, a candidate chooses notto sit the final assessment at the last available opportunity, they wouldforfeit their place and be withdrawn from the assessment list.

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Deferment after closeof applicationsNo other circumstances would be considered at this stage. If a candidate decides not to sit the assessment after the close ofapplications for a reason not listed above, it would no longer be possibleto defer and candidates would instead have to withdraw from the finalassessment. Any appropriate fees would be due in full. (please seewithdrawal section below for more information).After close of applications, a request to defer would only be considered inexceptional circumstances, (i.e. due to illness/injury/bereavement etc)

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If a candidate wishes to cancel their place and withdraw from the finalassessment they should put their request in writing to the Centre Withdrawing means that the candidate’s registration for the finalassessment will be cancelled. Candidates should be aware that fees paidmay be non-refundable if they withdraw from the final assessment aftertheir entry has been submitted to the awarding body. Consequently, if a candidate changes theirmind and wishes to secure a place on thator any later assessment they would requireto re-register as a new candidate, bycompleting a brand-new registration.Withdrawing from the final assessmentFull assessment fees would be dueagain to secure their place.Once a candidate’splace on a listedassessment has beenwithdrawn it cannotbe reinstated.

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That's all folks!Hopefully all the information you need should be here, but if there's anything you're not sure about or need a bit moreguidance on, please just contact us at vncertecc@vets- Good Luck!Good Luck, you can do it! We hope you enjoy the course!

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