Training for ExcellenceCourse Catalog | 2023The Training Center for Excellence
We extend our deepest gratitude to the trustees of The Rees-Jones Foundation for their investment in transforming the child welfare system with a commitment to creating better outcomes for children through the establishment of the innovative Rees-Jones Institute for Excellence in Child Welfare.
WELCOME TO TRAINING FOR EXCELLENCEWelcome to professional training designed specifically for the social services community. Whether you are an individual looking to earn Continuing Education Unit credits or a group or organization that wants to take your team to the next level, The Training Center for Excellence is here for you. Each course listed includes the training hours and any CEU credits available. You’ll also find the course objectives and credentials of the trainer leading the course. Plus, we can create customized training upon request.For complete information, contact us at We look forward to serving you.
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog4Contents MENTAL HEALTH06 Compassion Fatigue06 Empathy Circles07 Restorative Practice07 SelfCare & Wellness08 Intro to Human Trafficking08 Advanced Human Trafficking09 Motivational Interviewing Part 09 Motivational Interviewing Part COMPLIANCE11 Ethics11 HIPAA HEALTH & SAFETY13 Transportation Safety Training13 Transportation Driving Test14 CPR/First AID/AED CULTURAL COMPETENCY16 Cultural Humility16 Culture & Diversity17 Diversity Equity and Engagement17 Working with LGBTQ Youth18 Advanced LGBTQ Understanding Genders18 Spirituality19 Disabilities20 Poverty Simulation TRAUMAINFORMED CARE22 Trustbased Relational Intervention Introduction & Overview22 Trustbased Relational Intervention Connecting23 Trustbased Relational Intervention Empowering23 Trustbased Relational Intervention Correcting24 Trustbased Relational Intervention Refresher Types of Trauma24 Trustbased Relational Intervention Refresher Nurture Group25 Trustbased Relational Intervention Refresher Images25 Trustbased Relational Intervention Refresher Flipping Our Lids26 Trustbased Relational Intervention Refresher Connecting Games26 Trustbased Relational Intervention RefresherCorrecting While Connecting27 Trustbased Relational Intervention RefresherAuthoritative Parenting EMERGENCY BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION29 Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression SAMA30 SAMA Program One The Assisting Process Deescalation30 SAMA Program Two Protection of Self & Others Deescalation31 SAMA Program Three & Four Containment & Object Retrieval31 SAMA DeescalationApplied Techniques32 SAMA Deescalation Refresher32 SAMA Containment Refresher33 Managing Aggressive Behavior MAB34 MAB Refresher34 ColumbiaSuicide Severity Rating Scale CSSRS35 First Responders Crisis Intervention36 QPR Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention ZOOM Edition
Training for Excellence Course CatalogMental Health
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog6Mental HealthCOMPASSION FATIGUE Description: This course focuses on ways that a practitioner can prevent or combat fatigue.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Define and discuss compassion fatigue• Recognize the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue• Experiment with self-care strategies that lead to a path of wellness• Develop a personalized plan for self-careTraining Hour(s): Credit Hour CEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Professional Development in Child and Family ServicesEMPATHY CIRCLES Description: This course will deepen your skills in empathy and listening to support others in a crisis, help fellow staff who are overwhelmed, or need extra support and create a structure for ongoing practice.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Define and discuss empathy and demonstrate use of presence and listening skills to support others• Define and discuss the process and function of an empathy circle and how to create one• Define and discuss process of restorative circles to resolve conflict• Start a list of empathy buddies for support and self-careTraining Hour(s): Credit hour CEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Professional Development in Child and Family Services
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog7RESTORATIVE PRACTICE Description: This course will give participants an introduction and overview of the Restorative Practice method. Participants will learn to create support for those who’ve been harmed and establish a method of restoring relations through acknowledgment, ownership of actions and expanding the discipline window beyond a permissive and punitive response.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Define the Restorative Process and overview of application in repairing relations when harm has occurred helping both parties navigate events and impact on everyone involved • Learn methods to create a space to acknowledge and support victims and the event’s long-term impact • Learn methods to create a space to acknowledge and support offenders in a restorative rather than punitive way to emphasize ownership of what’s been done and learning ways to change behavior • Learn and discover ways to expand the Social Discipline Window from the punitive-permissive perspective to include limit-setting, discipline and encouragement, nurtureTraining Hour(s): Credit hoursCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Professional Development in Child and Family ServicesSELF-CARE & WELLNESSDescription: This training is designed to help support employees who work in direct care, to develop skills of self-care, maintain physical, mental, and emotional wellness, and reduce fatigue and burnout through creating specific plans for coping and taking care of yourself from the impact of interacting with kids who have experience a variety of trauma.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Discover how expectations impact people• Be able to define types of trauma and burnout• Ascertain factors and causes of trauma and burnout• Learn strategies for coping and reducing effects of trauma• Create a self-care planTraining Hour(s): Credit Hour CEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: TBRI Practitioner or Professional Development in Child and Family ServicesMental Health
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog8INTRO TO HUMAN TRAFFICKING Description: Orientation into defining human trafficking, the effect of trafficking on victims, and the role of community providers in the response and recovery of survivors.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Understand the meaning of human trafficking• Discuss the impact of human trafficking in the community• Reflect the role of providers and human trafficking interventionTraining Hour(s): Credit Hour CEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Understanding of social work and psychology as well as professional development in human trafficking ADVANCED HUMAN TRAFFICKING Description: An advanced training offering a review of human trafficking terms, types, and means of trafficking. Providing an in-depth look at how service providers can develop compassion and empathy when working with human trafficking victims. Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Identify means of trafficking• Define trafficking in laws and policies• Determine red flags in trafficking• Develop empathy skills to serve trafficking victims• Define role as the mental health professional in treating victimsTraining Hour(s): Credit Hours CEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Understanding of social work and psychology as well as professional development in human trafficking Mental Health
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog9Mental HealthMOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING PART Description: This course will introduce the concepts of Motivational Interviewing (MI) including the spirit of MI, stages of change, and open-ended questions, affirmations, reflective listening, and summary statements (OARS).Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Explain the spirit of MI with special emphasis on the stages of change• Construct open questions and know the difference between an open and closed question • Demonstrate affirmation speech, develop Reflective Listening skills, and create a summary statementTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Completion of a -day training by a certified trainer with the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT)MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING PART Description: This course will increase the participants familiarity with the theory of Motivational Inter-viewing. Participants will also learn basic Motivational Interviewing techniques like working through resistance, effective planning of sessions and gain the ability to apply those techniques to work with clients to enhance communication and increase behavior change.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Increase familiarity with the theory of Motivational Interviewing• Learn basic Motivational Interviewing techniques• Be able to apply specific techniques to work with clients and create effective plans for sessions to enhance communication and increase behavior change.Training Hour(s): Credit Hours CEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Completion of a 2-day training by a certified trainer with the Motivational Network of Trainers (MINT)
Training for Excellence Course CatalogCompliance
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog11ComplianceETHICS Description: This training will focus on defining concepts related to ethics in the social work profession. Participants will reflect on what values and virtues they have personally and how those influence their work. Ethical standards will be discussed along with different models to handle ethical dilemmas.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Establish foundation of knowledge and awareness of ethical concepts such as values, ethical standards, ethical dilemmas, and decision-making models• Discuss ethical and unethical situations in social work• Practice differentiating between ethical and unethical responses and ways to solve ethical dilemmasTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Understanding of social work ethicsHIPAA Description: This course will cover the HIPAA laws and how agency policy and procedures are in place to ensure professionalism when clients personal health information is given. The participants will cover policy and procedures on client’s rights, case management documentation, and ethical practices. Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Define HIPAA and its impact on the agency • Evaluate agency policies and procedures in place that will protect the clients, employees, and the agency • Develop strategies to protect private and/or confidential information in assigned job dutiesTraining Hour(s): Credit HourCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Certification of Compliance Training
Training for Excellence Course CatalogHealth & Safety“The trainers were amazing. Both of them kept us engaged and were very knowledgeable in what they were teaching.”
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog13TRANSPORTATION SAFETY TRAININGDescription: The purpose of this training is to inform participants of the Texas legal requirements for transportation safety and to educate on best practice standards. Minimum Standards for CPAs and GRO’s will be covered as well as selecting the proper child safety seat and identifying driving safety precautions and procedures.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Understand the impact your driving record can have on maintaining an insurable driving status• Identify legal Texas law requirements including child safety seats for transporting children• Understand the risks of materials that could become projectile within the vehicle• Formulate a routine maintenance checklist for a safe and legal operating vehicle• Model best practices for safe driving in various types of conditions• Utilize safe transportation techniques appropriate to the needs of clients servedTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Licensed Professional Counselor or Social Worker or Experience Teaching Child DevelopmentTRANSPORTATION DRIVING TESTDescription: This training is designed to train employees on safe driving techniques and have the employees demonstrate these techniques. Course will also discuss how to handle behavior management while in a moving vehicle.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Demonstrate safe driving techniques outlined by the agency and Texas DPS for safely transporting children in our care.• Review behavior management techniques to de-escalate a child in a vehicle during a transportTraining Hour(s): Credit Hour CEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Licensed Professional Counselor or Social Worker or Experience Teaching Child DevelopmentHealth & Safety
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog14Health & SafetyCPR/FIRST AID/AED Description: This course will cover Red Cross curriculum for CPR, First Aid and Water Safety information and techniques to use in crisis situations. All of the participants will be trained to first assess the risk and safety of the situation before proceeding. They will be able to coordinate with medical professionals and law enforcement to implement the organization’s health and safety procedures. CPR will help participants recognize and respond appropriately to cardiac, breathing, and first aid emergencies. First aid training provides information and the skills need to help adults and children during many emergency situations. All staff will be trained in these life saving techniques so that there is one person certified in basic first aid, CPR, and water safety on duty at each program site, at any time the program is in operation.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Describe how to recognize an emergency and size up the scene • Explain how to activate and work with the emergency medical services• Understand legal concepts as they apply to lay responders, including consent and the purpose of Good Samaritan laws• Describe and demonstrate the emergency action steps• Identify how to reduce the risk of disease transmission when giving care • Demonstrate how to check a person who is responsive for life-threatening and non-life-threatening conditions • Explain how to check an injured or ill person who appears to be unresponsive • Recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and describe appropriate first aid care for a person who is showing these signs and symptoms• Be knowledgeable on how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) for a person who is in cardiac arrest• Explain the Circle of Drowning and Chain of Drowning SurvivalTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: American Red Cross Certified Instructor
Training for Excellence Course CatalogCultural Competency“What a great trainer! Especially with the training being on ZOOM, he did his very best to keep the class engaged. He had great examples to apply to the material and also did a good job articulating the seriousness of the content, but balanced with some humor as well.”
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog16Cultural CompetencyCULTURAL HUMILITYDescription: This course is designed to introduce cultural diversities, bring awareness and increase cultural humility by understanding bias and discrimination. Participants will gain an understanding of the needs of the special populations when working with clients and the need for normalizing experiences and social inclusion. This course will address the differences within the culture and socioeconomic factors and how cultural identity plays in motivating human behavior and the impact it has on clients.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Learn broad definitions for responding to issues of culture• Recognize characteristics and value of a diverse employee workplace• Understand one’s own cultural identifiers and the influence they have on relationships with co-workers and clients• Learn how to improve work with clients to enhance the effectiveness of services by attending to cultural issuesTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: CMBCS Certification or Continued Education in Cultural CompetencyCULTURE & DIVERSITYDescription: This course will be designed to take a deeper look at culture and diversity to deepen awareness and increase cultural humility. This course is intended to be a more advance course and we highly suggest taking it only if the participants have an understanding of the cultural humility concepts.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Increase knowledge base about each of the dimensions of diversity and culture• Understand that assumptions can lead to stereotypes and unfair judgments about individuals and groups• Interact respectfully and appropriately in a variety of cultural contexts• Identify and understand various types of discrimination such as sexism, racism, and ageismTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: CMBCS Certification or Continued Education in Cultural Competency
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog17Cultural CompetencyDIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND ENGAGEMENTDescription: The training is intended to expand participant’s knowledge and awareness of diversity, equity, and engagement. Several types of media and activities are used to relate this information toward how to be more inclusive and accepting. Participants will discuss tough topics to increase their knowledge and awareness, including self-awareness and social awareness. By the end of the training, participants will have learned methods to assist in becoming more accepting and empathetic towards coworkers and clients from marginalized groups, allowing participants to be more successful in their job duties.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Learn the problematic issues facing our clients and coworkers• Discuss how the effects of an exclusive unequitable environment increase our self-awareness and mindfulness, using it to improve our teamwork and clients’ wellbeing, and by creating personal action plansTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: CMBCS Certification or Continued Education in Cultural CompetencyWORKING WITH LGBTQ+ YOUTHDescription: This training seeks to improve the outcomes for working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Understand why we need to focus on LGBTQ+ issues within our organization• Understand the terminology, culture, and language relating to LGBTQ+ youth• Understand the impact of rejecting behaviors on LGBTQ+ youth• Learn strategies for working effectively with LGBTQ+ youthTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: CMBCS Certification or Continued Education in Cultural Competency
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog18Cultural CompetencyADVANCED LGBTQ+: UNDERSTANDING GENDERSDescription: In this training the participants will learn about the determinants of gender, cross-cultural differences and how to work effectively with gender atypical clients.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Understand some of the factors that determine gender• Recognize that gender and biological sex are more complex than a simple male/female binary• Be aware of cross-cultural differences in the concept of gender• Review best practices in working with gender atypical individualsTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: CMBCS Certification or Continued Education in Cultural CompetencySPIRITUALITYDescription: This training will help the participants to become more competent in spiritual care in a religiously diverse world.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Define spiritual care• Locate the spiritual and religious regions• Identify aspects of basic spiritual development • Explain how trauma, bias, or discrimination impacts spirituality function of agency clientsTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: CMBCS Certification or Continued Education in Cultural Competency
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog19Cultural CompetencyDISABILITIESDescription: This training helps to recognize the characteristics and value of a diverse employee workplace. It also helps one to communicate and relate to individuals with disability.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Outline the history of the disability movement in the US since 1800’s• Know who can and could be impacted by a disability• Explain the types of disabilities and the varying levels of the impacts the same disability can have on individuals• Learn to communicate with and relate to people with disabilities• Acknowledge that people with disabilities can achieve their highest potentialTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: CMBCS Certification or Continued Education in Cultural Competency
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog20Cultural CompetencyPOVERTY SIMULATIONDescription: The participants will walk a mile in the shoes of those facing poverty by participating in this training exercise. They will have the opportunity to assume the role of a low-income family member living on a limited budget. The experience is divided into four -minute sessions, each of which represents one week in which they must provide for their family and maintain their home. Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Experience poverty from the perspective of individuals who live in poverty• Recognize the complexities of meeting the day-to-day realities of individuals who live with poverty • Describe how poverty may affect individuals, families and systems of care within a community• Evaluate self-biases and how these influence working with individuals and within communities experiencing poverty• Formulate strategies to improve interactions and approaches when working with individuals and communities experiencing povertyTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: Call for PricingTrainer Credential Requirements: CMBCS Certification or Continued Education in Cultural Competency
Training for Excellence Course CatalogTrauma-informed Care“The two trainers were well-prepared which made it easy to learn. They made the class enjoyable not boring.”
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog22TRUST-BASED RELATIONAL INTERVENTION (TBRI®): INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEWDescription: This training will lay the foundation for deep insight about the impact of a child’s history on their long-term development, create a framework for practical intervention and application, and enhance understanding about how to interpret behavior and to respond appropriately.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Gain insight into TBRI• Lay the foundation for intervention and application• Enhance understanding regarding interpreting behavior and responding appropriatelyTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Trust-based Relational Intervention PractitionerTRUST-BASED RELATIONAL INTERVENTION (TBRI®): CONNECTINGDescription: This course will guide the participant through the Connecting Principles of TBRI, which will include the attachment cycle, infant attachment classifications, what happens when things go wrong in attachment, adult attachment styles, and applying your knowledge through TBRI connecting principles using mindful engagement, choices, compromises, and life value terms.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Gain knowledge and insight about what secure attachment looks like between children and caregivers as well as understand the impact attachment history can have on children’s behavior• Gain insight and awareness about how our own attachment history influences the way we care for children• Learn helpful ways to help build a connection with children who come from hard places and did not have secure attachment• Learn appropriate proactive strategies to empower children with behavioral toolsTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/person Trainer Credential Requirements: Trust-based Relational Intervention PractitionerTrauma-informed Care
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog23Trauma-informed CareTRUST-BASED RELATIONAL INTERVENTION (TBRI®): EMPOWERINGDescription: The Empowering class of TBRI will enhance understanding about the physiological/internal roots of children’s behavior, instruct how to provide appropriate strategies for meeting children’s sensory needs, provide tools for making the environment feel safe and predictable for children, and create a bridge between theory and application for ease of use of the principles taught.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Enhance understanding about the physiological/internal roots of children’s behavior• Learn appropriate strategies for meeting children’s sensory needs• Provide tools for making the environment feel safe and predictable for children• Create a bridge between theory and application for ease of use of the principles taughtTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Trust-based Relational Intervention PractitionerTRUST-BASED RELATIONAL INTERVENTION (TBRI®): CORRECTINGDescription: This training will lay the foundation for understanding how to balance structure and nurture during interactions with children, enhance understanding of the TBRI IDEAL Response and Levels of Response, and communicate that after behavioral episodes children should be content, feel connected to their caregiver, and have changed behavior.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Balance the difference between structure and nurture• Understand the TBRI IDEAL Response• Apply the TBRI Correcting principles• Apply the TBRI Correcting principlesTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Trust-based Relational Intervention Practitioner
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog24Trauma-informed CareTRUST-BASED RELATIONAL INTERVENTION REFRESHER (TBRI®): TYPES OF TRAUMADescription: This course will focus on defining and recognizing different types of trauma. The stress system will be examined. Participants will examine behavior through a trauma lens and then apply that knowledge to scenarios.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Recognize the types of trauma• Organize the stress response system• Examine behavior through a trauma lens• Dissect trauma conceptsTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Trust-based Relational Intervention PractitionerTRUST-BASED RELATIONAL INTERVENTION REFRESHER (TBRI®): NURTURE GROUPDescription: At the end of this training participants will know the elements of a nurture group, experience a nurture group, and create a nurture group that is relevant to their program.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Recall the elements of a nurture group• Experience a Nurture Group • Construct a Nurture GroupTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Trust-based Relational Intervention Practitioner
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog25Trauma-informed CareTRUST-BASED RELATIONAL INTERVENTION REFRESHER (TBRI®): IMAGESDescription: Images training will help participants understand that our perceptions influence our reality. Participants will analyze their “shoulds”, which are also beliefs, and how they contribute to power and control during interactions with youth, as well as how the client “shoulds” influence their reactions to workers. Participants will also evaluate how labels influence our perception of clients; and understand that clients have labels for workers too.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Understand how our perceptions influence our reality• Analyze how our “shoulds” contribute to power and control• Evaluate how labels we give clients influence our perception of themTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Trust-based Relational Intervention PractitionerTRUST-BASED RELATIONAL INTERVENTION REFRESHER (TBRI®): FLIPPING OUR LIDSDescription: This training will teach participants how to identify the signs of emotional dysregulation and apply de-escalation techniques for clients. Participants will utilize the Calming Engagement Plan and understand how the Calming Engagement Plan can be used while working with clients. Participants will simulate making a plan with clients using de-escalation techniques to help clients regulate.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Know the signs of emotional dysregulation• Apply de-escalation techniques• Create a Calming Engagement Plan• Make use of the de-escalation techniques with clients when helping them regulateTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Trust-based Relational Intervention Practitioner
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog26Trauma-informed CareTRUST-BASED RELATIONAL INTERVENTION REFRESHER (TBRI®): CONNECTING GAMESDescription: At the end of this course participants will understand their attachment style and how that influences their interactions with youth they serve. Participants will also play games that demonstrate the TBRI connecting engagement strategies. Participants will be able to apply the games with youth in their programs to connect with them.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Identify their attachment style• Apply their attachment style to their interactions with youth• Demonstrate TBRI connecting engagement strategiesTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/person Trainer Credential Requirements: Trust-based Relational Intervention PractitionerTRUST-BASED RELATIONAL INTERVENTION REFRESHER (TBRI®): CORRECTING WHILE CONNECTINGDescription: At the end of this course participants will know their parenting style and understand that Authoritative caregiving provides youth with good outcomes. Participants will learn skills for correcting while maintaining a connection to youth in their care and why this is important.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Identify their parenting style and understand the four caregiver styles Understand the authoritative parenting style and how this style produces good outcomes for youth in their care• Apply the principles of correcting while connecting to their interactions with youthTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Trust-based Relational Intervention Practitioner
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog27Trauma-informed CareTRUST-BASED RELATIONAL INTERVENTION REFRESHER (TBRI®): AUTHORITATIVE PARENTINGDescription: At the end of this training participants will understand the four types of caregiving styles, with a special emphasis on Authoritative Caregiving and how it can provide positive outcomes for youth. Participants will also develop skills to use with youth in emotional development.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Compare caregiving styles• Distinguish how Authoritative Caregiving provides better outcomes for youth• Apply skills for providing youth with positive outcomes using the Authoritative Caregiving styleTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Trust-based Relational Intervention Practitioner
Training for Excellence Course CatalogEmergency Behavior Intervention“An amazing trainer. Knowledgeable and engaging.”
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog29Emergency Behavior InterventionSATORI ALTERNATIVES TO MANAGING AGGRESSION (SAMA) Description: This course will introduce the participant to Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression (SAMA), the four Programs of SAMA, its critical beliefs, the nature of anger, anger and the mind and body, characteristics of an assisting person, and the assisting process. The materials and techniques used in this training comply and are designed directly out of the SAMA course curriculum, which the trainer has been certified and licensed to use. Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Identify and explain the basic principles of SAMA; and• Use the assisting process using the SAMA principles;• Describe and demonstrate the skills of protection of self and others and the principles of the program;• Understand the basic concepts of containment using the principles of SAMA; and• Describe and demonstrate the skills of containment procedures; and• Understand when it is appropriate to do an object retrieval and will be able to perform the skills of retrieving an object and the principles of the program. Training Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression (SAMA) Trainer Certificate
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog30Emergency Behavior InterventionSAMA PROGRAM ONE: THE ASSISTING PROCESS (DE-ESCALATION)Description: The participant will review the Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression (SAMA), its critical beliefs, the nature of anger, anger and the mind and body, characteristics of an assisting person, and the assisting process. The materials and techniques used in this training comply and are designed directly out of the SAMA course curriculum, which the trainer has been certified and licensed to use. The activities referenced in this training document are from SAMA Facilitator’s Manual. Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Identify and explain the basic principles of SAMA• Use the assisting process using the SAMA principlesTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression (SAMA) Trainer CertificateSAMA PROGRAM TWO: PROTECTION OF SELF & OTHERS (DE-ESCALATION)Description: This course will introduce the participant to Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression (SAMA), its critical beliefs, the nature of anger, anger and the mind and body, characteristics of an assisting person, and the assisting process. The materials and techniques used in this training comply and are designed directly out of the SAMA course curriculum, which the trainer has been certified and licensed to use. Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Describe and demonstrate the skills of protection of self and others and the principles of the programTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression (SAMA) Trainer Certificate
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog31Emergency Behavior InterventionSAMA PROGRAM THREE & FOUR: CONTAINMENT & OBJECT RETRIEVALDescription: This course will review participants in demonstrating the skills of containment and the principles of the program with Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression (SAMA) principles. The materials and techniques used in this training comply and are designed directly out of the SAMA course curriculum, which the trainer has been certified and licensed to use. The activities referenced in this training document are from SAMA Facilitator’s Manual. Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Understand the basic concepts of containment using the principles of SAMA • Describe and demonstrate the skills of containment procedures• Understand when it is appropriate to do an object retrieval and will be able to perform the skills of retrieving an object and the principles of the programTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression (SAMA) Trainer CertificateSAMA DE-ESCALATION-APPLIED TECHNIQUESDescription: This course will review Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression (SAMA), its critical beliefs, the nature of anger, anger and the mind and body, characteristics of an assisting person, and the assisting process. The materials and techniques used in this training comply and are designed directly out of the SAMA course curriculum, which the trainer has been certified and licensed to use.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Correctly apply the principles of SAMA to situations that may arise Training Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression (SAMA) Trainer Certificate
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog32Emergency Behavior InterventionSAMA DE-ESCALATION REFRESHERDescription: This course will review with the participants Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression (SAMA) including the critical beliefs, the nature of anger, the characteristics of an assisting person, and the assisting process. The materials and techniques are designed directly out of the SAMA course curriculum, which the trainer has been certified and licensed to use. Training Objectives:At the end of this training the participant will be able to identify and explain the basic principles of SAMA • At the end of this training the participant will be able to use the assisting process using the SAMA principles. • At the end of this training the participant will be able to describe and demonstrate the skills of protection of self and others and the principles of the program. Training Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression (SAMA) Trainer CertificateSAMA CONTAINMENT REFRESHERDescription: This course is designed to review with its participants, when containment and object retrieval is necessary and the skills as defined in the SAMA curriculum. The materials and techniques used in this training comply and are designed directly out of the SAMA course curriculum, which the trainer has been certified and licensed to use. Training Objectives:At the end of this training the participant will be able to understand the basic concepts of containment using the principles of SAMA • At the end of this training the participant will be able to describe and demonstrate the skills of containment procedures • At the end of this training the participant will be able to understand when it is appropriate to do an object retrieval and will be able to perform the skills of retrieving an object and the principles of the program. Training Hour(s): Credit HoursCEU Credits Available: No CEU credits awarded; Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression (SAMA) Trainer Certificate
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog33Emergency Behavior InterventionMANAGING AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR (MAB)Description: This program is designed to help improve the quality of service provided to children, youth, and their families by strengthening worker’s skills. It prepares workers to prevent and intervene in the aggressive behavior of children and youth. The participants in this course will be able to demonstrate the skills of physical blending and holds.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Understand the foundations for supporting behavioral change• Understand the effects past trauma on current behavior • Recognize our role in prevention strategies• Understand the connection between needs and behavior • Understand how people behave in crisis • Implement early intervention strategies.• Practice development de-escalation, a physical protection skill • Understand personal limitations and strengths • Learn the risk factors associated with the use of physical interventions • Implement strategic responses to teach new behaviors • Reinforce nonaggressive behaviorsTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCost: $/personCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionTrainer Credential Requirements: Managing Aggressive Behavior Instructor Certification
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog34Emergency Behavior InterventionMAB REFRESHER Description: This program is designed to help improve the quality of service provided to children, youth, and their families by strengthening worker’s skills. It prepares workers to prevent and intervene in the aggressive behavior of children and youth. This is a refresher of the MAB curriculum and physical blending skills.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Understanding how MAB and ACH themes/values blend together to help us practice trauma informed care while working with youth, families, and each other• Demonstrate physical blending skills• Conduct effective debrief conversationsTraining Hour(s): Credit HoursCost: $/personCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionTrainer Credential Requirements: Ukeru Trainer CertificateCOLUMBIA-SUICIDE SEVERITY RATING SCALE (C-SSRS)Description: This training teaches the participant how to use the C-SSRS tool. The Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), supports suicide risk assessment through a series of simple, plain-language questions that anyone can ask. The answers help users identify whether someone is at risk for suicide, assess the severity and immediacy of that risk, and gauge the level of support that the person needs.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Define the constructs and understand the need for C-SRRS• Apply this evidence-supported tool to help identify the levels of suicide risk• Use simple questions to help gauge the risk levelTraining Hour(s): Credit Hour CEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: • Bachelors Degree preferable in Social Work or similar education• Minimum years experience working directly with youth or adults in crisis• Training on the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog35Emergency Behavior InterventionFIRST RESPONDERS CRISIS INTERVENTIONDescription: The purpose of this training is to assist participants with evaluating the level of danger and immediate needs when receiving a crisis call. The training also reviews how to establish a collaborative relationship with the caller and how to identify problems and causes of the crisis while exploring emotions. Participants will also learn how to choose an action plan, generate alternatives, assist with coping strategies and schedule a follow-up session with the caller.Training Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Evaluate levels of danger and assess immediate needs• Establish a collaborative relationship• Identify problems and causes of the crisis while exploring emotions• Choose an appropriate action plan for the caller• Generate alternatives and coping strategies• Schedule follow-up sessions with callersTraining Hour(s): Credit HourCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: • Bachelors Degree preferable in Social Work or similar education• Minimum years experience working directly with youth or adults in crisis
NOTE: Price ranges are dependent on the number of participants and the location and delivery of training. Contact us for pricing and for discounts when multiple courses are purchased. For more information, contact Training.Requests@ACHservices.orgTraining for Excellence Course Catalog36Emergency Behavior InterventionQPR GATEKEEPER SUICIDE PREVENTION: ZOOM EDITIONDescription: QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention is a -hour educational program designed to teach professional “gatekeepers” the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to respond. Gatekeepers can include anyone who is strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone at risk of suicide (e.g., parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches, caseworkers, police officers). The process follows three steps: Question the individual’s desire or intent regarding suicide Persuade the person to seek and accept help and Refer the person to appropriate resourcesTraining Objectives:At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:• Understand the concepts of QPR Suicide Prevention• Recognize someone who is at risk for suicide• Demonstrate their increased knowledge of the intervention skills• Process the information learned and get clarification on any questions that still remainTraining Hour(s): Credit HourCEU Credits Available: LMSW/LCSW, LPC, LMFT, Certificate of CompletionCost: $/personTrainer Credential Requirements: Gatekeeper Instructor
Training for Excellence by ACH Child and Family Services originates from ACH’s main campus in Fort Worth, Texas. The Rees-Jones Center for Excellence in Child Welfare is located in The Jo and Holt Hickman Center and is the home of The Training Center for Excellence, with seating for up to and an adjoining space for seating up to . For conferences, the Great Hall can seat up to . We welcome inquiries for in-person training. Training CenterThe Great HallThe Lynn O’Day Collaboration Room
ABOUT ACHWith over a century of experience, ACH, a Fort Worth-based nonprofit agency, brings needed resources and skills to children and families struggling with life’s challenges. Some of our programs and services keep children and families together while others provide a healing home for children who can’t live with their families. And through the Our Community Our Kids division, ACH is leading the way in Community-Based Care in seven counties of the Texas foster care system. ACH has been accredited every year since by the Council on Accreditation and in Our Community Our Kids became nationally accredited. Our vision is for families to thrive and children to experience safety, hope and love. Learn more at Wichita Street Fort Worth, Texas The Training Center for Excellence/