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Circle of Support Fact Sheet

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is unique toSafe Families for Children. We believe there is a role for everyone and thateach role is vital in helping keep children safe and families together. TheCOS is a group of people working together to support a parent while alsokeeping volunteers supported as they open up their hearts and homes tohost children.What is a Circle of Support?The problem with the world is that we drawthe circle of our family too small. is centered around the power of relationships to stabilize andstrengthen families facing difficult circumstances. We believe when parents feel supported and surroundedby family-like relationships, children can better thrive in the home. That's why Safe Families for Children wasstarted! We want to reframe how families are served when facing challenging circumstances by providing adevoted network of relationships based on our core values of radical hospitality, disruptive generosity, andintentional compassion.Isolation and loneliness have become one of the greatest mental health threats for women 18-37, and thisthreat is only heightened for single women parenting children. By providing relationships and utilizingnetworks through a Circle of Support, parents benefit from social connectedness and resources that cansignificantly assist them in getting back on their feet. In a recent study by Harvard University, "The share ofhigh SES (socio-economic status) friends among individuals with low SES--which we term economicconnectedness--is among the strongest predictors of upward income mobility identified to date. Thesecross-class friendships had a stronger impact than school quality, family structure, job availability, or acommunity's racial composition. The people you know, the study suggests, open up opportunities" (1).THE SAFE FAMILIES MOVEMENTMother Teresa(1) CIRCLE OF SUPPORT (COS) MODELThe Circle of Support Model:RELATIONSHIPS MATTER

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CONTACT USFamily FriendResource FriendsHost FamilyFamily Coachinfo@safefamilies.netsafe-families.orgWhat are the Goals of theCircle of Support?for a parent to achievetheir goals andadequately care fortheir they can adequatelyaddress the crisissituation that led to theneed for Safe they do not feelisolated andoverwhelmed in caringfor the child/children intheir home.Who makes up a Circle of Support?THE MOST EFFECTIVE