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Corrections Wellness Pamphlet (JUL-AUG/Emotional)

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Grab your Yoga mat and namastewith goats! If THAT doesn’t screamself-care.... what does?!The Vermont Department ofCorrections leads throughinnovation, supports staffwellness, creates rewardingcareer opportunities, ensuresour facilities and field offices aresafe, secure, and healthy;Provides justice-involvedindividuals with opportunities forself-improvement, cultivatesmeaningful partnerships, andadvances restorative justicepractices.correctionswellnessVermont is covered withfreshwater beaches, manytucked inside state parks whereyou can enjoy other activities.There are 12+ public beaches onLake Champlain, and over 80swimming holes statewide!Whether you take a dip, practicewater sports, or just catch thesunset; there are many benefitsto enjoying Vermont’s lakes this UP THE SUN! (castleton) (londonderry)J U L - A U G2 0 2 4what is emotional wellness?Being aware of your emotionsand effectively dealing withthem has a direct impact onhow you experience life.Maintaining a positive mindsetcan contribute to betteroutcomes in work, personalrelationships, and in your overallmental wellbeing. When weprioritize emotional wellness,we enhance our quality of M O U T S I D E . . W I T H G O A T S !T A K E A H I K EG E T Y O U R F E E T W E T

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laugh out a weekend of free laughterand playful performances at theFestival of Fools in DowntownBurlington August 2- August 4.Musicians, acrobats, sketchcomedy acts, music, buskers anddancers unite to bring you andyour family the ultimatemerrymaking experience of thesummer! Did we mention it’sfree?P I C K Y O U R O W N B E R R I E S !food for your moodvermontfestivaloffools.comAugust in VT means countyfairs galore! Enjoy fair food,agricultural events, live music,demo derbies, and of coursethose adrenaline pumping rides!vermontstatefair.orgfranklincountyfielddays.orgchamplainvalleyfair.orgtunbridgeworldsfair.compet playtime!Pets are only here for a partof our life, but to them, we are theirwhole life. Making time to play andpet animals significantly reducesstress-related hormones in as littleas 5 minutes. Our serotonin anddopamine levels rise when wecuddle with our furry friends - somake sure to incorporate qualitytime with them this summer! I S I T T H E I C O N I C D O G M T N143 Parks Rd.St. Johnsbury,Vermont05819dogmt.comN O P E T ? N O P R O B L E M !Head on over to your local animalshelter and get your cuddles inwith cats, dogs, bunnies - youname it. There are also severalopen-to-the-public farms acrossthe state where you can spendtime with cows, sheep, goats,horses, pigs, chickens & more!O F F - L E A S H B A R K P A R K’ve all heard the phrase “We arewhat we eat”, and what we eatdirectly impacts our mental health.Choosing to eat a balanced dietand keep our bodies hydratedhelps us to maintain better moods,energy levels, and overall wellbeing. Visit your local farmers marketsand enjoy vibrant organicproduce, craft tables, activities,and farm fresh food prepared toorder. There are markets onweekends and weekdays -check out where your localmarket is! a deep dive into your favoritefoods at a food festival! Whetheryou’re passionate about craft brews,local berries, or cheese - there’s asummer festival for U N A T T H E F A I RS U M M E R F O O D F E S T I V A L SF A R M E R S M A R K E T SF E S T I V A LO F F O O L S

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laugh out a weekend of free laughterand playful performances at theFestival of Fools in DowntownBurlington August 2- August 4.Musicians, acrobats, sketchcomedy acts, music, buskers anddancers unite to bring you andyour family the ultimatemerrymaking experience of thesummer! Did we mention it’sfree?P I C K Y O U R O W N B E R R I E S !food for your moodvermontfestivaloffools.comAugust in VT means countyfairs galore! Enjoy fair food,agricultural events, live music,demo derbies, and of coursethose adrenaline pumping rides!vermontstatefair.orgfranklincountyfielddays.orgchamplainvalleyfair.orgtunbridgeworldsfair.compet playtime!Pets are only here for a partof our life, but to them, we are theirwhole life. Making time to play andpet animals significantly reducesstress-related hormones in as littleas 5 minutes. Our serotonin anddopamine levels rise when wecuddle with our furry friends - somake sure to incorporate qualitytime with them this summer! I S I T T H E I C O N I C D O G M T N143 Parks Rd.St. Johnsbury,Vermont05819dogmt.comN O P E T ? N O P R O B L E M !Head on over to your local animalshelter and get your cuddles inwith cats, dogs, bunnies - youname it. There are also severalopen-to-the-public farms acrossthe state where you can spendtime with cows, sheep, goats,horses, pigs, chickens & more!O F F - L E A S H B A R K P A R K’ve all heard the phrase “We arewhat we eat”, and what we eatdirectly impacts our mental health.Choosing to eat a balanced dietand keep our bodies hydratedhelps us to maintain better moods,energy levels, and overall wellbeing. Visit your local farmers marketsand enjoy vibrant organicproduce, craft tables, activities,and farm fresh food prepared toorder. There are markets onweekends and weekdays -check out where your localmarket is! a deep dive into your favoritefoods at a food festival! Whetheryou’re passionate about craft brews,local berries, or cheese - there’s asummer festival for U N A T T H E F A I RS U M M E R F O O D F E S T I V A L SF A R M E R S M A R K E T SF E S T I V A LO F F O O L S

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laugh out a weekend of free laughterand playful performances at theFestival of Fools in DowntownBurlington August 2- August 4.Musicians, acrobats, sketchcomedy acts, music, buskers anddancers unite to bring you andyour family the ultimatemerrymaking experience of thesummer! Did we mention it’sfree?P I C K Y O U R O W N B E R R I E S !food for your moodvermontfestivaloffools.comAugust in VT means countyfairs galore! Enjoy fair food,agricultural events, live music,demo derbies, and of coursethose adrenaline pumping rides!vermontstatefair.orgfranklincountyfielddays.orgchamplainvalleyfair.orgtunbridgeworldsfair.compet playtime!Pets are only here for a partof our life, but to them, we are theirwhole life. Making time to play andpet animals significantly reducesstress-related hormones in as littleas 5 minutes. Our serotonin anddopamine levels rise when wecuddle with our furry friends - somake sure to incorporate qualitytime with them this summer! I S I T T H E I C O N I C D O G M T N143 Parks Rd.St. Johnsbury,Vermont05819dogmt.comN O P E T ? N O P R O B L E M !Head on over to your local animalshelter and get your cuddles inwith cats, dogs, bunnies - youname it. There are also severalopen-to-the-public farms acrossthe state where you can spendtime with cows, sheep, goats,horses, pigs, chickens & more!O F F - L E A S H B A R K P A R K’ve all heard the phrase “We arewhat we eat”, and what we eatdirectly impacts our mental health.Choosing to eat a balanced dietand keep our bodies hydratedhelps us to maintain better moods,energy levels, and overall wellbeing. Visit your local farmers marketsand enjoy vibrant organicproduce, craft tables, activities,and farm fresh food prepared toorder. There are markets onweekends and weekdays -check out where your localmarket is! a deep dive into your favoritefoods at a food festival! Whetheryou’re passionate about craft brews,local berries, or cheese - there’s asummer festival for U N A T T H E F A I RS U M M E R F O O D F E S T I V A L SF A R M E R S M A R K E T SF E S T I V A LO F F O O L S

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Grab your Yoga mat and namastewith goats! If THAT doesn’t screamself-care.... what does?!The Vermont Department ofCorrections leads throughinnovation, supports staffwellness, creates rewardingcareer opportunities, ensuresour facilities and field offices aresafe, secure, and healthy;Provides justice-involvedindividuals with opportunities forself-improvement, cultivatesmeaningful partnerships, andadvances restorative justicepractices.correctionswellnessVermont is covered withfreshwater beaches, manytucked inside state parks whereyou can enjoy other activities.There are 12+ public beaches onLake Champlain, and over 80swimming holes statewide!Whether you take a dip, practicewater sports, or just catch thesunset; there are many benefitsto enjoying Vermont’s lakes this UP THE SUN! (castleton) (londonderry)J U L - A U G2 0 2 4what is emotional wellness?Being aware of your emotionsand effectively dealing withthem has a direct impact onhow you experience life.Maintaining a positive mindsetcan contribute to betteroutcomes in work, personalrelationships, and in your overallmental wellbeing. When weprioritize emotional wellness,we enhance our quality of M O U T S I D E . . W I T H G O A T S !T A K E A H I K EG E T Y O U R F E E T W E T

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Grab your Yoga mat and namastewith goats! If THAT doesn’t screamself-care.... what does?!The Vermont Department ofCorrections leads throughinnovation, supports staffwellness, creates rewardingcareer opportunities, ensuresour facilities and field offices aresafe, secure, and healthy;Provides justice-involvedindividuals with opportunities forself-improvement, cultivatesmeaningful partnerships, andadvances restorative justicepractices.correctionswellnessVermont is covered withfreshwater beaches, manytucked inside state parks whereyou can enjoy other activities.There are 12+ public beaches onLake Champlain, and over 80swimming holes statewide!Whether you take a dip, practicewater sports, or just catch thesunset; there are many benefitsto enjoying Vermont’s lakes this UP THE SUN! (castleton) (londonderry)J U L - A U G2 0 2 4what is emotional wellness?Being aware of your emotionsand effectively dealing withthem has a direct impact onhow you experience life.Maintaining a positive mindsetcan contribute to betteroutcomes in work, personalrelationships, and in your overallmental wellbeing. When weprioritize emotional wellness,we enhance our quality of M O U T S I D E . . W I T H G O A T S !T A K E A H I K EG E T Y O U R F E E T W E T