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Get Festive WithProvidence RowGet Festive WithProvidence RowBuilding a community of support for people experiencinghomelessness in London.Building a community of support for people experiencinghomelessness in London.

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Safe Space AppealOur Winter FundraisingCampaign - Safe SpaceJessie's StoryJessie’s name and image have been changed to protect her identity2getinvolved@ providence ukAs winter approaches, the challenges faced by thoseexperiencing homelessness become even more acute.The harsh weather conditions amplify the struggles offinding warmth, safety, and human necessities.At Providence Row, we are dedicated to ensuring thatno one in our community is left out in the cold.We are launching our ‘Safe Space’ Winter Campaign,a crucial initiative aimed at raising both funds andawareness to support individuals experiencing or facinghomelessness. This campaign will provide essentialresources such as nutritious meals, a safe space to be,and access to showers as well as a pathway to ourprogrammes that offer long-term solutions.We are reaching out to our valued corporate partnersto join us in this vital effort. By participating in ourcampaign, your company can make a profounddifference in the lives of those who are mostvulnerable this winter. Your involvement will not onlyhelp us provide immediate relief but also reinforce yourcommitment to social responsibility and communitywell-being.Growing up in an abusive family,Jessie fled for better life at 19, butfound herself alone on the streets of London, roughsleeping for five years. “I’m not really sure what I thought would happenwhen I arrived in London, I was just so desperate toget away from home. I won’t ever forget that firstnight..” Weeks turned into months, Jessie started drinkingto numb the pain, soon becoming dependant onalcohol just to be able to get through the days. “I really had given up on myself, I couldn’t see away out. Then I met Jackie, an outreach workerfor Providence Row. She invited me to theDellow Centre for a shower and a warm meal,and it just went upwards from there. “If it wasn’t for Jackie, I would still be sleepingrough, still be begging to survive.This Christmas, I am looking forward to waking upin the warm with food in my belly, but moreimportantly I can’t wait to spend this Christmas noton my own.”Maria O’DonoghueMichael BlakesleyDaisy BellHead ofPartnershipsCorporate PartnershipsManagerSenior CorporateFundraising OfficerMOMBDB

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Our urgent appeal this ChristmasClick or Scan tobuy tickets orhere to sponsorthe event.Scan to buy our clients by attending an event!Providence Row CinemaScreening: Tokyo GodfathersA film that poignantly reflect thethemes of homelessness, hope &the search for belonging.Date: December 5th, 2024Time: 1pm-3pm MatineeLocation: RichMix Cinema,Bethnal Green, E1Participate in the London CEO Sleepout: Winter Waits for No One!The CEO sleepout at Lord’s Cricket Ground is morethan just a fundraiser; it is a powerful statement ofcompassion and commitment to the vulnerablemembers of our community. Raise funds andawareness for agood causeContribute to anational impactHave a uniqueexperienceClick or Scan tosign up with thefundraising teamBusiness Junction Best SuperBig Charity Quiz EverDate: November 12th, 2024Time: 5:30pm-9:30pmLocation: The Dickens InnJoin us for...Complimentary drinks on arrival& pizzaA fun team bonding experienceRaffle & Auction in support ofour serviceDate: November 25th, 2024Time: 7pm-6:30amLocation: Lord’s Cricket Ground

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410TH DECEMBER 2024 AT7PMST. MARY MOORFIELDS4-5 ELDON STREET, LONDONEC2M 7LSSponsored by:getinvolved@ providence ukC H R I S T M A SCarol ServiceJoin us after the service for a mulled wine andmince pie reception. Entrance is free but please consider making adonation to support our work.You are invited to ourYou can book your tickets online by scanning the QR code.

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12 Days of GivingProvidence Row will be participatingin The Big Give, which can doubleyour donation between December3rd to 10th. If you plan a fundraiserprior to December 3rd, save yourdonation & donate through The BigGive. See who has the most festivejumper by hosting a ChristmasJumper Competition! Chargean entry fee & vote on whichjumper you think would beSanta-approved! In 2025, homelessness will still exist,and our clients will still need yoursupport. Commit to making us yourNew Year’s Resolution by joining achallenge, planning a fundraising,setting up a weekly/monthly donation,or choosing us as your Charity of theYear 2025. Commit to a NewYear’s Ways of GivingThe Big GiveProvidence Row will be taking partin the London CEO Sleepout onNovember 25th at Lords CricketGround. We’re inviting all CEO’s &Senior Leadership teams to unite tofight homelessness. All you need is abig heart; a sleeping bag & a desire toraise or donate £1,500. For moreinformation go to Page 3CEO SleepoutLondonWear ChristmasJumpersOrganise a team outing onDecember 5 between 1 - 3pmand join us to watch ‘TokyoGodfathers’, an anime film about3 homeless men who discover anewborn baby on Christmas Eveand set out to find their parents.For more information go to Page 3.Enjoy a HolidayFlickHere are a few Holiday fundraising ideas to get you started, suitable for all ages and groups. Simplychoose your idea below to generate funds to support our life-saving services this winter! Contact for fundraising support!Get your team together toattend our Christmas Quizon November 12th at theDickens Inn. For moreinformation, go toPage 3.Participate in ourChristmas Quiz!

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Dedicate yourParty Funds12 Days of GivingPlan a fundraiser for ‘GivingTuesday’ (December 3rd) tohighlight the importance ofgiving back to thecommunity around you.For tips on fundraising,flip to Page 8.Giving TuesdayIf you have any unspent fundsfrom your annual Christmas Party,donate in your company's name toProvidence Row. Alternatively,leave a collection pot at theentrance of your Christmas Do witha Providence Row poster,encouraging your team to leavedonations. a relative or friend that’s hardto buy for? Instead of purchasing agift they may not use, donate intheir name. Why not donate £25to provide someone withbreakfast & lunch every day for aweek? Let us know and we canprovide you with an officialcertificate!12 Ways of GivingReplace a GiftSet up a weekly contribution to donatethe cost of 1 meal (£4.50) to support theFood Programme and provide hot mealsfor people experiencing homelessness inour community. Donate through our‘One Meal Deal’ fundraising page, or wecan set up a page for your company!For tips on fundraising, flip to Page 8.Swap a LunchChallenge yourself this winter bycommitting to an event like theSanta Run or Tough Mudder insupport of Providence Row!There’s nothing like the feeling ofcrossing the finish line knowingyou’ve had such a great impact. Join aChallengeHere are a few Holiday fundraising ideas to get you started, suitable for all ages and groups. Simplychoose your idea below to generate funds to support our life-saving services this winter! Contact for fundraising support!Plan a donation drive to collectitems including food, hygieneproducts and warm clothing(glove/hats), and undergarments tosupport our clients this for alist of appropriate itemsOrganise aCollection

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12 Days of Advent CalendarWhat is a ‘Reverse Advent Calendar’?The traditional Advent calendar is a beloved holiday tradition, but what if wecould put a charitable twist on it? Introducing Providence Row’s ReverseAdvent Calendar - a unique way for companies like yours to make a realdifference for Providence Row, a long-standing homelessness charity in theCity, East London and neighbouring boroughs.Here's how it works: Instead of opening a door to reveal a treat, your company will make a dailydonation to Providence Row. It starts small on Day 1 (just £1), but growsincrementally, reaching £25 by Christmas Eve. By the end, your cumulative £325donation can have a significant impact on the lives of those in need.So what are you waiting for? Sign up to be part of the Reverse Advent Calendar and become a beacon ofhope this holiday season. Contact us today to secure your spot and start makinga lasting difference for London’s most vulnerable this Christmas. Contact,uk for more information andfundraising support.

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We need Volunteers! us as we sing Christmas Carols with local school children and raisemoney for Providence Row this December! If you’d like to be involved, pleasecontact and Volunteer with Us!Spitalfields Market Tuesday, December 3rdWednesday, December 4thThursday, December 5thFrom 1-2pm everyday

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Our urgent appeal this Part of the Solution£500£1k£12k £45k £100k£500 could provide2 hot meals per dayto 20 people for aweek£12,000 could support 4quarterly Health &Wellbeing Fair’s hosted atProvidence Row, includingFlu and Covid vaccines forwinter£1,000 could support ourRoutes to Roots clients travelto accommodation, hospitaland appointments overwinter£45,000 could support 15people to a safe bed and placeto stay during the SevereWeather Emergency Protocol(SWEP)£100,000 could support ourEmployability and Progressionprogramme provide clientswith real-world skills, and aplethora of trainingopportunities

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FestiveFundraising top tips10FundraisingOnline Set an ambitioustarget Tell your storyDon’t be afraidto shareEncourageothers to getinvolved We recommend youuse our newfundraising platform‘Enthuse’. If you’d liketo set up a fundraisingpage this winter,please a targetencourages yoursupporters to donategenerously. Pages witha target raise 46%more than thosewithout! Aim high andtell the world. Plus,there’s no denyinghow satisfying it iswhen you see it tipthat 100% mark.Let your supportersknow why you’refundraising and whatit means to you. Ifyou’re challengingyourself with an event,let people know howmuch effort you’reputting in. Add photosand updates to yoursocial media andfundraising page!Sharing on all socialmedia platforms helpsto raise awareness forProvidence Row. Don’tbe afraid, people wantto hear about the goodthings you are doing.Make it more personalby emailing friends andfamily. Include ourhashtag #safespaceand tag us@providencerowGet friends andcolleagues to takepart and raisemoney with you,you could evencreate a healthycompetition!Providence Row is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered inEngland and Wales with company no. 07452798 and reg. charity no. 1140192. Itsregistered office is The Dellow Centre, 82 Wentworth Street, London E1 Fundraising Tips