Dear CASA Families:Happy November! In the spirit ofthanksgiving, I am very thankful for the opportunity toserve the CASA community and working withall of you.Please note the following:After school Clubs will be starting the weekof November 6th. We will be sending homethe list of after-school clubs flyer and thedays they meet shortly.We will be starting Saturday Regents Prepshortly. Notices will be sent out. We will also be offering our Juniors andSeniors Drivers Ed on Saturdays. As always, I encourage you to join me everylast Tuesday, 2:35pm-4:00pm in person orvirtually, every last Wednesday, 10:45am-11:45am am.Best ,Principal Wauchope , I.A.“WE MUST SHIFT OUR THINKING AWAY FROM SHORT-TERMGAIN TOWARD LONG-TERM INVESTMENT ANDSUSTAINABILITY, AND ALWAYS HAVE THE NEXT GENERATIONSIN MIND WITH EVERY DECISION WE MAKE.”―DEB HAALANDTHE CASA CHRONICLEFROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Issue No.10| November 2023CYBERARTS STUDIO ACADEMY Photo by K. Harris
November 23, 2023Thanksgiving DayUpcoming EventsAfterschool ClubsTuesdays-Thursdays(Check CASA’s Monthly Calendar for details.)CASA Special Education Open HouseWednesday, 11/8, 6:30pm (Virtual)CASA Open HouseThursday, 11/9, 6:00-7:30pm (Auditorium)SLT Parent ElectionsThursday, 11/9, 6:00-7:00pm (Room G22A)FASFA WorkshopTuesday, 11/14, 5:30pm-7:30pmParent Self-Care WorkshopTuesday, 11/14, 6:00pm-7:30pm (Room G22A)Student Town HallWednesday, 11/15 - Grades 9 & 10, Pd. 3 Grades 11 & 12, Pd. 4Evening Parent/Teacher ConferencesThursday, 11/16, (Virtual)Afternoon Parent/Teacher ConferencesFriday, 11/17 - ?????? Virtual OnlyThanksgiving RecessThurs., 11/23 & Fri., 11/24 - Schools closedNOVEMBER OBSERVANCESNational Adoption MonthAmerican Diabetes MonthNational Family CaregiversMonthNational Inspirational RoleModels MonthLung Cancer AwarenessMonthNational Native-AmericanHeritage Month
FALL TERMMARKINGPERIODS2023-2024 Marking Period312/4/23-1/22/24Report CardDistribution1/30/24Report Card Distribution 12/8/23 Marking Period 210/23/23-12/1/23
EASYEASYEASYEATS!EATS!EATS!SNACKSNACKSNACKDRIVEDRIVEDRIVEW e a r e s t a r t i n g a c o m m u n i t y p a n t r y f o r o u r k i d s .W i t h y o u r h e l p , w e w i l l b a g s n a c k s t o b e p i c k e d u p 3t i m e s a w e e k f r o m d i f f e r e n t l o c a t i o n s . Y o u rd o n a t i o n s w i l l h e l p g e t t h i s o f f t h e g r o u n d . W e w o u l dl i k e t o s t a r t t h i s i n O c t o b e r , o n O c t o b e r 1 0 t h . Y o uc a n d r o p a l l d o n a t i o n s o f f i n M s . S t e i n ' s r o o m . T h ed a y s t h a t s t u d e n t s c a n p i c k u p s n a c k s w i l l b e p o s t e da r o u n d t h e s c h o o l .G R A N O L A B A R S , C H I P S , P E A N U T B U T T E R A N D J E L L Y , P O P C O R N ,C R A C K E R S W I T H O R W I T H O U T C H E E S E , C H E E Z E - I T S , P U D D I N G ,M U F F I N S , P I E S , D E B B I E C A K E S , G R A H A M C R A C K E R S , T R A I L M I X ,A P P L E S A U C E , F R U I T P O U C H , H E A L T H Y C O O K I E S , G O L D F I S H , P O PT A R T S , O R A N Y T H I N G T H A T Y O U M A Y H A V E A T H O M E F O R AS N A C K B A S E D P A N T R Y . F O R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N , P L E A S EC O N T A C T S S T E I N 7 @ S C H O O L S . N Y C . G O VFOR MOREINFORMATION CONTACTMS. STEININ ROOMG21AHELLO ALL:
CONGRATULATIONSC Y B E R A R T S S T U D I O A C A D E M Y ’ SG R A D E 1 2 - R I J A A M I R G R A D E 1 1 - H A D I J A A L A B S I G R A D E 1 0 - J E S S I C A C A M P O SG R A D E 9 - A A L I Y A H R O B I N S O N
Above: Glass Installation of Preston Singletary, Tlingit American Artist. Images throughout the issue courtesy the National Museum of the American Indian. Learn more about PrestonSingletary and his art beginning on page 36. 4 22 Over 9.6 Million U.S. Residents Self-Identify as American Indian/Alaska Native in 2020 Census Data: US Census Bureau The American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) population, alone and incombination, increased from 5.2 million in 2010 to 9.6 million in 2020, an 86.5percent increase. This means AI/AN people represent 2.9 percent of thepopulation of the United States. • 3.7 million people self-identified as AI/AN with no otherrace • 5.9 million self-identified as AI/AN in combination with one race or more • 9.6 million self-identified as all or some AI/AN DidYouKnow:
Chippewa Dancer Photograph by Dick Wood 26 Beaded MoccasinsDOI Image Connections Magazine Zhawenim giwii-jii-bi-maadaziim we-we-ni doo-daw ga-ye[Be kind to others and treat them well] – Ojibwe, Great Lakes Chippewa
Across the Spider-Verse(2023)Gather ‘round everybody. It’s a very specialedition of Mr. J’s Movie Reviews. Savor thismoment, because this is a rare occurrencethat you’ll see me talk about a Marvel movieand, even rarer, say something good aboutit! I finally saw Spiderman: Across the Spider-Verse this weekend, now that it’s on Netflix.The original film, Into the Spider-Verse,changed the game not just for superheromovies, but for animated movies in general.Across the Spider-Verse takes the successof the first movie and does things biggerand better than the first, making it look likean incredibly small-scale, low-stakes moviein comparison. The first thing to say is that the animationand art style is absolutely gorgeous. Everyscene is visually more impressive than thelast, with every action/fight scene feelinglike a major set piece. With a hefty runtimeof 2 hours and 20 minutes, the movie isquite overstimulating both visually andstory-wise. But that’s not a bad thing. Miles Morales returns with all his charmfrom the original, while continuing to tacklehis issues of self-worth. The rest of the cast,and their characters, are equally ascompelling with the likes of newcomerOscar Isaac and returning stars MR. J’S MOVIE REVIEW ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSEHailee Steinfeld and Jake Johnson. Thestory is a better multiverse adventurethan anything the MCU has put outthroughout the entirety of its “MultiverseSaga”, with Miles inadvertentlythreatening the stability of themultiverse through his selflessness(could it also be selfishness through hispersonal need to prove himself worthy?).Miles must come to grips with the realitythat, ultimately, there are some thingsthat he, despite being Spiderman, cannotchange. The second half of the movie is filledwith an overwhelming amount of fan-service and cameos, with something forSpiderman fans at every level of fandomto spot. My personal favorite cameocomes Directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp PowersJustin K. ThompsonAcross The Spider-Verse
from Donald Glover as an “alternate universe”Prowler. I have neither the time nor space to gointo the whole lore of the significance of thatcameo, but it is definitely the one to havegotten the biggest reaction out of me. Despite the movie making the most of itslengthy runtime, it did begin to suffer what wein the biz™ call “Return of the King-syndrome”.I’m sure I’m dating myself with that reference.By that, I mean, it did feel like there wereseveral points within the last half hour or sowhere the movie could have ended, and it ishere where the film starts to slightly overstayits welcome. Even with the film getting itselfinto Return of the King territory, it is still one ofthe best movies of the year. With all those Spider-cameos, it’s a shame wewere robbed of Danny Devito’s “Man-Spider”.But, oh well. * * * * 3/4 MR. J’S MOVIE REVIEW ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSEDirected by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp PowersJustin K. ThompsonAcross The Spider-Verse
Sports Forecast by Mr. SearsAnother inspiring story this fall season hasbeen the female football players at ShawUniversity and Jackson State university. Shawuniversity’s sophomore, India Pulphus andJackson state university’s freshman, LeilaniArmenta are making history as kickers athistorically black colleges. Pulphus became thefirst woman to score in a football game inCentral Intercollegiate Athletic Association(CIAA). Armenta became the first female kickerto score in a Division 1 Historical Black CollegeUniversity (HBCU) football game.When you think of the fall season, the first thingthat may come to mind is the weather changing. Theleaves begin changing colors and the holidays areupon us. When a sports fan thinks of the fall season,they are excited, like a kid in a candy store, and can’twait to check the schedule.When you think of the fall season, the first thingthat may come to mind is the weather changing. Theleaves begin changing colors and the holidays areupon us. When a sports fan thinks of the fall season,they are excited, like a kid in a candy store, and can’twait to check the schedule.When we see the return of basketball and hockeythis means it’s getting cold outside and beingindoors is a must. Basketball returns with manystory lines that are intriguing to the 2023-2024season. These story lines usually keep sports fansglued to their television screen to catch the action.What helps to make the fall season such an excitingtime for sports fans, is that it’s the only seasonwhere all the major sports are played at the sametime.One of the biggest stories this football season is the“Prime Effect” which is based upon the arrival ofCoach Deion ‘Primetime’ Sanders or Coach Prime tothe University of Colorado. This has changed the landscape and culture of college football inmany ways. The university of Colorado were 1-11 last season but midway through thisseason, they already have a record of 4-4. Thisis a complete turnaround from the program’srecord, just a year ago. During his playing days,Deion Sanders motivated athletes to play thegame with flair and confidence like no otherathlete could. Now, as a coach he is doing thesame but in a different way. Sanders isshowing African American coaches it is cool todo things your way because people will eitherlove it or not. He advises coaches to do whatbest represents you as a coach to get yourplayers to relate and want to play their verybest for you. It’s been very cultivating to watchand experience because, as an AfricanAmerican coach on the high school level, I havebeen inspired to take my passion for coachingbeyond its limits.In the ZoneWith basketball season just underway, thereare more stories like these that will inspiremany athletes and fans. Therefore, get yourpopcorn ready, hit your favorite sports bar orjust find a spot on the couch and enjoy whatthe fall season has to offer because when it’sover, its over!Shaw University AthleticsPhoto courtesy of
Brush off those blues this holiday season - grab your phone, scan thatQR code, and share all the things in life that make you feel thankful. Spread some love and kindness to the world by sharing heartwarmingstories of how you received or gave kindness. Let's sprinkle some suggestions on how people can participate in thisspirit of giving during the holiday season, while spreading cheer allaround this festive season!Entries will be posted in the December 2023 CASA Chronicle. For Gratitude andGiving Back...
Saturday, 19 November, 2023M R . H O F F M A N ’ SC O R N E RHalloweenReincarnationDreams Yicheng Jiang Class: Beginner ENLDESCRIPTION For Halloween, studentsread a story about a womanwho believed she wasreincarnated. The studentswere then asked to write ashort response based onwhat animal they would liketo be reincarnated as usingacademic vocabulary. Students were thenencouraged to draw apicture of the animal. Mayrie GarciaJun Li
Allisson Ayala Stivin Duchi Axel Guarax Nurim Iraslieva Zixuan Wei
Karen CaleroSantiago Brand Bonilla Xinchen Yu Cesar Julajuj Zhi Heng Jiang
Anastasia Tsisyk - 11/1Kevin Vazquez - 11/1Dayana Calix- 11/2Sean Barrett - 11/4 Kayla Jackson- 11/6Hedu Godinez Perez - 11/6Grethel Santos - 11/9 Anthony Alfaro - 11/10Maria Guerra Blanco-11/10Josue Mejia - 11/12HappyBirthday
David Moreno- 11/15Ms. K. Harris - 11/16 Ms. Whitney - 11/18Yime Choc Coc - 11/20 Tridib Das - 11/20Luis Romero - 11/21 Natasha Tinaure - 11/21 Desi Montez Salazar - 11/22Christopher Rivera - 11/22 Joao Montez - 11/28 HappyBirthday
Cyberarts Studio Academy Valrie Wauchope, Principal,cDawood Abdul-Hameed, Assistant Principal Alyson Forde, Assistant Principal 237 7th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215 Tel # (718) 832-4201Fax #: (718) 832-0273 Our community of learners will think and act critically, ethically and responsibly in order to ensure that they are college and career ready. STUDENT OFF CAMPUS LUNCH 90% Attendance criteria - What You Should Know Off Campus lunch is a privilege granted to students whose cumulative dailyattendance is 90% or better and have 5 or less subject class period cuts permonth. Month/Semester Number of Days in Month September 16 October 21 November 19 December 16 January 16 FALL SEMESTER February 16 March 20 April 13 May 22 June 14 SPRING SEMESTER Number ofAbsencesPermitted 2 2 2 2 2 9 2 2 2 2 0 18 Number ofCumulativeAbsencesPermitted 2 4 6 8 9 9 9 11 13 15 18 18 Number ofSubject PeriodsCuts Permitted 5 5 5 5 5 25 5 5 5 5 5 25 Number ofCumulative CutsPer Monthpermitted 5 10 15 20 25 25 5 10 15 20 20 20 1. Students must have their parents sign the Off Campus Lunch Permission form. 2. Students must have daily attendance of 90% or better and have 5 or less subject class period cuts per month. 3. Off Campus lunch is scheduled during period 5 between 11:25am – 12:10pm. 4. Each student that is eligible for Off Campus lunch will have a sticker placed on the back of their student ID. 5. Students must return to the campus at 12:10pm or earlier. Failure to return to school on time can result in termination of privileges. 6. Students must provide documentation for excused absences such as medical notes, court notes, funerals if their attendances falls below 90% for consideration to restore Off Campus Lunch.
@ C Y B E R A R T S H S B K
AMonth inReview AMonth inReview
We would especially like to thank Ms.Wauchope, Ms. FordeMs. G. Harris, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. J, Ms.Leyva, Ms. Monroe, Mr. Morton, , Mr.Sears, Ms. Stein, and the CASAfaculty and staff for theircontributions to this issue of theChronicle. EDITOR-IN-CHIEFMS. K. HARRIS