Bishop Never Muparutsa is the president of theEvangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe, overseeing 900denominations of churches nation-wide. Dwayne willbe preaching in Bishop Muparutsa's church in August. James Damey started full-time with NLW Internationalin May of 2023 as our US Director of Ministries. Jameslives in Cheyenne, WY with his wife and 3 teenagekids. With 27 years of ministry in local churches, Jamesbrings great expertise and experience to our team.Summer 2023More open doors!Thanks to our financial partners and prayer partners, we can goboldly toward the many opportunities for ministry that the LORDkeeps opening for us. Take Zimbabwe, for example. We're leading our third IntensiveSchool there in August of this year. We've already helped thousandsof church leaders and members in Zambawe over the past 6 years.And we are now poised to train even more in the future. The pictureto the right was taken in April when Dwayne and our AfricaDirector, Donald Kutala, were leading conferences in Harare.Pictured with Dwayne is the president of the Evangelical Fellowshipof Zimbabwe. This fellowship represents 900 denominations inZimbabwe. They have swung their doors wide open to NLWInternational, inviting us to minister in churches across Zimbabwe.Only God's hand of blessing can explain such opportunities. We arehonored to lock arms with national church leaders in Zimbabwe andas well as in the US, Germany, Kenya, South Africa, India, Pakistan,and other countries.MINISTRY UPDATESNext Level Worship InternationalChanging Lives through WorshipWelcome James to our team!"Stepping into this new season of life as the US Director of Ministrieshas already been an exciting shift for me. This years started off witha bang at the ReFocus conference. It was a great opportunity to meetthe staff and see them at the top of their game. Each member bringsan incredible amount of skill and heart to the table. Getting to knowand work with this staff has been a joy. I have been especiallyblessed to see Dwayne’s heart in supporting local worship ministersand pastors, pouring time, energy, and skills into them.I cannot tell you how excited I am for the new opportunities comingup from the staff and leadership. We have been developing severalthings that may have the capacity to engage the worship industry andchurches in a major way. Stay tuned as we roll out these amazingresources in the near future!" After visiting churches, ministers, board members, and otherincredible NLWI partners, I am blown away by the passion each onehas for God and His commission for us to share His truth with thisworld. All this to say, Man! I am so glad to be a part of this incredibleministry and team! We need your help to make these opportunitiesrealities!!" --James DameyPlease prayerfully consider afinancial gift to help us in 2023. Give
Books translated for EthiopiaOur NLWI Ethiopia Director, Demeke Daniel, hastranslated Dwayne's latest book into their nationallanguage of Amharic. HE. WE. THEY. The Life-AlteringFormula of the Model Prayer is a 5-week Bible study tohelp believers experience deeper, more powerfulprayer and worship. Demeke and our NLWI Ethiopiateam are leading pastors conferences on prayer incities across Ethiopia, giving each pastor a copy of HE.WE. THEY. Financial gifts from our partners make thispossible.More God-moments!Ethiopian church leaders holding HE. WE. THEY. books translated in AmharicWe have several mission and ministry opportunitiesthis year. We just finished a fruitful week of revivaland community evangelism in New Mexico in June.In July we will take over 20 US and African teammembers to Uganda and Zimbabwe to leadconferences and Worship Bible Schools for hundredsof children and church leaders. This Fall the NewEngland Baptist Convention has invited us to lead alarge worship conference for their churches. InJanuary of 2024, our team has been invited by BibleSeminary Bonn to lead a national conference forchurch leaders in Germany.Mission trips in theUS, Africa & GermanyJoy is using our materials to teach children in Zambia aboutworship and the Gospel during a Worship Bible School in 2022.She's returning with us this August to teach more children.One-on-one mentoring across oceansThis year's NLWI Mentoring program wraps up in Julyafter 6 months of incredible mentoring. It's the largestgroup of mentors/mentorees we've had yet. Thisunique discipleship program pairs a worship leader orpastor in the US and other countries with a leader inAfrica. Sarah is a mentoree in Uganda. She has grownso much from her time with Susan Troth, a NLWImentor and a professor at Cedarville University inOhio. Sarah said, "I’m really grateful for thismentorship program, I really thank God for it. I’velearned that worship leading isn’t just about music andsomeone getting on the stage, but it begins with a trueworshiper." As our Director of Mentoring, Linda Sheha,explains, "It’s just amazing how God can connectpeople from two different continents and move insuch a way in both of your lives. You tend to wonderat the end of the day who’s mentoring who.”