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Copy of La Salette 9 day Program

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SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH, 2023Adoration w/Novena & BenedictionMorning MassMorning of Reflection8:00 - 8:45am9:00am 10:00am to NoonSpecial Attendance of Organizations/Ministries' Day 1 - The InvitationMary Said: "Come near, my children, do not be afraid"La Salette LaityEnglish MassSpanish FAMILY MASSEnglish FAMILY MASSAdoration w/Novena & BenedictionEnglish Life Teen Mass7:30am9:00am 10:45am 4:15pm5:00pmSpecial Attendance of Organizations/Ministries' Day 2 - Great NewsMary Said: "I am here to tell you great news."Youth Ministry, Ushers Ministry & School Choir @ 10:45amSUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2023FR. TERRY NIZIOLEK, M.S.FR. ANDREWS KOLLANNOOR, M.S.FR. FRANK COONEY, M.S.FR.CLEMENTE MARIO, M.S.GOOD SHEPHERD, ORLANDO, FL.GOOD SHEPHERD, ORLANDO, FL.FR. TERRY NIZIOLEK, M.S.FR.CLEMENTE MARIO, M.S.4:30pm6:15pmEnglish Vigil MassSpanish Vigil MassTHE STORY OF THE APPARITION WILL BE SHOWN AT ALL MASSESTHE STORY OF THE APPARITION WILL BE SHOWN AT ALL MASSES2

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Mary Said: "If my people do not submit, I will be forced to let fall the arm of my Son..."MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2023Adoration w/Novena & BenedictionMorning Mass8:00 - 8:45am9:00am Special Attendance of Organizations/Ministries' Day 3 - SubmissionParish CouncilMain CelebrantFR. FRANK COONEY, M.S.GOOD SHEPHERD, ORLANDO, FL.TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH, 2023Main CelebrantAdoration w/Novena & BenedictionMassLa Salette Novena w/ John 23rd Ministry 8:00 - 8:45am9:00am 7:00pmDay 4 - The Sin of the WorldMary Said: "Six days I have given you to labor, the seventh I have kept for myself; and they will not give it to me..."BLESSED TRINITY, ORLANDO, FL.Special Attendance of Organizations/Ministries' FR. JOE EVERTON, M.S.John 23rd MinistrySpecial Attendance of Organizations/Ministries' Mary Said: "If the harvest is spoilt, it is all on your account..."WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH, 2023Adoration w/Novena & BenedictionSchool MassMother Perpetual Help NovenaLa Salette Ministry w/ Spanish Bible StudyDay 5 - Disasters and SufferingGood Shepherd Catholic SchoolMain CelebrantFR. JIM HENAULT, M.S.ST. ANN, MARIETTA, GA.Special Attendance of Organizations/Ministries' Filipino & Faith Formation Ministries' 8:15 - 8:45am9:00am 6:30pm7:00pm3

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH, 2023Mary Said: "If (my people) are converted, the stones and rocks will change into mounds of wheat ..."FR. ROLAND NADEAU, M.S.Special Attendance of Organizations/Ministries' Luz y VidaBLESSED TRINITY, ORLANDO, FL.8:00 - 8:45am9:00am 1:00 - 3:00pm7:00pm7:00pmAdoration w/Novena & BenedictionMassSpanish Adoration w/NovenaLa Salette Novena w/ Pescadores MinistryLa Salette Novena w/ Siervos MinistryAdoration w/Novena & BenedictionMassLa Salette Novena w/ Grupo de Oración8:00 - 8:45am9:00am 7:30pmSpecial Attendance of Organizations/Ministries' Day 7 - Prayer and EucharistMary Said: "Do you say your prayers well, my children?"Faith FormationDay 6 - ConversionMain CelebrantMain CelebrantFR. BENJAMIN LEHNERTZST. JOSEPH, ORLANDO, FL.FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15TH, 2023SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH, 2023Main CelebrantFR. ANDREWS KOLLANNOORGOOD SHEPHERD, ORLANDO, FL.Special Attendance of Organizations/Ministries' Day 8 - The Little Things in LifeMary Said: "Have you never seen wheat that is spoilt my children?"Women's GuildAdoration w/Novena & BenedictionMass8:00 - 8:45am9:00am 4:30pm6:15pmEnglish Vigil MassSpanish Vigil Mass4

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Good Shepherd Catholic School, Ushers Ministry, Youth Ministry, Faith Formation, Knights of ColumbusSUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH, 2023Annual International DaySUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH, 2023“LA SALETTE AROUND THE WORLD”12:00PM - 2:00PMMain CelebrantBISHOP JOHN NOONANDay 9 - Sent ForthMary Said: "Well, my children, you will make thisknown to ALL people."Special Attendance of Organizations/Ministries' Feast Day CelebrationsEnglish MassSpanish MassClosing Mass with the BishopAdoration w/Novena & BenedictionEnglish Life Teen Mass7:30am9:00am 10:45am 4:30pm5:00pmDIOCESE OF ORLANDOWe kindly invite you to join us in a joyous celebration ofour diverse and vibrant cultures. Following the conclusionof our 9-day La Salette celebration, we have planned adelightful event filled with delicious food, captivatingmusic, and lively dance. We sincerely hope you can be apart of this festive gathering.5

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Memorare to Our Lady of La SaletteRemember, Our Lady of La Salette, true Mother of Sorrows, the tears you shed for me on Calvary.Remember also the care you have always taken to keep me faithful to Christ, your Son. After havingdone so much for your child, you will not now abandon me. Inspired by this consoling thought, I come tocast myself at your feet in spite of my infidelities and ingratitude. Do not reject my prayers, O mercifulVirgin, but intercede for my conversion, obtain for me the grace to love Jesus above all things, and toconsole you by a holy life, that I may one day see you in heaven. Amen. Consecration to Our Lady of La SaletteMost holy Mother, Our Lady of La Salette, who for love of me shed such bitter tears in your mercifulapparition, look down with kindness upon me, as I consecrate myself to you without reserve. From thisday, my glory shall be to know that I am your child. May I so live as to dry your tears and console yourafflicted heart. Beloved Mother, to you and to your blessed charge and sacred keeping and into thebosom of your mercy, for this day and for every day, and for the hours of my death I commend myself,body and soul, every hope and every joy, every trouble and every sorrow, my life and my life's end.Grant, O dearest Mother, to enlighten my understanding, to direct my steps, to console me by yourmaternal protection, so that exempt from all error, sheltered from every danger of sin, strengthenedagainst my enemies, I may, with ardor and invincible courage, walk in the paths traced out for me byyou and your Son. Amen. InvocationLeader: Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of sinners, All: Pray without ceasing for us who have recourse to you. Memorare a Nuestra Señora de La SaletteAcuérdate, Nuestra Señora de La Salette, de las lágrimas que has derramado por nosotros en elcalvario. Acuérdate también del cuidado que tienes siempre por tu pueblo para que, en nombre deCristo, se deje reconciliar con Dios. Y ve, si después de haber hecho tanto por estos tus hijos, puedesabandonarlos. Animados por tu ternura, henos aquí, Madre, suplicantes, a pesar de nuestrasinfidelidades e ingratitudes. Confiamos plenamente en ti, oh Virgen Reconciliadora. Vuelve nuestroscorazones hacia tu Hijo Jesús. Alcánzanos la gracia de amarle sobre todas las cosas y de consolarte ati con una vida santa, ofrecida para gloria de Dios y amor de los hermanos. Amen. Consagración a Nuestra Señora de La SaletteOh Bella Señora, un amor de madre te trajo a la montaña de La Salette. Allí lloraste amargamente pormi y por el mundo. Mírame hoy que me consagro a ti sin reserva. Desde ahora, mi alegría será en saberque soy tu hijo. Quiero consolar tu corazón y acabar con tus lágrimas. Contigo, pongo mi vida alservicio de la Reconciliación. Encomiendo a tu protección maternal todo mi ser, toda mi esperanza yalegría, todo obstáculo y dolor. Te ofrezco toda mi vida hasta sus últimos momentos. Te pido que guíesmis pasos en el camino del Evangelio. Que mi vida sea una labor profética que "derrumbe a los injustosde sus tronos y eleve a los humildes". Así, respaldado por Ti, avanzaré con entusiasmo y sin miedos en elcamino de servicio indicado por ti y por tu Hijo. Amén. InvocaciónLíder: Nuestra Señora de La Salette, Reconciliadora de los pecadores, Todos: ruega por nosotros que recurrimos a ti.6

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THE LA SALETTE PRIEST. A vocation as a La Salette Priest is somewhat different from other types ofpriesthood. It is a vocation, first of all, to the witness of Mary’s instructionsat La Salette to “make this message known to all my people.” Thismessage is a message of reconciliation, conversion, and harmonybetween God and his people, a message that is at the heart of what itmeans to be a priest in itself. As a member of the La Salette community, a candidate for priesthood willfirst experience the formation process of religious life: postulancy,novitiate, and theological studies. During this time, he will adapt to life ina communal setting, learn more deeply about the missions and charism ofLa Salette, and receive fundamental training to be a minister of theChurch and its people. Time in formation is an opportunity for the La Salette Missionary to grow,reflect, and be inspired to his particular call to mission. The skills andinsights he gathers during this time will foster an attitude of pastoral careand dedication to the public that will remain vital to him throughout hispriesthood. the La Salettes.In many countries and in varied situations, we, the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette continue our efforts to spread the message of the Beautiful Lady andrespond to the problems of the day and the evangelization efforts of the Churcharound the world.