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Hogar de Amor SC:149157

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Hogar de Amor RepairProject - Phase ILa Ceiba, Honduras The NeedThe Hogar de Amor children's home needssignificant repairs. The aging roof of thechildren's home is highly susceptible toleaks, leaving children and staff at risk of theroof collapsing. The bedrooms and kitchenhave sustained water damage caused bythese leaks. Additionally, the faulty wiring ofthe electrical system could cause a fire orother hazardous situation. How You Can HelpWith your support, the 28 students and sixstaff members at the Hogar de Amorchildren's home will be blessed with a safeand secure building. With your help, we willconstruct a new roof for them with anti-corrosive paint, expanded roof eaves and adrop ceiling. Additionally, we will install anew electrical system. Please join us increating a safe and loving environment forthese young children in need. Total Project Costs: $,2048.37Source Code: 149157